
1 Introduction

The Semantic Web [3] has achieved a notable popularity as a mature technological environment. In big part, this is due the intense research activity of the last 15 years, and the efforts of W3CFootnote 1 to promote a standardisation process for the different languages and their underlining models. Semantic technologies are leading the evolution of the Web via interoperability by providing structured metadata. Because of the adoption of rich data models on a large scale to support the representation of complex relationships among and standard reasoning, the computational performance of ontology-based systems may be hard to evaluate, as it may change significantly depending on the application context. A number of critical and key factors should be considered. Firstly, the Semantic Web technology provides a technological ecosystem composed of several languages. These languages are characterised by an increasing complexity to support different data modelling spaces. Secondly, applications may propose very different behaviours and may consequently adopt the technology in different ways.

This paper provides a performance evaluation framework for ontology-based systems supported by empirical measurements. The proposed framework takes into account the perennially conspicuous trade-off between computational performance and representational capabilities. Our analysis is limited to decidable technology, including lightweight semantics based on RDF [5] reasoning, moderate reasoning equivalent to OWL-Lite [2] reasoning and extended reasoning corresponding to OWL-DL [2]. OWL ontologies are implemented in OWL 2.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Computational model.

2 Related Work

The analysis of the trade-off between computational performance and representation richness is a classic topic extensively reported in literature. A number of OWL benchmarks are compared in [16], where also the specification of a set of requirements for an ideal OWL benchmark is provided.

Similar approaches are followed also to compare different reasoners in other contributions (e.g. [1, 4, 6, 7]). An interesting comparison between two of the most relevant computation techniques (tableau and hyper-tableau calculus) is proposed in [13]. One of the most popular OWL benchmarks is LUBM [10], which provides advanced analysis features to evaluate systems characterized by different reasoning capabilities and storage mechanisms. It addresses generic OWL data-spaces and approaches performance analysis by providing global metrics suitable to compare different systems. More recently, a competition based on a testing framework agreed within the community has been arranged [14].

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Experiment phases and metrics associated.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Synthetic object.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Synthetic property.

Our work differs from those mentioned as we provide an environment suitable to multi-dimensional analysis in which the performance of a given system may be evaluated as the function of the ontology complexity and its scale (population). These two dimensions are addressed by generating synthetic ontologies (Sect. 3.4) which enable fine-grained analysis. Our approach assures a generic and an application-independent performance analysis that relies on the specification of complexity ranges (Sect. 3) and on computational experimentation. Furthermore, we aims at providing domain and architecture agnostic results by introducing a number of simplifications (see Sect. 3.1). For instance, we don’t take into account architectural (e.g. storage system) and network factors, as well as we adopt a query-independent approach. Those simplifications allow a more focused, direct and understandable analysis framework. Last but not the least, our framework is extensible, meaning that further dimensions of analysis may easily be addressed.

3 Evaluation Framework

Within our framework, we define three different levels of ontology complexity (Fig. 1) as follows:

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Load Time measured for some of the experiments performed.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Normalized Load Time measured for some of the experiments performed.

  • Lightweight semantics. We associate lightweight semantics with a minimal set of knowledge representation requirements and, therefore, with the best computational performance. We assume RDF [5] structures and reasoning.

  • Moderate reasoning. The most immediate extension for lightweight semantics as previously defined is to provide more extended reasoning capabilities, to uncover non-explicit relations among basic concepts. We associate this level of complexity with OWL and, more concretely, with OWL-Lite [2] complexity. Such a step forward introduces additional constructs and abstractions (e.g. data and object property), structural relations (e.g. class/sub-class and property/sub-property), constraints (e.g. class disjointedness, functional property), relations among properties (e.g. inverse properties) and basic inference on properties (domain and range).

  • Extended reasoning capabilities. The highest level of complexity that we consider within this work corresponds to OWL-DL [2], which assures the maximum expressiveness maintaining computational completeness and decidability. This level of complexity extends the previous one by providing the capability to define inference rules according to a Description Logic. This extension results in more advanced reasoning capabilities.

3.1 Assumptions and Simplifications

A comprehensive study on the computational performance of ontology-based systems should consider several factors. For simplicity sake, we consider a simplified, still in our opinion exhaustive, environment, adopting the following assumptions:

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Query Response Time for some of the experiments performed.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Query Response for some of the experiments performed.

  • Local storage (file system). The Semantic Web is a distributed environment by definition. In a Web context, data can be potentially retrieved from multiple, eventually remote, sources. Moreover, target data could be stored in files, normally accessible by URLs, as well as in common databases or even specialised data-stores (triple-stores). In this work, we consider uniquely local storage in the file system. This allows an analysis independent from the performance of the storage system.

