1 Introduction

Private set intersection (PSI) allows parties to learn the intersection of sets that they each hold, without revealing anything else about the individual sets. One common technique that has emerged in several PSI protocols (and protocols for closely related tasks) is to encode data into a polynomial. More precisely, a party interpolates a polynomial P so that \(P(x_i) = y_i\), where the \(x_i\)’s are their PSI input set and \(y_i\) are some values that are relevant in the protocol. The polynomial P compactly encodes a chosen mapping from \(x_i\)’s to \(y_i\)’s, but it has the additional benefit that it hides the \(x_i\)’s, when the \(y_i\)’s are random. This property is critical since the \(x_i\)’s coincide with some party’s private input set, which must be hidden.

We present two major contributions. First, we abstract the properties of polynomials that are needed in these applications, and define “oblivious key-value stores” (OKVS) as objects satisfying these properties. We show how to construct a substantially more efficient OKVS that has linear size, similar to polynomials, and replaces the task of polynomial interpolation with an efficient linear time computation. Second, we observe that current analysis techniques are insufficient for setting concrete parameters to ensure a concrete upper bound (say, \(2^{-40}\)) for the failure probability of our OKVS construction. (This is also true for many other randomized constructions, such as cuckoo hashing, used in PSI and in other cryptographic algorithms.) Furthermore, running experiments in order to validate this upper bound for a specific choice of parameters is extremely resource-intensive. Most previous work used heuristic techniques for setting the parameters for similar constructions. We overcome this issue by introducing new techniques for amplifying a randomized OKVS construction with a failure probability p, to an OKVS with a similar overhead and a failure probability \(p^c\). Since p can be rather moderate, it is relatively easy to empirically validate that the failure probability of a specific choice of parameters is indeed bounded by p.

1.1 Polynomial Encodings for PSI

Cryptographic protocols which use polynomial encodings to hide input values date back to at least the work of Manulis, Pinkas, and Poettering [26], in the context of “secret handshake” protocols (closely related to covert MPC and to PSI). Other examples that we are aware of include:Footnote 1

  • Cho, Dachman-Soled, and Jarecki [9] achieve 2-party PSI using a polynomial whose outputs (\(y_i\) values) are protocol messages from a suitable string-equality test protocol.

  • Kolesnikov et al.  [24] introduce a primitive called oblivious programmable PRF (OPPRF), which acts like an oblivious PRF with a twist. A sender selects (or learns) a PRF seed k and a receiver learns PRF(ka) for one or more values a of his/her choosing. But additionally, the sender gets to “program” the PRF on values of its choice as \(PRF(k,x_i)=z_i\), where the special \(x_i\) points remain secret. This is achieved by combining a standard oblivious PRF \(F(k,x_i)\) with a polynomial which encodes “output corrections” that the receiver applies in order to make the output match the sender’s \(x_i \mapsto z_i\) mappings.

    They use this OPPRF to construct a multi-party PSI protocol. Later, Pinkas et al.  [34] also use an OPPRF to construct a protocol for computing arbitrary functions of the intersection (of two sets). Recently, OPPRFs were used by Chandran et al. for constructing circuit-PSI and multi-party PSI [5, 6].

  • Pinkas et al.  [32] construct a low-communication PSI protocol using a polynomial whose outputs are values from the IKNP OT extension protocol [19].

  • Kolesnikov et al.  [25] construct a private set union protocol, using a variant of the OPPRF technique.

One downside to polynomials is that interpolating and evaluating them is not cheap. To interpolate a polynomial through n (unstructured) points, or to evaluate such a polynomial at n points, requires \(O(n \log ^2 n)\) field operations, using the FFT algorithms of [28]. This cost becomes substantial for larger values of n, and raises the following natural question:

Is there a data structure that is better than a polynomial, for use in these PSI (and related) protocols?

In addition to these applications of polynomials, Pinkas et al.  [33] used a related technique to construct the fastest malicious-secure 2-party PSI protocol to date. They introduced a data structure called a PaXoS (probe and XOR of strings) which, similar to a polynomial, encodes a mapping from keys to values while hiding the keys. PaXoS took a significant step toward the abstraction of an OKVS, however, it is not sufficiently general. In particular, PaXoS is a specific, binary type of OKVS, whereas other types exist (like a linear OKVS, which is applicable in Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation [30]). The PaXoS data structure is the starting point for our constructions.

1.2 Correctness Amplification

One of the most challenging aspects of designing efficient PSI and OKVS constructions, is obtaining concrete bounds on extremal properties of randomized data structures. For example, exactly how many bins are required for cuckoo hashing with 3 hash functions, to ensure that the induced “cuckoo graph” avoids a certain structure with probability at least \(1 - 2^{-40}\)? This problem is crucial for PSI, since most PSI constructions are based on randomized data structures such as cuckoo hashing. Any failure in these constructions (e.g., too many collisions) leads to a violation of privacy. An implementation of PSI needs to be instantiated with specific parameters that will ensure a sufficiently small failure probability, but the available literature describing and analyzing the randomized constructions only describes asymptotic bounds, and it seems highly non-trivial to translate them to concrete numbers.

Prior PSI work which used such constructions, in particular variants of cuckoo hashing, either ran a small number of experiments in order to heuristically set the parameters, or, as in [36], invested significant efforts (e.g., millions of core hours) to empirically measure the failure probability of these data structures. (This is needed since validating an upper bound of p on the failure probability requires running more than 1/p experiments.) But even after expending such efforts, it was not possible to validate the desired failure probabilities (e.g., \(2^{-40}\)), since they were too small. So ultimately in [36] and in other constructions which are based on the same set of experiments, the failure probabilities of the final constructions were only extrapolated from these empirical trials.

The lack of a concrete analysis for the failure probabilities of different randomized constructions, and the extreme cost of experimentally verifying small upper bounds on these probabilities, raise the following question:

Is is possible to start with a construction that has a moderately high failure probability, and which can therefore be validated through efficient experiments, and amplify it to obtain a construction which has a much smaller failure probability?

For example, we can validate on a laptop an upper bound of \(2^{-25}\) or \(2^{-13}\), whereas validating a \(2^{-40}\) failure probability might require using a large cluster.

1.3 Our Results

In this work, we initiate the study of OKVS data structures and their properties.

  • We introduce the abstraction of an oblivious key-value store (OKVS). An OKVS consists of algorithms \(\mathsf{Encode} \) and \(\mathsf{Decode} \). \(\mathsf{Encode} \) takes a list of key-value pairs \((k_i,v_i)\) as input and returns an abstract data structure S. \(\mathsf{Decode} \) takes such a data structure and a key k as input, and gives some output. Decode can be called on any key, but if it is called on some \(k_i\) that was used to generate S, then the result is the corresponding \(v_i\). The most basic property of an OKVS echoes the important property of polynomials; namely, S hides the \(k_i\)’s, when the \(v_i\)’s are random. We identify and formalize important properties that allow OKVS to be plugged into different protocols.

  • We catalog existing OKVS constructions and introduce several new and improved ones.

  • We describe amplification techniques that can be used to bootstrap strong OKVS out of weaker ones. Amplification only requires to validate a relatively high upper bound on the failure probability of the corresponding randomized construction, a task that can be accomplished through efficient experiments. As an example, we can construct an OKVS with provable error probability \(2^{-40}\), from an OKVS with error probability \(2^{-25}\). The latter probability is high enough that it can be empirically and efficiently verified with very high statistical confidence.

    Besides having more manageable error analysis, our new OKVS constructions improve considerably over the state of the art in terms of size and speed.

  • We show that many existing PSI protocols can be written abstractly in terms of a generic OKVS. These PSI protocols are therefore automatically improved by instantiating with our improved OKVS constructions. As a flagship example, we demonstrate the improvement on the so-called “PaXoS-PSI” protocol of [33], which is the state of the art protocol with malicious security. Specifically, our protocol has 40% less communication and is 20% and 40% faster over medium and slow networksFootnote 2, respectively, for sets of a million items (over a fast network it is only 5% slower). In addition, on slow networks, our malicious protocol is even faster than the state of the art semi-honest protocol [32] (and is only about 10% and 20% slower than the best semi-honest protocols over fast [23] and medium [7] networks, respectively).

    We also note that the covert MPC protocols of [9, 26] can be expressed using our OKVS constructions to exhibit a higher level of abstraction and to achieve a better runtime.

  • Finally, we show two improvements to existing PSI protocols, beyond replacing their underlying OKVS with a better one.

    First, we observe that the leading state-of-the-art PaXoS PSI protocol of [33] can be generalized to be built from vector-OLE rather than 1-out-of-N OT extension. Since vector-OLE enjoys more algebraic structure, the generalized PSI protocol can take advantage of a more general class of OKVS, and also avoid one source of overhead in the construction.

    Second, we show that one of the multi-party PSI constructions of Kolesnikov et al. [24], which is the most efficient of the constructions presented in that paper but only has “augmented semi-honest security” rather than semi-honest security, actually enjoys malicious security. Hence, we obtain the most efficient malicious, multi-party PSI protocol to date.

