
1 Introduction

With the increasing interest in many emerging domains such as social networks, the World Wide Web (e-commerce and advertising), and genomics, the importance of dynamic graph processing has grown substantially. This recent trend has given rise to many graph processing frameworks like GraphLab [13], PowerGraph [10], Graphchi [12], and X-Stream [19] that operate on time-varying real-world graphs. However, most current graph analytics on such dynamic graphs follow a store-and-static-compute model that involves storing batches of updates to a graph applied at different points in time and then repeatedly running static graph computations on the “snapshots” of the evolving graph. The key assumption made here is that the dynamic graph changes slower than the static processing rate. Extreme-scale applications like Facebook’s representative social graph benchmark [4] reports an update rate of 86,400 objects/second in 2013, while Twitter traffic [3] can peak at 143 thousand tweets (and associated updates) per second and emails sent [1] can reach as high as 2.5 millions/sec. This high volume of changes in dynamic graphs is further complicated by the need for soft or hard real-time guarantees for applications like real-time anomaly detection and disease spreading. Both the volume and complexity of queries have outstripped traditional static graph analytics.

To address the challenges of large scale dynamic graph processing, we propose an incremental graph processing framework called GraphIn. The GraphIn framework employs a novel programming model called Incremental-Gather-Apply-Scatter (or I-GAS) to incrementally process a continuous stream of updates (i.e., edge/vertex insertions and/or deletions) as a sequence of batches. The I-GAS programming model is based on the popular gather-apply-scatter (GAS) programming paradigm [10] and it allows an incremental graph problem to be reduced to a sub-problem that operates on a portion, or sub-graph, of the entire evolving graph. This sub-graph abstraction allows I-GAS to substantially outperform traditional static processing techniques.

Furthermore, GraphIn takes into account situations where incremental processing may perform worse than static recomputation, such as with incremental BFS, where updates may affect the entire BFS tree. To handle such scenarios, we introduce the notion of “dual-path execution” or property-based switching between incremental and static graph processing based on built-in and user defined properties (e.g., vertex degree information).

Finally, GraphIn’s design allows it to run on top of, and take advantage of performance benefits of any GAS-based static graph analytics framework like X-Stream [19], GraphMat [26] (used in this work) or Graphchi [12].

This paper makes following contributions:

  • A high-performance incremental graph processing framework built on top of GraphMat to process time-varying evolving graphs.

  • A novel programming model called I-GAS for simplified implementation of incremental versions of many popular graph algorithms using the GraphIn framework that seamlessly generates parallel code for multi-core systems.

  • An optimization heuristic to decide between static and dynamic graph execution based on built-in and user defined graph properties. This dual path execution results in speedups of up to 60\(\times \) over a naïve streaming approach.

  • An extensive evaluation of GraphIn for three popular graph algorithms that operate on large scale real-world and synthetic graph datasets. Compared to competitive frameworks such as STINGER [7], GraphIn achieves a speedup of up to 6.6\(\times \). Overall, GraphIn achieves up to 9.3 million updates/sec and 400\(\times \) speedup over the naïve static graph recomputation approach.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 discusses the background on graph analytics. Section 3 introduces our GraphIn framework. Section 4 presents the experimental setup and result analysis. Section 5 discusses the related work and Sect. 6 concludes with future work.

2 Background

Gather-Apply-Scatter (GAS) [10, 13, 14] is a computational model for graph processing sufficiently general to express a broad set of graph algorithms. With GAS, a problem is described as a directed graph, \(G = (V, E)\), where V denotes the vertex set and E denotes the directed edge set and a property/state value is associated with each vertex \(v_i \in V\). Graph programs written in GAS typically follow 3-phases: Gather, Apply and Scatter. In the Gather phase, incoming messages are processed and combined (reduced) into one message. In the Apply phase, vertices use the combined message to update their state. Finally, in the Scatter phase, vertices can send a message to their neighbors along their edges.

GraphMat [26] complements the use of the GAS model in GraphIn by taking vertex programs and compiling them into sparse matrix operations (e.g. sparse matrix-vector multiplication). The graph programs are specified by at least 4 user-defined functions (UDFs), SEND_MESSAGE for scatter phase, PROCESS_MESSAGE and REDUCE to specify Gather phase and APPLY for its eponymous phase.

We use 3 algorithms in this paper - Clustering co-efficient (CCof), Connected Components (CC) and Breadth-First Search (BFS). Clustering coefficient \(C_v\) for vertex v is defined as \(C_v = \frac{T_v}{d_v(d_v -1)}\) where \(T_v\) is the total number of triangles in a graph with vertex v as one of the endpoints and \(d_v\) is its degree. CC refers to computing the weakly connected components in the graph. BFS assigns a level (equal to the number of edges traversed) to every vertex reachable from a root.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

GraphIn software architecture.

