1 Introduction

Distributed real-time systems are notoriously difficult to design due to the intricated use of concurrency and timing constraints, and must therefore be verified, e. g., using model checking. Model checking is a set of techniques to formally verify that a system, described by a model, verifies some property, described using formalisms such as reachability properties or more complex properties expressed using, e. g., temporal logics.

Checking the absence of deadlocks in the model of a real-time system is of utmost importance. First, deadlocks can lead the actual system to a blockade when a component is not ready to receive any action (or synchronization label). Second, a specificity of models of distributed systems involving time is that they can be subject to situations where time cannot elapse. This situation denotes an ill-formed model, as this situation of time blocking (“timelock”) cannot happen in the actual system due to the uncontrollable nature of time.

Timed automata (TAs) [1] are a formalism dedicated to modeling and verifying real-time systems where distributed components communicate via synchronized actions. Despite a certain success in verifying models of actual distributed systems (using e. g.,   Uppaal [10] or PAT [12]), TAs reach some limits when verifying systems only partially specified (typically when the timing constants are not yet known) or when timing constants are known with a limited precision only (although the robust semantics can help tackling some problems, see e. g., [11]). Parametric timed automata (PTAs) [2] leverage these drawbacks by allowing the use of timing parameters, hence allowing for modeling constants unknown or known with some imprecision.

We address here the problem of the deadlock-freeness, i. e., the fact that a discrete transition must always be taken from any state, possibly after elapsing some time. TAs and PTAs are both subject to deadlocks: hence, a property proved correct on the model may not necessarily hold on the actual system if the model is subject to deadlocks. Deadlock checking can be performed on TAs (using e. g., Uppaal); however, if deadlocks are found, then there is often no other choice than manually refining the model in order to remove them.

We recently showed that the existence of a parameter valuation in a PTA for which a run leads to a deadlock is undecidable [4]; this result also holds for the subclass of PTAs where parameters only appear as lower or upper bounds [8]. This result rules out the possibility to perform exact deadlock-freeness synthesis.

In this work, we propose an approach to automatically synthesize parameter valuations in PTAs (in the form of a set of linear constraints) for which the system is deadlock-free. If our procedure terminates, the result is exact. Otherwise, when stopping after some bound (e. g., runtime limit, exploration depth limit), it is an over-approximation of the actual result. In this latter case, we propose a second approach to also synthesize an under-approximation: hence, the designer is provided with a set of valuations that are deadlock-free, a set of valuations for which there exist deadlocks, and an intermediate set of unsure valuations. Our approach is of particular interest when intersected with a set of parameter valuations ensuring some property: one obtains therefore a set of parameter valuations for which that property is valid and the system is deadlock-free.

Outline. We briefly recall necessary definitions in Sect. 2. We introduce our approach in Sect. 3, extend it to the synthesis of an under-approximated constraint in Sect. 4, and validate it on benchmarks in Sect. 5. We discuss future works in Sect. 6.