2 Oblivious Key-Value Stores

2.1 Definitions

Definition 1

A key-value store is parameterized by a set \(\mathcal {K} \) of keys, a set \(\mathcal {V} \) of values, and a set of functions H, and consists of two algorithms:

  • \(\mathsf{Encode} _H\) takes as input a set of \((k_i,v_i)\) key-value pairs and outputs an object S (or, with statistically small probability, an error indicator \(\bot \)).

  • \(\mathsf{Decode} _H\) takes as input an object S, a key k, and outputs a value v.

A KVS is correct if, for all \(A \subseteq \mathcal {K} \times \mathcal {V} \) with distinct keys:

$$ (k,v) \in A \text{ and } \bot \ne S \leftarrow \mathsf{Encode} _H(A) \implies \mathsf{Decode} _H(S,k)= v $$

In the rest of the exposition we choose to omit the underlying parameter H as long as the text remains unambiguous.

In all the algorithms that we describe, the decision whether \(\mathsf{Encode} \) outputs \(\bot \) depends on the functions H and the keys \(k_i\) and is independent of the values \(v_i\). If the data is encoded as a polynomial then \(\mathsf{Encode} \) always succeeds.

To be clear, one may invoke \(\mathsf{Decode} (S,k)\) on any key k, and indeed it is our goal that one cannot tell whether k was used to generate S or not. This is stated in the next definition.

Definition 2

A KVS is an oblivious KVS (OKVS) if, for all distinct \(\{k^0_1, \ldots , k^0_n\}\) and all distinct \(\{ k^1_1, \ldots , k^1_n\}\), if \(\mathsf{Encode} \) does not output \(\bot \) for \((k^0_1, \ldots , k^0_n)\) or \((k^1_1, \ldots , k^1_n)\), then the output of \(\mathcal {R}(k^0_1, \ldots , k^0_n)\) is computationally indistinguishable to that of \(\mathcal {R}(k^1_1, \ldots , k^1_n)\), where:

figure a

In other words, if the OKVS encodes random values (as it does in our applications), then for any two sets of keys \(K^0,K^1\) it is infeasible to distinguish between an OKVS encoding of the keys of \(K^0\) from an OKVS encoding of the keys of \(K^1\). In fact, all our constructions satisfy the property that if the values encoded in the OKVS are random (as in the experiment R), then the two distributions are perfectly indistinguishable.

2.2 Linear OKVS

Some applications of an OKVS use it to encode data that is processed in some kind of homomorphic cryptographic primitive. In that case, it is convenient for \(\mathsf{Decode} (\cdot ,k)\) to be a linear function for all k.

Definition 3

An OKVS is linear (over a field \(\mathbb {F} \)) if \(\mathcal {V} = \mathbb {F} \) (“values” are elements of \(\mathbb {F} \)), the output of \(\mathsf{Encode} \) is a vector S in \(\mathbb {F} ^m\), and the \(\mathsf{Decode} \) function is defined as:

$$ \mathsf{Decode} (S, k) = \langle \mathsf {d}(k), S \rangle \overset{\text {def}}{=} \sum _{j =1}^m \mathsf {d}(k)_j S_j $$

for some function \(\mathsf {d}: \mathcal {K} \rightarrow \mathbb {F} ^m\). Hence \(\mathsf{Decode} (\cdot ,k)\) is a linear map from \(\mathbb {F} ^m\) to \(\mathbb {F} \).

The mapping \(\mathsf {d}: \mathcal {K} \rightarrow \mathbb {F} ^m\) are typically defined by the hash function H.

For a linear OKVS, one can view the \(\mathsf{Encode} \) function as generating a solution to the linear system of equations:

$$ \begin{bmatrix} -~\mathsf {d}(k_1)~- \\ -~\mathsf {d}(k_2)~- \\ \vdots \\ -~\mathsf {d}(k_n)~- \end{bmatrix} S^\top = \begin{bmatrix} v_1 \\ v_2 \\ \vdots \\ v_n \end{bmatrix} $$

Hence, it is necessary that for all distinct \(k_1, \ldots , k_n\), the set \(\{ \mathsf {d}(k_1), \ldots , \mathsf {d}(k_n)\}\) is linearly independent, with overwhelming probability. However, we also consider how efficiently \(\mathsf{Encode} \) finds such a solution, since solving systems of linear equations is expensive in general. It is often convenient to characterize a linear OKVS by its \(\mathsf {d}\) function alone.

Note that when \(\mathsf{Encode} \) chooses uniformly from the set of solutions to the linear system, and the \(v_i\) values are uniform, the output S is uniformly distributed (and hence distributed independently of the \(k_i\) values). In other words, a linear OKVS satisfies the obliviousness property.

2.3 Binary OKVS

A binary OKVS over a field \(\mathbb {F} \) is a special case of a linear OKVS, where the \(\mathsf {d}(k)\) vectors are restricted to \(\{0,1\}^m \subseteq \mathbb {F} ^m\). Then \(\mathsf{Decode} (S,k)\) is simply the sum of some positions in S.

We generally restrict our attention to \(\mathbb {F} = GF(2^\ell ) \cong \{0,1\}^\ell \), in which case the addition operation over \(\mathbb {F} \) is XOR of strings. In [33], a binary OKVS is called a probe and XOR of strings (PaXoS) data structure.

In a binary OKVS we have (in addition to the usual properties of a linear OKVS) the property that:

$$ \mathsf{Decode} \Bigl ( (S_1 \wedge x, \ldots , S_m \wedge x), k \Bigr ) = \mathsf{Decode} \Bigl ( (S_1, \ldots , S_m), k \Bigr ) \wedge x $$

where “\(\wedge \)” is bitwise-AND of strings, and \(x \in \{0,1\}^\ell \). This additional property is used in one of the important applications of OKVS.

2.4 OKVS Overfitting

Often in malicious protocols, the simulator obtains an OKVS from a corrupt party and must “extract” the items that are encoded in that OKVS. Generally this is done by requiring an OKVS to include mappings \((k_i,v_i) \mapsto H(k_i)\) where H is a random oracle.Footnote 3 The simulator can observe the adversary’s queries to H, and then later test which of those k satisfy \(\mathsf{Decode} (S,k)=H(k)\).

An OKVS whose parameters are chosen to encode n items can often hold even more than n items, especially when generated by an adversary. In the context of PSI, this leads to an adversary holding more items than advertised. It is therefore important to be able to bound the number of items that an adversary can “overfit” into an OKVS. In order to define this property we define a “game” which lets the adversary choose an arbitrary data structure S, of a size which can normally encode n (key,value) pairs. The adversary wins the game if it can find an S which encodes much more than n pairs of the form \((k_i,H(k_i))\). More formally, we use the following definition.

Definition 4

The \((n,n')\)-OKVS overfitting game is as follows. Let \(\mathsf{Encode},\mathsf{Decode} \) be an OKVS with parameters chosen to support n items, and let \(\mathcal {A}\) be an arbitrary PPT adversary. Run \(S \leftarrow \mathcal {A}^H(1^\kappa )\). Define

$$ X = \{ k \mid \mathcal {A} \text { queried }H\text { at }k\text { and } \mathsf{Decode} (S,k) = H(k) \} $$

If \(|X|>n'\) then the adversary wins.

We say the \((n,n')\)-OKVS overfitting problem is hard for an OKVS construction if no PPT adversary wins this game except with negligible probability.

The work in [33] gives an unconditional bound on the success probability in the overfitting game. They prove the bound for binary OKVS (“PaXoS”, in their terminology), but the only property of OKVS they use is its correctness; hence it applies to any KVS:

Lemma 5

([33]). Let H be a random oracle with output length \(\ell \), and let \(\mathsf{Encode},\mathsf{Decode} \) be an OKVS scheme supporting n key-value pairs, where the output of \(\mathsf{Encode} \) is a bit string of length \(\ell '\). Then the probability that an adversary who makes q queries to H wins the \((n,n')\)-OKVS overfitting game is \(\le {q \atopwithdelims ()n'} 2^{\ell '- n' \ell }\).

The nature of this bound is to argue that an OKVS that encodes \(n'\) items simply can’t exist; for if it did exist, then it could be used to construct a compressed representation of the random oracle. One may further conjecture that an OKVS construction has a hard overfitting problem (for some relationship between n and \(n'\)) against polynomial-time adversaries. For example, perhaps it may be hard to find a single polynomial of degree n that matches the random oracle on \(n'=n+100\) points, even in the case that such a polynomial exists.

Better cryptanalysis of these kinds of overfitting problems would lead to a tighter security analysis of our malicious-secure PSI protocols: the protocols would be proven to more strongly enforce the size of corrupt party’s input sets.

