1 Introduction

Most modern block ciphers are constructed as a cascade of r keyed components, called rounds. Each round by itself can be cryptographically weak, but as r increases, the scheme becomes resistant against almost all the standard cryptanalytic attacks (e.g., differential cryptanalysis [8], linear cryptanalysis [28]). However, there is one type of attack called a slide attack (introduced in 1999 by Biryukov and Wagner [9]Footnote 1) which can handle an arbitrarily large number of rounds with the same complexity.

The original slide attack targets ciphers that are a cascade of r identical rounds, i.e.,

$$ E_k=f_k^{r}=f_k \circ f_k \circ \cdots \circ f_k, $$

and tries to find a slid pair of plaintexts (PQ) such that \(Q=f_k(P)\), as demonstrated in Fig. 1. Due to the structure of \(E_k\), the corresponding ciphertexts \(C=E_k(P),D=E_k(Q)\) must satisfy \(D = f_k(C)\). Hence, if a slid pair (PQ) is given, the adversary can use the simplicity of \(f_k\) to solve the system of equations to recover k:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{array}{c l} Q = f_k(P), \\ D = f_k(C), \end{array} \right. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 1.
figure 1

A slid pair

The adversary can start from any collection of \(O(2^{n/2})\) plaintexts along with their ciphertexts, and consider their \(O(2^n)\) pairs. One of them is likely to be a slid pair, but the adversary does not know which one it is. By trying to solve the system of Equation (1) for all the pairs, she gets a simple slide attack whose data complexity is \(O(2^{n/2})\) known plaintexts, memory complexity is \(O(2^{n/2})\) (which is used to store the data), and time complexity is \(O(t \cdot 2^n)\) (where t is the time required for solving the system (1)).

1.1 Applicability of Slide Attacks to Modern Ciphers

The original slide attack can be used only when \(f_k\) is so simple that it can be broken efficiently using only two known input/output pairs. Subsequent papers (e.g., [4, 10, 14, 16, 18]) developed advanced variants of the slide attack that allow attacking self-similar constructions in which \(f_k\) is rather complex. A central observation used in many of these variants is that if (PQ) is a slid pair, then \((E_k(P),E_k(Q))\) is also a slid pair, and thus the adversary can create from a single slid pair arbitrarily many additional friend pairs by repeatedly encrypting P and Q in an adaptively chosen message attack. These advanced variants made it possible to attack various generic forms of Feistel constructions with a periodic key schedule, such as constructions with 1-round [9], 2-round [9], 3-round [4] and 4-round [10] self similarity. Furthermore, they allowed obtaining practical attacks on several real life cryptosystems – most notably, breaking the block cipher Keeloq [1] and the 128-bit key variant of the block cipher GOST [4], and attacking several hash functions [20].

While the advanced slide attacks extended the applicability of the technique, the basic requirement that all the round functions must be exactly the same has remained. As a result, it seemed that slide attacks can be thwarted completely by inserting into the encryption process round constants that break the full symmetry between the rounds. This countermeasure has become standard and is applied in most modern block ciphers.

However, it turned out that round constants are not an ultimate solution, as in many cases improper choice of the constants or interrelation between the round constants and other components of the cipher, can be used to mount a slide attack despite the countermeasure.

A recent example is the format preserving encryption scheme FF3 [11]. This scheme was selected as a US standard by NIST in 2016, but had to be revised in 2017 due to a devastating slide attack by Durak and Vaudenay [17]. This happened even though the slide attack is well known, leading the designers of the cryptosystem to use the standard countermeasure of using different round constants to avoid them. Yet another example is the block cipher SHACAL-1 that was broken by Biham et al. [7] using a slide attack, although it used round constants. It thus turns out that while adding round constants may be a useful countermeasure, it is far from being a universal countermeasure, and slide attacks remain highly relevant in practice.

1.2 Slide Attacks on SP Networks

Most of the previously known slide attacks, including the attacks on FF3, GOST, Lilliput-AE and SHACAL1 described above, apply to Feistel constructions. The other major type of a block cipher, the Substitution-Permutation (SP) Network, cannot be directly attacked by a slide attack since its last round is always different from the other rounds.

Consider, for example, an AES-like structure in which each round consists of XORing a subkey (which we denote by K), applying a parallel layer of S-boxes (denoted by S), and linearly mixing their outputs (denoted by A). Assume in addition that two subkeys are used in the cyclic order \((k_1,k_2,k_1,k_2, \ldots )\). Simply composing these round functions makes no sense since the last layers of S-boxes and linear mapping are known and can thus be stripped off. Any sensible design must thus add to the last round a final post-whitening subkey, such as \(k_1\), before outputting the ciphertext. This makes the last round different from the other rounds, and we cannot simply complete the construction into a self similar structure by applying to it \(A \circ S \circ K \circ A \circ S\) since we do not know the subkey \(k_2\) used in K. A similar situation arises when the S-boxes are secret or when the last round operation A (before the post-whitening key) differs from previous rounds. Any such asymmetry suffices in order to destroy the crucial property that if two plaintexts (PQ) are a slid pair then so are their ciphertexts \((E_k(P),E_k(Q))\), upon which many advanced slide attacks rely. In fact, the only advanced slide attack on SP networks published so far, by Bar-On et al. [4, Sect. 2.2, 2.3] on an AES-like cipher with a 2-round or 3-round self-similarity, applies only under a non-standard additional assumption on the structure of the cipher.Footnote 2

1.3 Our Settings

In this paper we overcome the last round problem by developing new slide attacks that can be applied to SP-networks with an arbitrarily large number of rounds in which the last round is different from the previous rounds. To be concrete, we consider ciphers that can be viewed as a cascade

$$ K \circ A \circ S \circ K \circ A \circ S \circ \ldots K \circ A \circ S \circ K,$$

where K denotes the XORing of a secret subkey, S is a non-linear operation (S-box) applied in parallel to sub-blocks of size s of the state, and A is an affine operation. We call this structure KSA, and say that it has an \(\ell \)-round self-similarity if the subkeys have the periodic structure \(k_1,k_2,\ldots ,k_{\ell },k_1,k_2,\ldots ,k_{\ell },\ldots \). We denote such a structure by \(\ell \)-KSA.

We note that extremely simple key schedules, and in particular periodic key-schedules with a short period, are widely used in modern lightweight block ciphers, for the sake of saving place on the hardware taken by the key schedule mechanism. Examples include LED-64 [25], Zorro [19], PRINTcipher [26], CGEN [29] and MIDORI128 [3] (which have identical subkeys), LED-128 [25], CRAFT [5] and MIDORI64 [3] (which have period 2), and many others.

Of course, designers of most modern block ciphers protect the ciphers against slide attacks by adding round constants in order to destroy the self-similarity. However, as was mentioned above, this countermeasure is not always sufficient. In addition, some lightweight cryptosystems have a large number of simple rounds, and XOR’ing a different randomly generated constant to each round greatly increases the amount of memory required to implement the scheme, which is very undesirable in many IoT applications. Consequently, designers of such cryptosystems may be tempted to use other forms of asymmetry into their designs, such as using a different last round, but as we show in this paper, such a simple countermeasure can be defeated by new variants of slide attacks.

We study two types of KSA constructions: The first is \(\ell \)-KSAf, composed of a sequence of rounds of the form \(A \circ S \circ K\) with an \(\ell \)-periodic key, augmented by a final key whitening – which is the structure of many modern SP networks. The second type is \(\ell \)-KSAt, which differs from \(\ell \)-KSAf by omission of the affine operation A in the last round. Such a change is performed in some block ciphers for implementation reasons—most notably, in the AES.

We usually assume that the operations SA are not key-dependent (like in AES). However, interestingly, some of our new attacks apply with only a small complexity overhead when S is key-dependent (like in the AES variant with a secret S-box studied in [21, 23, 30, 31]). We denote the block size by n and the S-box size by s, and state our results in terms of the parameters ns.

1.4 Our Contributions

We present four entirely new types of slide attacks, which solve the last round problem in four different ways:

Slid sets. In this attack, we attach to each candidate slid pair (PQ) a pair of sets \(\mathcal{{T}}_P=\{P_1,P_2,\ldots , P_d\}\) and \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q=\{Q_1,Q_2,\ldots ,Q_d\}\) such that for each i there exists j for which \((P_i,Q_j)\) is a slid pair. That is, the set \(\mathcal{{T}}_P\) is transformed into the set \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q\), while we do not know what is the counterpart of each specific value in \(\mathcal{{T}}_P\). Of course, this technique requires entirely different ways to solve the equation system (1), and we provide such techniques as well.

Hypercube of slid pairs. This technique first uses differential properties of the cipher to attach to each candidate slid pair (PQ) a pair of d-tuples \(\mathcal{{T}}_P=(P_1,P_2,\ldots , P_d)\) and \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q=(Q_1,Q_2,\ldots ,Q_d)\) such that with some unexpectedly high probability, each \((P_i,Q_i)\) is a slid pair. Then, it uses a ‘mixing’ construction reminiscent of the recently proposed mixture attack [22] to leverage the d-tuples into \(2^d\)-tuples of slid pairs. Roughly speaking, if the slid pairs are placed at d vertices of a d-dimensional hypercube, the technique allows us to attach to them \(2^d-d\) additional slid pairs which are placed at all other vertices of the cube.

Suggestive plaintext structures. This attack uses two plaintext structures \(\mathcal{{T}}_P\) and \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q\), designed in such a way that the mere knowledge that some \(P \in \mathcal{{T}}_P\) has a slid counterpart \(Q \in \mathcal{{T}}_Q\) reveals significant key information, which is used in the solution of the equation system (1). An interesting feature of this attack is that while its data complexity is \(3 \cdot 2^{n/2}\), which is only slightly more than the \(2^{n/2}\) complexity of standard slide attacks, it has 100% success probability. Note that the success probability of standard slide attacks is about 63%; it can be increased by using more data, but cannot get to 100% success unless the data complexity is made extremely large.

