1 Introduction

1.1 Background

The use of encryption in embedded devices is proliferating. Encryption in such devices can be implemented in two ways, either by a hardware (ASIC or FPGA) implementation, or by software. Assuming that reasonable cryptographic algorithms are in use (e.g., AES), a cryptanalyst wanting to break the encryption can use side channel attacks (SCA), exploiting implementation-dependent information leakage captured during the cryptographic operation to find the correct key. A wide range of SCA exist, using leakage sources such as timing [Koc96], electromagnetic radiation [KA98], acoustic emanations [ST04] and even photonics [FH08]. Among these, one of the first and best understood SCA is power analysis. The idea of power analysis attacks is to perform statistical analysis of the CPU power usage, which is influenced by the secret cryptographic keys processed by the device. Some power analysis attacks assume profiling of the board, while others (non-profiling attacks) classify the behavior via a black-box methodology. Known non-profiling attacks such as Simple Power Analysis (SPA), traditional difference of means Differential Power Analysis (DPA) [KJJ99] and Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) [BCO04] are described in the literature and can be easily implemented by pre-made kits.

1.2 Power Traces Alignment: Assumptions and Counter-Measures

Alignment Assumption. A crucial property for the success of power SCA is that the power traces are aligned. Common power analysis attacks (i.e., DPA and CPA) assume that the information-leaking step (for example an Sbox look-up) will always occur at a fixed sample index. If this assumption does not hold then the leaking information will appear at different offsets, which severely degrades the attack’s ability to correlate the power leak to hypothetical key values.

Time Domain Hiding Counter-Measures. One possible SCA counter-measure, originating in the initial days of power SCA (cf. [CCD00]) is “hiding in the time domain”. This counter-measure breaks the assumption that traces are aligned. E.g., one variant of time domain hiding (dummy operations insertion) was analyzed by Mangard et al. [MOP08]. They showed that the correlation ratio between the correct key and the power consumption decreases, because not all traces leak in the same sample index.

Alignment problems have two common variants. In the first variant (start point misalignment), the leaking encryption sub-state happens a fixed amount of time after the encryption start, but at a variable sample index within the trace after the measurement start. The second variant of misalignment, more commonly used by defenders, is that the encryption process itself has a variable time duration. Such behavior can be caused in many ways—insertion of random length dummy operations into the machine code execution, Random Process hardware Interrupts (RPIs) or an unstable (jittered) CPU clock. These methods lead to a leaking encryption sub-state happening at an uncertain point in time after the encryption start. Our focus in this paper is dealing with the jittered clock counter-measure.

1.3 Anti-counter-measures Approaches to Trace Misalignment

For the variant of start-point misalignment, several possible solutions were suggested. Homma et al. [HNI+06] suggested a method to align the traces according to trace properties in the frequency domain. Later, Schimmel et al. [SDB+10] suggested Correlation Power Frequency Analysis (CPFA) which is impervious to start-point misalignment because frequency transform magnitude properties are independent of time domain shifting.

Batina et al. [BHvW12] proposed to solve the alignment problem by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The method changes the possibly correlated linear base of the data-set to another linear uncorrelated base. This transformation may reveal a principal component which stands for the leakage. If such a component is found, there would be a correlation between its values and the correct key hypothesis, while the noise represented in other principal components is reduced. The authors did not suggest a way to predict the number of principal components required for the existence of leakage in these principal components.

The counter-measure variants involving a variable encryption length also have several solutions, typically via a pre-processing step. An early suggestion for time domain hiding was presented by Clavier et al. [CCD00], where the idea of samples integration in the pre-processing stage was introduced. Next, the authors proposed to perform a difference of means attack (traditional DPA), naming this method Sliding Window Differential Power Analysis (SW-DPA). The pre-processing involves aggregating several samples over number of consecutive cycles into one sample. For example, aggregating r out of each n samples for k cycles (creating a “comb-like” transformation). The integration was described as a solution for RPIs, without a specific parameter choosing suggestion. Later, to improve the performance after the pre-processing stage, a more efficient and powerful CPA attack was hinted by Brier et al. [BCO04]. Subsequently, this method was analyzed by Mangard et al. [MOP08]. Their analysis showed that when there is a single leaking sample among the r being aggregated, the correlation coefficient between the correct key hypothesis without jitter and the aggregated trace drops in proportion to \(1/\root \of {r}\); In other words, sliding-window aggregation seems to severely downgrade the performance of CPA.

Another proposed way to overcome the unstable clock counter-measure is to perform a trace alignment pre-processing step. van Woudenberg et al. [vWWB11] suggested using the method of Fast Dynamic Time Warping (FDTW), to align the traces according to one chosen reference trace, by minimizing the disparity. This alignment is done by modifying the aligned trace: inserting, deleting or matching sample points. However, the data-set used to evaluate the algorithm was created synthetically, by duplicating and deleting sampling points, hence the model in use might not be realistic. For example, if the device’s power consumption is not constant within an instruction cycle (unstable noise amplitude), or if the clock’s jittered frequencies are not divisible by the sampling frequency, then a large difference can be expected between the device’s behavior and that of the authors’ model. In their evaluation, the FDTW method outperformed two “straw-man” SW-DPA aggregation combinations. The two combinations of window size and number of windows were chosen while considering the instruction cycle length in samples and the “width” of the CPA correlation peaks. The results showed that choosing the window size and number of windows had a major impact on the results. The best results were achieved when the integration consisted of one continuous integration window rather than a “comb” with several distinct “teeth”. Later, Muijrers et al. [MvWB11] showed a more computationally efficient way to align the traces using object recognition algorithms (Rapid Alignment Method). The experiments in the article were conducted on a case where random delays are added. This method is considered by the authors to be faster than FDTW but has similar detection results.