2.5 Efficiency of OKVS

We can measure the efficiency of an OKVS based on the following measures: (1) The rate of an OKVS which encodes n elements from \(\mathbb {F} \) is the ratio between the size of the OKVS and \(n\cdot |\mathbb {F} |\), which is the minimal size required for this encoding. (2) The encoding time is the time which is required for encoding n items in the OKVS. (3) The decoding time is the time required for decoding (querying) a single element, while the batch decoding time is the time required for decoding n elements.

3 Existing OKVS Constructions

In this section we list existing constructions that fit to the OKVS definition. These are summarized in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Different OKVS constructions and their properties, for error probability \(2^{-\lambda }\). (The rate of the 3H-GCT construction can be improved to 0.91 by using the hypergraph construction of [43], but this improvement takes effect only for very large values of n.)

Polynomials. A simple and natural OKVS is a polynomial P satisfying \(P(k_i) = v_i\). The coefficients of the polynomial are the OKVS data structure, and decoding amounts to evaluating the polynomial at a point k. This OKVS has optimal rate 1, and is linear since P(k) is the inner product of \((1,k,k^2,\ldots )\) and the vector of coefficients. Encoding n items takes \(O(n \log ^2 n)\) field operations using the FFT interpolating algorithms of [28]. Batch decoding of n items likewise takes \(O(n \log ^2 n)\) operations, while decoding a single items takes O(n) operations.

Dense matrix. Another simple OKVS sets \(\mathsf {d}(k)\) to be a random vector in \(\mathbb {F} ^m\) for each k. This means that the encoding matrix is a random matrix. It is well-known that a random matrix with n rows and \(m\ge n\) columns has linearly dependent rows with probability at most

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{j=1}^n \Pr [\text {row }j \in \text { span of first }j-1\text { rows }|\text { first }j-1\text { rows linearly ind.}] \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} = \sum _{i=0}^{n-1} \frac{|\mathbb {F} |^i}{|\mathbb {F} |^m} = \frac{1}{|\mathbb {F} |^m} \cdot \frac{|\mathbb {F} |^n-1}{|\mathbb {F} |-1} < |\mathbb {F} |^{n-m-1} \end{aligned}$$

For an exponentially large field \(\mathbb {F} \), we can have \(m=n\) and hence achieve rate 1. If we desire a binary OKVS, then \(\mathsf {d}(k)\) are \(\{0,1\}\)-vectors and we must have \(m\ge n+\lambda -1\) for error probability \(2^{-\lambda }\).

While achieving a good rate, the encoding and decoding procedures are expensive. Encoding n items corresponds to solving a linear system of n random equations, which requires \(O(n^3)\) operations using Gaussian elimination. Decoding each item costs O(n). A random matrix OKVS has worse performance than a polynomial-based OKVS. The main reason for using a random matrix OKVS is if the underlying field \(\mathbb {F} \) is smaller than n, for example, is a binary field, in which case it is impossible to define an n-degree polynomial over \(\mathbb {F} \).

Garbled Bloom filter (GBF). In a garbled Bloom filter [11], n items are encoded into a vector of length \(m = O(\lambda n)\), i.e. it has a rate of \(O(1/\lambda )\). The scheme is parameterized by \(\lambda \) random functions \(H=\{h_1, \ldots , h_\lambda \}\) with range [m]. We have \(\mathsf {d}(k)\) zero everywhere except in the positions \(h_1(k), \ldots , h_\lambda (k)\), where it is 1. Hence a garbled Bloom filter is a binary OKVS.

Encoding is done in an online manner, one item at a time. Encoding fails with probability \(1/2^\lambda \), and the specific error probability is exactly the same as the false-positive probability for a standard Bloom filter with the same parameters (namely, using \(\lambda \) hash functions and a vector of size \(m=1.44\lambda n\) result in a failure probability of \(1/2^{\lambda }\) [27]).

Encoding n items costs \(O(n\lambda )\), and decoding each item likewise costs \(O(\lambda )\), since only \(\lambda \) positions in \(\mathsf {d}(k)\) are nonzero.

GBFs were used in multiple PSI papers, beginning in [11], and including the multi-party protocols of [1, 18, 44]. A major drawback of the usage of GBFs is the larger communication overhead of sending a GBF of length \(O(\lambda n)\), instead of sending an object of size O(n), and computing \(O(\lambda n)\) oblivious transfers.

PaXoS [33]. In a probe-and-xor of strings (PaXoS), n items are encoded into a vector S of length \(m=(2+\varepsilon )n+\log (n)+\lambda \).

Let us describe a simplified version of PaXos for which S is of size \(m=(2+\varepsilon )n\). This scheme is parameterized by 2 random hash functions \(H=\{h_1,h_2\}\) with a range \([(2+\varepsilon )n]\). Decoding of a key x sums the vector entries at \(h_1(x)\) and \(h_2(x)\). Encoding is done by generating the “cuckoo graph” implied by the n keys and the functions \(h_1,h_2\). In that graph, there are m vertices \(u_1,\ldots ,u_m\) such that each \(k_i\) implies an edge \((u_{h_1(k_i)}, u_{h_2(k_i)})\). The encoding then peels that graph, by recursively removing each edge \((u_{h_1(k_i)}, u_{h_2(k_i)})\) for which the degree of either \(u_{h_1(k_i)}\) or \(u_{h_2(k_i)}\) is 1, and pushing that \(k_i\) to a stack. That process ends when the graph is empty of edges. Then, the unpeeling process iteratively pops an item \(k_j\) from the stack and uses it to fill the vector’s entries: If both \(S[u_{h_1(k_j)}]\) and \(S[u_{h_2(k_j)}]\) are unassigned yet, then they are assigned random values such that \(S[u_{h_1(k_j)}] + S[u_{h_2(k_j)}] = v_j\). Otherwise, if only \(S[u_{h_2(k_j)}]\) is unassigned (w.l.o.g) then assign \(S[u_{h_2(k_j)}] = v_j - S[u_{h_1(k_j)}]\). This process succeeds as long as the peeling indeed removes all edges. However, there is a high probability for the peeling process to end with a non-empty graph where none of the vertices is of degree 1. The size of the remaining graph is known to be with at most \(O(\log n)\) vertices. This is solved by extending the vector S with extra \(O(\log n)\,+\,\lambda \) entries.

In a concrete instantiation of PaXoS [33] the authors set \(\varepsilon =0.4\), which becomes standard in Cuckoo hashing based constructions. However, that assignment is heuristic, and no failure probability was proven. Encoding is linear in the number of items and decoding takes \(2+\frac{c\cdot \log n+\lambda }{2}\) time, for some constant c ([33] used \(c=5\)).

4 New OKVS Constructions

The main issue that the new OKVS constructions aim to improve over the existing polynomial-based or random matrix OKVS constructions, is improving the run time to be linear in the number of key-value pairs. This comes at the cost of slightly increasing the size of the OKVS.

4.1 OKVS Based on a 3-Hash Garbled Cuckoo Table (3H-GCT)

The PaXoS construction of [33] uses cuckoo hashing with two hash functions. It is well-known that the efficiency of cuckoo hashing improves significantly when using three rather than two hash functions (see orientability analysis, with \(\ell =1\) and \(k\in \{2,3\}\) in [43, Table 1]). Hence, in this section we suggest generalizing the OKVS construction to three hash functions. (It is crucial that the construction uses not more than three hash functions. We describe in FootnoteFootnote 4 that using more functions will result in better memory and network utilization, but will not support an efficient linear time peeling algorithm for finding the right assignment of values to memory locations. Therefore, with current techniques it seems that using three hash functions is optimal.)

Peeling. The construction follows a basic peeling based approach. The OKVS data structure S is a hypergraph \(\mathcal {G}_{3,n,m}\), with m nodes and n hyperedges, each touching 3 nodes. The construction uses three hash functions \(h_1,h_2,h_3\), and maps each key k to the hyperedge \((h_1(k),h_2(k),h_3(k))\).Footnote 5 The simplest OKVS construction is binary, and encodes a pair (kv) into the graph to satisfy the property that \(v=S(h_1(k)) \oplus S(h_2(k)) \oplus S(h_3(k))\). Namely, the value associated with a key k is encoded as the exclusive-or of the three nodes of the hyperedge to which it is mapped. The number of nodes m must be at least the number of values n, and our aim is to make it as close as possible to n.

This mapping is possible if the binary \(n\times m\) matrix in which each row represents a key and has 1 entry corresponding to the three nodes to which the key is mapped, is of rank n, and can be therefore be found in time \(O(n^3)\). However, our goal is to compute a mapping in time which is close to linear. This is done by a peeling based algorithm: Suppose that there is a key k with a corresponding hyperedge \((h_1(k),h_2(k),h_3(k))\), and that, say, \(h_2(k)\) is a node to which no other key is mapped. Then we can set values to all other nodes in the graph, including nodes \(h_1(k)\) and \(h_3(k)\), and afterwards set the value of node \(h_2(k)\) so that the equality \(v=S(h_1(k)) \oplus S(h_2(k)) \oplus S(h_3(k))\) holds. To denote this property we can orient the hyperedge towards \(h_2(k)\). This property also means that we can remove this hyperedge from the graph, solve the mapping for all other keys, and then set the value of node \(h_2(k)\) so that the mapping of k is correct. This can of course be done for all hyperedges that touch nodes of degree 1. Moreover, removing these hyperedges might reduce the degrees of other nodes, and this enables removing additional hyperedges from the graph.