Substitution slide. This attack is aimed at truncated \(\ell \)-KSA constructions, in which in the equation system (1), the second equation is much more complex than the first one. We use substitution into the (easier) first equation in order to remove the key dependence from the (harder) second equation and transform it into an even more complex equation which depends only on plaintexts and ciphertexts and not on the key. This attack type applies even in the more restrictive (and more realistic, of course) known plaintext model.

1.5 Our Results

Here are a few concrete results that can be obtained with our new slide attacks (the full summary can be found in Table 1):

  1. 1.

    Using the suggestive plaintext structures technique, we can break 1-KSAt (e.g. a variant of AES with identical round subkeys and with no MixColumns operation in the last round) with data and time complexity of \(2^{n/2}\) (\(2^{64}\) in the special case of AES). In [4], Bar-On et al. presented an attack with the same complexity, but only on 1-KSAf, or equivalently, AES in which the MixColumns operation in the last round is not omitted.

  2. 2.

    Using substitution slide, we can break 1-KSAt with complexity of \(2^{(n+4s)/2}\) known plaintexts and time (\(2^{80}\) in the special case of AES).

  3. 3.

    Using slid sets, we can break 2-KSAt (e.g., a variant of AES with 2-periodic round subkeys and with no MixColumns operation in the last round) with data and time complexity of \(2^{(n+3s)/2}\) (\(2^{76}\) in the specific case of AES).

Organization of the Paper

In Sect. 2 we present the setting and notations used throughout the paper, as well as some preliminary steps that are routinely performed in all our attacks. In addition, we present the previous attack by Bar-On et al. [4] on 1-KSA. In Sect. 3 we present the slid sets technique and use it for attacking several constructions (e.g., 2-KSAf and 1-KSA with secret S-boxes). Section 4 presents the new hypercube of slid pairs technique and presents an attack on 1-KSA with secret S-boxes. The suggestive plaintext structures technique is presented in Sect. 5. We introduce the substitution slide in Sect. 6. Several of our attacks are presented in the full version. Finally, Sect. 7 concludes the paper.

Table 1. Summary of our new results

2 Preliminaries

In this section we present the setting and notations that are used throughout the paper, and describe the slide attack of Bar-On et al. [4] on SPNs with a 1-round self similarity, which provides a simple example of the attack frameworks that we use in this paper.

2.1 Setting and Notations

While the attacks presented in the paper target many different constructions and use different techniques, they are all presented using a uniform setting and set of notations. All these notations are given and explained in this section.

The general structure of the ciphers we study. Throughout the paper, we consider a block cipher \(E:\{0,1\}^n \times \{0,1\}^\kappa \rightarrow \{0,1\}^n\), which transforms an n-bit plaintext P into an n-bit ciphertext C, using a \(\kappa \)-bit key k. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that \(\kappa =n\), but the results can be easily adapted for other values of \(\kappa \). We assume that the cipher is iterative, that is, consists of a composition of r simpler functions, called rounds. All the attacks we present are applicable with the same complexity to an arbitrarily large number of rounds.Footnote 3

We assume that the first \(r-1\) rounds of the cipher have the standard general structure of an SPN, that is,

$$ (A \circ S \circ K)^{r-1} = A \circ S \circ K \circ A \circ S \circ \ldots K \circ A \circ S \circ K, $$

where K denotes key addition, S denotes a non-linear operation (S-box) applied in parallel to words of s bits into which the state is partitioned, and A denotes an affine operation. As the cipher essentially consists of repetitions of the sequence of operations \(A \circ S \circ K\), we name it KSA.

The structure of the last round. Regarding the last round, we study two types of constructions:

  • Full last round constructions, in which a single key addition operation is appended at the end of the last round. That is,

    $$ \text{ Full } r\text{-round } \text{ KSA } = (K \circ A \circ S \circ K) \circ (A \circ S \circ K)^{r-1} = K \circ (A \circ S \circ K)^{r}. $$

    This structure is exemplified in Fig. 2.

  • Truncated last round constructions, in which a key addition is appended at the end of the last round, and in addition, the last round affine transformation A is omitted. That is,

    $$ \text{ Truncated } r\text{-round } \text{ KSA } = (K \circ S \circ K) \circ (A \circ S \circ K)^{r-1}. $$

The first type corresponds to a generic SPN construction, while the second type corresponds to an AES-like construction, as removal of the last round affine operation is adopted in the AES design.Footnote 4

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The structure of 1-KSAf

The structure of the operations K, S, A. In addition to the last round, the constructions we study differ in the assumptions on the operations KSA:

  • Key addition: We shall always assume that the operation K in round i denotes XOR with an n-bit round subkey \(k_i\), where the sequence of subkeys \(k_1,k_2,k_3,\ldots \) is periodic. We study the variants 1-KSA, 2-KSA, and 3-KSA, in which the length of the period is 1, 2, and 3, respectively. We assume that all subkeys are derived from the n-bit secret key K using some “sufficiently complex” function; hence, we never exploit relations between distinct subkeys, and at the same time, we aim for attacks of complexities lower than \(2^n\), as otherwise, the attack is slower than exhaustive key search. (We note that such an assumption on the key schedule algorithm is made in many papers analyzing the security of generic constructions; see, e.g., [2]).

  • The S-box layer S: We shall always assume that the operation S consists of partition of the state into s-bit words and parallel application of the same function \(S:\{0,1\}^s \rightarrow \{0,1\}^s\) to the blocks. We study two types of constructions: the standard type in which the S-box S is publicly known (like in AES), and the secret S-box type in which S is derived from the secret key using a complex function, and thus, is unknown to the adversary (like in the variants of AES studied in [21, 23, 30, 31]). In both types of constructions, we do not exploit the specific structure of the S-box.

  • The affine layer A: We consider two variants of the operation A. In the complete diffusion variant, A applies a publicly known affine transformation to the entire state (i.e., the state is viewed as an n-bit vector v, and is transformed into \(A'v+w\), where \(A'\) is an n-by-n binary matrix, \(w \in \{0,1\}^n\), and the operations are performed over \(Z_2\)). In the incomplete diffusion variant, the state is partitioned into several parts (e.g., 4 parts in the case of AES), and the same affine transformation A is applied to each of them in parallel. In this variant, we introduce an additional parameter, m, to denote the size of each part (e.g., 32 bits in AES).

Summary of types of constructions. To summarize, the constructions we consider are defined by four parameters:

  1. 1.

    The length of the key period (1, 2, or 3);

  2. 2.

    Type of the last round – full (only a key addition appended) or truncated (key addition appended and affine operation removed);

  3. 3.

    Type of the substitution layer Spublic S-box or secret S-box derived from the secret key;

  4. 4.

    Type of the affine layer – complete diffusion (i.e., A acts on the entire state) or incomplete diffusion (i.e., A acts on several parts of the state in parallel).

Notation of types of constructions. The notation we use for the constructions reflects all four parameters: the number at the beginning is the length of the key period, then the letter ‘f’ or ‘t’ says whether the last round is full or truncated, then the letter ‘p’ or ‘s’ denotes whether the S-box is public or secret, and finally, the letter ‘c’ or ‘i’ denotes whether the diffusion is complete or incomplete. If some parameter is not included (e.g., neither ‘p’ nor ‘s’ appear), this means that the attack applies to both types described by that parameter.

For example, 2-KSAfpi denotes KSA with a 2-round key period, full last round, public S layer and incomplete diffusion. Similarly, 1-KSAtc denotes KSA with a 1-round key period, truncated last round, and complete diffusion, where the omission of ‘p’ and ‘s’ means that the corresponding attack works for both public and secret S-boxes.

Notation of data sets and slid pairs. In all the attacks proposed in this paper, the data consists of two sets of plaintexts/ciphertext pairs. All the plaintext/ciphertext pairs \((P_i,C_i)\) are split such that \(\mathcal {T}_P\) contains the plaintexts \(P_i, {i=1,2,\ldots ,d}\) and \(\mathcal {T}_C\) contains the ciphertexts \(C_i, {i=1,2,\ldots ,d}\). Similarly, the plaintext/ciphertext pairs \((Q_j,D_j)\) are split between \(\mathcal {T}_Q\) that containsFootnote 5 \(Q_j, {j=1,2,\ldots ,d'}\) and \(\mathcal {T}_D\) that contains \(D_j, {j=1,2,\ldots , d'}\).

If the considered variant is \(\ell \)-KSA, then a pair \((P_i,Q_j)\) of plaintexts is called a slid pair if \((A \circ S \circ K)^{\ell } (P_i) = Q_j\). If the cipher was completely self-similar like in standard slide attacks, this would guarantee that the corresponding pair of ciphertexts \((C_i,D_j)\) satisfies \((A \circ S \circ K)^{\ell } (C_i) = D_j\). In our case, the relation depends on whether the considered \(\ell \)-KSA construction is full or truncated. If \((P_i,Q_j)\) is a slid pair, we call \(Q_j\) the slid counterpart of \(P_i\).

In some of our attacks, in order to save data complexity we use the same plaintext set \(\mathcal {T}\) both as \(\mathcal {T}_P\) and as \(\mathcal {T}_C\). In such cases, we use both notations \(\mathcal {T}_P\) and \(\mathcal {T}_Q\) for \(\mathcal {T}\), and in each candidate slid pair, we denote the ‘left’ element by \(P_i \in \mathcal {T}_P\) and the ‘right’ element by \(Q_j \in \mathcal {T}_Q\). In this context, it is worth noting that the pairs (XY) and (YX) are distinct candidates for a slid pair, since the equations \((A \circ S \circ K)^{\ell } (X) = Y\) and \((A \circ S \circ K)^{\ell } (Y) = X\) are not equivalent.