Conceptually simpler approaches were suggested in [TH12, HHO15]. Their algorithms were inspired by simple power analysis methods. They used the phenomena of traces’ encryption round patterns that are sometimes observable in the traces. Hodgers et al. [HHO15] excluded high jitter traces from the data corpus by identifying peak-to-peak distances, while Tian et al. [TH12] made a specific efficient region alignment by identifying the encryption rounds.

Finally, hardware solutions were proposed for the jittered clock scenario, such as entangling the sampling clock and the board clock [OC15]. In this way, the attack is simple, while the measurement process overcomes the counter-measure. We argue that this idea seems quite difficult to use since the devices’ clock is usually much harder to tap than the power supply.

In addition, there are more possible ways to handle alignment if one assumes full board access (profiling). Such approaches include template attacks [CRR02], reducing noise by linear transformations [OP12] and machine learning attacks [CDP17]. Although these methods may have good results, we find their requirements to be challenging, and do not assume full control of the board.

1.4 Contributions and Structure

In this paper we suggest a new flavor of an old sliding-window attack to overcome the counter-measure of an unstable clock and we demonstrate that it works much better than predicted by earlier analysis. Extending the general notion of Clavier et al. [CCD00], we focus on the sliding-window aggregation of consecutive samples, followed by a correlation power analysis (CPA). We start by revisiting the analysis of Mangard et al. [MOP08] and show that SW-CPA actually amplifies the correlation between the correct key hypothesis and the aggregated traces, both with and without jitter—as long as multiple leaking sample points are present in the integration window.

Next, we evaluate the jitter introduced by a real commercial board which has a built-in spectrum-spreader. We found it to be a powerful SCA counter-measure—its jittered traces caused severe degradation to standard CPA attacks. We then sampled the power consumption of the board while it executed a software implementation of AES, and collected a new corpus of power traces, both with and without jitter produced by the spectrum-spreader.

Then, we implemented a SW-CPA attack and conducted an extensive evaluation of its performance. The method indeed amplified the correlation and was able to revert the impact of the unstable clock almost completely.

Finally, We compared the performance of SW-CPA to that of several previously suggested SCA on our real-life data corpus: SW-CPA clearly outperformed prior attacks, requiring a vastly smaller number of traces to achieve the same level of secret key detection.

Organization: Section 2 introduces the jittered clock counter-measure and the SW-CPA attack. Section 3 theoretically analyzes the attack and predicts its effectiveness under some mild assumptions on the leakage and the jitter model. Section 4 describes the experiments we conducted with our jittered clock setup and the validation of our analytical model. Section 5 discusses the SW-CPA attack and compares it with other state-of-the-art methods. Section 6 gives final conclusions.

2 The Effect of an Unstable Clock on Standard Attacks

2.1 Unstable CPU Clock and Time Domain Hiding Analysis

An unstable clock (i.e., jittered clock) is a technique in which the CPU does not have a constant clock frequency, but one which can fluctuate in a given frequency domain. In this case, the leaking signal measurements might not occur in the same sample index in the trace. As shown in [MOP08], CMOS circuits have data dependent power consumption called dynamic power consumption which is a dominant factor in the board’s total power consumption and:

$$ P_{switching} \propto f_{CPU} $$

However, for our analysis we shall assume that the different CPU clock frequencies are relatively close, hence insignificant to the power consumption model.

Following [MOP08], let \(P, P_{orig}\) be the random variables representing the board’s instantaneous power consumption at sample index \(t_0\), with and without the hiding counter-measure respectively. We use the leaking Hamming weight model commonly used in SCA against software encryption implementations. Let \(H_{ck}\) be the random variable representing the hypothetical power consumption of the correct key byte value. Let \(\rho (H_{ck}, P)\) denote the Pearson correlation coefficient between these random variables.

Assume that \(P_{orig}\) is computed at sample index \(t_0\). When jitter is present, the leak drifts and might be within a range of sample indexes, either before or after \(t_0\). We denote the probability of the leak occurring in a specific sample index t by \(\bar{p}(t)\). Let \(\hat{p}\) denote \(\max _{t}\bar{p}(t)\). We assume that \(\hat{p}\) is achieved at the same sample index \(t_0\) that would likely contain the most of leakage points over the different traces, thus having the highest correlation ratio. For aligned power traces without jitter, \(\hat{p}=1\) because the leakage points all occur in the same sample number. However, for misaligned power traces \(\hat{p}\ne 1\), and the maximal correlation ratio between the observed power consumption P and the correct key hypothetical power consumption \( H_{ck} \) would be:

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (H_{ck}, P) = \rho (H_{ck}, P_{orig}) \cdot \hat{p} \end{aligned}$$

2.2 Sliding Window CPA Attack on Jittered CPU Clocks

The Sliding Window Differential Power Analysis attack (SW-DPA) was initially proposed in [CCD00]. It was proposed as a way to eliminate RPIs with aggregation parameters similar to a “comb” function transformation. It was performed with traditional difference of means DPA (single bit model attack).