The peeling process that we described essentially works by repeatedly choosing a node of degree 0 or 1 and removing it (and the incident edge if present) from the hypergraph. The removed edge is oriented towards the node. If this process can be repeated until all nodes are removed then the graph is said to be “peelable”. Otherwise, the process ends with a 2-core of the hypergraph (the largest sub-hypergraph where all nodes have a degree of at least 2). We first discuss the expected number of nodes that is required to ensure that the peeling process can remove all edges. We then discuss how to handle the case that the peeling process ends with a non-empty 2-core.

Peelability threshold. It is well known that for random 3-hypergraphs, peelability asymptotically succeeds with high probability when the number of nodes is at least 1.23n. (See [2, 29] for an analysis, and [15] for implementation and measurements.) A recent result in [43] shows that choosing hyperedges based on a specific different distribution reduces the number of nodes to be as low as 1.1n, but based on experiments in [43] and on our experiments these results seem to be applicable only to very large graphs of tens of millions of nodes.)(See footnote 5) Of course, we also wish to ensure that the OKVS construction fails with only negligible probability, or with a sufficiently small concrete probability (\(2^{-\lambda }\), for \(\lambda =40\)). The known analysis methods do not provide concrete parameters for guaranteeing a \(2^{-\lambda }\) failure probability. We will describe in Sect. 5 how to amplify OKVS constructions in order to verify experimentally that failures happen with sufficiently small probability.

Handling the 2-core in binary 3-hash OKVS. Let \(\chi (G)\) be the number of hyperedges in the 2-core of a hypergraph G with n edges, and let d(n) be an upper bound on \(\chi (G)\) which holds with overwhelming probability (d(n) will typically be very small). The peeling stops working when reaching the 2-core. We follow [33] in using a datastructure of the form \(S=L||R\), where L consists of the nodes of the hypergraph, and R includes additional \(d(n)+\lambda \) nodes, where \(2^{-\lambda }\) is the allowed statistical failure probability. The hypergraph construction maps each key k to 3 nodes in L. Denote these nodes using a binary vector l(k) of length L, which has 3 bits set to 1. In addition, we use another hash function to map k to a random binary string r(k) of length \(d(n)+\lambda \), where the bits which are set to 1 indicate a subset of the nodes in R. The value of a key k from the OKVS is retrieved as the exclusive-or of the values of the 3 nodes to which it is mapped in L and the values of the nodes to which it is mapped in R, namely it is \((l(k)||r(k)) \cdot S\). Therefore the encoding process must set the values in S to satisfy these requirements.

After running the peeling process, we are left with \(\chi (G)\le d(n)\) hyperedges in a 2-core of G. We solve the system of linear equations \((l(k_i)||r(k_i)) \cdot S\) for all keys \(k_i\) whose corresponding hyperedges are in the 2-core.Footnote 6 Solving this system of equations sets values to the nodes in R, and to the nodes in L to which the edges in the 2-core are mapped. This can be done in \(O((d+\lambda )^3)\) time. We can then run the peeling process in reverse: take the peeled hyperedges in reversed order and set values to the nodes in L to which they are oriented, to satisfy the decoding property for all other hyperedges in the graph. The entire algorithm is defined in Fig. 2. The proof of Lemma 6 below is in the full version.

Lemma 6

Let d(n) be a parameter such that \(\Pr [ \mathcal {G}_{3,n,m} \text{ has } \text{2-core } > d(n)] \le \varepsilon _1\). Then the construction with \(|R| = d(n) + \lambda \) is an OKVS with error \(\varepsilon _1 + 2^{-\lambda }\).

4.2 OKVS Based on Simple Hashing and Dense Matrices

Another possible approach for constructing an OKVS is to randomly map the key-value pairs into many bins, and implement an independent OKVS per bin (using the polynomial-based or the random matrix approaches). The computation cost of these smaller OKVS instances is much smaller, and the space utilization only needs to take into account the maximum number of items that might be mapped into a bin.

Suppose we hash n pairs into m bins, where key-value pair (kv) is placed into bin h(k) based on a random function \(h:\{0,1\}^* \rightarrow [m]\). Encode each bin’s set of key-value pairs into its own OKVS using any “inner OKVS” construction. The overall result is also an OKVS. More formally, if \((\mathsf{Encode},\mathsf{Decode})\) is the inner OKVS, then given \((D_1, \ldots , D_m) \leftarrow \mathsf{Encode} (\{k_i, v_i\})\) the new OKVS is

$$ \mathsf{Decode} ^*\Bigl ( (D_1, \ldots , D_m), k \Bigr ) \overset{\text {def}}{=} \mathsf{Decode} ( D_{h(k)}, k ) $$

The corresponding \(\mathsf{Encode} ^*\) is defined as explained above.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

3-Hash Garbled Cuckoo Table, fitting n key-value pairs \((k_i,v_i)\) to a data structure \(S\in \mathbb {F} ^{m+r}\).

In choosing parameters for the inner OKVS, the naïve error analysis would proceed as follows. First compute a bound \(\beta \) such that all bins have at most \(\beta \) items except with the target \(\varepsilon \) probability. Choose parameters such that each bin’s OKVS fails on \(\beta \) items with probability bounded by \(\varepsilon /m\). Then by a union bound the entire encoding procedure fails with probability at most \(m \cdot \varepsilon /m = \varepsilon \).

We can do better when the inner OKVS is a polynomial OKVS. If the field is small, we can use a random dense-matrix OKVS. For this OKVS the error probability within each bin drops off gradually with the number of items (rather than having a sharp threshold). Suppose we have n items into m bins, and each bin is a dense-matrix OKVS with w slots (so that the entire data structure is mw in size). If exactly t items happen to be assigned to a particular bin, then that bin’s OKVS fails with probability bounded by \(|\mathbb {F} |^{w-t}\). Using the union bound, we bound the probability of the overall OKVS failing as:

It is straightforward to calculate this probability exactly, and it leads to better bounds on OKVS size.

Example. Consider the case of \(|\mathbb {F} |=\{0,1\}\), hashing \(n=1000\) items into \(m=100\) bins. How wide must each bin’s dense-matrix OKVS be for an overall error probability of \(2^{-40}\)? The naïve analysis proceeds as follows. With probability \(1-2^{-40}\) all bins have at most 42 items. We must ensure \(\Pr [\text{ inner } \text{ OKVS } \text{ fails } \text{ on } \text{42 } \text{ items}] < 2^{-47}\), so that the union bound over \(m=100\) bins bounds the overall failure probability by \(2^{-40}\). Hence, each bin must have \(w=42+47 = 89\) slots. In contrast, the more specialized analysis above shows that only \(w=61\) slots suffice per bin, for error probability \(2^{-40}\) (a 31% improvement).

5 Amplifying OKVS Correctness

Premise: Empirically Measuring Failure Probabilities. The most efficient OKVS constructions are likely to be based on randomized constructions. Unfortunately, we lack techniques for finding tight concrete bounds of the relevant failure probabilities for constructions of this type, such as cuckoo hashing, and for choosing appropriate concrete parameters (e.g., how many bins are needed to hash a concrete number of n items with k hash functions so that the 2-core of the cuckoo graph has size bounded by \(2 \log _2 n\) with probability \(1-2^{-\lambda }\)?Footnote 7\(^{,}\)Footnote 8

The best we can currently hope for is to empirically measure failure probabilities. Since we seek data structures where the failure probabilities are extremely small (e.g., \(2^{-40}\)) empirical measurement is extremely costly. One would have to perform trillions of trials before expecting to see any failures at all. Alternatively, one must typically perform many trials with higher error probabilities, and extrapolate to the lower probabilities. This approach was used in, e.g., [8, 36].

In this section we show methods for amplifying the probabilistic guarantees of an OKVS. For example, we show how to use an OKVS with failure probability \(\varepsilon \) to build an OKVS with failure probability \(c \cdot \varepsilon ^d\) (for explicit constants cd). Think of \(\varepsilon \) as being moderately small, e.g., \(\varepsilon =2^{-15}\), and therefore sufficiently large to enable running efficient empirical experiments to obtain 99.99% certainty about whether \(\varepsilon \) bounds the failure event. Using an OKVS with such an empirically-validated failure probability, we can construct a new OKVS with the desired failure probability (e.g., \(2^{-40}\)).

Since our amplification algorithms may instantiate two or more OKVS structures for the same set of keys and values, in this section we make the set of hash functions used in each instantiation explicit. That is, an OKVS scheme is a pair of algorithms \(( \mathsf{Encode} _H, \mathsf{Decode} _H)\) as defined in Sect. 2.