Modification of the plaintexts and the ciphertexts. In all our attacks, we consider a pair of plaintexts \((P_i,Q_j)\) for which we want to decide whether it is a slid pair or not, and study the relation between \(P_i\) and \(Q_j\), and the relation between the corresponding ciphertexts \(C_i\) and \(D_j\). In order to simplify these relations, we would like to “remove” unkeyed operations that can be computed in advance for all plaintexts/ciphertexts in the data set. There are two types of operations we can remove: the first is operations that can be precomputed directly, and the second is operations that can be precomputed after interchanging the order of the operations K and A.

Let us exemplify this modification process on a concrete example. In 1-KSAp, for each slid pair \((P_i,Q_j)\), we have

$$ Q_j = A \circ S \circ K(P_i), $$

or equivalently, \(S^{-1} \circ A^{-1} (Q_j) = K (P_i)\). The left hand side \(S^{-1} \circ A^{-1} (Q_j)\) can be computed in advance for any plaintext \(Q_j\). We thus replace each \(Q_j \in \mathcal {T}_Q\) by \(Q'_j = S^{-1} \circ A^{-1} (Q_j)\), and work with the simplified equation

$$ Q'_j = K(P_i). $$

Furthermore, the corresponding ciphertexts, \((C_i,D_j)\), satisfy

$$ D_j = K \circ A \circ S(C_i), $$

(or equivalently, \(A^{-1} \circ K^{-1} (D_j) = S(C_i))\). The right hand side \(S(C_i)\) can be computed in advance for any ciphertext \(C_i\). As for the left hand side, note that by distributivity, for every invertible binary matrix \(A'\) and binary vectors xwk the following holds: \((A'x+w)+k = A'(x+(A')^{-1}k)+w\). Hence, we can always interchange the order of the operations AK, at the expense of replacing the subkey k in the operation K with \((A')^{-1}k\), where \(A'\) is the matrix used in the operation A. Thus, we have \(A^{-1} \circ K^{-1}(D_j) = (K')^{-1} \circ A^{-1}(D_j)\), where \(K'\) denotes addition of the key \(A'k\). The value \(D'_j = A^{-1}(D_j)\) can be computed an advance for any ciphertext \(D_j\). Thus, we replace each \(C_i \in \mathcal {T}_C\) with \(C'_i=S(C_i)\) and each \(D_j \in \mathcal {T}_D\) with \(D'_j = A^{-1}(D_j)\), and work with the simplified equation

$$ D'_j = K'(C'_i). $$

Notations for modified plaintexts and ciphertexts. We perform such a change routinely, whenever there is an unkeyed operation that can be performed in advance (including cases where one has to interchange the order of the operations KA). We use the notation \(\bar{P}_i,\bar{C}_i\) to say that such a modification was performed to \(P_i,C_i\) (respectively), and the notation \(\tilde{Q}_j,\tilde{D}_j\) to say that such a modification was performed to \(Q_j,D_j\) (respectively). Note that the exact modification differs between different variants of KSA.

We denote the sets of modified values that correspond to \(\mathcal {T}_P,\mathcal {T}_C,\mathcal {T}_Q,\) and \(\mathcal {T}_D\) by and , respectively. We abuse notation and call the pair \((\bar{P}_i,\tilde{Q}_j)\) a slid pair whenever the corresponding pair \((P_i,Q_j)\) is a real slid pair.

2.2 AES Notations

As the best-known prototype of the constructions we consider is AES, we shall present all our attacks in the special case of an AES-like construction with a periodic key schedule, and then we will briefly explain how do these attacks apply for generic \(\ell \)-KSA constructions. Hence, for the sake of convenience, we briefly recall the structure of AES.

The structure of AES. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) [13] is an SPN that supports key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits. A 128-bit plaintext is treated as a byte matrix of size 4 \(\times \) 4, where each byte represents a value in \(GF(2^8)\). An AES round, depicted in Fig. 3, applies four operations to the state matrix:

  • SubBytes (SB)—applying the same 8-bit to 8-bit invertible S-box 16 times in parallel on each byte of the state,

  • ShiftRows (SR)—cyclically shifting the i’th row by i bytes to the left,

  • MixColumns (MC)—multiplication of each column by a constant 4 \(\times \) 4 matrix over the field \(GF(2^{8})\), and

  • AddRoundKey (ARK)—XORing the state with a 128-bit subkey.

Before the first round, an additional AddRoundKey operation takes place. Thus, we “redefine” an AES round as starting with an AddRoundKey operation, with the last round AddRoundKey operation serving as a post-whitening key. In the last round of AES, the MixColumns operation is omitted. The number of rounds depends on the key size, ranging between 10 and 14.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

An AES round

Notations for the variants of AES we study. Since we use AES-like constructions as a prototype of general KSA constructions, their types and notations are similar to the types of KSA constructions discussed above. Namely, in all variants we consider, the key schedule is replaced by a periodic key schedule, with a period of 1, 2, or 3. Following [4], we denote by \(\ell \)K-AES a variant with period \(\ell \) in the key schedule. We call the variant truncated if in its last round, the MixColumns operation is removed (like in original AES), and otherwise, we call the variant full.Footnote 6 We say that the S-box is public if it is publicly known (like in AES), and say that it is secret if it is key-dependent (like in the variants of AES studied in [21, 23, 30, 31]). The diffusion of the affine layer in AES (namely, \(MC \circ SR\)) is inherently incomplete, and so we use \(\ell \)K-AES as a prototype only for KSA constructions with incomplete diffusion; constructions with complete diffusion are treated separately.

Like for general KSA constructions, the notation we use for AES-like constructions reflects the three relevant parameters: the number at the beginning is the length of the key period, then the letter ‘f’ or ‘t’ says whether the last round is full or truncated, and then the letter ‘p’ or ‘s’ denotes whether the S-box is public or secret. If some parameter is not included (e.g., neither ‘p’ nor ‘s’ appear), this means that the attack applies to both types described by that parameter. (Note that the letters ‘c’ or ‘i’ are irrelevant in the case of AES as explained above, and so are always omitted). For example, 3K-AESts denotes a variant of AES with a 3-round key period, no MixColumns operation in the last round, and secret S-boxes.

Notations for intermediate values in AES. We denote the bytes of the state matrix of AES by \(0,1,2,\ldots ,15\), in the order described in Fig. 3, and denote the value of the i’th byte of a state x by \(x_i\). When several bytes \(i_1,\ldots ,i_\ell \) are considered simultaneously, they are denoted \(x_{\{i_1,\ldots ,i_\ell \}}\). The columns are numbered 0, 1, 2, 3; the j’th column of the state x is denoted by \(x_{\mathrm {Col}(j)}\), and if several columns are considered simultaneously, we denote them by \(x_{\mathrm {Col}(j_1,\ldots ,j_\ell )}\). Sometimes we are interested in ‘shifted’ columns, i.e., the result of the application of ShiftRows to a set of columns. This is denoted by \(x_{SR(\mathrm {Col}(j_1,\ldots ,j_\ell ))}\). Similarly, a set of ‘inverse shifted’ columns (i.e., the result of the application of SR\(^{-1}\) to a set of columns) is denoted by \(x_{SR^{-1}(\mathrm {Col}(j_1,\ldots ,j_\ell ))}\).

2.3 The Attack of [4] on 1-KSAf

Bar-On et al. [4] considered 1-KSAf, that is, \(E = K \circ (A \circ S \circ K)^r\) where all operations K use the same key k. They showed that this variant can be broken with probability of about \(63\%\), given \(2^{n/2}\) known plaintexts, and roughly the same amount of time and memory.

The idea behind the attack is simple. Assume that \((P_i,Q_j)\) is a slid pair, i.e., that \(A \circ S \circ K(P_i)=Q_j\). Denoting \(\tilde{Q}_j = S^{-1} \circ A^{-1}(Q_j)\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} P_i \oplus \tilde{Q_j} = k. \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, by the structure of E, the corresponding ciphertexts \((C_i,D_j)\) must satisfy \(D_j= K \circ A \circ S(C_i)\). Thus, denoting \(\bar{C}_i = A \circ S(C_i)\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} D_j \oplus \bar{C}_i = k. \end{aligned}$$

Combining (2) and (3), we get

$$\begin{aligned} P_i \oplus \bar{C}_i = \tilde{Q}_j \oplus D_j. \end{aligned}$$

This relation allows one to mount the attack described in Algorithm 1. Note that the data used in the attack consists of a single set \(\mathcal {T}\) of \(2^{n/2}\) known plaintexts. As was described above, this single set is treated both as \(\mathcal {T}_P\) and as \(\mathcal {T}_Q\), and when we consider a candidate slid pair composed of two elements of \(\mathcal {T}\), we denote it by \((P_i,Q_j)\) and denote the corresponding ciphertexts by \(C_i,D_j\).

figure a

As the data set contains \(2^{n/2} \cdot (2^{n/2}-1) \approx 2^n\) pairs, the probability that the data set contains a slid pair, i.e., a pair that satisfies \(Q_j = A \circ S \circ K(P_i)\), is about \(1- (1-2^{-n})^{2^n} \approx 1-1/e \approx 0.63\). Each slid pair leads to a collision in the table which suggests the right key candidate. On the other hand, for a random pair \((P_i,Q_j)\), the probability that \(P_i \oplus \bar{C_i} = \tilde{Q_j} \oplus D_j\) is \(2^{-n}\), and thus, only a single collision in the table is expected (though the actual number follows a Poisson distribution with a mean of 1). Thus, the right key can be found easily by going over all collisions in the table and checking the values of k they suggest. The data complexity of the attack is \(2^{n/2}\) known plaintexts, its time and memory complexities are about \(2^{n/2}\) operations, and its success probability is about \(63\%\).

