
INEX; XML information retrieval; Evaluation forum


The INitiative for the Evaluation of XML retrieval (INEX), launched in 2002, is an established evaluation forum for XML Information Retrieval (IR) with over 90 participating organizations worldwide. The initiative is sponsored by the DELOS Network of Excellence for Digital Libraries and supported by the IEEE Computer Society.

INEX encourages research in XML IR by providing an infrastructure to evaluate the effectiveness of XML IR systems. The infrastructure takes the form of a large XML test collection, appropriate scoring methods, and a forum for participating organizations to compare their results. The construction of the test collection is a collaborative effort, where participating organizations contribute by providing test queries and relevance judgments on the collection of XML documents. The constructed test collection provides participants a means for comparative and quantitative experiments.

Historical Background

The motivation for INEX stems from the increasingly important role of XML IR in many information access systems (e.g., in digital libraries and on the Web) where content is a mixture of text, multimedia, and metadata, formatted according to the adopted W3C standard of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML).

XML offers the opportunity to exploit the internal structure of documents in order to allow for more precise access, providing more focused answers to users’ requests. XML IR thus breaks away from the traditional retrieval unit of a document as a single large (text) block and aims to implement more focused retrieval strategies that return document components, i.e., XML elements, instead of whole documents in response to a user query. This focused retrieval approach is seen of particular benefit for information repositories containing long documents, or documents covering a wide variety of topics (e.g., books, user manuals, legal documents), where the user’s effort to locate relevant content can be reduced by directing them to the most relevant parts of the documents. Providing effective access to XML based content is therefore a key issue for the success of these systems.

INEX aims to provide the means necessary for the evaluation of XML IR systems. It follows the predominant approach in IR of evaluating retrieval effectiveness using a test collection constructed specifically for that purpose.

A test collection usually consists of a set of documents, user requests (topics), and relevance assessments which specify the set of “right answers” for the requests.

In the field of IR, there have been several large-scale evaluation projects, including the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) (, the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) (, and the National Institute of Informatics Test Collection for IR Systems (NTCIR) (, which resulted in established test collections and evaluation methodologies. These traditional IR test collections and methodology, however, cannot be directly applied to the evaluation of content-oriented XML retrieval as they do not consider structural aspects and, for example, provide relevance judgments only at the unit of the document. Furthermore, the evaluation is based on assumptions that do not hold in XML IR. For example, the evaluation of IR systems treats documents as independent and well-distinguishable separate units of approximately equal size. XML IR, however, allows for varying sized document components to be retrieved. It is also possible that multiple elements from the same document are retrieved, which cannot be viewed as independent units.

The evaluation of XML retrieval systems thus makes it necessary to build test collections and develop appropriate metrics where the evaluation paradigms are provided according to criteria that take into account the imposed structural aspects. INEX aims to address these goals.


Since its launch in 2002, INEX has grown both in terms of number of participants and with respect to its coverage of the investigated retrieval tasks. Throughout the years, INEX faced a range of challenges regarding the evaluation of XML IR approaches. These include the question of suitable relevance criteria, feasible assessment procedures, and appropriate evaluation measures. Different theories and methods for the evaluation of XML IR were developed and tested at INEX, leading to a now stable evaluation setup and a rich history of learned lessons.

In 2002, INEX started with 36 active participating organizations and a small collection of XML documents donated by the IEEE Computer Society, totaling 494 MB in size and containing over eight million XML elements [3, pp. 1–17]. INEX 2002 run a single track, investigating ad hoc retrieval applied to XML documents based on the focused retrieval approach. In IR literature, ad hoc retrieval is described as a simulation of how a library might be used, and it involves the searching of a static set of documents using a new set of topics [15]. While the principle is the same, the difference for INEX is that the library consists of XML documents, the queries may contain both content and structural conditions and, in response to a query, arbitrary XML elements may be retrieved from the library.

Two subtasks were defined within the Ad hoc track based on the query types of Content-Only (CO) and Content-And-Structure (CAS). In the CO task, it was left entirely to the retrieval system to identify the most appropriate relevant XML elements to return to the user, while in the CAS task, systems could make use of the structural clues specified by the user in the query.

The queries were created by the participating groups, contributing 30 CO and 30 CAS topics to the test collection. For each topic, a title, a description and a narrative were specified, where the syntax of the title allowed the definition of target elements and so-called containment conditions (content word and containment element pairs).

The relevance criteria was defined along two dimensions, each with four possible grades for assessors to choose from. Assessors were asked to assign scores for both dimensions to all XML elements of the collection that contained relevant information.