Our attack on jittered CPUs, which we call the Sliding Window Correlation Power Analysis attack (SW-CPA), is inspired by [CCD00]; we use a similar pre-processing idea but then we use a CPA attack (byte model attack). Furthermore, unlike the example in [CCD00], we use only a single continuous integration window with a size of r (aggregating r consecutive samples instead of a sparse “comb” aggregation)—see Algorithm 1. The attack exploits the fact that although each trace’s leakage can happen at a different time due to jitter, with a high probability the leakages will occur within some radius r / 2 of the original leakage sample point (without the counter-measure). If we then apply the CPA attack on the integrated traces, there would be a common trace sample index containing the leakage for many different traces. We chose to aggregate one continuous window (rather than the sparse comb-like integration of [CCD00]) as we cannot assume where the leakage would be.

figure a

2.3 Basic Correlation Analysis of Sliding-Window Integration

To begin with, let us find the Pearson correlation coefficient of a key hypothesis with the pre-processed traces data-set, when no jitter is present and the traces are aligned. Without loss of generality assume that a leakage occurs at sample point 1. Let \(\rho _{1}\) be coefficient for SW-CPA is: coefficient between the leakage sample \( P_1 \) and the correct key hypothesis \(H_{ck}\). Then, by definition we have:

$$\begin{aligned} \rho _1 \equiv \rho (H_{ck}, P_1) = \frac{Cov(H_{ck}, P_1)}{\root \of {Var(H_{ck}) \cdot Var(P_1)}} = \frac{E(H_{ck}\cdot P_1) - E(H_{ck})\cdot E(P_1)}{\root \of {Var(H_{ck}) \cdot Var(P_1)}} \end{aligned}$$

In [MOP08] pp. 210–211, Mangard et al. analyzed the effect of integrating r independent samples, \(\{P_{-r/2}, \ldots , P_1, \ldots , P_{r/2}\}\), containing a single leakage sample:

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i) = \frac{\rho _1}{\sqrt{r}} \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, there is a trade-off on setting the window size r. On the one hand, when we increase r, we increase the likelihood that the leakage sample would be within our aggregation window. Consequently, due to Eq. (1), we would like to increase the window size. On the other hand, Eq. (3) seems to show that integration decreases the correlation by the square root of the window size.

3 A New Analysis of Multiple Leakage Samples Integration

In this section we show that contrary to the degradation predicted by Eq. (3), SW-CPA integration can be an effective technique which actually amplifies the correlation with and without jitter. In Sect. 4 we validate that our model assumptions indeed hold on traces collected from a real device with a jittered clock.

3.1 The Correlation Coefficient When Integrating Within a Trace

The leakage model previously mentioned in Sect. 2.3 assumes only a single leakage point within the integration window. However, there might be several leakage samples in a trace. This may be caused by several reasons: multiple leakage sources may exist, such as data bus leakage, address bus leakage or different electronic components’ glitches which may all happen sequentially. Alternatively, a high sampling frequency of the measurement instrument may cause switching to spread over more than one sample. CPU architecture and software implementation may imply more phenomena creating such behavior. For example, Papagiannopoulos et al. [PV17] showed that the data might be loaded to several registers during the computation. As we shall see, in traces we collected (without jitter), we observed this phenomenon quite clearly: there were multiple leak points, relatively close to each other in time.

We start our analysis with the case of aligned traces: we assume the clock is stable and analyze the effect of SW-CPA with different values of window size r.

Assume that among the r samples \(\{P_{-r/2}, \ldots , P_{r/2}\}\), there are \({q(r) \ge 1}\) leakage points and \(r-q(r)\) samples independent of the correct key hypothesis \(H_{ck}\) (which we call for short “noise samples”). For the q(r) leakage samples, we assume that the random variables \(P_i\) are identically distributed but not independent since they all depend on the leak—but their variability is caused by the noise, which we can reasonably argue to be independent among different sample points. Therefore, they have the same expectation and variance. Without loss of generality, assume that \(P_1\) is a leakage sample point, so for all q(r) leakage samples \(P_i\) we have:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{gathered} E(P_{i}) = E(P_{1}) \end{gathered} \end{aligned}$$

Next, we assume that leakage and noise samples have the same variance, since they are all subject to the same noise, i.e.,

$$ Var(P_i) = Var(P_1) \text { for all } i. $$

By definition, for two leakage samples with same variance, using Pearson correlation coefficient \(\rho _{i,j}\) between power samples \(P_i, P_j\), we have:

$$\begin{aligned} Cov(P_i, P_j) \equiv \root \of {Var(P_i)\cdot Var(P_j)} \cdot \rho _{i,j} = Var(P_1) \cdot \rho _{i,j} \end{aligned}$$

For the other \( r-q(r) \) noise samples we can assume that they are independent of each other and of the leakage points. Therefore, the samples \(P_i, P_j\) where at least one is a noise samples are uncorrelated, i.e., \( Cov(P_i, P_j)=0\). Hence, for all samples’ types (leakage or noise), we conclude that for all \(P_i, P_j\):

$$\begin{aligned} Cov(P_i, P_j) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} Var(P_1) \cdot \rho _{i,j} &{} i,j \text { are leakage samples} \\ 0 &{} \text {Otherwise} \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Noise samples are also independent of the correct key hypothesis, so for such \(P_i\):

$$\begin{aligned} E(H_{ck}\cdot P_i) = E(H_{ck})\cdot E(P_i) \end{aligned}$$

Now we return to the correlation coefficient. According to Eq. (2), the correlation coefficient for r integrated samples is:

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i)&= \frac{E(H_{ck}\cdot (\sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i)) - E(H_{ck})\cdot E(\sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i)}{\sqrt{Var(H_{ck})\cdot Var(\sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i)}} \\&= \frac{\sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} (E(H_{ck}\cdot P_i) - E(H_{ck})\cdot E(P_i))}{\sqrt{Var(H_{ck}))\cdot Var(\sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i)}} \end{aligned}$$