In addition to the attack described above, Bar-On et al. presented a memoryless variant of the attack, based on classical cycle detection algorithms. The attack requires \(2^{n/2}\) adaptively chosen plaintexts, \(2^{n/2}\) time, and a negligible amount of memory.

3 The Slid Sets Attack

In this section we present a new cryptanalytic technique, the slid sets attack, and use it to attack 2-KSAfp with complexity \(O(2^{(n+s)/2})\) and 1-KSAs with complexity \(O(\sqrt{s} \cdot 2^{(n+s)/2})\). In particular, our attack allows us to break an AES-like cipher with secret S-boxes and the same round keys with complexity of \(2^{70.3}\) – only slightly higher than \(2^{64}\), which is a natural lower bound for the complexity of a slide attack on a 128-bit cipher.

The key idea behind the slide sets technique is to consider pairs of plaintext sets \(U = \{P_i\}_{i=1,\ldots ,d}\) and \(V = \{Q_j\}_{j=1,\ldots ,d}\), such that if for some \((i_0,j_0)\), \((P_{i_0},Q_{j_0})\) is a slid pair, then the entire set V is the slid counterpart of the entire set U, in the sense that for any \(P_i \in U\), there exists \(1 \le j \le d\) such that the slid counterpart of \(P_i\) is \(Q_j\). Interestingly, we will not be able to know (until the very end of the attack) which \(Q_j\) is the counterpart of a specific \(P_i\). This attack paradigm stands in contrast with all previously known slide attacks which treated either single slid pairs or slid tuples \((P_1,\ldots ,P_d),(Q_1,\ldots ,Q_d)\) in which each \(Q_i\) is the slid counterpart of \(P_i\).

We begin with presenting the attack in the special case of 2-KSAf, where its application is the simplest one. Then we show the more complex attack on 1-KSAs. Even more complex attacks on 2-KSAtpi and on 3-KSAfpi are given in full version.

3.1 Slid Sets Attack on 2-KSAf

The setting. For the sake of helping readability, we present the attack in the special case of 2K-AESfp (i.e., an AES-like cipher with 2-round periodic subkeys, publicly known S-boxes, and with a MixColumns operation in the last round). We assume that the number of rounds is even; it will be apparent from the attack that it applies to the ‘odd’ case without change (as the only difference it the last round’s key). First, we would like to simplify the problem.

Assume that \((P_i,Q_j)\) is a slid pair. This means that

$$ Q_j = MC \circ SR \circ SB \circ ARK_2 \circ MC \circ SR \circ SB \circ ARK_1 (P_i), $$

where \(ARK_\ell \) denotes key addition with the subkey \(k_\ell \). As was described in Sect. 2.1, we can peel off unkeyed operations by denoting \(\tilde{Q}_j = SR^{-1} \circ MC^{-1} \circ SB^{-1} \circ SR^{-1} \circ MC^{-1}(Q_j)\), and obtain

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{Q}_j = ARK'_2 \circ SB \circ ARK_1 (P_i), \end{aligned}$$

where \(ARK'_2\) denotes the addition of the subkey \(MC^{-1} \circ SR^{-1} (k_2)\). By the basic slide property, the relation between the corresponding ciphertexts \((C_i,D_j)\) is similar to the relation between the plaintexts (but of course, is not the same, due to the last round asymmetry). Namely, we have

$$ D_j = ARK_1 \circ MC \circ SR \circ SB \circ ARK_2 \circ MC \circ SR \circ SB (C_i). $$

Like with the plaintexts, this relation can be simplified to

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{D}_j = ARK'_1 \circ SB \circ ARK_2 (\bar{C}_i), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\bar{C}_i = MC \circ SR \circ SB(C_i)\), \(\tilde{D}_j = MC^{-1} \circ SR^{-1}(D_j)\), and \(ARK'_1\) denotes the addition of the subkey \(MC^{-1}\circ SR^{-1}(k_1)\) The important gain from obtaining the simplified equations is that now the transformation from \(P_i\) to \(\tilde{Q}_j\) consists of application of 16 independent functions on the bytes of the state, and the same goes for the transition from \(\bar{C}_i\) to \(\tilde{D}_j\). This plays a significant role in the attack.

Construction of candidate slid sets. The idea behind this step is as follows. Let \((P_i,Q_j),(P_{i'},Q_{j'})\) be slid pairs, and let \(\tilde{Q}_j, \tilde{Q}_{j'}\) be computed from \(Q_j,Q_{j'}\), as defined above. The fact that the transformation from \(P_i\) to \(\tilde{Q}_j\) consists of application of 16 independent functions on the bytes of the state, implies that if \(P_{i'}\) differs from \(P_i\) only in a single byte, then \(\tilde{Q}_{j'}\) differs from \(\tilde{Q}_j\) only in a single byte as well.

We observe that this property can be generalized from pairs to sets, as follows. Consider two sets \(U=\{P_i\}\), \(\tilde{V}=\{\tilde{Q}_j\}\) which form \(\varLambda \)-sets (see [12]) with respect to byte 0 of the state, i.e., each of them is a set of 256 values that are equal in all S-boxes but S-box 0, and attains all possible values in S-box 0. (Of course, the same can be performed with another byte instead of byte 0.) Let \(V=\{Q_j\}\) be the plaintext set obtained from \(\tilde{V}\) by setting \(Q_j = MC \circ SR \circ SB \circ MC \circ SR(\tilde{Q_j})\) for each \(\tilde{Q}_j \in \tilde{V}_j\). By the above property, if the slid counterpart of some \(P_i \in U\) is \(Q_j \in V\), then any \(P_{i'} \in U\) has a slid counterpart \(Q_{j'}\) in V. We call two sets of plaintexts UV that satisfy this property (namely, that each element of U has a slid counterpart in V and vice versa) slid sets.

The same process can be performed in the converse direction: Each candidate slid pair \((P_i,Q_j)\) suggests a pair of slid sets (UV), by defining U to be a \(\varLambda \)-set that contains \(P_i\), defining \(\tilde{V}\) to be a \(\varLambda \)-set that contains \(\tilde{Q}_j\), and computing V from \(\tilde{V}\) as described above. (Of course, we have to make sure that the permuted byte in the \(\varLambda \)-set is the same byte.) Importantly, we do not know which element in V is the slid counterpart of a given element of U; we only know that this counterpart exists in V, if indeed the original pair \((P_i,Q_j)\) is a slid pair.

The attack is based on collecting sufficiently many pairs of sets (UV), such that with a high probability the data contains a pair of slid sets. Then, the question is how to find the slid sets among them.

Identifying the slid sets. Let (UV) be a candidate pair of slid sets. Let \(W=\{C_i\}\) be the set of ciphertexts corresponding to the plaintexts of U, and let \(X=\{D_j\}\) be the set of ciphertexts corresponding to the plaintexts of V. Define the sets \(\bar{W}\) and \(\tilde{X}\) by setting \(\bar{C}_i = MC \circ SR \circ SB(C_i)\) for any \(C_i \in W\) and \(\tilde{D}_j = MC^{-1} \circ SR^{-1}(D_j)\) for any \(D_j \in X\). If (UV) are slid sets, then for each \(\bar{C}_i \in \bar{W}\), there exists \(\tilde{D}_j \in \tilde{W}\) such that Eq. (6) holds for the pair \((\bar{C}_i,\tilde{D}_j)\). However, we have to check many combinations of U and V, and even if we know that (UV) are slid sets, we do not know which \(Q_j\) corresponds to which \(P_i\).

Luckily, the relation (6) consists of applying 16 independent functions on the bytes of the state. This implies that in each byte separately, for each pair \(C_{i_1},C_{i_2} \in W\), the equality \(\bar{C}_{i_1}=\bar{C}_{i_2}\) holds if and only if the equality \(\tilde{D}_{j_1}=\tilde{D}_{j_2}\) holds for some \(D_{j_1},D_{j_2} \in X'\) (though, we still do not know for which values!). Consequently, the statistic: “how many values are attained q times in byte \(\ell \)” is preserved between the sets \(\bar{W}\) and \(\tilde{X}\), for any byte \(\ell \) and any multiplicity!

This can be used for obtaining a significant amount of filtering, in the following way. We pick sufficiently many \(\varLambda \)-sets \(U^l\) (all with the same permuted byte), and for each corresponding \(\bar{W}^l\), for each byte \(\ell \), we compute the sequence of multiplicities (i.e., the sequence which records: how many values are not obtained, how many are obtained once, etc.), defined formally by

$$ a^\ell _q = \Big | \left\{ v \in \left\{ 0,1,\ldots ,255\right\} : |\left\{ \bar{C}_i \in \bar{W^l}: (\bar{C}_i)_\ell = v\right\} | = q\right\} \Big |, $$

and store the sequence-of-sequences \((a_q^\ell )_{\ell =0,1,\ldots ,15,q=0,1,\ldots }\) in a hash table. Then, we pick sufficiently many \(\varLambda \)-sets \(\tilde{V}^l\), and for each corresponding \(V^l\), we look at the ciphertext structure \(X^l\) corresponding to \(V^l\). For each corresponding \(\tilde{X}^l\), we compute the sequence \(\{b^\ell _q\}_{\ell =0,1,\ldots ,15, q=0,1,\ldots }\) defined by

$$ b^\ell _q, = \Big |\left\{ v \in \{0,1,\ldots ,255\}: |\left\{ \tilde{D}_j \in \tilde{X}^l: (\tilde{D}_j)_\ell = v\right\} | = q\right\} \Big |, $$

and check for a match in the table. If \((U^i,V^j)\) are slid sets, a match must occur.