Based on the collected relevance judgments, effectiveness scores were calculated by adopting Raghavan’s Precall measure [3, pp. 1–17]. Table 1 shows summary information on INEX 2002.

INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval. Table 1 Summary information on INEX 2002

In 2003, the CAS subtask was separated into the Strict CAS (SCAS) and the Vague CAS (VCAS) strands so that the effect of interpreting a query’s structural clues strictly or vaguely could be studied. The CO subtask remained unchanged, and so did the document collection.

The syntax of the topic title was modified based on the XPath standard (, where a new about() function was introduced [4, pp. 192–199].

Due to the fact that the coverage dimension of the relevance criterion was found to be susceptible to misinterpretation, INEX 2003 renamed and redefined the relevance dimensions to Exhaustivity and Specificity.

A new measure, inex_eval_ng [10], was also introduced, allowing to take into account the possible overlap (e.g., paragraph and its container section) and the varying size of the XML elements. Table 2 shows summary information on INEX 2003.

INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval. Table 2 Summary information on INEX 2003

By 2004, INEX had 43 active participating groups and four additional tracks: Relevance feedback, Heterogeneous collection, Natural language processing (NLP) and Interactive tracks. The ad hoc track ran only two of the subtasks defined in 2003: CO and VCAS. The format of a topic’s title field was formally defined using the Narrowed Extended XPath I (NEXI) language. The purpose of the Relevance feedback track was to explore issues related to the use of relevance feedback in a structured environment [1]. The Heterogeneous track aimed to address challenges where collections of XML documents from different sources and with different DTDs or Schemas were to be searched. The NLP track investigated whether it was practical to use a natural language query in place of the formal NEXI topic title used in the Ad hoc track [9]. The Interactive track focused on studying the behavior of searchers when presented with components of XML documents that have a high probability of being relevant (as estimated by an XML IR system) [12].

Both the document collection and the relevance dimensions remained unchanged from 2003. The measure of Precall was used as in previous years to report the retrieval effectiveness scores of the participating search systems. Table 3 shows summary information on INEX 2004.

INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval. Table 3 Summary information on INEX 2004

The ad hoc track at INEX 2005 continued studying the role of structure in user queries, and defined four separate strands of the VCAS subtask based on the strict or vague interpretations of the structural conditions of a query [13]. The CO subtask has also diversified into six strands based on a combination of three subtasks (Focused, Thorough and FetchBrowse) and the use of the CO or CO+S (CO+Structure) type topics. The latter type expands the CO topic format with an additional CAS title field, where structural hints for the CO title can be expressed. The Focused task asked systems to return a ranked list of the most focused (specific and exhaustive) document parts, without returning overlapping elements. The Thorough task required systems to estimate the relevance of all XML elements in the searched collection and return a ranked list of the top 1,500 elements. The FetchBrowse task asked systems to return to the user the most focused, relevant XML elements clustered by the unit of the document containing the elements. Put another way, the task was to return documents with the most focused relevant elements highlighted within them.

All additional tracks started in 2004 run again in 2005, together with the new Document mining and Multimedia tracks. The Document mining track focused on the tasks of classification and clustering by developing methods that are able to exploit the XML markup for this purpose [2]. The Multimedia track was set up aiming at the evaluation of structured document retrieval approaches which are able to combine the relevance of the different media types into a single (meaningful) ranking that is presented to the user [14].

INEX 2005 obtained additional resources in the form of additional XML articles from the IEEE Computer Society, increasing the total size of the collection to 764 MB. In addition, the Multimedia track made use of an XML version of the Lonely Planet collection.

Other changes to the evaluation framework included new assessment procedures and new metrics. The assessment process was simplified to asking assessors to first highlight relevant passages and then assess the elements overlapping these passages. As a consequence, the Specificity dimension could be automatically measured on a continuous scale [0,1] by calculating the ratio (in characters) of the highlighted text (i.e., relevant information) and the total length of the element.

To report effectiveness scores, INEX 2005 adopted the eXtended Cumulated Gain (XCG) measures [5, pp. 16–29], which were developed specifically for graded (non-binary) relevance values and with the aim to allow XML IR systems to be credited according to the retrieved elements’ degree of relevance. Table 4 shows summary information on INEX 2005.

INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval. Table 4 Summary information on INEX 2005

In 2006, INEX finished with 50 active participating organizations and expanded to a total of nine tracks: Ad hoc, Relevance feedback, Heterogeneous collection, Natural language processing, Interactive, Multimedia, Document mining, Use case, and Entity ranking tracks. The Ad hoc track consisted of four subtasks: Focused, Thorough, Relevant in Context (FetchBrowse in 2005), and Best in Context tasks. The new Best in Context task asked systems to return a single best entry point (BEP) to the user per relevant document. Rather than dealing with information access to XML elements, the new Entity ranking track set as its task the retrieval of a list of entities of specific types (e.g., people, products, artifacts). The Use case track attempted to identify examples of how XML IR systems can be exploited by end-users for various purposes [11].

A major change in 2006 was the departure from the use of the IEEE document collection, which has been replaced by a collection of XML articles from the Wikipedia project.

INEX 2006 has also further simplified the assessment procedure by dropping the exhaustivity dimension of the relevance criteria.

A new passage-based recall and precision was adopted to report effectiveness scores for the Relevant in Context task, while XCG was employed for the Focused and Thorough tasks [7, pp. 20–34]. Two further measures, BEP-distance and EPRUM [7, pp. 20–34], provided the performance results for the Best in Context task. Table 5 shows summary information on INEX 2006.

INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval. Table 5 Summary information on INEX 2006

For INEX 2007, 100 groups registered to participate. A total of six track were run in 2007: The Ad hoc, Document mining, Multimedia, and Entity ranking tracks were continued, and two new tracks were started: Link the Wiki, and Book search. The Ad hoc track pitted XML element retrieval approaches against passage retrieval methods on three tasks: Focused, Relevant in Context and Best in Context. The Link the Wiki track aims at evaluating the state of the art in automated discovery of document hyperlinks. The Book search track builds on a collection of over 40,000 digitized books, marked up in XML. It aims to investigate book-specific relevance ranking strategies, user interface issues and user behavior, exploiting special features, such as back of book indexes provided by authors, and linking to associated metadata like catalogue information from libraries.

There were no changes in the document collection, which remained the Wikipedia XML corpus, and the relevance assessment criteria and procedures. The metrics from 2006 have been refined to allow for the evaluation of arbitrary passages as retrieval results and a new measure generalized precision and recall has also been introduced to measure retrieval effectiveness for the Relevant in Context task [8, INEX 2007 Evaluation Measures]. Table 6 shows summary information on INEX 2007.

INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval. Table 6 Summary information on INEX 2007

INEX 2008 is to set to start in the Spring of 2008.

Key Applications

Evaluation is a key component of any system development as it allows to quantify improvement in performance. INEX provides an important resource to facilitate the evaluation of XML IR systems.

XML IR is a form of semi-structured text retrieval, which aims to exploit the inherent structure of documents to improve their retrieval, where the structure is given by the XML markup.

Some of the issues and proposed solutions within INEX are applicable to other areas of IR, such as passage, video and Web retrieval, where there is no fixed unit of retrieval and where the evaluation needs to handle overlapping fragments and users’ post query browsing behavior.

Data Sets

Until 2004, the document collection consisted of 12,107 articles, marked-up in XML, from 12 magazines and 6 transactions of the IEEE Computer Society’s publications, covering the period of 1995–2002, and totaling 494 MB in size, consisting of over eight million XML elements. On average, an article contains 1,532 XML nodes, where the average depth of the node is 6.9.

In 2005, the collection was extended with further publications from the IEEE Computer Society. A total of 4,712 new articles from the period of 2002–2004 were added, giving a total of 16,819 articles, and totaling 764 MB in size and over 11 million XML elements.

The overall structure of a typical article in the IEEE collection consists of a front matter, a body, and a back matter. The front matter contains an article’s metadata, such as title, author, publication information, and abstract. The article’s body contains the actual content of the article. The body is structured into sections, sub-sections, and sub-subsections. These logical units start with a section title, followed by a number of paragraphs. In addition, the content has markup for references (citations, tables, figures), item lists, and layout (such as emphasized and bold faced text), etc. The back matter contains a bibliography and further information about the authors.

INEX 2006 and 2007 switched to a different document collection, consisting of 659,388 English articles, marked-up in XML, from the Wikipedia ( project, totaling over 60 GB (4.6 GB without images) and 30 million XML elements. The collection’s structure is similar to that of the IEEE collection’s. On average, a Wikipedia article contains 161.35 XML nodes, where the average depth of an element is 6.72.

In addition to these, the different tracks worked with additional document collections. For example, the Multimedia track in 2005 made use of an XML version of the Lonely Planet collection and the Book Search track in 2007 provided a collection of 42,000 digitized books marked up in XML.

URL to Code


Content-and-Structure Query

Content-Only Query

Evaluation Metrics for Structured Text Retrieval

Narrowed Extended XPath I

Presenting Structured Text Retrieval Results

Processing Overlaps

