
1 Introduction

The purpose of this work is the search for a theoretical understanding of the clustering of oil droplets (density 1.2 g/cm\(^3\)) suspended in water (density 1.0 g/cm\(^3\)) in an opening pipe as in the experiments by Li and Barrow [7]. Intuitively, one would expect that under the influence of purely hydrodynamic interactions, there should only dominate repulsion between droplets and no clustering should occur. We investigate the basic properties of the interaction between droplets, together with the effect of the simulation geometry with the phenomenological modeling of hydrodynamic forces and interactions. We desist from trying to implement a full-fledged direct numerical simulation (DNS) of droplets in flow, as the state of the art of direct numerical simulation is still far away from modelling particles, let alone droplets, in three dimensional fluid geometries with the exact boundary conditions. Some problems of the standard discretizations for DNS methods with freely moving bodies inside are explained in Appendix A, while the issues of “approximate” boundaries are discussed in Appendix B, to make it plain that we have selected our modeling approach from a higher insight of simulation methods, not due to ignorance of more elaborate methods.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Cylindrical pipe of the model system (above) with dimensions in meter and Hagen-Poiseuille flow profile (below) with the widening of the pipe to an “O”-shape at the right of \(x=0,\) where the fanning out of the flow is computed based on the assumption of continuity, respectively incompressibility.

2 Our Modeling Approach

For simplification, we treat the experiment by Li and Barrow [7] as a widening pipe (see Fig. 1 above) without the butterfly-pipe mechanism which triggers the separation and release of the droplets.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Flow entering a pipe from a wider vessel with constant flow profile so that only after the “entrance length”, a trule parabolic Hagen-Poiseuille flow profile is reached.

2.1 Forces on Droplets in Pipes

We want to model small oil droplets with a radius of about 0.6 mm in water, so the surface tension should be large enough so that the deformation can be neglected and the droplets can be treated as rigid. We work with an experimental inside flowrate of 3.8 [ml/h]. Assuming a Hagen-Poiseuille flow with a parabolic profile, the maximal velocity in the center of the narrow inflow pipe (d=1.32 mm) will be \(u_{in}=0.76\) [mm/s], while at the wider O-shaped outflow pipe it will be \(u_{out}=0.34\) [mm/s], see Fig. 1. The Reynolds number Re based on the viscosity of water \(\mu =10^{-3}\) [Pa s] with unit density \(\rho \) and the total pipe diameter at inflow of 1.3 mm is

$$ Re_{max}=\frac{\rho u_{in} D_{\text {H}}}{\mu } \approx 4.4 \cdot 10^{-4}, $$

“deep” in the viscous regime of the Stokes flow (\(Re<1\)), and far away for inertia dominated (\(Re>50\)), let alone fully developed turbulent flow (\(Re>1000\)), so that vortices and turbulence should not play any role. For pipe flow, at inflows from a constant flow profile, it takes a certain distance, the entry (or entrance) length, until the flow profile changes to full developed Hagen-Poiseuille flow, see Fig. 2. For laminar flow, is typically taken “within 5%” [15] of the channel diameter, scaled by the Reynolds number, so for our case at the narrow inflow we have

$$ L_{h,n}= 0.05 \cdot Re D=5.2 \cdot 10^{-7} \text{[ }m], $$

and at the wider outflow, \( L_{h,w}=1.460 \cdot 10^{-6} \text{[ }m], \) still considerably less than a droplet diameter. This means that for our setup, the flow assumes a parabolic profile practically instantaneously, even between droplets. The entrance length is a confirmation that viscous forces dominate and that the assumption of Hagen-Poiseuille flow is justified. (The assumption of a constant flow speed would reduce the Reynold number and therefore the entrance length, which would again confirm the prevalence of Hagen-Poiseuille flow.) We neglect any “elastic” deformations of the droplet which may lead to deformations of the shape, so for the force on the droplet we use Stokes law

$$\begin{aligned} F_d = 6 \pi \mu R v, \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 3.
figure 3

(Dimensionless) wall correction factor and added mass over the reduced diameter from 0 to 1.

where v is the velocity difference between the center of mass of the droplet and the velocity of the flow in the pipe. The Stokes law is only valid for walls far away. For more narrow geometries, a (dimensionless) wall correction factor \(F^*\) must be included, which takes the influence of the walls into account. Fitting the experimental data from Iwaoka and Ishii [5] for the dimensionless

$$\begin{aligned} r^* = \frac{r_{particle}}{r_{pipe}}, \end{aligned}$$

we found that at least for the experimental data range (\(0 \le r^* \le 0.9\))

$$\begin{aligned} F^* = \frac{1}{(1-r^*)^{2.45}}. \end{aligned}$$

was a good parametrization, see Fig. 3. Another issue of the Stokes law is that it is valid only for equilibrium velocities. When the spheres undergo an acceleration in a dense liquid (with a density comparable to the density of the body), there is an added (or vitual) mass of the fluid around the particle which must be accelerated, too. [14]. For a sphere, that gives an additional inertia term, which in a cylindrical vessel depends on the vessel radius. For the boundaries at infinity, the correction is 0.5, i.e. for the acceleration of a spherical mass of volume V,  an additional mass of \(0.5 V \rho \) must be taken into account. The correction coefficients for boundaries in finite distance have been computed theoretically by Smythe [13] and experimentally verified by Mellsen [8]. We have fitted the resulting graph to a (dimensionless) prefactor of

$$\begin{aligned} m^*=\frac{0.5}{(1-0.9243{r^*}^2)^{1.2579}}. \end{aligned}$$

The comparison to the wall correction factor can be seen in Fig. 3. Obviously, the added mass effect (for the accelerated motion) is considerably smaller than the wall correction factor for the motion at given velocity.