2 Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, we assume a set \(X= \{ x_1, \dots , x_H\} \) of clocks. A clock valuation is \(w: X\rightarrow {\mathbb R}_{+}\). We write \(\mathbf {0}\) for the valuation that assigns 0 to each clock. Given \(d \in {\mathbb R}_{+}\), \(w+ d\) denotes the valuation such that \((w+ d)(x) = w(x) + d\), for all \(x\in X\). We assume a set \(P= \{ p_1, \dots , p_M\} \) of parameters, i. e., unknown constants. A parameter valuation \(v\) is \(v: P\rightarrow {\mathbb Q}_{+}\). In the following, we assume \({\bowtie } \in \{<, \le , \ge , >\}\). A constraint \(C\) (i. e., a convex polyhedron) over \(X\cup P\) is a conjunction of inequalities of the form \({ lt}\bowtie 0\), where \({ lt}\) denotes a linear term of the form \(\sum _{1 \le i \le H} \alpha _i x_i + \sum _{1 \le j \le M} \beta _j p_j + d\), with \(x_i \in X\), \(p_i \in P\), and \(\alpha _i, \beta _j, d \in {\mathbb Z}\). Given a parameter valuation \(v\), \(v(C)\) denotes the constraint over \(X\) obtained by replacing each parameter \(p\) in \(C\) with \(v(p)\). Likewise, given a clock valuation \(w\), \(w(v(C))\) denotes the expression obtained by replacing each clock \(x\) in \(v(C)\) with \(w(x)\). We say that \(v\) satisfies \(C\), denoted by \(v\models C\), if the set of clock valuations satisfying \(v(C)\) is nonempty. We say that \(C\) is satisfiable if \(\exists w, v\) s.t. \(w(v(C))\) evaluates to true. We define the time elapsing of \(C\), denoted by \(C^\nearrow \), as the constraint over \(X\) and \(P\) obtained from \(C\) by delaying all clocks by an arbitrary amount of time. We define the past of \(C\), denoted by \(C^\swarrow \), as the constraint over \(X\) and \(P\) obtained from \(C\) by letting time pass backward by an arbitrary amount of time (see e. g., [9]). Given \(R\subseteq X\), we define the reset of \(C\), denoted by \([C]_{R}\), as the constraint obtained from \(C\) by resetting the clocks in \(R\), and keeping the other clocks unchanged. We denote by \(C{\downarrow _{P}}\) the projection of \(C\) onto \(P\), i. e., obtained by eliminating the clock variables (e. g., using Fourier-Motzkin).

A guard \(g\) is a constraint defined by inequalities \(x\bowtie z\), where z is either a parameter or a constant in \({\mathbb Z}\). A parametric zone is a polyhedron in which all constraints are of the form \(x\bowtie { plt}\) or \(x_i -x_j \bowtie { plt}\), where \(x_i \in X\), \(x_j \in X\) and \({ plt}\) is a parametric linear term over \(P\), i. e., a linear term without clocks (\(\alpha _i = 0\) for all i). Given a parameter constraint \(K\), \(\lnot K\) denotes the (possibly non-convex) negation of \(K\). We extend the notation \(v\, \models \,K\) to possibly non-convex constraints in a natural manner. \(\top \) (resp. \(\bot \)) denotes the constraint corresponding to the set of all (resp. no) parameter valuations.

Definition 1

A PTA \(\mathcal {A}\) is a tuple \(\mathcal {A}= (\Sigma , L, l_0, X, P, I, E)\), where: (i) \(\Sigma \) is a finite set of actions, (ii) \(L\) is a finite set of locations, (iii) \(l_0\in L\) is the initial location, (iv) \(X\) is a set of clocks, (v) \(P\) is a set of parameters, (vi) \(I\) is the invariant, assigning to every \(l\in L\) a guard \(I(l)\), (vii) \(E\) is a set of edges \(e= (l,g,a,R,l')\) where \(l,l'\in L\) are the source and target locations, \(a\in \Sigma \), \(R\subseteq X\) is a set of clocks to be reset, and \(g\) is a guard.

Given a parameter valuation \(v\), we denote by \(v(\mathcal {A})\) the non-parametric timed automaton where all occurrences of a parameter \(p_i\) have been replaced by \(v(p_i)\).

Definition 2

(Semantics of a TA). Given a PTA \(\mathcal {A}= (\Sigma , L, l_0, X, P, I, E)\), and a parameter valuation \(v\), the concrete semantics of \(v(\mathcal {A})\) is given by the timed transition system \((S, s_0, {\rightarrow })\), with

  • \(S= \{ (l, w) \in L\times {\mathbb R}_{+}^H\mid w(v(I(l))) \text { evaluates to true} \}\), \(s_0= (l_0, \mathbf {0}) \)

  • \({\rightarrow }\) consists of the discrete and (continuous) delay transition relations:

    • discrete transitions: \((l,w) \mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e} (l',w')\), if \((l, w) , (l',w') \in S\), there exists \(e= (l,g,a,R,l') \in E\), \(\forall x\in X: w'(x) = 0\) if \(x\in R\) and \(w'(x) = w(x)\) otherwise, and \(w(v(g)) \) evaluates to true.