We now analyze the probability that two unrelated sets match, i.e., we calculate an upper bound on the probability that two non-slid sets have the same sequences. For this analysis, we can safely assume that each of the sets induce a sequence generated by picking 256 random values selected from \(\{0,1,\ldots ,255\}\). If the two vectors have for each multiplicity the same number of elements, then the sequences collide, i.e., if the number of elements not appearing in both sets is different, then the sequences do collide. We can thus define the multiplicity vector for each set—how many elements appear zero times, once, twice, etc.

The actual distribution of the multiplicity vector is a multinomial one. As we are interested in an upper bound on the collision probability of two such multiplicity vectors, we offer a lower bound on the entropy of these vectors. To do so, we consider the number of values that do not appear. While we expect about 256/e such elements, the exact number of values not appearing follows a binomial distribution for 256 experiments, each with success probability of 1/e. The entropy of this binomial distribution is \(\frac{1}{2}\log _2(2\pi \cdot e \cdot 256 \cdot \frac{1}{e} \cdot (1-\frac{1}{e})) \approx 4.99\) bits. The same is true also w.r.t. the number of entries which appear once.

Thus, each byte of the sequence carries at least 9.98 bits of information, or in total for the entire state more than 159 bits of information. This is more than enough to detect all correct pairs of slid sets \((U^i,V^j)\) with an overwhelming probability. We verified experimentally that this statistic contains at least 8 bits of information in each byte (and thus, at least 128 bits of information in total), assuming random and uniform distribution of the ciphertexts.

Retrieving the key from a pair of slid sets. Given a pair of slid sets \((U^i,V^j)\), and the corresponding sets of values \((\bar{W}^i,\tilde{X}^j)\) we can easily and efficiently find the round keys \(k_2\) and \(k'_1 = MC^{-1}(k_1)\). The attack is based on Eq. (6), which consists of 16 independent byte equations of the form \((\tilde{D}_j)_{\ell } = (ARK'_1 \circ SB \circ ARK_2 (\bar{C}_i))_{\ell }\), as was mentioned above. In each byte \(\ell \), we know from W the multiplicity of each value entering this byte (e.g., input value 0 appears once in \(\bar{W}^i\) in this byte position). Note that the statistic we use here is more refined than the statistic we used above: we do not only ask how many values are obtained q times, but rather which are the values that are obtained q times.

We now guess the value of byte \(\ell \) of \(k_2\) and of \(k'_1\), and so, we can compute the value \((ARK'_1 \circ SB \circ ARK_2 (\bar{C}_i))_{\ell }\) for each \(C_i \in W\). We compute this value for every \(\bar{C}_i \in \bar{W}\), and check whether the multiplicities of the obtained values conform to their multiplicities in \(\tilde{X}^j\). If there is no match, we discard the guess of \((k_2)_{\ell }(k'_1)_{\ell }\).

This procedure offers a very strong filtering, and so with overwhelming probability, in each byte only a single candidate for \(k_2\) and \(k'_1\) remains.

We note that this attack algorithm does not rely on the actual order of keys used in the last two rounds. Thus, even though we presented the attack for the case of even number of rounds, it can be applied in exactly the same way to an odd number of rounds (where Eq. (6) is replaced by \(\tilde{D}_j = ARK'_2 \circ SB \circ ARK_1(\bar{C_i})\) and we obtain a single candidate for \(k_1\) and \(k'_2\)).

The attack algorithm. As shown in Algorithm 2, we consider two structures \(\mathcal{{T}}_P,\mathcal{{T}}_Q\) of \(2^{68}\) chosen plaintexts each. The structure \(\mathcal{{T}}_P\) consists of \(2^{60}\) \(\varLambda \)-sets, all with the first byte permuted and the rest fixed. Similarly, \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q\) is chosen such that \(\tilde{\mathcal{{T}}_Q}\) contains \(2^{60}\) \(\varLambda \)-sets, all with the first byte permuted and the rest fixed. We then compute for each \(\varLambda \)-set in \(\mathcal{{T}}_P\) its \(a_q^\ell \) statistics and for each \(\varLambda \)-set in \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q\) its \(b_q^\ell \) statistics, and look for collisions between the statistics. Once such a collision is found (i.e., a pair of slid sets is identified), we apply the key recovery algorithm.

The data complexity of the attack is \(2^{69}\) chosen plaintexts, the memory complexity is \(2^{69}\) and the time complexity is \(2^{69}\) as well. The success probability is the probability that the data contains a pair of slid sets. As the probability of each set pair of sets \(U^i \in \mathcal{{T}}_P\) and \(V^j \in \mathcal{{T}}_Q\) to be slid is \(2^{-120}\) (since a match in 15 bytes is needed), the probability of containing pair of slid sets is \(1-(1-2^{-120})^{2^{120}} \approx 0.63\), which is the success rate of the attack.

Attacking 2-KSAfp. The same attack applies to any variant of 2-KSAfp, either with complete or incomplete diffusion. The data, memory and time complexities are \(2^{(n+s)/2+1} = O(2^{(n+s)/2})\).

3.2 Slid Sets Attack on 1-KSAs

In this section we show that a modification of the above attack can be used to break 1-KSA in which the operation S is key-dependent – i.e., consists of a parallel application of n/s key-dependent permutations on s-bit words. The complexity of the attack is only slightly higher than the complexity of the attack described above – namely, data, memory, and time complexity of \(2 \sqrt{s \log 2} 2^{(n+s)/2} = O(\sqrt{s}2^{(n+s)/2})\) (i.e., a factor of \(\sqrt{s \log 2}\) with respect to the attack of Sect. 3.1).

The setting. For the sake of helping readability, we first present the attack in the special case of 1K-AESf with a key-dependent S-box. A related variant (1-KSAfs) was studied in a number of papers, e.g., [21, 23, 30, 31]. First, we would like to simplify the problem.

Assume that \((P_i,Q_j)\) is a slid pair. This means that

$$ Q_j = MC \circ SR \circ SB \circ ARK(P_i), $$

where ARK denotes key addition with the subkey k. We can peel off the unkeyed operations MCSR by denoting \(\tilde{Q}_j = SR^{-1} \circ MC^{-1}(Q_j)\), and obtain

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{Q}_j = SB \circ ARK(P_i). \end{aligned}$$

By the slide property, the corresponding ciphertexts \((C_i,D_j)\) satisfy

$$ D_j = ARK \circ MC \circ SR \circ SB(C_i). $$

We can simplify this relation by interchanging the operations ARK and MC, at the expense of replacing the subkey k with \(SR^{-1} \circ MC^{-1} (k)\), and then peeling off MC and SR as well. We obtain

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{D}_j = ARK' \circ SB(C_i). \end{aligned}$$

Detection of slid sets. Equations (7) and (8) show that the transformation from \(P_i\) to \(\tilde{Q}_j\) consists of application of 16 independent functions on the bytes of the state, and the same goes for the transition from \(C_i\) to \(\tilde{D}_j\). Hence, we can use the same algorithm for detecting slid sets in as the previous attack (i.e., using the sequences \(a^\ell _q\) and \(b^\ell _q\) that count multiplicities of values).

figure b

Deducing slid pairs from slid sets. The remaining goal is to retrieve the subkey k and the key-dependent S-box S given a few pairs of slid sets \((U^i,V^j)\). (As we shall see, a single pair of slid sets does not contain enough information for determining the S-box uniquely). The simple algorithm for this step described above cannot be applied here since the S-box S is unknown. Instead, we make use of a refined statistic that allows us deducing the slid counterpart \(Q_j \in V\) of each \(P_i \in U\). Namely, while in Sect. 3.1 we used the multiplicities of values in each byte separately, here we use the sequence of multiplicities of a value in all bytes simultaneously.

As in Sect. 3.1, we denote by WX the sets of ciphertexts that correspond to the plaintext sets UV, respectively. Furthermore, we denote by \(\tilde{X}\) the set obtained from X by setting \(\tilde{D}_j = SR^{-1} \circ MC^{-1}(D_j)\), for any \(D_j \in X\).

For each \(C_i \in W\), and for each byte \(0 \le \ell \le 15\), we count the number of other elements \(C_{i'} \in W\) such that \((C_i)_\ell = (C_{i'})_\ell \). That is, we construct the 16-element sequence \(\{c^i_{\ell }\}_{\ell =0,1,\ldots ,15}\), where

$$ c^i_\ell = |\{C_{i'} \in W: (i' \ne i) \wedge ((C_i)_\ell = (C_{i'})_\ell ) \}|. $$

Similarly, for each \(\tilde{D}_j \in \tilde{X}\), and for each byte \(0 \le \ell \le 15\), we construct the 16-element sequence \(\{d^j_{\ell }\}_{\ell =0,1,\ldots ,15}\), where

$$ d^j_\ell = |\{\tilde{D}_{j'} \in \tilde{X}: (j' \ne j) \wedge ((\tilde{D}_{j'})_\ell = (\tilde{D}_{j})_\ell ) \}|. $$

We observe that the statistic represented by the sequences \(\{c^i_{\ell }\}\) and \(\{d^j_{\ell }\}\) is preserved by slid pairs. That is, if \(Q_j\) is the slid counterpart of \(P_i\), then the corresponding sequences \(\{c^i_{\ell }\},\{d^j_{\ell }\}\) must be equal! Indeed, if for some \(i'\) we have \((C_i)_\ell = (C_{i'})_\ell \), then the equality \((\tilde{D}_{j})_\ell = (\tilde{D}_{j'})_\ell \) must hold for \(\tilde{D}_j\), where \(Q_{j'}\) is the slid counterpart of \(P_{i'}\). Therefore, we can retrieve the right slid pairs \((P_i,Q_j)\) by the simple procedure described in Algorithm 3.

figure c

We experimentally checked and found that the statistic \((c^i_\ell )_{\ell =0,1,\ldots ,15}\) contains about 27 bits of information, assuming random and uniform distribution of the ciphertexts. This means that the probability of a random pair \((P_i,Q_j)\) to yield a match in the table is \(2^{-27}\). As the plaintext sets (UV) contain only \(2^{16}\) pairs \((P_i,Q_j)\), with a high probability only the right slid pairs match in the table.