3 GraphIn Framework

The GraphIn framework can efficiently process evolving graphs by dividing the continuous stream of updates (edge or vertex insertions and/or deletions) into fixed size batches processed in the order of their arrival. It simplifies evolving graph analytics programming by supporting a multi-phase, dual path execution model. Figure 1 shows the general software architecture of GraphIn which consists of five major components: GAS Engine, Inconsistency Graph Builder, Property Check, I-GAS Engine and Graph Merger.

3.1 Graph Data-Structure

There are multiple options to store an evolving graph with n vertices and m edges. Adjacency matrices allow for fast updates with both insertions and deletions taking O(1) time but require a lot of space (\(O(n^2)\)). Adjacency lists are space efficient with \(O(m+n)\) space and allow fast updates but graph traversals are very inefficient due to non-contiguous memory nodes. Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) formats [5] provide both space efficiency combined with fast traversal (often easily parallelized) by storing offsets rather than all the valid fields in the adjacency matrix. However, updates are expensive because each update requires shifting of the graph data throughout the array to match the compressed format.

GraphIn adopts a hybrid data structure involving edge-lists to store incremental updates and compressed matrix format to store a static version of the graph. The edge-list allows for faster updates without adversely affecting the performance of incremental computation. The compressed format allows for faster parallel computation over the entire static version of the graph. The framework merges the update list and the static graph whenever required (see Phase V).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Incremental BFS phases.

3.2 User Interface

As shown in Table 1, programmers can write a sequential algorithm by simply defining six functions for the different phases in GraphIn. GraphIn will then seamlessly generate parallelized code to incrementally process evolving graph on the target multi-core system. The user-defined functions include meta_computation(), build_inconsistency_list(), check_property(), activate_frontier(), update_- inconsistency_list() and merge_state(), corresponding to the different phases of GraphIn computation described below in detail. Figure 2 shows various incremental BFS phases.

3.3 Phase I: Static Graph Computation (GAS Engine)

This phase is responsible for running (1) Static graph computation and (2) Meta-computation to be used later in the incremental logic. The static graph computation follows the GAS programming model, and therefore, any framework that supports GAS can be used as a Static Engine. We have used GraphMat framework for our static graph computation. Meta computation (meta_computation()) involves the computation of graph properties like vertex parents, vertex degree etc., which are needed by incremental algorithms for later phases of GraphIn. As an example, incremental BFS requires parent information during Phase IV.

3.4 Phase II: Inconsistency Graph Builder

Between multiple versions or snapshots of an evolving graph the vertex states for many vertices remain the same over time and therefore their recomputation is essentially redundant. We define an inconsistent vertex to be a vertex for which one or more properties are affected when the update batch is applied. For example in BFS, addition of edge \((v_i,v_j)\) can potentially make \(v_j\) and all vertices that are downstream from \(v_j\) inconsistent. This phase is responsible for marking the portions of the graph that become inconsistent using the user-defined function(UDF) build_inconsistency_list(). This UDF takes two parameters: the update batch and a user-defined priority. The update batch consists of edge or vertex insertions and/or deletions from which a list of inconsistent vertices is built after applying the updates. Vertices in this inconsistency list are assigned the user-defined priorities and by default all the inconsistent vertices have equal priority. This phase also optionally builds a user-defined sub-graph G’ to be used in the later phases. By default G’ is same as the original graph.

Table 1. Implementing graph applications in GraphIn

3.5 Phase III: Property Check (Static vs. Dynamic)

Runtime of online graph analytics depends both on the algorithm and the particular choice of updates. There are classes of incremental algorithms that cause large portions of the graph to become inconsistent and hence can result in recomputation over the entire graph. For them, incremental processing will not achieve any performance benefit over static recomputation and may even result in performance degradation due to the overheads associated with incremental execution. To deal with such situations, we allow the user to define a heuristic for determining when one form of computation is used over the other. The user may select from a set of predefined graph properties (e.g. vertex degree) or define their own properties that affect the runtime of the incremental algorithm. The framework will then use the selected properties to decide whether to run incremental or static recomputation by calling check_property() for each update batch. This is called “property-based dual path execution”. check_property() takes four parameters: inconsistency_list, property_list, threshold_vector, and threshold_fraction. Property list defines the set of graph properties under consideration. Threshold vector defines a set of thresholds for properties in the property list, above (or below) which the performance of incremental processing will drastically degrade. Finally, threshold fraction defines the fraction of inconsistent vertices that are above (or below) the corresponding property threshold. For example, in BFS, the vertex depth could be one of the properties defined in the property list with depth threshold 2 and threshold fraction 0.3. Then, GraphIn would switch to static BFS recomputation if > 30 % of inconsistent vertices have BFS depth < 2, in line with the idea that if updates affect a large number of vertices closer to the root of the BFS tree, its better to run a full static recomputation. Note that these thresholds for static recomputation are algorithm and dataset dependent user-tunable parameters that require training to derive their optimal values.