    • delay transitions: \((l,w) \mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{d} (l, w+d)\), with \(d \in {\mathbb R}_{+}\), if \(\forall d' \in [0, d], (l, w+d') \in S\).

Moreover we write \((l, w)\mathop {\mapsto }\limits ^{e} (l',w')\) for a sequence of delay and discrete transitions where \(((l, w), e, (l', w')) \in {\mapsto }\) if \(\exists d, w'' : (l,w) \mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{d} (l,w'') \mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e} (l',w')\). Given a TA \(v(\mathcal {A})\) with concrete semantics \((S, s_0, {\rightarrow })\), we refer to the states of \(S\) as the concrete states of \(v(\mathcal {A})\). A concrete run (or simply a run) of \(v(\mathcal {A})\) is an alternating sequence of concrete states of \(v(\mathcal {A})\) and edges starting from the initial concrete state \(s_0\) of the form \(s_0\mathop {\mapsto }\limits ^{e_{0}} s_{1}\mathop {\mapsto }\limits ^{e_{1}} \cdots \mathop {\mapsto }\limits ^{e_{m-1}} s_{m}\), such that for all \(i = 0, \dots , m-1\), \(e_i \in E\), and \((s_{i} , e_i, s_{i+1}) \in {\mapsto }\). Given a state \(s= (l, w)\), we say that this state has no successor (or is deadlocked) if, in the concrete semantics of \(v(\mathcal {A})\), there exists no discrete transition from \(s\) of from a successor of \(s\) obtained by taking exclusively continuous transition(s) from \(s\). If no state of \(v(\mathcal {A})\) is deadlocked, then \(v(\mathcal {A})\) is deadlock-free.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Examples of PTAs with potential deadlocks

Example 1

Consider the PTA in Fig. 1a (invariants are boxed): deadlocks can occur if the guard of the transition from \(l_1\) to \(l_2\) cannot be satisfied (when \(p_2 > p_1 + 5\)) or if the invariant of \(l_2\) is not compatible with the guard (when \(p_2 > 10\)). In Fig. 1b, the system may risk a deadlock for any parameter valuation as, if the guard is “missed” (if a run chooses to spend more than \(p\) time units in \(l_1\)), then no transition can be taken from \(l_1\).

3 Parametric Deadlock-Freeness Checking

Let us first recall the symbolic semantics of PTAs (from, e. g., [9]). A symbolic state is a pair \((l, C)\) where \(l\in L\) is a location, and \(C\) its associated parametric zone. The initial symbolic state of \(\mathcal {A}\) is \(\mathbf{s}_0^\mathcal {A}= (l_0, (\bigwedge _{1 \le i \le H}x_i = 0)^\nearrow \wedge I(l_0) )\).

The symbolic semantics relies on the \(\mathsf{Succ}\) operation. Given a symbolic state \(\mathbf{s}= (l, C)\) and an edge \(e= (l,g,a,R,l')\), the successor of \(\mathbf{s}\) via \(e\) is the symbolic state \(\mathsf{Succ}(\mathbf{s}, e) = (l', C')\), with \(C' = \big ([(C\wedge g)]_{R}\big )^\nearrow \cap I(l')\). We write \(\mathsf{Succ}(\mathbf{s})\) for \(\cup _{e\in E}\mathsf{Succ}(\mathbf{s}, e)\). We write \(\mathsf{Pred}\) for \(\mathsf{Succ}^{-1}\). Given a set \(\mathbf{S}\) of states, we write \(\mathsf{Pred}(\mathbf{S})\) for \(\bigcup _{\mathbf{s}\in \mathbf{S}} \mathsf{Pred}(\mathbf{s})\).