In the following, we describe three amplification architectures for constructing a new OKVS scheme \((\mathsf{Encode} _H^*, \mathsf{Decode} _H^*)\) using an underlying OKVS scheme \((\mathsf{Encode} _H, \mathsf{Decode} _H)\). We assume that the OVKS is over a finite field and that randomly sampling a vector of appropriate length from that field samples a random OVKS. For the underlying scheme, we denote by \(\mathsf{size} (n)\) the size of the resulting OKVS for encoding n items. (Recall that by the obliviousness property, it follows that the OKVS size depends only on the size of the key-value set and not on the keys themselves.) We note that the amplification constructions sometimes invoke \(\mathsf{Encode} _H\) with a set of key-value pairs only to check whether encoding succeeds or fails, and do not necessarily use the outcome of that encoding. Recall that even though the input to \(\mathsf{Encode} _H\) consists of key-value pairs, success or failure depend only on the keys.

5.1 Replication Architecture

The following construction is mainly described as a warmup towards more involved constructions, since it substantially increases the space requirements. The idea is to amplify the success probability by doubling the size and computation, by using two OKVS constructions and retrieving values as the sum of the retrieved values from both constructions. The encoding procedure checks if any of two random hash functions results in a successful OKVS for the given set of keys. The encoding fails only if both hash functions result in a failure. Its main disadvantage is the double space usage.


  • \(\mathsf{Encode} ^*_H(\{(k_i,v_i)\})\) views H as two sets of hash functions \(H_1\) and \(H_2\). It outputs two dictionaries \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) as follows:

    • Compute \(S'\leftarrow \mathsf{Encode} _{H_1}(\{(k_i,v_i)\})\).

    • If \(S'\ne \bot \): set \(S_2\leftarrow \mathbb {F} ^{\mathsf{size} (n)}\) randomly, i.e. \(S_2\) is a random OKVS independent of \(\{(k_i,v_i)\}\). Then, define the set \(\{(k_i,v'_i)\}\) where \(v'_i=v_i - \mathsf{Decode} _{H_2}(S_2, k_i)\). Finally, compute \(S_1\leftarrow \mathsf{Encode} _{H_1}(\{(k_i,v'_i)\})\). We know that \(S_1\ne \bot \) (since \(S'\ne \bot \) and \(S_1\) uses the same set of keys as \(S'\)) and therefore output \(S=(S_1,S_2)\).

    • Otherwise (\(S'=\bot \)): set \(S_1\leftarrow \mathbb {F} ^{\mathsf{size} (n)}\). Then, define the set \(\{(k_i,v'_i)\}\) where \(v'_i=v_i - \mathsf{Decode} _{H_1}(S_1, k_i)\) and compute \(S_2\leftarrow \mathsf{Encode} _{H_2}(\{(k_i,v'_i)\})\). If \(S_2\ne \bot \) then output \(S=(S_1,S_2)\), otherwise, output \(\bot \).

  • \(\mathsf{Decode} ^*_H(S, x)\): Interpret \(H=(H_1,H_2)\) and \(S=(S_1,S_2)\). Output \(y=\mathsf{Decode} _{H_1}(S_1, x) + \mathsf{Decode} _{H_2}(S_2, x)\).

Clearly, this construction only fails if both encodings fail. Therefore, if \((\mathsf{Encode},\mathsf{Decode})\) fails with probability \(\varepsilon \) then \((\mathsf{Encode} ^*,\mathsf{Decode} ^*)\) fails with probability \(\varepsilon ^2\).

Generalization. The above construction uses two ‘replicas’. It could be generalized to \(c>2\) replicas, resulting in an OKVS of size \(c\cdot \mathsf{size} (n)\), failure probability \(\varepsilon ^c\) and overall encode/decode time that is c times greater than the underlying scheme. Denote an OKVS scheme with c replicas by \((\mathsf{Encode} ^{*c},\mathsf{Decode} ^{*c})\). We use such a scheme in the generalized construction described below (Sect. 5.3).

The obvious undesirable property of this construction is that the size of the OKVS increases by a factor of c. (This is also true for the encoding and decoding times, but these performance parameters are typically less critical since they are small for hashing-based OKVS.) In the rest of this section we describe how to amplify the failure probability from \(\varepsilon \) to \(\varepsilon ^c\) while keeping the size of the resulting OKVS not much larger than the underlying OKVS (certainly not larger by a factor of c).

5.2 Star Architecture

We next show how to reduce the error probability while keeping the OKVS size to be almost \(\mathsf{size} (n)\). In our concrete instantiation (presented in Sect. 8) we are able to almost square the failure probability while increasing the OKVS size by less than 10% for \(n=2^{20}\) items.

At the high-level idea, imagine a star-shaped graph consisting of \(q+1\) nodes, one central node and q leaves. Each node, including the central node, is associated with an OKVS data structure and should be large enough to store about n/q items. Each item is retrieved from one leaf node and from the root node, and the returned value is the sum of the two retrieved values. More precisely, to probe for an item x, probe for x in the central OKVS and probe for x in the OKVS of leaf \(\tilde{h}(x)\) (where \(\tilde{h}\) is a random function), and add the results. The construction is robust to a hashing failure of a single node since we can set that node to have random values and can still set the values of all the other nodes to ensure that the correct sums are returned (this is true for either a leaf node or the root node). Therefore the system fails only if at least two nodes fail. Security holds since one node is set to be random, while the other nodes store random OKVS values.

Formally, the new OKVS scheme is defined in the following way: Let \(n'\) be an upper bound on the maximum load of a bin when mapping n balls into q bins, except with probability \(2^{-\lambda }\). In the following description we treat the first OKVS (indexed by 0) as the center node, and the following q OKVS’s, indexed 1 to q, as the leaf nodes.

  • \(\mathsf{Encode} ^*_H(\{(k_i,v_i)\})\): Interpret \(H=(\tilde{h}, H_0,\ldots ,H_{q})\).

    • Map the set \(\{(k_i,v_i)\}\) to q subsets: \(A_1,\ldots ,A_q\) where \(A_j=\{ (k_i,v_i) \mid \tilde{h}(k_i)=j \}\).

    • For \(j=1,\ldots ,q\) compute \(S_j\leftarrow \mathsf{Encode} _{H_j}(A_j)\)

    • No failure. (\(\forall _{j\in [q]}: S_j \ne \bot \)) In this case, set random values to the central node and adjust the values of other nodes accordingly.


      Sample a random \(S_{0}\) from \(\mathbb {F} ^{\mathsf{size} (n')}\).


      For \(j\in [q]\) compute the new set \(A'_j=\{(k,v') \mid (k,v)\in A_j \}\) where \(v'=v - \mathsf{Decode} _{H_0}(S_0,k)\); then, compute \(S_j\leftarrow \mathsf{Encode} _{H_j}(A')\).

    • One failure. (\(\exists _{j^*}: S_{j^*} = \bot \wedge \forall _{j\in [q]\setminus \{j^*\}}: S_j \ne \bot \)) In this case, set the central node to ensure the correct decoding of the values mapped to the failed node, and adjust the values of other nodes accordingly.


      Sample a random \(S_{j^*}\) from \(\mathbb {F} ^{\mathsf{size} (n')}\).


      Compute a new set \(A'_{0}=\{(k,v') \mid (k,v)\in A_{j^*}\}\) where \(v'=v-\mathsf{Decode} _{H_{j^*}}(S_{j^*},k)\) and then \(S_{0}\leftarrow \mathsf{Encode} _{H_{0}}(A'_{0})\). If \(S_{0}=\bot \) then output \(S=\bot \) and halt.


      For \(j\in [q]{\setminus }\{j^*\}\) compute the new set \(A'_j=\{(k,v') \mid (k,v)\in A_j \}\) where \(v'=v - \mathsf{Decode} _{H_{0}}(S_{0},k)\); then, compute \(S_j\leftarrow \mathsf{Encode} _{H_j}(A')\).

    • Two or more failures. If \(S_j=\bot \) for more than one OKVS j then output \(S=\bot \) and halt.

    • Output \(S_0,\ldots ,S_{q}\).

  • \(\mathsf{Decode} ^*_H(S, x)\): Interpret \(H=(\tilde{h}, H_0,\ldots ,H_{q})\) and \(S=(S_0,\ldots ,S_{q})\). Compute \(j=\tilde{h}(x)\) and output \(y=\mathsf{Decode} _{H_j}(S_j,x) + \mathsf{Decode} _{H_{0}}(S_{0}, x)\).