  • Query-independent evaluation. A study that takes into account the complexity of the query would be very interesting. However, it would add a significant complexity. To assure a query-independent evaluation, we consider the generic SPARQL query below:

    figure a

    This query can be applied to both RDF and OWL environments and returns all the elements that are member of some class. As will be later explained, this allows to clearly identify the contribution of inference to the query outcome.

  • Ontology size increases by increasing its population only (Abox). We consider two main dimension of analysis: the ontology complexity and the ontology size. The former, associated with the Tbox including inference rules, is defined by a number of templates as a kind of static configuration. The latter is associated with the Abox and is dynamically addressed.

  • Agnostic approach to software components. We consider the semantic engine (reasoner) as a black-box. That is, we have designed our framework on the basis of macro-operations common to all common APIs in semantic technology. For our experiments, without loss of generality, we only use HermiT [15]. Naturally, we can perform the same experiments using any other semantic engines supporting RDF and OWL2 DL.

  • Synthetic Ontology. In order to provide a fine-grained analysis, we opt for an environment which produces synthetic ontologies according to common approaches [12]. We believe the experimentation on real ontologies is not a relevant factor within the scope of this work. However, as briefly discussed later on, it may introduce some uncertainty in the analysis.

3.2 From Lightweight Semantics to Complex Reasoning

We approach the computational performance evaluation of ontology-based systems according to a classic perspective, which takes into account two major macro-operations: loading the information into the semantic engine and executing a query on the information available (Fig. 2).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Normalized Query Response Time for some of the experiments performed.

Control Mechanism for the Input Dataset. In order to control eventual gaps between logical and physical representations (e.g. RDF and OWL implementations), we introduce a simple control mechanism for input datasets. The convergence point (\(\alpha \)) is defined as the function of a parameter, the convergence threshold (\(\beta \)); for instance, \(\alpha _{(\beta =1\%)}=100000\) means that, for a scale higher than 100000 atomic elements, the difference in size for the considered representations is within the 1% of the smallest size. \(\beta \) is normally expressed as a percentage of the shorter representation size and is normally supposed to be a small value. Such a metric may be very relevant for experiments involving small datasets. Indeed, it expresses the end of the transitory and the beginning of the stationary condition for a given experiment: while those experiments at a lower scale than \(\alpha \) (transitory) are affected by the difference in size of the considered representations, the experiments at an higher scale (stationary condition) are assumed not affected by such overheads.

3.3 Metrics

The experiment performed are modelled as an iterative process (Fig. 2). After each iteration, the size of the input dataset is increased. Each iteration is composed of two different phases: in the first, a file of size FS is loaded from the storage systems into the main memory (loading phase); in the second, a query on the available dataset is executed (query phase).

To assess the computational performance in each phase, we consider the three following metrics:

  • Load Time (LT) is the time needed to load the dataset from the storage systems into the main memory.

  • Query Response Time (QRT) is the execution time for a query. QRT assumes the target dataset already loaded in the main memory.

  • Query Results (QR) is the number of rows of the result set returned by a given query.

In order to have a concise assessment of the performance, we define two further normalized metrics based on the three defined above:

  • Normalized Load Time (N-LT) is defined as \(LT/FS\). Within our evaluation framework, \(N-LT\) concisely expresses loading performance because the load time is considered as the function of the dataset size.

  • Normalized Query Response Time (N-QRT) is defined as \(QRT/QR\). \(N-QRT\) reflects the query performance: it provides an understanding of the query response time as the function of the query result set size.

For completeness, we also define a global metric, Response Time (RT), which is the sum of the Load Time and of the Query Response Time (\( LT + QRT\)). However, In order to assure a consistent analysis, RT should be considered both with and in the context of the normalized metrics previously discussed.

3.4 Synthetic Patterns

As earlier mentioned, the scale of the ontologies adopted in the experiments is enlarged by increasing its population (Abox). The synthetic object adopted to populate the Abox is represented in Fig. 3: it is declared to be an instance of the class Object and it is related to n static objects through an equivalent number of properties.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Loading performance (average values).

We provide moderate reasoning by defining a number of Object Properties according to the model depicted in Fig. 4. Each object property is a sub-property of topObjectProperty. Its domain and range are defined according to RDF-S specifications. For each object property, an additional property is defined and declared as an inverse of the considered property, according to OWL specifications.

Finally, extended reasoning capabilities are provided by a set of DL statements that define equivalent classes according to the pattern reported in Eq. 1. The DL statement is composed of two different sub-statements adopting the operator some; those two sub-statements are related by the operator OR or AND.

$$\begin{aligned} (Prop_i \; some \; ObjectProp_i) \quad AND|OR \quad (Prop_{i+1} \; some \; ObjectProp_{i+1}) \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 11.
figure 11

Query performance (average values).