3.6 Phase IV: Incremental GAS Computation (I-GAS Engine)

The incremental GAS (or I-GAS) phase ensures that only the inconsistent part of the graph is recomputed incrementally, not the entire graph. The I-GAS Engine identifies the overlap between two consecutive versions of the evolving graph and incrementally processes the graph by opening only the new computational frontier. Here the user implements the I-GAS program as well as the activate_frontier() and update_inconsistency_list() APIs whose prototypes are: activate_frontier(G, inconsistency_list), update_inconsistency_list(G, inconsistency_list, frontier).

As shown in Algorithm 1, the I-GAS loop is comprised of three basic steps that are iterated over until the inconsistency list becomes empty. It starts with a set of inconsistent vertices and calls activate_frontier() to activate or open the next computational frontier using the vertex priority defined in Phase II and then runs an I-GAS program. An I-GAS program consists of incremental versions of the gather, apply and scatter functions. By default, the I-GAS program is the same as the GAS program for static execution, but the user can choose to override it if necessary. Finally, the new computational frontier information is used to update the vertex inconsistency list.

figure a

3.7 Phase V: Merge Graph States (Graph Merger)

This phase is responsible for both merging updated vertex property information (e.g., new vertex depths calculated in incremental BFS) and inserting/deleting edges into the most recent version of the static graph G, thereby generating the next version of the graph. GraphIn can perform the merger in several ways to accommodate different types of graph algorithms and different levels of tolerance for inconsistency in the system.

Some incremental algorithms must accommodate both inserts and deletes from the latest update batch in each iteration of the algorithm. These updates must be applied to G before the next update batch is considered. In general, this is the case for graph algorithms that calculate global properties, like BFS, which needs to consider any added or removed edges before recalculating vertex depths. Other algorithms, often ones that compute properties that are semi-localized within a graph, need to only accommodate deletes e.g. in connected components algorithm, insertions can be handled by creating a component graph [8, 15] G’ in the Phase II (see Table 1), where each edge insertion (uv) in G results in an edge in G’ if u and v belong to separate components or results in a self-edge, which is ignored in the component graph. Therefore, a batch of insertions has no dependency on insertions from prior batches; they can be processed at any point (e.g., deferred) without affecting the accuracy of results. But deletes must be applied before the next update batch is considered. Finally, there are algorithms where each incremental iteration has no dependency on inserts or deletes from the previous batch. This is often the case for algorithms that only utilize local properties. Examples include the computation of clustering coefficients [6], triangle counting, vertex degree, etc. In such cases, both inserts and deletes may be deferred. Based on these observations, we support three merge patterns:

  1. 1.

    All-Merge: Both inserts and deletes are merged with static graph G.

  2. 2.

    Partial-Merge: Either deletes or inserts are merged with G. The framework defers applying the rest of the updates to the original graphs.

  3. 3.

    No-Merge: Neither inserts nor deletes from the update batch are merged with G. The framework defers applying both inserts and deletes.

Table 2. Graph datasets.

4 Experimental Evaluation

4.1 Experimental Setup

Evaluation Platform. GraphIn is evaluatedFootnote 1 on a dual-socket Intel node equipped with two Intel\(^{\circledR }\) Xeon\(^{\circledR }\) Footnote 2E5-2608L six-core processors running at 2.0 GHz with 64 GB of DDR4 RAM. We used the Intel\(^{\circledR }\) C++ Composer XE 2015 CompilerFootnote 3 to compile the native and benchmark codes. We used GraphMat [26] and STINGER [68] for performance comparisons. In order to utilize multiple threads on the CPU, GraphIn, GraphMat and STINGER all use OpenMP. Updates are provided in batches of size ranging from 10,000 up to one million with 1 % of all updates being deletions (except for CC where we use only insertions). The endpoints of the edges used for batch updates are generated randomly.

Graph Datasets. As shown in Table 2, we evaluate the performance of GraphIn using a mix of real-world and synthetic datasets. The synthetic datasets are obtained from the Graph500 RMAT data generator [16] for scales 20, 21 and 22 with an average degree of 16 per vertex.