Failure probability. The construction can tolerate a failure in any one of the \(q+1\) components (either a leaf or the center node). In other words, the new construction fails only when two of the \(q+1\) components fail. So if each of the underlying OKVS instances fails with probability \(\varepsilon \), then the new construction fails with probability

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [S=\bot ]= & {} \sum _{i=2}^{q+1} {q+1 \atopwithdelims ()i} \varepsilon ^i(1-\varepsilon )^{q+1-i} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}= & {} 1- (1-\varepsilon )^{q+1} - (q+1) \varepsilon (1-\varepsilon )^q \end{aligned}$$

Looking at Eq. 3 and ignoring high order terms, we observe that if the failure probability of the underlying OKVS scheme is \(\varepsilon =2^{-\rho }\) then the failure probability of the star architecture is \(\approx {q+1 \atopwithdelims ()2}\varepsilon ^2=2^{\log {q+1 \atopwithdelims ()2} - 2\rho }\). Thus, in order for the star architecture to fail with probability \(2^{-\lambda }\) we need \(\log {q+1 \atopwithdelims ()2} - 2\rho =-\lambda \) and thus \(\rho =\frac{\lambda +\log {q+1 \atopwithdelims ()2}}{2} \approx \frac{\lambda + 2\log (q) -\log 2}{2} \approx \lambda /2 + \log (q)\).

OKVS size and encoding/decoding time. The size of the new OKVS is \((q+1)\times \mathsf{size} (n')\) where \(n'\) is the upper bound on the maximum load when mapping n balls to q bins, that is,

$$\begin{aligned} n' = \min _{\tilde{n}}: \Pr [ \text {``there exists bin with} \ge \tilde{n}~ \text {elements''}] \le 2^{-\lambda } \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [ \text {``there exists bin with} \ge \tilde{n}~ \text {elements''}]\le & {} \sum _{i=1}^{q} \Pr [\text {``bin}~ i ~\text {has }\ge \tilde{n}~ \text {elements"}] \\= & {} q\cdot \sum _{i=\tilde{n}}^n {n \atopwithdelims ()i} \left( \frac{1}{q}\right) ^i \left( 1-\frac{1}{q} \right) ^{n-i} \end{aligned}$$

These equations enable to easily compute the maximal size \(\tilde{n}\) of the bins. Note that since the number of bins q is typically very small compared to n, then \(\tilde{n}\) is not much greater than the expected size of a bin which is n/q. Section 5.4 shows a concrete size analysis for a specific choice of parameters.

The new encoding requires at most \(2q+1\) invocations of the underlying encoding algorithm. Decoding works exactly as in the replication architecture, with 2 calls to the underlying decoding algorithm.

5.3 Generalized Star Architecture

In this section we improve the amplification method to achieve a failure probability of \(O(\varepsilon ^d)\) for an arbitrary d. This enables to weaken the requirement from the underlying scheme, and only require that it fails with probability of at most \(\varepsilon =O(2^{-\lambda /d})\) instead of \(\varepsilon =O(2^{-\lambda /2})\). This is an important step if we wish to use an underlying OKVS scheme for which the failure probability is empirically proven, like our 3-hash garbled cuckoo table scheme presented in Sect. 4.1. The larger d is, the less experiments we have to conduct in order to empirically prove a failure probability of \(\varepsilon \) for the overall scheme.

The generalized idea is exactly the same as the star architecture, except that the center OKVS can tolerate up to \(d-1\) failures of the OKVS instances in the leaves. The new OKVS is composed of two components: (1) q leaf nodes as before, each of size \(\mathsf{size} (n')\), and (2) a center node of size \(d\cdot \mathsf{size} (n')\) (whereas in the simple star architecture the center is of size only \(\mathsf{size} (n')\)). The center node uses the replicated scheme \((\mathsf{Encode} ^{*d},\mathsf{Decode} ^{*d})\) described in Sect. 5.1. We require that both components fail with negligible probability in \(\lambda \). Specifically, in order for the entire scheme to fail with probability \(2^{-\lambda }\) each component has to fail with probability \(2^{-(\lambda +1)}\).

The formal description of the new OKVS scheme is as follows:

  • \(\mathsf{Encode} ^*_H(\{(k_i,v_i)\})\): Interpret \(H=(\tilde{h}, \hat{H}, H_1,\ldots ,H_q)\) , then,

    • Map the set \(\{(k_i,v_i)\}\) to q subsets: \(A_1,\ldots ,A_q\) where \(A_j=\{ (k_i,v_i) \mid \tilde{h}(k_i)=j \}\).

    • For \(j=1,\ldots ,q\) compute \(S_j\leftarrow \mathsf{Encode} _{H_j}(A_j)\) and record the set \(F=\{j \mid S_j=\bot \}\) (the indices of leaf nodes for which encoding failed).

    • Too many failures. If \(|F|\ge d\): output \(S=\bot \) and halt.

    • Otherwise. If \(|F|<d\):


      For all \(j\in F\) sample a random \(S_{j}\) from \(\mathbb {F} ^{\mathsf{size} (n')}\). (This procedure sets random values for all failed OKVS nodes.)


      Define the set \(\hat{A}=\bigcup _{j\in F} A_j\) of all items in the failed OKVS nodes. Compute a new set \(A'_{0}=\{(k,v')\}\) which contains for each \(k\in \hat{A}\) the pair \((k,v')\) where \(v'=v-\mathsf{Decode} _{H_{j}}(S_{j},k)\) where \(j=\tilde{h}(k)\). (This ensures that the central node corrects the value assigned for the key in the node OKVS.)

      Set \(\hat{S}\leftarrow \mathsf{Encode} _{\hat{H}}(A')\). If \(\hat{S}=\bot \) then output \(S=\bot \) and halt.


      For \(j\in [q]\backslash F\), define the set \(A'_j=\{(k,v') \mid (k,v)\in A_j \}\) where \(v'=v-\mathsf{Decode} _{\hat{H}}(\hat{S}, k)\) and compute \(S_j\leftarrow \mathsf{Encode} _{H_j}(A'_j)\).


      Output \(S=(S_1,\ldots ,S_q,\hat{S})\).

  • \(\mathsf{Decode} ^*_H(S, x)\): Interpret \(H=(\tilde{h}, H_1,\ldots ,H_q, \hat{H})\) and \(S=(S_1,\ldots ,S_q,\hat{S})\). Compute \(j=\tilde{h}(x)\) and output \(y=\mathsf{Decode} _{H_j}(S_j,x) + \mathsf{Decode} ^{*d}_{\hat{H}}(\hat{S}, x)\).

In the description used above we denoted the central node’s OKVS by \(\hat{S}\) instead of \(S_{0}\) as in the simple star architecture, to emphasize the fact that the central node is encoded using a stronger OKVS, namely a replicated OKVS scheme \((\mathsf{Encode} ^{*d},\mathsf{Decode} ^{*d})\).

Failure probability. The generalized star architecture fails if either the leaf nodes OKVS constructions or the central OKVS fail. Thus, we require that each component fails with probability \(2^{-(\lambda +1)}\).

Let \(\varepsilon \) be the failure probability of the underlying OKVS scheme \(( \mathsf{Encode},\mathsf{Decode})\). The first component, with q leaf nodes, fails when \(|F|\ge d\), which happens with probability \(\sum _{i=d}^{q} {q \atopwithdelims ()i} \varepsilon ^i(1-\varepsilon )^{q-i} =O(\varepsilon ^d)\). The second component, which is a scheme with d replicas, fails with probability \(\varepsilon ^d\), corresponding to the event where all replicas fail.

OKVS size and encoding/decoding time. The size of the new OKVS is \(q\cdot \mathsf{size} (n') \,+\, \mathsf{size} ^{*d}(n')\) where \(\mathsf{size} (n')\) and \(\mathsf{size} ^{*d}(n')\) are the sizes of the resulting OKVS for the \((\mathsf{Encode},\mathsf{Decode})\) and \((\mathsf{Encode} ^{*d},\mathsf{Decode} ^{*d})\) schemes, respectively. The value \(n'\) is the upper bound on the maximum load when mapping n balls to q bins, as presented in Eq. (5).

The new encoding requires 2q invocations of \(\mathsf{Encode} \) algorithm for the leaf nodes and a single invocation of \(\mathsf{Encode} ^{*d}\). The new decoding requires one invocation of \(\mathsf{Decode} \) and one invocation of \(\mathsf{Decode} ^{*d}\).

5.4 A Concrete Instantiation

The underlying scheme \((\mathsf{Encode} _H,\mathsf{Decode} _H)\) is instantiated using the scheme of Sect. 4.1 where the resulting OKVS, when encoded using \(n'\) items, is \(S=L\Vert R\) where \(|L|=1.3n\) and \(|R|=\lambda +0.5\log n\) (i.e. \(\mathsf{size} (n')=1.3n'+\lambda +0.5\log n'\)). In this scheme an encoding ‘failure’ happens when the 2-core which remains after peeling is of size larger than \(0.5\log n'\).

We conducted \(2^{33}\) runs of such a scheme with \(n'=6600\), using different sets of hash functions in each run. There was only a single run in which the 2-core was greater than \(0.5\log n'\). By the Clopper-Pearson method [10], we get that for a random set of hash function H

$$ \varepsilon = \Pr [\mathsf{Encode} _H(\{(k_i,v_i)\}) = \bot ] = 2^{-29.355} $$

with confidence level of 0.9999.