Because there are exactly q(r) leakage samples and by Eqs. (4) and (7) and the standard formula for the variance of a sum we get:

$$ \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i) = \frac{q(r) \cdot (E(H_{ck}\cdot P_1)) - E(H_{ck})\cdot E(P_1))}{\sqrt{Var(H_{ck})}\cdot \sqrt{ \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} Var(P_i) + \sum _{i\ne j} Cov(P_i, P_j)}} $$

By Eq. (6) and plugging in the definition of \(\rho _1\) (non-jittered correlation without integration) from Eq. (2) we can simplify the result to:

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i)&= \frac{q(r) \cdot (E(H_{ck}\cdot P_1) - E(H_{ck})\cdot E(P_1))}{\sqrt{Var(H_{ck})}\cdot \sqrt{r+ \sum _{i\ne j} \rho _{i,j}} \cdot \sqrt{Var(P_1)}} \nonumber \\&\implies \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i) = \frac{q(r) }{\sqrt{r+ \sum _{i\ne j, \text {leakage samples}} \rho _{i,j}} } \cdot \rho _1 \end{aligned}$$

Let \(\gamma \) denote the normalized sum of correlation coefficients of the leakage points:

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma&\equiv \frac{ r + \sum _{i\ne j, \text {leakage samples}} \rho _{i,j}}{r} \nonumber \\&\implies \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i) = \frac{q(r) }{\sqrt{r\cdot \gamma }} \cdot \rho _1 \end{aligned}$$

If all the leakage points are uncorrelated samples then \( \rho _{i,j} = 0 \Rightarrow \gamma = 1\). Conversely, in the worst case the leakage points are fully correlated, with \(\rho _{i,j} = 1 \Rightarrow \gamma = r\). Note that \(\gamma \) is derived from the correlation matrix of random variables, which is positive semidefinite and in particular the sum of its items is non-negative, hence also \(\gamma \ge 0\). However, \(\gamma \) can be smaller than 1 causing a further amplification. Casting Eq. (9) to also explicitly show the interesting cases we get:

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{q(r) }{\sqrt{r}} \cdot \rho _1 &{} \text {uncorrelated leakage samples} \\ \frac{q(r) }{\sqrt{r\cdot \gamma } } \cdot \rho _1 &{} \text {partly correlated leakage samples} \\ \frac{q(r) }{r} \cdot \rho _1 &{} \text {fully correlated samples} \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

For simplicity, unless mentioned otherwise, in the derivations below we assume leakage samples are uncorrelated, hence:

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma = 1 \end{aligned}$$

In Sect. 4.3, \(\gamma \) is shown to be quite close to 1 and much smaller than r.

We can see that for the special case of \(q(r)=1\) we get exactly Eq. (3), i.e., the result of Mangard et al. [MOP08]. For the most special case, where \(r=q=1\) we obtain the standard CPA attack.

3.2 Correlation Coefficient Amplification

Let \(P_t\) be the distribution of trace power values at sample index t. Let

$$ \rho _{cpa} = \max _{t}\rho (H_{ck}, P_t) $$

be the achieved correlation coefficient of a regular CPA attack on the traces. Now, assume we conduct a SW-CPA with a window size of r. Then let

$$ \rho _r = \max _{t}\rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_{t+i}) $$

be the correlation achieved by SW-CPA with window size r. Note that \(\rho _{cpa} \equiv \rho _1\). We define the correlation coefficient amplification to be: \(\textit{Amplification} = \rho _{r} / \rho _{1}\).

3.3 The Correlation Coefficient for Specific r and q Relationships

Equation (10) can be made concrete if we have an explicit connection between r and q. We first assume that each key byte has a maximal number of leakage points, \(q_{max}\), which are all temporally close: all located within a distance of \(r_0\) samples from each other. When \(r \ge r_0\) we call the window saturated. So we get:

$$\begin{aligned} q = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} q(r) &{} \text {if } r < r_0 \\ q_{max} &{} \text {otherwise (saturation)} \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

With this assumption we analyze two important cases:

Constant Number of Leakage Points. In case \(r\ge r_0\), our window contains all \(q_{max}\) leakage points of the phenomenon. Increasing the window size any further does not change the value of q. According to Eq. (10), the correlation would be:

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i) = \frac{q_{max}}{\sqrt{r}} \cdot \rho _1 \end{aligned}$$

Hence, when r increases \( \rho \) decreases, and for \( r > q_{max}^2 \) the correlation drops below \(\rho _1\) and eventually \( \rho \xrightarrow {} 0 \). Therefore, r should be selected to be the smallest possible value containing all \(q_{max}\) leakage points.

This observation is also valid for the general case. When the number of leakage points q(r) does not change while incrementing r, the correlation decreases by \(\sqrt{r}\) until more leakage points are aggregated into the integration window.

Constant Ratio Between r and q. Another important case is when the integration window is not saturated, and increasing r increases the number of leakage points q linearly such that \( q(r) = r/c \) for some constant c. In this case:

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i)&= \frac{q(r) }{\sqrt{ r } } \cdot \rho _1 = \frac{r/c}{\root \of { r}} \cdot \rho _1 \nonumber \\&\implies \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i) = \frac{\root \of {r}}{c}\cdot \rho _1 \end{aligned}$$

The first implication of this equation is that when \( \root \of {r} > c \) we obtain that \( \rho > \rho _1 \): in other words, without jitter, not only does integration not reduce the correlation coefficient, it can even amplify it. However, as we increase r, eventually the number of leakage points saturates, yielding a non constant ratio between r and q(r) and we fall back to Eq. (13).