A symbolic run of a PTA is an alternating sequence of symbolic states and edges starting from the initial symbolic state, of the form \(\mathbf{s}_0^\mathcal {A}\mathop {\Rightarrow }\limits ^{e_0} \mathbf{s}_1\mathop {\Rightarrow }\limits ^{e_1} \cdots \mathop {\Rightarrow }\limits ^{e_{m-1}} \mathbf{s}_m\), such that for all \(i = 0, \dots , m-1\), \(e_i \in E\), and \(\mathbf{s}_{i+1} = \mathsf{Succ}(\mathbf{s}_i, e_i)\). The symbolic states with the \(\mathsf{Succ}\) relation form a state space, i. e., a (possibly infinite) directed graph, the nodes of which are the symbolic states, and there exists an edge from \(\mathbf{s}_i\) to \(\mathbf{s}_j\) labeled with \(e_i\) iff \(\mathbf{s}_{j} = \mathsf{Succ}(\mathbf{s}_i, e_i)\). Given a concrete (respectively symbolic) run \((l_0, \mathbf {0}) \mathop {\mapsto }\limits ^{e_0} (l_1, w_1) \mathop {\mapsto }\limits ^{e_1} \cdots \mathop {\mapsto }\limits ^{e_{m-1}} (l_m, w_m)\) (respectively \((l_0, C_0) \mathop {\Rightarrow }\limits ^{e_0} (l_1, C_1) \mathop {\Rightarrow }\limits ^{e_1} \cdots \mathop {\Rightarrow }\limits ^{e_{m-1}} (l_m, C_m)\)), its corresponding discrete sequence is \(l_0 \mathop {\Rightarrow }\limits ^{e_0} l_1 \mathop {\Rightarrow }\limits ^{e_1} \cdots \mathop {\Rightarrow }\limits ^{e_{m-1}} l_m \). Two runs (concrete or symbolic) are said to be equivalent if their associated discrete sequences are equal.

Deadlock-Freeness Synthesis. We now introduce below our procedure \(\mathsf{PDFC}\), that makes use of an intermediate, recursive procedure \(\mathsf{DSynth}\). Both are written in a functional form in the spirit of, e. g., the reachability and unavoidability synthesis algorithms in [9]. Given \(\mathbf{s}= (l, C)\), we use \(\mathbf{s}_C\) to denote \(C\). The notation \(g(\mathbf{s},\mathbf{s}')\) denotes the guard of the edge from \(\mathbf{s}\) to \(\mathbf{s}'\).

$$ \mathsf{DSynth}(\mathbf{s},\mathsf{Passed}) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \bot &{} \text {if } \mathbf{s}\in \mathsf{Passed}\\ \big ( \mathop \bigcup \nolimits _{\mathbf{s}' \in \mathsf{Succ}(\mathbf{s})} \mathsf{DSynth}(\mathbf{s}', \mathsf{Passed}\cup \{ \mathbf{s}\} ) \big ) &{} \\ \cup \Big (\mathbf{s}_C\setminus \big ( \mathop \bigcup \nolimits _{\mathbf{s}' \in \mathsf{Succ}(\mathbf{s})} \big (\mathbf{s}_C\wedge g(\mathbf{s},\mathbf{s}')\big )^\swarrow \wedge \mathbf{s}_C'{\downarrow _{P}} ) \big ) \Big ){\downarrow _{P}} &{} \text{ otherwise }\\ \end{array} \right. $$

\(\mathsf{PDFC}(\mathcal {A}) = \lnot \mathsf{DSynth}(s_0^\mathcal {A}, \emptyset )\)