Evaluated Algorithms.Three widely used graph algorithms are evaluated, including Clustering Coefficient (CCof), Connected Components (CC) and Breadth First Search (BFS). As shown in Table 1, these algorithms are classified as no-merge (CCof), partial-merge (CC) and all-merge (BFS) algorithm defined in the previous section. Algorithms requiring undirected graphs as inputs, e.g., connected components, are stored as pairs of directed edges.

4.2 Evaluation and Analysis

(1) Benefits of Incremental graph computation: From Figs. 3a, 4a, and 5a we can observe that, GraphIn achieves maximum speedups of 407\(\times \), 40\(\times \) and 82\(\times \) over static computation across all the datasets for CCof, CC and BFS, respectively, with update batch size going as high as 1 million updates. Figures 3b, 4b, and 5b show updates per second versus batch size; GraphIn achieves up to 9.3 million updates/sec. These speedups result from the use of incremental computation in the IGAS execution model to compute the vertex properties/states for only the inconsistent vertices, as opposed to executing the graph algorithm for the entire input graph in the static case. Furthermore, we can draw key inferences as to how the performance of incremental execution varies with the algorithm type and update batch size, which we discuss next in detail.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

(a) Incremental speedup over static execution vs. update batch size (b) Update rate vs. batch size for Clustering Coefficient.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

(a) Incremental speedup over static execution vs. update batch size (b) Update rate vs. batch size for Connected Components.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

(a) Incremental speedup over static execution vs. update batch size (b) Update rate vs. batch size for BFS.

Effect of graph algorithm. From Figs. 3a–5a we can observe that the maximum speedups occur with no-merge algorithms, such as clustering coefficients, followed by partial-merge and all-merge algorithms like CC and BFS respectively. Note that the maximum speedup for BFS occurs when the update batch size is much smaller (\(\sim \)50k updates) compared to other two incremental algorithms (\(\sim \)1M updates). This variation in speedups occurs because the fraction of the graph that becomes inconsistent after applying an update batch increases in the order of no-merge, partial-merge, and all-merge. No-merge or partial-merge algorithms affect the graph locally whereas all-merge algorithms like BFS calculate a global property (i.e. depth), so the incremental computation affects a larger portion of the graph and incurs higher incremental processing time.

Effect of Update Batch Size. For a particular incremental algorithm in GraphIn, the speedup achieved falls as the update batch size increases (Figs. 3a–5a) because the problem size and the average incremental runtime increases with the batch size. Also, both runtime (because of decreasing speedup) and update rate increase with the batch size for CCof and CC (see Figs. 3b and 4b), which implies the decrease in speedup changes slower with respect to dynamic update rate increases for larger batches. Whereas in BFS both speedup and update rate falls with increase in batch size (Fig. 5b) as the incremental computation affects a larger portion of the graph with the increase in batch size causing the update rate to drop.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Effect of (a) vertex degree, (b) disjoint components and (c) depth value from source vertex on the update rate in CCof, CC and BFS respectively

(2) Performance implications of graph properties: To demonstrate how properties of the inconsistent vertices in an update batch affect the average runtime in GraphIn, we have chosen graph properties: vertex degree (CCof), vertices with disjoint components (CC) and vertex depth from the source (BFS). The rationale behind choosing these properties is that they play a key role in the computation of the corresponding static graph algorithm we are comparing against.

Clustering Coefficient (Vertex Degree): Figure 6a shows the change in the update rate versus the fraction of vertices with degree greater than a certain threshold (e.g. 750 for the Facebook graph) that are affected by the updates. We can observe that the degree property does not have a dramatic effect on the CCof update rate which remains relatively constant. This is because CCof is a no-merge algorithm for both inserts and deletes to the graph and thus the incremental runtime is independent of the vertex degree.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Dual path execution vs. naïve streaming in incremental BFS using vertex depth property for G2M32M, LiveJournal and Facebook graph

Connected Components (Disjoint Components): As shown in Fig. 6b, the update rate for CC decreases as the fraction of edges inserted whose endpoints belong to different components in the original graph is increased, with a maximum slowdown of 3.97\(\times \) across all datasets. This happens because such edges have endpoints in multiple components, meaning that there is a corresponding edge in the component graph, as opposed to self edges where endpoints of an edge fall in the same component. As described in Table 1, GraphIn reduces incremental CC to static CC processing on the component graph and increasing the number of vertices with disjoint components increases the size of the component graph and subsequently, the incremental processing time.