Hence, the above algorithm, whose complexity is about \(2^{16}\) operations, finds the slid counterpart \(Q_j \in V\) of each \(P_i \in U\).

Retrieving the secret material, given several pairs of slid sets. By Eq. (8) (applied in each byte separately), each slid pair \((P_i,Q_j)\) provides us with an input/output pair for the function \(f_\ell (x) = k'_{\ell } \oplus SB(x)\), where \(k'_{\ell }\) denotes the \(\ell \)’s byte of \(k'=SR^{-1} \circ MC^{-1} (k)\). Hence, each pair of slid sets provides us with 256 input/output pairs for each function \(f_{\ell }\). However, these input/output pairs are not distinct. A reasonable assumption is that the values \((C_i)_{\ell }\) (where \(C_i\) ranges over elements of W) are distributed uniformly at random in \(\{0,1,\ldots ,255\}\). Hence, by the coupon collector’s problem, we need \(256 \cdot \log 256\) input/output pairs in order to recover \(f_\ell \) completely with a high probability. Therefore, about \(\log 256 \approx 6\) pairs of slid sets are sufficient for recovering all functions \(f_{\ell }\).

Once the function \(ARK' \circ SB\) is recovered, the key k can be recovered instantly, by picking some (already queried) ciphertext C and partially decrypting it using the knowledge of the functions \(ARK' \circ SB, SR, MC\). The entire decryption process can be simulated, except for the initial ARK operation. Hence, we obtain the value \(P \oplus k\), where P is the plaintext that corresponds to C. As P is known, k can be retrieved.

The complexity of the attack. The attack presented above contains two steps, in addition to the steps of the attack described in Sect. 3.1. The first is a step that recovers slid pairs from pairs of slid sets. As described above, the complexity of this step is \(2^{16}\), which is negligible with respect to other steps of the attack. The second step is recovering the function \(ARK' \circ SB\). Its complexity is also negligible, but it requires 6 pairs of slid sets, instead of a single pair in the attack of Sect. 3.1. This increases the data complexity of the attack by a factor of \(\sqrt{6}\), and increases the data and time complexity of the attack accordingly.

Therefore, the data, memory and time complexity of the attack on 1K-AES with a secret S-box and a MixColumns operation in the last round, is about \(2^{70.3}\), and its success probability is about 63%.

Attacking 1-KSAs. The same attack applies to any variant of 1-KSAfs. The only difference is that the number of required pairs of slid sets is \(s \log 2 = \log (2^s)\) (instead of \(\log 256\) in 1K-AES). Hence, the data, memory, and time complexity of the attack is \(2\sqrt{s\log 2} \cdot 2^{(n+s)/2}\).

Furthermore, the attack applies with the same complexity also to any variant of 1-KSAts. Indeed, the difference between 1-KSAfs and 1-KSAts is in the relation between \(C_i\) and \(D_j\), which becomes

$$ D_j = ARK \circ SR \circ SB \circ ARK \circ MC \circ ARK(C_i). $$

By replacing ARK with linear operations, we can simplify this equation into

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{D}_j = ARK' \circ SB \circ ARK''(\bar{C}_i), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\tilde{D}_j = SR^{-1}(D_j)\), \(\bar{C}_i = MC(C_i)\), \(ARK'\) denotes addition with \(SR^{-1}(k)\) and \(ARK''\) denotes addition with \(MC(k) \oplus k\). Equation (9) has exactly the same structure as Eq. (8), and hence, the attack described above applies, with the same complexity, to 1-KSAts.

4 Slide Attack Using a Hypercube of Slid Pairs

In this section we present a new technique which we call a hypercube of slid pairs, and use it to attack 1-KSAts (with a secret S-box) with data, memory, and time complexity of \(\sqrt{s}2^{(n+s(s/2+1)+s/2)/2+1}\) (in the special case of 1K-AESt: \(2^{88}\)). For sake of concreteness, we demonstrate the attack on 1K-AES.

The idea behind the attack. The attack consists of two steps. First we detect a slid pair, and then we use it to recover the key used in the ARK operation and in the secret S-box. In order to detect a slid pair, we want to attach to each candidate slid pair many “friend pairs”, such that if the candidate is indeed a slid pair, then all the friend pairs are slid pairs as well.

To be specific, we consider 1K-AES with a secret S-box. Consider a slid pair \((P_i,Q_j)\). As was shown in Sect. 3.2, the relation between \(P_i\) and \(Q_j\) can be simplified into the equation \(\tilde{Q}_j = SB \circ ARK(P_i)\), where \(\tilde{Q}_j = SR^{-1}\, \circ \, MC^{-1}(Q_j)\). Furthermore, it was shown that if \((P_i,Q_j),(P_{i'},Q_{j'})\) are slid pairs, \(\tilde{Q}_j, \tilde{Q}_{j'}\) are computed from \(Q_j,Q_{j'}\), and if \(P_{i'}\) differs from \(P_i\) only in a single byte, then \(\tilde{Q}_{j'}\) differs from \(\tilde{Q}_j\) only in a single byte as well.

It follows that if we take \(a,a'\) be two vectors that are non-zero only in byte 0 (where they assume arbitrary values), then with probability \(2^{-8}\), \((P_i \oplus a,\tilde{Q}_{j} \oplus a')\) also corresponds to a slid pair.

In the same way, we take values bcde which are non-zero only in byte 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively. Then we define \(b',c',d',e'\) similarly to the definition of \(a'\), and obtain the pairs \((P_i \oplus b,\tilde{Q}_{j} \oplus b'), \ldots , (P_i \oplus e,\tilde{Q}_{j} \oplus e')\), such that each of them is a slid pair with probability \(2^{-8}\). Thus, we may attach to the pair \((P_i,Q_j)\) five friend pairs, such that if \((P_i,Q_j)\) is a slid pair, then each of its friend pairs is a slid pair with probability \(2^{-8}\).

Constructing a hypercube of slid pairs. We are ready to present the construction of the hypercube of slid pairs. Assume that all five pairs \((P_i \oplus a,\tilde{Q}_{j} \oplus a'), \ldots , (P_i \oplus e,\tilde{Q}_{j} \oplus e')\) correspond to slid pairs. We observe that this implies that for any quintet \(\alpha = (\alpha _1,\alpha _2,\alpha _3,\alpha _4,\alpha _5) \in \{0,1\}^5\), the pair

$$ (P_i \oplus \alpha _1 a \oplus \alpha _2 b \oplus \alpha _3 c \oplus \alpha _4 d \oplus \alpha _5 e, \tilde{Q}_j \oplus \alpha _1 a' \oplus \alpha _2 b' \oplus \alpha _3 c' \oplus \alpha _4 d' \oplus \alpha _5 e') $$

is a slid pair as well. Indeed, in each of the 16 functions applied in parallel, the two values of the new slid pair are equal either to the values of \((P_i,\tilde{Q}_j)\) or to the values of one of its 5 “friends” which we assumed to be slid pairs as well. (For example, in byte 0 the values are equal either to those of \((P_i,\tilde{Q}_j)\) or to those of \((P_{i} \oplus a,\tilde{Q}_j \oplus a')\).) We denote the new pair by \((P_{i,\alpha },\tilde{Q}_{j,\alpha })\).

This allows us to leverage 5 friend pairs into \(2^5-1\) friend pairs (or more generally, t friend pairs into \(2^t-1\) friend pairs). As the friend pairs we construct correspond to the vertices of the hypercube \(\{0,1\}^t\), we call this method of constructing a hypercube of slid pairs. We note that this construction idea is motivated by the mixture differential attack presented by Grassi [22]. Hence, so far we have attached to the pair \((P_i,Q_j)\) 31 friend pairs, such that if \((P_i,Q_j)\) is a slid pair, then with probability \(2^{-40}\), all the friend pairs are slid pairs as well.

Using the hypercube of slid pairs in the attack. Consider the ciphertexts \((C_i,D_j)\) that correspond to a slid pair \((P_i,Q_j)\). As was shown in Sect. 3.2, the relation between \(C_i\) and \(D_j\) can be simplified into the equation

$$ \tilde{D}_j = ARK' \circ SB(C_i). $$

As both the transformation from \(P_i\) to \(\tilde{Q}_j\) and the transformation from \(C_i\) to \(\tilde{D}_j\) consist of application of 16 independent functions on the bytes of the state, it follows that if for some \(\alpha , \alpha ' \in \{0,1\}^5\) and for some byte \(\ell \in \{0,1,\ldots ,15\}\), we have \((C_{i,\alpha })_{\ell } = (C_{i,\alpha '})_{\ell }\), then we must have \((D_{j,\alpha })_{\ell } = (D_{j,\alpha '})_{\ell }\) as well. Note that the same property was exploited in the attack of Sect. 3.2. In our attack, the size of the structure is smaller, which restricts the amount of information that can be collected. On the other hand, we know that the slid counterpart of each \(P_{i,\alpha }\) is \(Q_{i, \alpha }\), and this turns out to be sufficient for detecting the slid pairs.