4 Experimental Performance Evaluation

We adopt commonly accepted metrics from Protege [8] to measure the complexity of the ontologies considered. The different configurations corresponding to non-populated ontologies (Tbox) are reported in Table 1. We select three different perspectives by considering axioms, classes and object properties. We distinguish between logical and declaration axioms. We also report the number of sub-classes and equivalent classes defined by DL statements. For properties, we consider the number of inverse properties and the statements associated with the object property domain and range.

Table 1. Ontology configuration.

Our experimentation consists of a number of empirical measurements for the different ontologies by increasing the Abox size as in the configurations reported in Table 2.

Table 2. Experiments configuration.

For example, the experiment \(\#1\) considers files with logical elements in the range 0–500, namely files of a size up to 1 MB; the experiment starts with a file of the minimum size (5 elements in this case); the file is increased of a step of 5; each measure reported is the average over 10 independent samples; \(\beta \) is 0.1. We adopt a software engine based on Hermit [9, 15] as a reasoner and OWL-BGPFootnote 2 [11] as SPARQL wrapper. The framework is developed in Java. All the experiments reported in the paper have been executed on a common laptop (1.8 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, macOS Sierra). For each experiment as defined in Table 2, the measurements are executed sequentially without re-booting.

The Load Time (LT) measured for some of the experiments performed is reported in Fig. 5. Likewise, the Normalized Load Time (N-LT) is shown in Fig. 6. Similarly we report the metrics for query performance evaluation: Figs. 7, 8 and 9 show respectively the Query Response Time (QRT), the Query Response (QR) and the Normalized Query Response Time (N-QRT).

As previously explained, normalised metrics take into account both the size of the dataset imported and the size of the result set. Therefore, the metrics provide a concise measure of loading and query performance, allowing comparison among the different languages. We design our experiments to minimize the impact of size variations for the input datasets (Sect. 3.2). Indeed, LT and N-LT present a similar pattern. Average values for all experiments are reported in Fig. 10. Looking exclusively at loading performance, RDF clearly outperforms OWL. That is because the reasoner adopted implements hyper-tableau calculus. A minor difference between OWL-Lite and OWL-DL is also detected.

Looking at query performance, average values for QRT and N-QRT are reported in Fig. 11. QRT highlights variations in performance across the different models considered throughout the range of experiments. The pattern detected for N-QRT is quite interesting as it clearly shows the computation performance of hyper-tableau calculus in normalized conditions. Indeed, according to this normalized metric that takes into account the contribution of inference in terms of query output, at a significant scale there is no difference of performance among the three levels of complexity.

5 Main Limitations and Uncertainty

The simplifications introduced in the framework (Sect. 3.1) have allowed a systematic, fine-grained and relatively simple analysis in stable and normalized conditions. On the other hand, such an approach may introduce a number of possible uncertainty factors to the key question on performance evaluation of real ontology-based systems.

The very first factor of uncertainty is the use of synthetic ontologies. They are designed around a number of typical design patterns. Real ontologies may include those patterns or a part of them, as well as they may propose completely different ones. Additionally, the distributed approach to modern systems may introduce key trade-offs beyond network factors, such as between cloud and edge computing along a wide range of hybrid solutions (e.g. fog computing). Similar considerations affect key architectural components, such as the storage system. Indeed, the design of the whole architecture needs to be considered depending on the data consistency model (e.g. weak and strong consistency).

6 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we define a performance evaluation framework for ontology-based systems in which ontology complexity and ontology size are considered as the main dimensions for performance analysis. In essence, our framework can be used to ensure the right mix of responses to the constraints imposed by the trade-off between reasoning computation and knowledge expressiveness requirements (ranging from lightweight semantics, moderate reasoning and extended reasoning capabilities respectively).

We introduced a number of simplifying assumptions (discussed in Sect. 3.1) to enable a relatively simple environment for the analysis of computational performance. We believe however that our metrics reflect relatively realistic working conditions. They combine simplicity and coverage leading to a direct and viable analysis. We have performed a number of experiments at a relatively low scale, involving files up to 100 MB. Without loss of generality, we fixed the semantic engine across all experiments and opted for uniform use of a single reasoned. Comparing various reasoners has been undertaken elsewhere. We thus focused on the definition of a framework which allows generic and effective performance analysis by considering increasing capabilities in terms of representation and reasoning. With the increasing prominence of IoT and AI based applications, the trade off between complexity in representation and performance is a more pressing concern for many innovations. This is particularly true for distributed settings. Hence, in future work, we will consider distributed environments, namely data sets imported by different remote sites and performance analysis as the function of the ontology Tbox.