Therefore, according to Eqs. (13) and (14), we get that the relationship between \(\rho \), the correlation coefficient of the integrated non-jittered traces; r, the window size; q, the number of leakage points within the window; and c, the ratio between r and q is (Still assuming for simplicity that \(\gamma = 1\)):

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{\root \of {r}}{c} \cdot \rho _1 &{} r < r_0, \text {constant ratio between } q \text { and } r \\ \\ \frac{q_{max}}{\sqrt{r}} \cdot \rho _1 &{} r\ge r_0 \text { (saturated } q \text {)} \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

3.4 The Correlation Coefficient with an Unstable Clock

So far, our analysis of SW-CPA assumed a stable clock and aligned traces. When we use an unstable clock, the correlation coefficient is also affected by the probability that the leakage signals happen in the window around the same point in time, as stated in Eq. (1). We denote by \(\hat{q}(r)\) the number of leakage points in a window of size r when jitter is present.

Combining \(\hat{q}\) leakage points and the case of uncorrelated samples in Eq. (10) yields the general correlation coefficient for the jittered clock:

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i) = \frac{\hat{q}(r) }{\sqrt{ r } } \cdot \rho _1 \end{aligned}$$

Leakage Sample Drift Under a Bounded Jitter. We now assume the clock jitter is bounded and the maximal drift that a logical action in the encryption process can suffer is J sample points (we validate this assumption empirically in Sect. 4.2). We seek to find the relation between \(\hat{q}\) and q for different values of r. For simplicity, we assume that the drift of a sample point is uniformly distributed in time around the original non-jittered index, i.e., \({ Drift \sim U\{\frac{-J}{2},\frac{J}{2}\}}\).

Because the drift is distributed uniformly and \(E(Drift) = 0\), the distance between the leakage points might increase as well as decrease, but it’s expectation is equal to the non-jittered case.

Hence, with jitter, we take a worst-case scenario in which all \(q_{max}\) leakage points are uniformly distributed among the \(r_0+J\) samples. Further, drift causes saturation in a larger window size. Instead of Eq. (12) we get:

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{q}(r) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{q_{max}}{r_0+J} \cdot r &{} \text {if } r < r_0+J \\ q_{max} &{} \text {otherwise (saturation)} \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

The CPA Correlation Coefficient in the Jittered Case. We first calculate \(\hat{\rho _1}\), the correlation coefficient for original CPA attack (\(r=1\)) with jitter \(J > 1\). The leakage signal originally always happens at \(t_0\), but due to the jitter it may occur anywhere within the range \([t_0-J/2,t_0+J/2]\).

According to Eq. (17), according to the uniform leakage distribution, the probability that a leakage point appears in sample index \(t_0\) is:

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{q}(r=1) = \frac{q_{max}}{r_0+J} = \frac{r_0}{r_0+J} \cdot \frac{1}{c} \end{aligned}$$

Putting Eqs. (16) and (18) together gives the correlation ratio for the standard CPA (\(r=1\)) against jittered traces:

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{\rho _1} = \frac{\hat{q}(r=1) }{\sqrt{ r } } \cdot \rho _1 = \frac{r_0}{r_0+J} \cdot \frac{1}{c} \cdot \rho _1 \end{aligned}$$

We can see that according to Eq. (19), when jitter is present the standard CPA attack effectiveness is severely degraded—as we shall see in Sect. 5.2.

The SW-CPA Correlation Coefficient for Different r Values. We now analyze two important cases of r, caused by the different domains of \(\hat{q}\) in Eq. (17), under the effect of a bounded jitter.

Constant q/r Ratio: When \(r<r_0+J\) from Eqs. (16) and (17), the correlation coefficient for SW-CPA is:

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i)&= \hat{q}(r) \cdot \frac{1 }{\sqrt{ r } } \cdot \rho _1 = \frac{q_{max}\cdot r}{r_0+J} \cdot \frac{1}{\root \of {r}}\cdot \frac{r_0+J}{r_0} \cdot c \cdot \hat{\rho _1} \nonumber \\&\implies \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i) = \root \of {r} \cdot \hat{\rho _1} \end{aligned}$$

Saturated \(\hat{q}\) Values: For \(r \ge r_0 + J\), the region around \(t_0\) contains all the leakage points (\(\hat{q}(r) = q_{max} \)). Combining Eqs. (16) and (19) gives:

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i) = \frac{\hat{q}(r) }{\sqrt{ r } } \cdot \rho _1 = \frac{q_{max} }{\root \of {r}} \cdot \frac{r_0+J}{r_0} \cdot c \cdot \hat{\rho _1} = \frac{r_0+J}{\root \of {r}} \cdot \hat{\rho _1} \end{aligned}$$

Summarizing Eqs. (20) and (21), we get that the relationship between \(\rho \), the correlation coefficient of the integrated jittered traces; \(\hat{\rho _1}\), the correlation coefficient without integration; r, the window size; q, the number of leakage points within the window; c, the ratio between r and q; replugging in the \(\gamma \) factor from Eq. (10); and J, the maximal drift is:

$$\begin{aligned} \rho (H_{ck}, \sum _{i=-r/2}^{r/2} P_i) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{\root \of {r}}{\root \of {\gamma }} \cdot \hat{\rho _1} &{} r < r_0+J, \text {constant ratio between } q \text { and } r \\ \\ \frac{r_0+J}{\root \of {r} \cdot \root \of {\gamma }} \cdot \hat{\rho _1} &{} r\ge r_0 + J \text { (saturated } q \text {)} \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Figure 4 (right) illustrates Eq. (22) theoretically for different \(\gamma \) values and empirically for the data analyzed in Sect. 5.1. For specific parameters SW-CPA can amplify the correlation ratio by factor of 10 for the best r values.