Indeed, the expected number of such collisions is \(2^{-8} \cdot {{32}\atopwithdelims (){2}} \cdot 16 = 31\). We denote each such collision by the triple \((\alpha ,\alpha ',\ell )\), and store the list of all collisions in a lexicographic order. The exhaustive list of all locations of collisions contains more than 256 bits of information, and thus, the probability that two lists of triples that do not originate from a slid pair are equal, is negligible. Hence, equality of two lists implies a slid pair (with overwhelming probability).

Recovering the secret S-box. Once a slid pair \((P_i,Q_j)\), along with 31 friend pairs, are detected, they provide us with 32 input/output values to the function \(ARK \circ SB\). As was shown in Sect. 3.2, about \(256 \log 256 \approx 1420\) input/output values are needed in order to recover the S-box, and thus, we have to take a sufficiently large data set so that it will contain at least 45 slid pairs. Namely, we take two structures \(\mathcal{{T}}_P,\mathcal{{T}}_Q\) of \(2^{87}\) plaintexts each. The structures contain \(2^{174}\) pairs. As the probability that a pair and all its friend pairs are slid pairs is \(2^{-128} \cdot 2^{-40} = 2^{-168}\), the expected number of slid hypercubes is 64, and so, with a high probability the number of slid pairs is sufficient for recovering \(ARK \circ SB\). Once this operation is recovered, all the operations in the cipher except for the final ARK operation are known, and thus, the key k can be immediately retrieved. The resulting attack algorithm is given in Algorithm 4.

We note that the plaintext structures can be chosen in such a way that constructing the friend pairs does not require increasing the data complexity. Indeed, we can choose each of the structures \(\mathcal{{T}}_P,\tilde{\mathcal{{T}}_Q}\) as a union of \(2^{47}\) sub-structures of size \(2^{40}\), where in each sub-structure, all plaintexts attain some equal value in bytes \(5,6,\ldots ,15\) and all possible values in bytes \(0,1,\ldots ,4\). This guarantees that for any \(a,b,c,d,e,\alpha \) and for any \(P_i \in \mathcal{{T}}_P\), the value \(P_i \oplus \alpha _1 a \oplus \alpha _2 b \oplus \alpha _3 c \oplus \alpha _4 d \oplus \alpha _5 e\) also belongs to \(\mathcal{{T}}_P\), and the same for \(\tilde{\mathcal{{T}}_Q}\).

figure d

As was explained above, the algorithm requires \(2^{88}\) chosen plaintexts, memory and time, and succeeds with a high probability. The same attack applies to any variant of 1-KSAts (possibly with a complete diffusion). First, in the detection of a hypercube of slid pairs of dimension t (given s-bit S-boxes in n-bit cipher) we get from each candidate hypercube \(2^{-s} \cdot {{2^t}\atopwithdelims (){2}} \cdot n/s\) values in the list. As each such value suggests about s bits of entropy (i.e., a total of \(2^{-s} \cdot {{2^t}\atopwithdelims (){2}} \cdot n\) bits), and as we have at most \(2^{2n}\) sets of slid pairs, we require that \(2^{-s} \cdot {{2^t}\atopwithdelims (){2}} \cdot n \approx 2n\). In other words, one needs to set \(2^{2t-s-1} \cdot n = 2n\), i.e., \(t=\lceil s/2\rceil \). Now, if \(\mathcal{{T}}_P\) and \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q\) have D plaintexts each, we expect \(D^2 \cdot 2^{-n} \cdot 2^{-ts}\) hypercubes of slid pairs, each suggesting \(2^t\) slid pairs. As we need about \(\log {2^s}\cdot 2^s\approx 0.7 \cdot s \cdot 2^s\) slid pairs, we need \(D = \sqrt{s}\cdot 2^{(n+s(s/2+1)+s/2)/2}\), or a total of data, memory, and time complexities of \(\sqrt{s}2^{(n+s(s/2+1)+s/2)/2+1}\).

We note that the complexity of the ‘hypercube of slides’ attack on 1-KSAts is inferior to the complexity of the ‘slid sets’ attack of Sect. 3.2. However, this attack may be advantageous in specific instances of 1-KSAts, e.g., when the operation S admits differential characteristics with a non-negligible probability.

5 Slide Attack Using Suggestive Plaintext Structures

In this section we present a new technique which we call suggestive plaintext structures, and use it to attack 1-KSAt (and in particular, 1K-AES) with data, memory of \(3 \cdot 2^{n/2}\) and time complexity of \(4 \cdot 2^{n/2}\). Interestingly, unlike most other slide attacks, this attack’s success rate is guaranteed at 100%.

The idea behind the attack is using two tailor-made plaintext structures \(\mathcal{{T}}_P=\{P_i\}_{i=1,\ldots ,2^{n/2}}\) and \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q=\{Q_j\}_{j=1,\ldots ,2^{n/2}}\), such that the mere knowledge that some \(P_i\) has a slid counterpart in the structure \(\{Q_j\}\) (even without the knowledge of which \(Q_j\) exactly is the counterpart) yields some key information that can be used in the attack.

To be specific, we consider 1K-AES. Let \(\mathcal{{T}}_P=\{P_i\}\) be a structure of \(2^{64}\) plaintexts that assume the constant value 0 in \(\mathrm {Col}(2,3)\), and assume all \(2^{64}\) possible values in \(\mathrm {Col}(0,1)\). We let \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q=\{Q_j\}\) be a structure of \(2^{64}\) plaintexts such that the plaintexts of the corresponding structure \(\tilde{\mathcal{{T}}_Q} = \{\tilde{Q}_j\}\) (where for each j, \(\tilde{Q}_j = SB^{-1} \circ SR^{-1} \circ MC^{-1} (Q_j)\)) assume the constant value 0 in \(\mathrm {Col}(0,1)\), and assume all \(2^{64}\) possible values in \(\mathrm {Col}(2,3)\).

The main observations behind the attack. Observe that \((P_i,Q_j)\) is a slid pair if and only if the corresponding pair \((P_i,\tilde{Q}_j)\) satisfies \(P_i \oplus \tilde{Q}_j = k\). We use two conclusions of this observation:

  1. 1.

    Friend pairs for free. If \((P_i,\tilde{Q}_j)\) is a slid pair, then for any a, \((P_i \oplus a,\tilde{Q}_j \oplus a)\) is a slid pair as well.

    This allows attaching to each candidate slid pair a friend pair, thus enhancing the filtering condition on the ciphertext side. However, in our case, we have \(\tilde{Q}_j \oplus a \in \tilde{\mathcal{{T}}_Q}\) only if \(a_{\mathrm {Col}(0,1)} = 0\). In such a case, \(P_i \oplus a \not \in \mathcal{{T}}_P\), unless \(a=0\) (which means that the new pair is identical to the initial one).

    To overcome this problem, we add to the data set another structure \(\mathcal{{T}}_R=\{R_i\}\) of \(2^{64}\) plaintexts that assume the constant value 0 in \(\mathrm {Col}(2)\) and the constant value 1 in \(\mathrm {Col}(3)\), and assume all \(2^{64}\) possible values in \(\mathrm {Col}(0,1)\). Then, we can attach to each \(P_i \in \mathcal{{T}}_P\) a friend \(R_i = P_i \oplus (0,0,0,1) \in \mathcal{{T}}_R\), such that for each \(Q_j \in \mathcal{{T}}_Q\), the pair \((P_i,\tilde{Q}_j)\) is a slid pair if and only if \((R_i,\tilde{Q}_j \oplus (0,0,0,1))\) is a slid pair as well. We denote the ciphertext that corresponds to the plaintext \(R_i\) by \(F_i\). Furthermore, we denote the element of \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q\) that corresponds to \(\tilde{Q}_j \oplus (0,0,0,1) \in \tilde{\mathcal{{T}}_Q}\) by \(Q_j'\), and denote the corresponding ciphertext by \(D'_j\).

  2. 2.

    Key information for free. Since all \(\tilde{Q}_j \in \mathcal{{T}}_Q\) satisfies \((\tilde{Q}_j)_{\mathrm {Col}(0,1)}=0\), it follows that for any \(P_i \in \mathcal{{T}}_P\), we may have \(P_i \oplus \tilde{Q}_j = k\) only if \((P_i)_{\mathrm {Col}(0,1)} = k_{\mathrm {Col}(0,1)}\). Therefore, when we consider some \(P_i \in \mathcal{{T}}_P\) as a candidate for being part of a slid pair (with counterpart from \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q\)), we immediately obtain a candidate value for the two initial columns of the key k. Of course, the adversary does not know whether some \(P_i \in \mathcal{{T}}_P\) has a slid counterpart in \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q\), and so does not obtain the key information directly. However, this key information can be used indirectly to check the validity of many slid pair candidates simultaneously, as shown below.

We note that the latter observation also explains why the attack succeeds deterministically. By the choice of the structure \(\mathcal{{T}}_P\), its elements assume all possible values in \(\mathrm {Col}(0,1)\). In particular, for the right secret key k, there exists \(P_i \in \mathcal{{T}}_P\) such that \((P_i)_{\mathrm {Col}(0,1)} = k_{\mathrm {Col}(0,1)}\). For that plaintext \(P_i\), we have \((P_i \oplus k)_{\mathrm {Col}(0,1)} = 0\). However, the structure \(\tilde{\mathcal{{T}}_Q}\) contains all \(2^{64}\) values whose first two columns are equal to 0. Hence, \(\tilde{Q}_j := P_i \oplus k \in \tilde{\mathcal{{T}}_Q}\), and so, \((P_i,\tilde{Q}_j)\) is a slid pair. Hence, the data set is guaranteed to contain a slid pair.