First, we use a function \(\mathsf{DSynth}(\mathbf{s}, \mathsf{Passed})\) to recursively synthesize the parameter valuations for which a deadlock may occur. This function takes as argument the current state \(\mathbf{s}\) together with the list \(\mathsf{Passed}\) of passed states. If \(\mathbf{s}\) belongs to \(\mathsf{Passed}\) (i. e., \(\mathbf{s}\) was already met), then no parameter valuation is returned. Otherwise, the first part of the second case computes the union over all successors of \(\mathbf{s}\) of \(\mathsf{DSynth}\) recursively called over these successors; the second part computes all parameter valuations for which a deadlock may occur, i. e., the constraint characterizing \(\mathbf{s}\) minus all clock and parameter valuations that allow to exit \(\mathbf{s}\) to some successor \(\mathbf{s}'\), all this expression being eventually projected onto \(P\).

Finally, \(\mathsf{PDFC}\) (“parametric deadlock-freeness checking”) returns the negation of the result of \(\mathsf{DSynth}\) called with the initial state of \(\mathcal {A}\) and an empty list of passed states.

We show below that \(\mathsf{PDFC}\) is sound and complete. Note however that, in the general case, the algorithm may not terminate, as \(\mathsf{DSynth}\) explores the set of symbolic states, of which there may be an infinite number.

Proposition 1

Assume \(\mathsf{PDFC}(\mathcal {A})\) terminates with result \(K\). Let \(v\,\models \, K\). Then \(v(\mathcal {A})\) is deadlock-free.


(sketch). Consider a run of \(v(\mathcal {A})\), and assume it reaches a state \(s= (l, w)\) with no discrete successor. From [8], there exists an equivalent symbolic run in \(\mathcal {A}\) reaching a state \((l, C)\). As \(\mathsf{DSynth}\) explores all symbolic states, \((l, C)\) was explored in \(\mathsf{DSynth}\) too; since \(s\) has no successor, then \(w\) belongs to the second part of the second line of \(\mathsf{DSynth}\). Hence, the projection onto \(P\) was added to the result of \(\mathsf{DSynth}\), and hence does not belong to the negation returned by \(\mathsf{PDFC}\). Hence \(v\not \models K\), which contradicts the initial assumption.

Proposition 2

Assume \(\mathsf{PDFC}(\mathcal {A})\) terminates with result \(K\). Consider a valuation \(v\) such that \(v(\mathcal {A})\) is deadlock-free. Then \(v\,\models \,K\).


(sketch). Following a reasoning dual to Proposition 1.

Finally, we show that \(\mathsf{PDFC}\) outputs an over-approximation of the parameter set when stopped before termination.

Proposition 3

Fix a maximum number of recursive calls in \(\mathsf{DSynth}\). Then \(\mathsf{PDFC}\) terminates and its result is an over-approximation of the set of parameter valuations for which the system is deadlock-free.


Observe that, in \(\mathsf{DSynth}\), the deeper the algorithm goes in the state space (i. e., the more recursive calls are performed), the more valuations it synthesizes. Hence bounding the number of recursive calls yields an under-approximation of its expected result. As \(\mathsf{PDFC}\) returns the negation of \(\mathsf{DSynth}\), this yields an over-approximation.

4 Under-approximated Synthesis

A limitation of \(\mathsf{PDFC}\) is that either the result is exact, or it is an over-approximation when stopped earlier than the actual fixpoint (from Proposition 3). In the latter case, the result is not entirely satisfactory: if deadlocks represent an undesired behavior, then an over-approximation may also contain unsafe parameter valuations. More valuable would be an under-approximation, as this result (although potentially incomplete) firmly guarantees the absence of deadlocks in the model.

Our idea is as follows: after exploring a part of the state space in \(\mathsf{PDFC}\), we obtain an over-approximation. In order to get an under-approximation, we can consider that any unexplored state is unsafe, i. e., may lead to deadlocks. Therefore, we first need to negate the parametric constraint associated with any state that has unexplored successors. But this may not be sufficient: by removing those unsafe states, their predecessors can themselves become deadlocked, and so on. Hence, we will perform a backward-exploration of the state space by iteratively removing unsafe states, until a fixpoint is reached.

figure a

We give our procedure \(\mathsf{BwUS}\) (backward under-approximated synthesis) in Algorithm 1. \(\mathsf{BwUS}\) takes as input (1) the (under-approximated) result of \(\mathsf{DSynth}\), i. e., a set of parameter valuations for which the system contains a deadlocked run, and (2) the part of the symbolic state space explored while running \(\mathsf{DSynth}\).

