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Approximate Computing for Cryptography

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Approximate Computing


Approximate computing enables construction of circuits that are faster and more compact and consume less power at the cost of accuracy of computation. Generally, it has been employed in a lot of error-tolerant applications such as image/multimedia signal processing, machine learning, etc., applications that allow accuracy degradation without quality degradation. But, approximation has also the potential being utilized to provide area and power efficient solutions in the domain of information security. This chapter will survey the practicality of deployment of approximate computing for the cryptographic primitives and applications along with the possible consequences on their correctness as well as security-level reduction.

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Kundi, DeS., Khalid, A., Bian, S., Liu, W. (2022). Approximate Computing for Cryptography. In: Liu, W., Lombardi, F. (eds) Approximate Computing. Springer, Cham.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-98346-8

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-030-98347-5

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