3.5 The Correlation Coefficient with an Unbounded Jitter

While our analysis assumed that the jitter is bounded (and in Sect. 4.2 we demonstrate this is a realistic assumption for our board), we argue that our analysis has merit in more general cases as well. Even if the jitter is unbounded we still expect to observe a randomly changing clock frequency according to some distribution. In such a case, we assume that using a reasonable clock spreading model, it should be possible to build a sample drift model in which with high probability the drift value would be in a specific range, thus making our analysis relevant. We leave the analysis of cases with unbounded jitter to future work.

4 Experiments and Results

4.1 Setup and Measurements

Our experimental setup contains a Rabbit RCM4010 evaluation board which has a 59 MHz processor with a 16-bit architecture [RCM10]. We programmed the board to implement an AES-128 algorithm using open-source code taken from [Con12]. This is a plain-vanilla software implementation, without any side channel counter-measures or software optimizations (i.e., without using T-tables).

The Rabbit processor has a special feature called a spectrum-spreader—designed to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI). Enabling the spreader introduces jitter into the CPU clock frequency. However, the documentation does not specify precisely how the spectrum-spreader works. Note that the Rabbit has two spreading modes, called Normal and Strong (in addition to no spreading mode), which can be selected by software.

We sampled the board power consumption by a Lecroy WavePro 715Zi oscilloscope. When starting the execution of an encryption, we programmed the board to send a signal to the oscilloscope via one of its I/O pins which can be controlled by the software. This signal sets the trigger for the oscilloscope, which starts sampling at a rate of 500 million samples per second, for \(500\,\upmu \text {s}\). This time period contains one round of the full AES encryption. Every encryption process is recorded to a new trace. The voltage of the processor was measured by a shunt resistor soldered to the processor voltage input. The input plaintexts for the program were changed every encryption round, while the key was kept constant during all traces. Two data-sets where captured; one consisted 5,000 traces without jitter and 5,600 traces with Normal spreading, using the same encryption key and plaintexts (for the first 5,000 jittered traces). The second and bigger data-set contains 10,000 traces of each spectrum-spreading mode: no spreading, Normal spreading and Strong spreading. These measurements were done with a different random key than the first data-set, but same plaintexts. The data-sets we collected were uploaded to [FW18] and can be used for side channel attack methods comparison.

Note that while the spectrum-spreader is not an SCA counter-measure by design, we found it to be quite effective as such. E.g., as we shall see in Sect. 5.2, when the spectrum-spreader is turned on, the standard CPA attack is drastically degraded: without jitter the attack correctly discovers all 16 key bytes with as few as 2,500 traces, while with jitter CPA fails to identify more than two key bytes even with all 5,600 traces of the first data-set.

4.2 Jitter Modeling

We explored the jitter injected by the spectrum-spreader to validate the analysis of Sect. 3.4. This part was used for white-box validation of our leakage model only and is not essential for the common adversary. When spectrum-spreading was enabled, frequency analysis revealed several new frequencies that appeared around the original 59 MHz clock frequency, with about 0.15 MHz difference between them. Figure 1(a) shows the spectrum without jitter: notice the peaks at 59 MHz and 60 MHz (the former is the board clock frequency). Figure 1(b) shows the spectrum with Normal jitter: notice how the 59 MHz peak is replaced by some 15–25 separate peaks while the irrelevant 60 MHz peak is unaffected. Figure 1(c) shows the spectrum with Strong jitter: some 15 additional peaks appeared with higher and lower frequencies.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

FFT magnitude vs. frequency of the power trace from RCM board, computed by the oscilloscope (a) without jitter, (b) with Normal jitter, (c) with Strong jitter, centered around 59 MHz (original clock frequency) and axis between 55–63 MHz

figure b

Next, we conducted a set of experiments in order to understand the drift of the jittered clock (Normal jitter). We programmed the board to implement the following steps (see Algorithm 2): send a first signal to the oscilloscope, then perform N times a condition test and a variable assignment, and finally send a second signal when finishing the execution. The time between the two signals (\(\varDelta T\)) was saved and analyzed. We set the execution length N to start at about a quarter of the total AES encryption time (\(N=600 \implies \varDelta T=2\,\text {ms}\)), and increased it to more than the encryption time (\(N=3000 \implies \varDelta T=10\,\text {ms}\)). We also tested intermediate values of \(\varDelta T = 4\,\text {ms}\) and \(\varDelta T = 5\,\text {ms}\). 500 executions were done for each of the N values. When spectrum-spreading was not enabled, \(\varDelta T\) was identical in all executions (per execution length). When Normal spreading was enabled \(\varDelta T\) was not constant per execution length. We denote by D the difference, in number of samples, between the execution length with jitter and the constant execution length without jitter. For different execution lengths, we observed that the magnitude of the drift (|D|) was bounded by at most 10 samples (20 ns) to each side, regardless of the execution length. Using the terminology of Sect. 3.4, the Rabbit Normal spectrum-spreader has a bound \(J=20, |D|=10\). Similar experiments with the Strong spectrum-spreader showed that the drift is still bounded but with \(J=40, |D|=20\). The bounded drift in number of samples is illustrated by a box plot in Fig. 2, for both Normal spreading and Strong spreading (box plots for additional Strong spreading execution lengths omitted).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Drift in number of samples (D) vs. different execution duration (\(\varDelta T\)) with the Normal and Strong spectrum-spreader. The red line is the median, the bottom and top of the boxes represent the first the third quartiles, and the whiskers range from the minimum to the maximum samples drift. Normal spreading is bounded by \(|D|=10\) samples and Strong spreading is bounded by \(|D|=20\) samples. (Color figure online)