The algorithm maintains several variables. \(\mathsf{Marked}\) denotes the states that are potentially deadlocked, and the predecessors of which must be considered iteratively. \(\mathsf{Disabled}\) denotes the states marked in the past, which avoids to consider several times the same state. \(K^+\) is an over-approximated constraint for which there are deadlocks; since the negation of \(K^+\) is returned (line 12), then the algorithm returns an under-approximation. Initially, \(K^+\) is set to the (under-approximated) result of \(\mathsf{DSynth}\), and all states that have unexplored successors in the state space (due to the early termination) are marked.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Application of Algorithm 1

While there are marked states (line 4), we remove the marked states by adding to \(K^+\) the negation of the constraint associated with these states (line 5). Then, we compute the predecessors of these states, except those already disabled (line 6). By definition, all these predecessors have at least one marked (and hence potentially deadlocked) successor; as a consequence, we have to recompute the constraint leading to a deadlock from each of these predecessors. This is the purpose of line 9, where \(K^+\) is enriched with the recomputed valuations for which a deadlock may occur from a given predecessor \(\mathbf{s}\), using the same computation as in \(\mathsf{DSynth}\). Then, if the constraint associated with the current predecessor \(\mathbf{s}\) is included in \(K^+\), this means that \(\mathbf{s}\) is unreachable for valuations in \(\lnot K^+\) (recall that we will return the negation of \(K^+\)), and therefore \(\mathbf{s}\) should be marked at the next iteration, denoted by the local variable \(\mathsf{Marked}'\) (line 10). Finally, all currently marked states become disabled, and the new marked states are all the marked predecessors of the currently marked states with the exception of the disabled states to ensure termination (line 11). The algorithm returns eventually the negation of the over-approximated \(K^+\) (line 12), which yields an under-approximation.

Example 2

Let us apply Algorithm 1 to a (fictional) example of a partial state space, given in Fig. 2a. We only focus on the backward exploration, and rule out the constraint update (constraints are not represented in Fig. 2a anyway). \(\mathbf{s}_3\) and \(\mathbf{s}_4\) have unexplored successors (denoted by \(\times \)), and both states are hence unsafe as they might lead to deadlocks along these unexplored branches. Initially, \(\mathsf{Marked}= \{\mathbf{s}_3, \mathbf{s}_4 \}\) (depicted in yellow with a double circle in Fig. 2a), and no states are disabled. First, we add \(\mathbf{s}_{3C}{\downarrow _{P}} \cup \mathbf{s}_{4C}{\downarrow _{P}}\) to \(K^+\). Then, \(\mathsf{preds}\) is set to \(\{ \mathbf{s}_1, \mathbf{s}_2 \}\). We recompute the deadlock constraint for both states (using line 9 in Algorithm 1). For \(\mathbf{s}_2\), it now has no successors anymore, and clearly we will have \(\mathbf{s}_{2C}{\downarrow _{P}} \subseteq K^+\), hence \(\mathbf{s}_2\) is marked. For \(\mathbf{s}_1\), it depends on the actual constraints; let us assume in this example that \(\mathbf{s}_1\) is still not deadlocked for some valuations, and \(\mathbf{s}_1\) remains unmarked. At the end of this iteration, \(\mathsf{Marked}= \{ \mathbf{s}_2 \}\) and \(\mathsf{Disabled}= \{ \mathbf{s}_3, \mathbf{s}_4 \}\).