2.2 The Interaction of Droplets

It is possible to expand the repulsive force between two droplets which are approaching each other with velocity v as a correction to the Stokes law [2, 3]. For our simulation, we have parameterized the resulting prefactor of the interaction law for equal sized spheres, see Fig. 2a) of Goddard et al. [3]. This means that for distances \(d>10r\) with r being the particle radius, the repulsive force decays so much that it corresponds to Stokes’ law alone while for distances \(d< 0.1r\), the repulsive force increases as a prefactor to Stokes’s law with a 1/d dependence, while for the intermediate range \(10r>d>0.1r\), there is a smooth transition between the repulsive (short range) and the neutral (long range) regime.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Release of the droplets with only hydrodynamic interactions and initial disorder.

3 Results: Gravity in X-Direction

For this preliminary investigation, we make the system more symmetric by setting the gravitation in x-direction: We first want to understand the effect of the interactions we have implemented without interference of an asymmetric effect from gravity between an upper and lower boundary. We integrate the equations of motion with MATLAB’s adaptive time ode15s-integrator and enforce the use of the BDF2 (Backward differentiation formula of second order) with a relative error tolerance of 0.1% and absolute errors of 1% of the droplet radius and 1% of the maximal velocity in the narrow channel. For this preliminary investigation, we work with a constant augmented mass of 50% only, without the corrections due to the closeness of the boundary. To take into account that the release of the droplet at the inlet will be affected by an oscillation of the droplet which may shift its center of mass, we add \(\pm 3.75\) % equally distributed randomness. Our hope was that this disorder in the initial coordinates would trigger the clustering. The result for hydrodynamic forces only was disappointing and is shown in Fig. 4. The droplets are released like pearls on a string. While the initial disorder is amplified by the hydrodynamic interaction, so that the scattering of the vertical position around the symmetry axis is enhanced, no clustering occurs.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Force between the droplets from Eq. (5) drawn for \(k_{mult}=1\) with the extension of the droplets.

3.1 Introducing an Additional Interaction

We next introduce an additional interaction. From comparison with the clustering in the experiment, we have to assume that there must be an additional attraction. On the other hand, once the droplets are in contact, they feel a kind of “elastic” repulsion, because they do not fuse. We construct the interaction for the droplet radius \(r_{dr}\) so that

$$\begin{aligned} F^{int}=k_{mult} \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \displaystyle -2.5 \cdot 10^{-4} \frac{r_{dr}}{r^2} &{} \text{ for } r>2.15 \, r_{dr}, \\ \displaystyle +10^{-4} \frac{(2 r_{dr}-r)}{r_{dr}}+ 10^{-5} \exp \left( 1.2 \frac{1.05 r_{dr}}{r-2r_{dr}} \right) &{} \text{ else, } \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

so the upper term is a Coulomb-type attraction, while the lower term is a linear repulsion with an added exponential term to guarantee that no fusion (penetration) of droplets can occur. The Coulomb-type has been chosen because \(1/r^2\) is the only algebraic form which allows to model a spatially decaying interaction between agglomerations by their centers of mass. While the coefficients in the interaction look a bit strange, they have been chosen so that repulsion changes continuously into attraction when the droplets come into contact, see Fig. 5.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Wordlines (x-coordinates over time) above and (three-dimensional) clusters for the final timestep of the worldlines below for \(k_{mult}=0.8\). At \(t=107\)[s] (not shown), the first two clusters fuse to a seven-droplet cluster, but the three-droplet clusters behind seem to be stable.

3.2 Clustering for Different Values of \(k_{mult}\)

With attraction, the dynamics in the simulation develops two timescales: The slow timescale of the advection of the droplets through the pipe and the fast timescale due to the reordering of the droplet positions into clusters at close range under the influence of the attractive force. Depending on the prefactor \(k_{mult},\) we obtain clusters with a different number of droplets. In Fig. 6, we have shown the result for \(k_{mult}=0.8\) with three droplets per clusters in “equilibrium” and only the first cluster with four droplets. The release of three-droplet cluster was sustained also beyond the simulation time shown here. Interestingly, the number of droplets in a cluster is not proportional to the attraction strength, because the force equilibrium between attraction and hydrostatic repulsion is rather subtle: For \(k_{mult}=0.4,\) a leading cluster of three droplets develops, which is then followed by pairs of droplets which over time fuse into clusters of four droplets, see Fig. 7. While the first four-droplet cluster fuses with the leading three-droplet cluster, the later four-droplet clusters stay intact when they are flushed along the system. Typically, the number of droplets in a cluster for a given value of \(k_{mult}\) is constant, except the first cluster, which may have one droplet less or more and which then fuses with the second cluster.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Wordlines (x-coordinates over time) above and (three-dimensional) clusters for the final timestep of the worldlines below for \(k_{mult}=0.4\). At the widening outlet, first two-droplet clusters form which then fuse into four-droplet clusters.

4 Summary, Conclusions and Future Work

For the current state of the art of fluid simulation techniques, direct numerical simulations of (hydrophobe) droplets in (hydrophile) fluids seem to be unfeasible. Therefore, to understand the experimentally observed clustering of droplets, we have proposed a phenomenological interaction of the droplets based on known hydrodynamic interactions with an additional Coulomb-type attraction. The phenomenology of this model is rather rich, as the number of droplets in a cluster is not proportional to the interaction strength: Due to a subtle balance of attraction and hydrodynamic repulsion, there can be clusters with more droplets for weaker attraction. In the next step, a better physical understanding of the possible attractive interactions and a matching with the experimental data have to be obtained.