We believe that drift is not accumulating beyond \(|D|=10\) for Normal spreading and \(|D|=20\) for Strong spreading because the spreading is probably generated by a fixed cyclic series of clock jitter values, with a cycle time shorter than \(2\,\text {ms}\). The bounded drift is consistent with the board design, since even a short cycle of jitter values can achieve the goal of EMI reduction, much more easily than generating true random, or cryptographic pseudo-random, clock jitter.

4.3 Validating Leakage Points’ Power Consumption Correlation

We need to validate our assumptions in Eqs. (4), (6) and (10) about the distributions and correlation between leakage points and the value of \(\gamma \). In Fig. 3 we show a heat-map of the correlation coefficients between 25 leakage sample points of a specific key byte, for 5,000 traces without jitter. These leakage samples form the best window for integration with maximal correlation between the true key byte and the traces as shown in Sect. 5.2. In order to find the leakage points, we set a threshold (of 3 standard deviations above or below the mean) over the correlation coefficient of a sample index to differentiate between leakage and noise samples. Figure 3 shows that the off-diagonal correlations are both negative and positive: these sign alternations in fact help keep the total correlation low, with a total sum of \(\gamma = 1.7\) (including diagonal values). Thus, the correlation coefficient in Eq. (10) is divided by \(\root \of {\gamma } = 1.3\), which is still highly amplified in comparison to CPA without integration. This experiment was done for all key bytes, resulting in \(\gamma \) values between 0.5 to 1.7 with average 0.95 and standard deviation of 0.33—supporting our assumption in Eq. (11) that \(\gamma \) is close to 1; hence we can treat the leakages as if they are uncorrelated without a great penalty in the analysis.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Correlation matrix heat-map, for 25 leakage sample points for the best leakage window of key byte 7

5 Evaluating the SW-CPA Attack

5.1 Amplification for Different Aggregation Window Sizes

To calibrate the best window size r we examined leaks from the different key bytes in our encryption process. Figure 4 (left) shows the amplification of the correlation coefficient for different window sizes and different correct key bytes when the CPU clock is jittered both theoretically and empirically. Note that these key bytes were not identified correctly by regular CPA due to jitter. For simplicity, we do not show all key bytes. The parameter values of the theoretical Fig. 4 (right) were chosen according to the values found later in our experimental setup. The upper curve models a bounded jitter for uncorrelated leakage (\(\gamma =1\)) where \( J=20, r_0 = 70, c=3 \) (leakage in a third of the samples in the window), and q reaches saturation of \(q_{max}=25\) when \({r=r_0+J=90}\). The Figure also illustrates the worst case scenario where the leakage samples are all fully correlated and \(\gamma = r\), where we can see no amplification.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Amplification of the correlation coefficient vs. window size r (log scale). Amplification above 1 indicates that \(\rho \) is amplified beyond the values for \({r=1}\). Left: empirical values for three correct key bytes, with the jittered clock data-set of 5,600 traces. Right: theoretical amplification values according to Eq. (22) for \(J=20,r_0=70\). The black line is the scenario for uncorrelated leakage samples (\(\gamma =1\)). The blue line shows worst case correlated leakage samples (\(\gamma =r\)). The dashed line at \(r=90\) separates the two regions of the amplification (constant q / r ratio and saturated q). (Color figure online)

The amplification graphs for all key bytes have major similarities. First, they all have an amplification higher than 1 for some window size r, which helps the correct key byte detection and supports SW-CPA as an effective solution for the unstable clock counter-measure. In addition, they all suffer degradation when r grows beyond a certain point and q reaches saturation.

Note that unlike the prediction in Fig. 4 (right), some of the curves do not increase monotonically toward a single peak, and contain a significant peak when r is relatively small, around \(5\le r \le 10\), as demonstrated in key byte 10. This is somewhat surprising because as stated in Eq. (22), for a small window size r, the integration might not be as effective as for a large window size. However, the analysis leading to Eq. (22) assumed a uniform scatter of the r / c leakages in the window: We speculate that maybe the leaks for some key bytes had leakage points with non-uniform scatter, producing locally-higher densities. Another option is that the leakage samples are correlated in a way that \(\gamma \) is relatively small for this small window of leakage samples.

5.2 Selecting a Window Size r for All Key Bytes

Next, we determine the single, best, r value of all key bytes for our device. Figure 5 shows the overall SW-CPA success rate for different r values together with the results for standard CPA on non-jittered traces (as an ideal) and CPA on the jittered traces (as a worst-case) for Normal spreading.

We’ve experimentally seen in Fig. 4 that the \(\rho \) amplification graphs for separate key bytes had the highest peaks between \(25<r<75\). We chose the overall value of \(r=75\) experimentally, simply by running the attacks.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Number of correct key bytes vs. number of traces, for different values of the integration window size r with Normal spreading.

Figure 5 shows clearly that SW-CPA is very effective and defeats the clock jitter counter-measure well: for values of \(10 \le r \le 75\) it finds 12–14 correct key bytes with \({\approx }4500\) traces—only twice as many traces as needed for an equivalent success rate on non-jittered traces. Further, our attack is not very sensitive to the value of r: values between \(10 \le r \le 75\) are roughly equally successful. The figure shows that a larger window such as \(r=150\) gives a poor amount of true key byte detections. Windows with \(r\le 10\) have inferior performance (graphs omitted).