We can use that result in order to construct a new scheme \((\mathsf{Encode} _H^*,\mathsf{Decode} _H^*)\) using the star architecture (Sect. 5.2, replication factor is \(d=1\), i.e., no replication):

  • \(n=2^{16}\). We use \(q=10\) bins. Then, the maximum load according to Eq. (5) is \(n'=7117\), for which the above experiment appliesFootnote 9. Thus, the failure probability of the new scheme, according to Eq. (3), is \(2^{-52.9}\).

  • \(n=2^{20}\). We use \(q=160\) bins. Then, the maximum load according to Eq. (5) is \(n'=7163\). Thus, the failure probability of the new scheme, according to Eq. (3), is \(2^{-45.05}\).

In both cases, the space usage is \((q+1)\cdot (1.3 n/q +\lambda +0.5\log (n/q) ) \approx 1.3 n\).

6 Applications of OKVS

In this section we discuss how OKVS can be used as a drop-in replacement for polynomials in many protocols.

6.1 Sparse OT Extension

Pinkas et al.  (SpOT-light [32]) proposed a semi-honest PSI protocol with very low communication, based on oblivious transfer techniques. Suppose the PSI input sets are of size n, and hold items from the universe [N]. There is a natural protocol for PSI that uses N OTs, where the receiver uses choice bit 1 in only n of them and choice bit 0 in the rest. This protocol will have cost proportional to N because communication is required for each OT, making it unsuitable for exponential N. The work in [32] introduces a technique called sparse OT extension, which reduces this cost.

Suppose the N OTs are generated with IKNP OT extension [19]. In IKNP, the receiver sends a large matrix with N rows. The parties perform the ith OT by referencing only the ith row of this matrix. Consider the mapping \(i \mapsto \) [ith row of IKNP matrix]. In the PSI protocol, the receiver only cares about n out of the N values of this mapping. So instead of sending the entire mapping (i.e., the entire IKNP matrix), the receiver sends a polynomial P that satisfies \(P(i) = [i\text {th row of matrix}]\), for the i-values of interest. Crucially, the communication has been reduced from N rows’ worth of information to only n.

When the IKNP matrix is encoded in this way, the result is the spot-low PSI protocol of [32]. Any OKVS may replace the use of a polynomial in spot-low.Footnote 10

6.2 Oblivious Programmable PRF and its Applications

Kolesnikov et al.  [24] introduced a primitive called oblivious programmable PRF (OPPRF). In an OPPRF, the sender has a collection of n pairs of the form \(x_i \mapsto y_i\), and the receiver has a list of \(x'_i\) values. The functionality chooses a pseudo-random function R, conditioned on \(R(x_i) = y_i\) for all i. It gives (a description of) R to the sender and it gives \(R(x'_i)\) to the receiver, for each i. In [24] a natural OPPRF protocol is described, based on polynomials. The parties invoke a (plain) oblivious PRF protocol, where the sender learns a PRF seed s and the receiver learns \(PRF(s,x'_i)\) for each i. Then the sender interpolates a polynomial P containing “corrections” of the form \(P(x_i) = PRF(s,x_i) \oplus y_i\), and sends it to the receiver. Now both parties define the function \(R(x) \overset{\text {def}}{=} PRF(s,x) \oplus P(x)\), which indeed agrees with the \(x_i \mapsto y_i\) mappings of the receiver but is otherwise pseudo-random. In this application it is of course crucial that P hides the points which were used for interpolating it. Naturally, any OKVS can replace the polynomial in the OPPRF construction.Footnote 11

Applications. [24] used an OPPRF to construct the first concretely efficient multi-party PSI. They described two protocols: The first protocol is fully secure against semi-honest adversaries. The second is more efficient but proven secure in a weaker augmented semi-honest model, where the corrupt parties are assumed to run the protocol honestly, but the simulator in the ideal world is allowed to change the inputs of corrupt parties. Intuitively, the protocol leaks no more to a semi-honest party than what can be learned by using some input (not necessarily the one they executed the protocol on) in the ideal model. We discuss this latter protocol in more detail in Sect. 7.2, where we show that, surprisingly, the protocol is secure against malicious adversaries despite not being secure in the semi-honest model.

OPPRF is also used in the PSI protocol in [34] for circuit PSI – computing arbitrary functions of the intersection rather than the intersection itself. It is also used in the recent multi-party PSI protocols of Chandran et al.  [5, 6].

In a private set union protocol [25], a variant of OPPRF is used to perform a functionality of reverse private membership test. The functionality allows a party holding the set X to learn whether an input y of another party is in X, and nothing else. [25] also rely on simple hashing to improve the computation of the polynomial-based OKVS.

Finally, [41] proposes a new OPRF-based PSI protocol. Their construction combines a vector OLE with the PaXoS construction. We observe that it is possible to replace their use of PaXoS with any abstract OKVS, and with our new OKVS constructions in particular.

6.3 PaXoS PSI

The leading malicious 2-party PSI protocol is due to [33], and is known as PaXoS-PSI. The underlying data structure, a probe and XOR of strings (PaXoS), is what we call a binary OKVS in this work. Their protocol and proofs are written in terms of an arbitrary PaXoS data structure, with definitions that are identical to the ones we require of a binary OKVS. Hence, the improved constructions of binary OKVS that we present in this work automatically give an improvement to the PaXoS-PSI protocol. We have implemented these improvements to PaXoS-PSI, and report on their concrete performance in Sect. 8.2.

In Sect. 7 we discuss more details of the PaXoS PSI protocol, and also introduce a new generalization that can take advantage of a non-binary OKVS.

6.4 Covert Computation

Covert computation is an enhanced form of MPC (not to be confused with the definition of covert security) which ensures that participating parties cannot distinguish protocol execution from a random noise, until the protocol ends with a desired output. The constructions in [9, 26] enable two parties to run multiple such computations in linear time, while keeping the covertness property. The challenge is identifying the correspondence between the protocol invocation sets of both parties. This is solved using a primitive called Index-Hiding Message Encoding (IHME). The constructions in [9, 26] convert a protocol for single-input functionality into a secure protocol for multi-input functionality, by encoding as value P(x) of a polynomial P the protocol message for input x. (Here, the polynomial P implements the IHME primitive.) The usage of a polynomial can be replaced by any OKVS, to result in improved performance.

7 Other PSI Improvements

We present several improvements to leading PSI schemes which use OKVS.

7.1 Generalizing PaXoS-PSI to Linear OKVS

The PaXoS-PSI protocol [33] uses any binary OKVS data structure. We now present a generalization that can support any linear (not necessarily binary) OKVS. First, we review the protocol to understand its restriction to binary OKVS: The PaXoS-PSI protocol starts with the parties invoking the malicious OT-extension protocol of Orrú, Orsini and Scholl [31]. The receiver chooses a vector of strings \(D = (d_1, \ldots , d_m)\), and learns an output vector \(R = (r_1, \ldots , r_m)\). The sender chooses a random string s and learns output \(Q = (q_1, \ldots , q_m)\). The important correlation among these values is:

$$\begin{aligned} r_i = q_i \oplus C(d_i) \wedge s \end{aligned}$$

where C is a binary, linear error correcting code with minimum distance \(\kappa \), and \(\wedge \) denotes bitwise-AND.

If we view D, R, and Q as OKVS data structures, we will see that Eq. (6) is compatible with the homomorphic properties of a binary OKVS (see Sect. 2.3). Hence:

$$ \mathsf{Decode} (R,k) = \mathsf{Decode} (Q,k) \oplus C\bigl ( \mathsf{Decode} (D,k) \bigr ) \wedge s $$

Now, suppose the receiver has chosen their input D (an OKVS) so that \(\mathsf{Decode} (D,y) = H(y)\), for each y in their PSI input set, where H is a random oracle. Suppose that for each x in their set, the sender computes

$$ m_x = H'\Bigl ( \mathsf{Decode} (Q,x) \oplus C(\mathsf{Decode} (D,x))\wedge s \Bigr ), $$

where \(H'\) is a random oracle. If that x is in the intersection, then the receiver can also compute/recognize \(m_x\), since it is equal to \(H'(\mathsf{Decode} (R,x))\). If x is not in the intersection, then \(\mathsf{Decode} (D,x) = H(x) \oplus \delta \) for some nonzero string \(\delta \). Then through some simple substitutions, we get \(m_x = H'(\mathsf{Decode} (R,k) \oplus C(\delta ) \wedge s)\).

When \(H'\) is a correlation-robust hash function, values of the form \(H'(a_i \oplus b_i \wedge s)\) are indistinguishable from random, when each \(b_i\) has hamming weight at least \(\kappa \) (as is guaranteed by the code) and s is uniform. In other words, when the sender has an item x and computes \(m_x\), this value looks random to the receiver.

