Subgroup discovery [1, 5, 7] is a data mining method that assumes a population of individuals and a property of these individuals a researcher is specifically interested in. The goal of subgroup discovery is then to discover the subgroups of the population that are statistically “most interesting” with respect to the distributional characteristics of the property of interest, cf. [12]. A typical subgroup discovery result could for example be stated as “While only 50% of all students passed the exam, 90% of all female students younger than 21 passed.” Here, “female students younger than 21” describes a subgroup, the exam result is the property of interest specified by the user for this task, and the difference in the passing rate is the interesting distributional characteristic. Subgroup discovery identifies such groups in a large set of candidates. Subgroup discovery has been an active research area in our community for more than two decades in order to find more efficient algorithms, improved measures to identify potentially interesting groups, and interactive mining options. It has also been successfully used in many practical applications, see [5] for an overview.

State-of-the-art implementations of subgroup discovery are available in Java (VIKAMINE [2] and Cortana [10]) and R (rsubgroupFootnote 1 and SDEFSRFootnote 2). In Python, however, there is only a basic implementation included in the Orange workbench.Footnote 3 A full featured subgroup discovery implementation that easily integrates with numpy and pandas libraries, which provide for one of the overall most popular setups for data analysis nowadays, is missing so far. The here presented package pysubgroup aims to fill this gap.

1 The pysubgroup Package

The pysubgroup package provides a novel implementation of subgroup discovery functions in Python based on the standard numpy and pandas data analysis libraries. As a design goal, it aims at a concise code base that allows easy access to state-of-the-art subgroup discovery for researchers and practitioners. In terms of algorithms it currently features depth-first-search, an apriori algorithm [6], best-first-search [13], the bsd algorithm [9], and beam search [3]. It includes numerous interestingness measures to score and select subgroups with binary and numeric targets, e.g., weighted relative accuracy, lift, \(\chi ^2\) measures, (simplified) binomial measures, and extensions to generalization-aware interestingness measures [8]. It also contains specialized methods for post-processing and visualizing results.

Emphasizing usability, subgroup discovery can be performed in just a few lines of intuitive code. Since pysubgroup uses the standard pandas DataFrame class as its basic data structure, it is easy to integrate into interactive data exploration and pre-processing with pandas. By defining concise interfaces, pysubgroup is also easily extensible and allows for integrating new algorithms and interestingness measures. Based on the Python programming language, pysubgroup can be used under Windows, Linux, or macOS. It is 100% open source and available under a permissive Apache license.Footnote 4 The source code, documentation and an introductory video is available at The package can also be installed via PyPI using pip install pysubgroup.

Although pysubgroup is currently still in a prototype phase it has already been utilized in practical applications, e.g., for analyzing user motivations in Wikipedia through user surveys and server logs [11].

2 Application Example

Next, we present a basic application example featuring the well-known titanic dataset to demonstrate how easy it is to perform subgroup discovery with pysubgroup. In this particular example, we will identify subgroups in the data that had a significantly lower chance of survival in the Titanic disaster compared to the average passenger. The complete code required to execute a full subgroup discovery task is the following:

figure a
Fig. 1.
figure 1

Visualizations of result subgroups. In the bar visualization on the left, blue bars represent discovered subgroups, green bars their complement in the data. Bar heights indicate the ratio of instances with the property of interest, bar widths show the number of covered instances. On the right, the embedding of the result subgroups in ROC-space is shown. (Color figure online)

The first two lines import the pandas data analysis environment and the pysubgroup package. The following line loads the data into a standard pandas DataFrame object. The next three lines specify a subgroup discovery task. In particular, it defines a target, i.e., the property we are mainly interested in (‘survived’), the set of basic selectors to build descriptions from (in this case: all), as well as the number of result subgroups returned, the depth of the search (maximum numbers of selectors combined in a subgroup description), and the interestingness measure for candidate scoring (here, the \(\chi ^2\) measure). The last line executes the defined task by performing a search with an algorithm—in this case beam search. The result is then stored in a list of discovered subgroups associated with their score according to the chosen interestingness measure.

pysubgroup also offers utility functions to inspect and present results. In that direction, the result subgroups and their statistics can be transformed into a separate pandas DataFrame that can be resorted, spliced or filtered. Additionally, pysubgroup features a visualization component to generate specialized subgroup visualizations with one-line commands, e.g., to create bar visualizations (cf. Fig. 1a) or to show positions of subgroups in ROC-space [4], i.e., the subgroup statistics in a true positive/false positive space (cf. Fig. 1b). Furthermore, pysubgroup enables direct export of results into LaTeX via utility functions. For example, a single function call generates the LaTeX sources for Table 1.

Table 1. Example LaTeX table generated by pysubgroup.

3 Conclusion

This demo paper introduced the pysubgroup package that enables subgroup discovery in a Python/pandas data analysis environment. It provides a lightweight, easy-to-use, extensible and freely available implementation of state-of-the-art algorithms, interestingness measures and presentation options.