We also conducted the same experiment with the larger (10,000 traces) data-set and both Normal and Strong spectrum-spreading. Figure 6 shows the analysis of Strong spreading and its more noticeable results. The figure shows that SW-CPA is very successful against Strong jitter as well: it correctly finds all key bytes, with about 6,000 traces, for many window sizes, whereas regular CPA cannot find two correct key bytes even with all 10,000 traces. In addition, the higher drift with Strong jitter causes SW-CPA with large window size such as \(r=300\) to be effective and find 15–16 key bytes, whereas with Normal spreading (recall Fig. 5) \(r=150\) was already too high and performance was degraded in comparison to \(r=75\).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Number of correct key bytes vs. number of traces, for different values of the integration window size r with Strong spreading and large data-set.

5.3 Correct Key Byte Identification Metric

The metric we used to recognize a correct key byte detection counted a correct key byte when the true key byte was within the highest five correlation possibilities, i.e., the key byte recovery is of the 5th order as stated in [SMY09]. This metric was chosen because a cryptanalyst can iterate (brute force) over the remaining \(5^{16} \approx 2^{37}\) options.

To determine the optimal window size r, we suggest choosing its value after analyzing the q/r ratio for all key bytes if possible, or otherwise by trial and error (no profiling). Choosing an imprecise value of r still gives far better results than other state-of-the-art methods as would be shown later: Even for clearly sub-optimal choices of r our method is superior to others (see Fig. 7). In addition, the computational resources for trial and error are low in comparison to other methods. One might also use a different window size for each key byte. We did not explore this possibility since the results with a uniform r were satisfactory.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Number of correct bytes vs. number of traces, for different implemented attacks. Attacks with no successful detections were omitted. We also show the success rate of the standard CPA attack on non-jittered data (as an ideal).

5.4 Comparing SW-CPA with Other Known Methods

We compare the SW-CPA method (with the best integration window size) to previously suggested methods: trace selection pre-processing [HHO15], alignment pre-processing [TH12, vWWB11, BHvW12], and frequency analysis attacks [SDB+10]. Figure 7 summarizes the results.

Applying the methods suggested in [HHO15, TH12] of pre-processing according to simple trace properties was inapplicable to our data-set. These attacks were performed on hardware encryption implementations and assume that the power consumption measurements have clearly visible patterns of the AES rounds. Our data with a software implementation on the Rabbit board exhibited no such patterns. We tried searching for the patterns with different sampling frequencies and different number of samples but the expected 10 spikes marking the 10 AES rounds did not manifest themselves in the traces, possibly because the Rabbit board we used is not idle between the encryption cycles or when waiting for input. Because the attacks rely on visible encryption rounds, we were unable to attack the device by these methods.

Another available solution is using a PCA attack [BHvW12]. This attack works if there exists a principal component representing the leakage. However, in our base transformations, no such principal component was found, even with high numbers of base items and concentrating in the leakage region of the traces.

Therefore, the methods [HHO15, TH12, BHvW12] detected zero key bytes correctly, and were not inserted to the comparison in Fig. 7.

Figure 7 shows the performance of elastic alignment [vWWB11]: it did not give us a high percentage of correct key byte detection (as was also observed by others who tested it with non-simulated data-sets [OP11, GPPT15]). The original article [vWWB11] offers a way to overcome the computational complexity of DTW by using FDTW, which is an approximation for DTW. We first implemented and tested FDTW with poor results. In an attempt to improve its performance, we applied the full DTW (with the relevant alignment margin because of our bounded jitter): this slightly improved the results (Fig. 7 shows the results of full DTW).

The method of Correlation Power Frequency Analysis (CPFA) [SDB+10] was previously offered as a method for handling start-point misalignment, because the magnitude in the frequency domain is not affected by time domain shifting. Figure 7 shows that the results of this method were poor. We tried to optimize this attack as well, by targeting leakage areas, but results stayed the same.

We also tested the SW-DPA method of Clavier et al. [CCD00]. The authors did not suggest a way to determine their algorithm’s parameters, hence it is not clear how to compare their general approach to our instantiation. However, their SW-DPA with 1-bit difference of means using our choice of integration parameters gave poor results and was omitted from the comparison figure.

For our SW-CPA attack we chose window size of \(r=75\), as found in Sect. 5.2. Many other choices of r still outperform other methods as well.

Figure 7 clearly shows that SW-CPA yields far better true key byte detection results than the other possible solutions we tried. All the other solutions did not have more than two correct key bytes detections on our small data-set. However, note that the unstable clock still degregates the attack: even our best SW-CPA requires approximately twice the number of traces to achieve an equivalent level of success in comparison to standard CPA against a non-jittered device.

6 Conclusions

In this paper we suggested an attack to overcome the jittered CPU clock counter-measure, proposing a specific parameter setting for the old method of consecutive samples integration followed by a correlation attack (Sliding Window CPA). Former analysis showed that integration of samples degrades the correlation between the correct key hypothesis and the trace. We re-analyzed this method under a new model where multiple leakage points may be present within the window, and we showed that integration of samples over a suitably chosen window size amplifies the correlation significantly. We then validated our analysis on a new data-set of traces measured on a board implementing a jittered clock. Our experiments show that the SW-CPA attack with a well chosen window size is very powerful against a jittered clock counter-measure and significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art suggestions.