Binary OKVS and the generalization. Revisiting Eq. (6), we see that the relation \(r_i = q_i \oplus C(d_i) \wedge s\) is homomorphic with respect to xor:

$$ r_i \oplus r_j = (q_i \oplus q_j) \oplus C(d_i \oplus d_j) \wedge s. $$

This is what makes these correlated values compatible with a binary OKVS. However, if we view all strings as elements of a binary field, we see that more general linear combinations of \(r_i\)’s do not work because the \(\wedge \) operation is bit-wise, i.e. it is not compatible with the field operation.

The fact that \(\wedge \) is not a field operation is also the reason for the error-correcting code C in the expression \(r_i = q_i \oplus C(d_i) \wedge s\). For any nonzero \(d_i\), we use the fact that \(C(d_i) \wedge s\) is an expression with at least \(\kappa \) bits of uncertainty (i.e., we are bitmasking at least \(\kappa \) bits of s).

Now suppose that the parties had values that were not correlated according to Eq. (6), but instead used a field operation \(\cdot \) in place of \(\wedge \):

$$\begin{aligned} r_i = q_i \oplus d_i \cdot s \end{aligned}$$

Then we could view D, R, and Q each as OKVS data structures, and if they were linear OKVS we would have:

$$ \mathsf{Decode} (R,k) = \mathsf{Decode} (Q,k) \oplus \mathsf{Decode} (D,k) \cdot s. $$

Additionally, for any \(a_i, b_i\) pairs with nonzero \(b_i\), a value of the form \(H(a_i \oplus b_i \cdot s)\) would look random to the receiver.

Indeed, replacing the correlation of Eq. (6) with that of (7) and using any linear (not necessarily binary) OKVS will lead to a secure PSI protocol whose proof follows closely to PaXoS-PSI. Additionally, since an error-correcting code is not needed, communication is reduced relative to PaXoS-PSI. A protocol that generates correlations that follow Eq. (7) is called a vector oblivious linear evaluation (vOLE) protocol [3, 4, 42]. Our protocol would require a malicious-secure vOLE protocol, but to date no such vOLE has been implemented. We leave it to future work to determine whether a vOLE-based approach will be competitive with the original PaXoS (OT-extension) approach.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Our generalized PaXoS-PSI protocol, adapted from [33]

Theorem 7

If \((\mathsf{Encode},\mathsf{Decode})\) is a linear OKVS, and other parameters \(\ell _1,\ell _2\) are as in [33], then the protocol in Fig. 3 securely realizes 2-party PSI against malicious adversaries.

7.2 Malicious Multi-party PSI

Multi-party Private Set Intersection(\(\mathcal {F}_{\text {m-psi}}\)) allows a set of parties, each with a private set of items (\(P_i\) owns a set \(X_i\)), to learn the intersection of their sets \(X_0 \cap X_1 \cap \cdots \cap X_n\) and nothing beyond that. The work of Kolesnikov et al. in [24] presents generic transformations from any 2-party oblivious PRF to a multi-party PSI protocol. One of these transformations is secure in the semi-honest model, and a more efficient transformation is secure in the weaker “augmented semi-honest” model, in which the ideal-world simulator is allowed to change the inputs of the corrupt parties. Here we observe that this more efficient protocol can actually be made secure in the malicious model with only a minor modification (post-processing of the OPRF outputs with a random oracle).

Malicious-secure but not Semi-honest secure? Here, we briefly address this apparent paradoxical situation of a protocol being malicious-secure but not semi-honest secure. For a semi-honest secure protocol the simulator cannot change the inputs of the corrupt parties; that is, it should be able to explain any well-defined input provided by the environment on behalf of the corrupt parties. We can interpret the “augmented semi-honest” secure protocol as “the protocol is semi-honest secure apart from the issue of simulators changing inputs”. In contrast, simulators changing a corrupt party’s inputs is no issue while proving malicious-security. It just so happens, that without the issue of “simulators changing inputs” the protocol in [24] is malicious-secure.

We discuss the protocol in detail in the full version, as well as its cost analysis, proof of security and possible extensions. We also discuss there the interesting interaction between semi-honest and malicious security.

To the best of our knowledge, [1, 44] are the only other works that study concretely efficient malicious multi-party PSI. Their constructions rely heavily on BF/GBF, which is the most communication-expensive construction amongst the three PSI constructions presented in [24]. While our protocol achieves almost the same cost as that of the most efficient construction in [24], with only a minor (inexpensive) modification, the protocols of [44] and [1] are about \(10\times \) and \(2\times \) slower than [24]. We present a more detailed qualitative comparison with the recent work of [1] in the full version.

8 Concrete Performance

We now benchmark different OKVS constructions and our PSI schemes. We also present a comparison based on implementations of state-of-the-art semi-honest and malicious PSI protocols. We used the implementation of semi-honest protocols (KKRT [23], SpOT-low and SpOT-fast [32], CM [7]) and malicious protocols (RR [40], PaXos [33]) from the open source-code provided by the authors, and perform a series of benchmarks on the range of set size \(n=\{2^{12}, 2^{16}, 2^{20}\}\). All cuckoo hash functions are public parameters of the protocols, and can be simply implemented as one party chooses the hash functions and broadcasts them to other parties.

We assume there is an authenticated secure channel between each pair of participants (e.g., with TLS). We evaluated the PSI protocols over three different network settings (so-called fast, medium, slow networks). The LAN setting (i.e., fast network) has two machines in the same region (N.Virginia) with bandwidth 4.6 Gib/s; The WAN1 (i.e., medium network) has one machine in Ohio and the other in Oregon with bandwidth 260 Mib/s; and the WAN2 (i.e., slow network) has one machine in Sao Paolo and the other in Sydney with bandwidth 33 Mib/s. While our protocol can be parallelized at the level of bins, all experiments, however, are performed with a single thread (with an additional thread used for communication). In all tables and figures of this section,“SH” and “M” stand for semi-honest and malicious, respectively. We describe detailed microbenchmarking results for OKVS in the full version.

8.1 Parameters for OKVS and PSI

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Parameters for OKVS and PSI.

Some OKVS schemes rely on a simple hashing which maps n pairs into m bins. The number of items assigned of any bin leaks a distribution about input set. Therefore, all bins must be padded to some maximum possible size. Using a standard ball-and-bin analysis based on the input size and number of bins, one can deduce an upper bound bin size m such that no bin contains more than m items with high probability \(1-2^{-\lambda }\). When n balls are mapped at random to m bins, the probability that the most occupied bin has \(\mu \) or more balls is \(m {n \atopwithdelims ()\mu } \frac{1}{m^\mu }\) [35, 37]. We provide our choices of \(\mu \) for which the probability of a bin overflow is most \(1-2^{-\lambda }\), as well as other relevant parameters for the OKVS schemes and PSI protocols in Fig. 4.

A garbled Bloom filter (GBF) [11] fails if a false-positive even occurs. Using \(\lambda \) hash functions and a vector of size \(1.44\lambda n\) results in a failure probability of \(1/2^{\lambda }\) [27]. Therefore, we use \(\lambda \) hash functions and an OKVS table size of 60n. We use \(m=2.4n\) and \(m=1.3n\) bins as the acceptable heuristic for the PaXoS and 3H-GCT OKVS constructions, respectively, and the PSI protocols that use them. We use the concrete parameters for the star architecture based OKVS that are described in Sect. 5.4.

8.2 Improving PSI Protocols

Table 1. Communication in MB and run time in milliseconds. All protocols run with inputs of length \(\sigma =128\) except RR (SM) that supports 64 bits at most. The upper part of the table refers to semi-honest (SH) protocols whereas the lower part refers to malicious (M) protocols. Missing entries refer to experiments that failed due to lack of memory or took too much time. Reported results are by running over AWS c5d.2xlarge. Note that we found an issue with the implementation of [7, 23, 32, 40], which use network connection library [38]. Specifically, over a real network their protocols take more time than over a simulated network with similar bandwidth and latency. The difference is noticeable in CM [7].

A detailed benchmark and comparison of different PSI protocols is given in Table 1. Note that the SpOT-low [33] and RR [40] protocols run out of memory for set size \(n = 2^{20}\), and are not included in the comparison for this case.

Communication improvement. The overall communication of our 3H-GCT and star-arch. based malicious PSI is \(1.61\times \) and \(1.43\times \), respectively, less than the previous state of the art, PaXoS. This is greatly due to the fact that our protocols invoke 1.3n and 1.41n OTs, respectively, compared to 2.4n in PaXoS.

Computation improvement. Over fast networks (4.6 Gbits/s) and \(n=2^{20}\), our protocol is only 1.05\(\times \)–1.1\(\times \) slower than the fastest PSI protocols (KKRT and PaXoS), where the running time is dominated by computation. Over slower networks our protocols are almost always the fastest in the semi-honest setting and always fastest in the malicious setting. For example, over a 33 Mbits/s network, our malicious star architecture-based construction is almost \(2\times \) faster than PaXoS.