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Enhancing Cross-Institute Generalisation of GNNs in Histopathology Through Multiple Embedding Graph Augmentation (MEGA)

  • Conference paper
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Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA 2024)


Many recent methods for the analysis of histology whole slide images (WSIs) have used graph neural networks (GNNs) to aggregate visual information over a large image resolution. However, domain shift is a significant challenge in computational histopathology, due to differences in WSI appearance between institutes, and the effect of these differences on training GNNs has not been explored. In this work, we present the Multiple Embedding Graph Augmentation (MEGA) strategy to improve the cross-institute generalisation of GNNs in histology. We show that by introducing image augmentation and normalisation to the node features used to train a GNN, we can train a model that is robust to domain shift without additional labels or further training of the feature extractor. We compare MEGA to noise-based regularisation and demonstrate its effectiveness in a node classification tissue prediction task in placenta histology.

J. Campbell and C. Vanea—Contributed equally to this work.

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Jonathan Campbell and Claudia Vanea are supported by the EPSRC Center for Doctoral Training in Health Data Science (EP/S02428X/1).

Cecilia M. Lindgren is supported by the Li Ka Shing Foundation, NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, Oxford, NIH (1P50HD104224-01), Gates Foundation (INV-024200), and a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award (221782/Z/20/Z).

Triin Lasik is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the programme Mobilitas Pluss (MOBTP155) and the Estonian Research Council grant (PSG776).

The computational aspects of this research were supported by the Wellcome Trust Core Award (203141/Z/16/Z) and the NIHR Oxford BRC. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.

We thank Andrew Zisserman for his comments and suggestions.

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Correspondence to Jonathan Campbell , Claudia Vanea or Christoffer Nellåker .

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A Training Data Augmentation for Cell Model

In Table 4, we list the augmentations used to train the cell classifier used as the feature extractor.

Table 4. Augmentations used to train the cell classifier feature extractor.

B Whole Slide Image Dataset Details

Slides were prepared using a standard formalin fixing, paraffin-embedded, and hematoxylin and eosin staining procedure, sliced at 5 \(\upmu \)m full thickness, and scanned at \(\times \)40 magnification.

Source Institute. The source slides used for training the feature extractor and GNN models were collected at the University of Tartu, Estonia, and digitised using a Hamamatsu XR scanner.

Target Institute 1. Two target slides used for evaluating the generalisability of the GNN model were collected at the Northshore University HealthSystem, Chicago, and digitised using an Aperio GT 450 scanner.

Target Institute 2. Two target slides used for evaluating the generalisability of the GNN model were collected at the Hadassah Medical Center, Israel, and digitised using a 3D HISTECH PANNORAMIC 250 Flash III.

C Node Classification Dataset Details

Source Institute. 789,539 nodes from the source WSI were manually labelled into 9 tissue classes with a 55%/24%/21% train/val/test split to train and evaluate the performance of the GNN for node classification. Dataset splits were chosen as large, consistent regions with similar class distributions to avoid information leakage between neighbouring nodes.

Target Institute 1. 39,094 nodes from two target WSIs were manually labelled into 9 tissue classes to evaluate the generalisation of the GNN for node classification. Evaluation nodes were selected from different regions of the slide and have a similar class distribution to the training data.

Target Institute 2. 65,892 nodes from two target WSIs were manually labelled into 9 tissue classes to evaluate the generalisation of the GNN for node classification. Evaluation nodes were selected from different regions of the slide and have a similar class distribution to the training data.

D Feature Extractor Dataset Details

Source Institute. 11,955 \(200\times 200\) pixel images of 11 cell types from five slides, separate from those used for the GNN, were manually labelled into a 72%/14%/14% train/val/test split to train and evaluate the performance of the feature extractor on the source data.

Target Institute 1. 361 \(200\times 200\) pixel images of 11 cell types from two slides, separate from those used for the GNN, were manually labelled to quantify the degree of domain shift by the feature extractor performance on the target 1 data. For training the unbiased feature extractor, 2,415 \(200\times 200\) pixel images of cells from 2 slides were manually labelled into a 70%/15%/15% train/val/test split.

Target Institute 2. 686 \(200\times 200\) pixel images of 11 cell types from two slides, separate from those used for the GNN, were manually labelled to quantify the degree of domain shift by the feature extractor performance on the target 2 data.

E Training Details

For the cell classifier feature extractor, we finetune a ResNet-50 model with additional linear layers from ImageNet weights for 60 epochs with an Adam optimiser, 400 batch size, cross entropy-loss, and a 0.0001 learning rate with 0.5 weight decay applied every 20 epochs. Minority classes are oversampled during training. The model with the highest validation accuracy is then fully trained unfrozen for 100 epochs with the same hyperparameters. The model is trained to predict the cell class of the cell in the centre of a \(200\times 200\) pixel image. Cells are classified into one of 11 cell types: syncytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblast, syncytial knot, extravillous trophoblast, undifferentiated mesenchymal cell, fibroblast, vascular endothelial cell, vascular myocyte, Hofbauer cell, maternal decidual cell and leukocytes.

For the GNN, we train a randomly initialised ClusterGCN model with 16 GraphSAGEConv layers, each with 256 hidden units for 2000 epochs with an Adam optimiser, cross entropy-loss, a 0.001 learning rate, a batch size of 200 and a subgraph sampling size of 400 neighbours. The model with the highest validation accuracy, calculated without neighbourhood sampling, is saved as the final model. The GNN is trained to classify each node into one of 9 tissue types: stem villi, anchoring villi, mature intermediate villi, terminal villi, villus sprouts, chorionic plate, basal plate, fibrin and avascular villi.

F Results on Additional Target Slides

We randomly select and annotate nodes in an additional target slide from each target institute to further assess the improvements in generalisation from each method (Table 5). Node annotations are made such that they maintain a similar class distribution to the evaluation sets from other slides. Using the naive results as a measure of domain shift, we see that when there isn’t a domain shift, such as between source and target 2, then graph normalisation will provide the most benefit. When there is a domain shift, such as between source and target 1, then norm and pixel augmentations achieve the best performance. These results are consistent with the reported accuracies on the other target slides and when using an unbiased feature extractor.

Table 5. Comparison of methods for improving domain generalisation on two additional slides from the target institutes. Average GNN accuracy across 3 random initialisations is reported for source and target data.

G Hardware and Software Details

All training and inference were performed on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU. Cell images were extracted from WSIs using libvips v8.9.2 with OpenSlide v3.4.1 via Python bindings pyvips v2.1.14. The code was written in Python v3.10.13 with PyTorch v2.0.1. torchvision v0.15.2, and PyTorch Geometric v2.3.1 for the deep learning models. Augmentations were applied using Albumentations v1.3.0. WSI cell and tissue annotations were created using QuPath v0.3.1.

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Campbell, J. et al. (2024). Enhancing Cross-Institute Generalisation of GNNs in Histopathology Through Multiple Embedding Graph Augmentation (MEGA). In: Yap, M.H., Kendrick, C., Behera, A., Cootes, T., Zwiggelaar, R. (eds) Medical Image Understanding and Analysis. MIUA 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14860. Springer, Cham.

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