BFS (Depth): From Fig. 6c we can observe that increasing the fraction of vertices with depth threshold below 2 causes a sharp decline in the update rate. E.g. in G1M16M even with a small increment of 10 % in inconsistent vertices below the depth of 2 results in 29x decline in update rate. When more insertions and deletions occur on these lower-depth vertices closer to the root vertex, it results in the I-GAS loop making a much larger portion of the graph inconsistent with each increment and hence the runtime increases sharply. Another observation to make here is that the largest graphs with higher diameter values are affected the most, e.g. LiveJournal, which has the maximum number of edges and the maximum diameter among all input datasets has the largest max to min ratio of update rate . For larger graphs with higher diameter the I-GAS loop iterates through larger number of BFS levels with more work per iteration (large number of edges) until the inconsistency vertex set becomes empty.

Benefits of property-based dual-path execution: Figure 7 shows how GraphIn adapts to situations where the incremental processing performs worse than static recomputation. The performance of incremental BFS for naïve (no property checks) streaming falls relative to static processing beyond a threshold fraction of vertices with depth threshold below 2. For G2M32M, LiveJournal and Facebook this threshold fraction is 0.6, 0.1 and 0.1, respectively. This degradation in incremental performance is because of a larger number of updates to these lower-depth vertices resulting in a larger portion of the graph becoming inconsistent incurring longer processing times. In such scenarios, GraphIn processes the update batch with static recomputation, which ensures that the worst-case performance of GraphIn is no worse than static recomputation. With dual path execution we achieve a maximum speedup of 60\(\times \) (Facebook input).

Fig. 8.
figure 8

STINGER comparison for CCof

(3) Comparison with STINGER: As shown in Fig. 8, clustering coefficients [6] using STINGER shows a max update rate of 1.32 million versus 8.7 million updates per sec with GraphIn for the G1M16M case, which results in 6.6\(\times \) speedup in throughput. This is because unlike STINGER, which uses a single edge-list based data structures for both static and incremental graph processing, GraphIn’s hybrid data structure of edge-list for incremental updates and compressed matrix format for static versions of the graph enables faster updates as well as fast static computation on the clustering coefficient subproblem.

5 Related Work

Dynamic graph processing can be broken down into offline and online processing; GraphIn is a framework designed to addresses the latter problem.

Offline Processing: Chronos [11], GraphScope [25], and TEG [9] represent recent work in offline graph processing. Chronos supports incremental processing on temporal graphs using a graph representation that places graph vertex data from different versions together leading to good cache locality. GraphScope proposes encoding for evolving graphs community discovery and anomaly detection.

Online Processing: Continuous query processing over streaming updates [29] incurs memory constraints and restricts keeping multiple versions of the evolving graph. GIM-V [27] proposes an incremental graph processing model based upon generalized iterative matrix-vector multiplication. STINGER [7] defines an efficient data structure to represent streaming graphs that enables fast, real-time insertions and/or deletions to the graph. Unlike STINGER which uses a single data structure for both static and dynamic graph analysis, GraphIn uses a hybrid data structure that allows for incremental computation on edge lists and a compressed format for static graph computation.

Static Graph Processing: Pregel [14], PowerGraph [10] and GraphLab [13] are some of the distributed frameworks that work by mapping large graphs across the combined memories of multiple machines. GraphChi [12] and X-Stream [19] are recently proposed out-of-memory frameworks that handle graphs that don’t fit into a single machine’s host memory. GraphReduce [22] framework can efficiently process graphs that cannot fit into the limited GPU memory [20, 21] by mapping sub-graphs to the different memory abstractions of slow and fast memory [23]. These projects are complimentary to GraphIn, as they could be used to implement the static component of GraphIn while I-GAS can be leveraged to make these frameworks more dynamic.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper we present GraphIn, a high performance incremental graph processing framework for time-evolving graphs. Using its novel programming model called I-GAS, GraphIn incrementally computes the required graph properties only for the affected subgraph and thereby eliminates redundant computation. We further propose a user-tunable, property-based dual path execution optimization to choose between an incremental and a static run to achieve the best performance. Extensive experimental evaluations for a wide variety of graph inputs and algorithms demonstrate that GraphIn achieves a throughput of up to 9.3 million updates/sec and over 400\(\times \) speedup compared to static graph recomputation. Using property-based dual-path execution GraphIn achieves up to 60\(\times \) speedup compared to a naïve streaming approach. Future work will look at extending GraphIn to take advantage of on-node accelerators like Nvidia GPU [24] and multi-node clusters handling extreme-scale datasets [17].