Exploiting the key information. Assume that \((P_i,Q_j)\) is a slid pair. Then, due to the omission of MixColumns from the last round of AES, the corresponding ciphertexts satisfy the relation

$$\begin{aligned} D_j = ARK \circ SR \circ SB \circ ARK \circ MC \circ ARK(C_i). \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, since \((R_i,\tilde{Q}_j \oplus (0,0,0,1))\) is a slid pair (by property (1) above), the corresponding ciphertexts \(F_i,D'_j\), satisfy

$$\begin{aligned} D'_j = ARK \circ SR \circ SB \circ ARK \circ MC \circ ARK(F_i). \end{aligned}$$

Now, assume that some specific \(P_i \in \mathcal{{T}}_P\) has a slid counterpart in \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q\). By property (2) above, this implies \(k_{\mathrm {Col}(0,1)} = (P_i)_{\mathrm {Col}(0,1)}\). This allows us to compute \(\mathrm {Col}(0,1)\) of \(ARK \circ MC \circ ARK (C_i)\) (since we know \(k_{\mathrm {Col}(0,1)}\)), and consequently, also shifted columns \(SR(\mathrm {Col}(0,1))\) of the state \(SR \circ SB \circ ARK \circ MC \circ ARK(C_i)\). In a similar way, we can compute the value of shifted columns \(SR(\mathrm {Col}(0,1))\) of the state \(SR \circ SB \circ ARK \circ MC \circ ARK(F_i)\). Hence, we can compute the value of shifted columns \(SR(\mathrm {Col}(0,1))\) of

$$\begin{aligned} SR\, \circ \,&SB \circ ARK \circ MC \circ ARK(C_i) \oplus SR \circ SB \circ ARK \circ MC \circ ARK(F_i) \\&= ARK \circ SR \circ SB \circ ARK \circ MC \circ ARK(C_i)\, \oplus \\&~~~~~~~ ARK \circ SR \circ SB \circ ARK \circ MC \circ ARK(F_i). \end{aligned}$$

By Eqs. (10), (11), this value is equal to \((D_j \oplus D'_j)_{SR(\mathrm {Col}(0,1))}\). This gives us a 64-bit filtering condition that can be checked for all j’s simultaneously, by searching for a collision in a precomputed hash table. This results in the attack algorithm given in Algorithm 5.

figure e

Since the match checked in the hash table is a 64-bit filtering condition, in expectation a single value of j is suggested for each value of i. As each match yields a suggestion for the entire key, any random match is almost surely discarded using a single additional encryption operation. (The probability that some wrong guess survives is as low as \(2^{-64}\), and so, can be neglected.) On the other hand, as explained above, the data set must contain a slid pair \((P_i,Q_j)\), and this slid pair suggests the correct value of the secret key.

Therefore, the attack requires data complexity of \(3 \cdot 2^{64}\) chosen plaintexts, memory complexity of \(3 \cdot 2^{64}\), time complexity of \(4 \cdot 2^{64}\) encryptions, and succeeds with probability 100%.

The attack applies, with exactly the same complexity, to any variant of 1-KSAt with incomplete diffusion. Indeed, the only place where the exact structure of AES was used in the attack is the ability to compute 64 bits of the value \(ARK \circ MC \circ ARK(C_i)\), given \(k_{\mathrm {Col}(0,1)}\). The adversary has this ability (or equivalent ability with some other part of the state) as long as the operation A is applied to blocks of size at most half of the state. This is indeed the case in any variant of 1-KSAt with incomplete diffusion. Therefore, we obtain an attack with data complexity of \(3 \cdot 2^{n/2}\) chosen plaintexts, memory complexity of \(3 \cdot 2^{n/2}\), time complexity of \(4 \cdot 2^{n/2}\) encryptions, and success probability of 100%.

For 1-KSAt with complete diffusion, the above attack does not apply, and we are not aware of any attack with complexity close to \(2^{n/2}\) on this variant.

6 Substitution Slide Attack

We now present a new technique which we call substitution slide, and use it to attack 1-KSAt (and in particular, 1K-AES) using only \(2^{n/2}\) known plaintexts, \(2^{n/2}\) memory and about \(2^{3n/4}\) time. Unlike the attack presented in Sect. 5, this attack applies also for 1-KSAt with complete diffusion.

The idea behind the attack. As before, we present the attack on 1K-AES for sake of simplicity. Consider a structure \(\mathcal{{T}}_P\) of \(2^{64}\) known plaintexts, and let \(\tilde{T}\) be the structure obtained byFootnote 7 setting \(\tilde{P}_i = SB^{-1} \circ SR^{-1} \circ MC^{-1} (P_i)\) for any \(P_i \in \mathcal{{T}}_P\). As was explained in Sect. 5, if \((P_i,P_j)\) is a slid pair, then we have:

$$ \left\{ \begin{array}{c l} P_i \oplus \tilde{P}_j = k, \\ C_j = ARK \circ SR \circ SB \circ ARK \circ MC \circ ARK (C_i). \end{array} \right. $$

The basic observation we use in this attack is that the (simpler) first equation can be substituted into the (complex) second equation, in order to get rid of key dependence.

Specifically, the second equation can be rewritten as

$$\begin{aligned} SB^{-1} \circ SR^{-1} \circ ARK(C_j) = ARK \circ MC \circ ARK (C_i). \end{aligned}$$

The right hand side of this equation can be written as

$$ ARK \circ MC \circ ARK (C_i) = k \oplus MC(C_i \oplus k) = MC(k) \oplus k \oplus MC(C_i), $$

Now, we can get rid of the key dependence by substituting the value of k from the first equation above. We have

$$ MC(k)\oplus k \oplus M \cdot C_i = MC(P_i \oplus \tilde{P}_j)\oplus P_i \oplus \tilde{P}_j \oplus MC(C_i). $$

Hence, Eq. (12) can be rewritten as

$$\begin{aligned} SB^{-1} \circ SR^{-1} \circ ARK(C_j) \oplus MC(\tilde{P}_j) \oplus \tilde{P}_j = MC(P_i)\oplus P_i \oplus MC(C_i). \end{aligned}$$

Equation (13) is almost what we need. The right hand side depends only on \((P_i,C_i)\) and thus can be computed in advance for all values of i and stored in a hash table. The left hand side depends on \((P_j,C_j)\); however, it depends also on the secret key, and thus, we cannot just evaluate it for all j and check for a match in the table.

In order to evaluate \(\ell \) bytes of the left hand side, we have to guess \(\ell \) bytes of the key k. However, this does not really provide filtering, as the amount of filtering we obtain is equal to the amount of key material we have to guess. Instead, we appeal again to the first equation, and note that it also provides \(\ell \) bytes of filtering, once \(\ell \) bytes of k are guessed. Therefore, we obtain \(2\ell \) bytes of filtering, at the expense of guessing \(\ell \) key bytes.

The attack algorithm. Choosing \(\ell =4\), this allows mounting the attack described in Algorithm 6.

figure f

Since the match checked in the hash table is a 64-bit filtering condition, on expectation a single value of i is suggested for each value of j. As each match yields a suggestion for the entire key, any random match is almost surely discarded using a single additional encryption operation. (The probability that at least one wrong candidate pair is not discarded is as low as \(2^{-32}\), and thus, can be neglected). On the other hand, the data set contains a slid pair with probability \(1-(1-2^{-128})^{2^{128}} \approx 0.63\), and for the correct guess of \(k_{SR(\mathrm {Col}(0))}\), each slid pair suggests the correct value of the secret key.

Therefore, the attack requires data complexity of \(2^{64}\) known plaintexts, memory complexity of \(2^{64}\), and time complexity of \(2^{96}\) encryptions, and succeeds with probability of about 63%.

The attack applies to any variant of 1-KSAt in which the transformations S, A are publicly known, including variants with complete diffusion. Indeed, the exact structure of AES (or more generally, the incomplete diffusion of the MixColumns transformation) are not used in the attack at all. Therefore, we obtain an attack with data complexity of \(2^{n/2}\) known plaintexts, memory complexity of \(2^{n/2}\), time complexity of \(2^{3n/4}\) encryptions, and succeeds probability of about 63%.

We note that the time complexity can be somewhat reduced by choosing another value of \(\ell \) and using two plaintext structures of different sizes. For example, in the case of AES, the time complexity can be reduced to \(2^{88}\), by guessing 5 key bytes (instead of 4), taking two different structures of plaintexts – \(\mathcal{{T}}_P\) of size \(2^{84}\) and \(\mathcal{{T}}_Q\) of size \(2^{44}\), and searching for slid pairs of the form \((P_i,Q_j)\) where \(P_i \in \mathcal{{T}}_P\) and \(Q_j \in \mathcal{{T}}_Q\). However, this leads to a significant increase in the data and memory complexities (in the case of AES we described – to \(2^{84}\)), and thus, this tradeoff does not seem profitable.

7 Summary and Conclusions

In this paper we studied slide attacks on almost self similar constructions, in which the symmetry is broken by the last round. As a study case, we concentrated on SP networks, in which such a symmetry break is inherent due to the final key whitening step, and especially, on AES-type constructions. We devised four new techniques: slid sets, hypercube of slid pairs, suggestive plaintext structures and substitution slides. We used the new techniques to attack various general SPN schemes—of different key periods, with different structures of the last round, with known or secret S-boxes, and with full or an incomplete diffusion.

Open problems left for further work include:

  • Use the techniques proposed in the paper to attack other general SPN constructions.

  • Find other types of slide attacks on almost self similar constructions.

  • Find (lightweight) block ciphers, with periodic key schedule, susceptible to these attacks.