For the second iteration, we assume here (it actually depends on the constraints) that \(\mathbf{s}_1\) will not be marked, leading to a fixpoint where \(\mathbf{s}_2, \mathbf{s}_3, \mathbf{s}_4\) are disabled, and the constraint \(\lnot K^+\) therefore characterizes the deadlock-free runs in Fig. 2c. (Alternatively, if \(\mathbf{s}_1\) was marked, then \(\mathbf{s}_0\) would be eventually marked too, and the result would be \(\bot \).)

First note that \(\mathsf{BwUS}\) necessarily terminates as it iterates on marked states, and no state can be marked twice thanks to the set \(\mathsf{Disabled}\). In addition, the result is an under-approximation of the valuation set yielding deadlock-freeness: indeed, it only explores a part of state space, and considers states with unexplored successors as deadlocked by default, yielding a possibly too strong, hence under-approximated, constraint.

5 Experiments

We implemented \(\mathsf{PDFC}\) in IMITATOR [3] (which relies on PPL [5] for polyhedra operations), and synthesized constraints for which a set of models of distributed systems are deadlock-free.Footnote 1 Our benchmarks come from teaching examples (coffee machines, nuclear plant, train controller), communication protocols (CSMA/CD, RCP), asynchronous circuits (and–or [7], flip-flop), a distributed networked automation system (SIMOP) and a Wireless Fire Alarm System (WFAS) [6].

If an experiment has not finished within 300 s, the result is still a valid over-approximation according to Proposition 3; in addition, IMITATOR then runs Algorithm 1 to also obtain an under-approximation.

We give in Table 1 from left to right the numbers of PTA components,Footnote 2 of clocks, of parameters, and of symbolic states explored, the computation time in seconds (TO denotes no termination within 300 s) for \(\mathsf{PDFC}\) and \(\mathsf{BwUS}\) (when necessary), the type of constraint (nncc denotes a non-necessarily convex constraint different from \(\top \) or \(\bot \)) and an evaluation of the result soundness.

Table 1. Synthesizing parameter valuations ensuring deadlock-freeness

Analyzing the experiments, several situations occur: the most interesting result is when an nncc is derived and is exact; for example; the constraint synthesized by IMITATOR for Fig. 1a is \(p_1 + 5 \ge p_2 \wedge p_2 \le 10\), which is exactly the valuation set ensuring the absence of deadlocks. In several cases, the synthesized constraint is \(\bot \), meaning that no parameter valuation is deadlock-free; this may not always denote an ill-formed model, as some case studies are “finite” (no infinite behavior), typically some of the hardware case studies (e. g., flip-flop); this may also denote a modeling process purposely blocking the system (to limit the state space explosion) after some property (typically reachability) is proved correct or violated. When no exact result could be synthesized, our second procedure \(\mathsf{BwUS}\) allows to get both an under-approximated and an over-approximated constraint (denoted by ). This is a valuable result, as it contains valuations guaranteed to be deadlock-free, others guaranteed to be deadlocked, and a third unsure set. An exception is SIMOP, where \(\mathsf{BwUS}\) derives \(\bot \), leaving the designer with only an over-approximation. This result remains valuable as the parameter valuations not belonging to the synthesized constraint necessarily lead to deadlocks, an information that will help the designer to refine its model, or to rule out these valuations.

Concerning the performances of \(\mathsf{BwUS}\), its overhead is significant, and depends on the number of dimensions (clocks and parameters) as well as the number states in the state space. However, it still remains smaller than the forward exploration (300 s) in all case studies, which therefore remains reasonable to some extent. It seems the most expensive operation is the computation of the deadlock constraint (line 9 in Algorithm 1); this has been implemented in a straightforward manner, but could benefit from optimizations (e. g., only recompute the part corresponding to successor states that were disabled at the previous iteration of \(\mathsf{BwUS}\)).

6 Perspectives

We proposed here a procedure to synthesize timing parameter valuations ensuring the absence of deadlocks in a real-time system; we implemented it in IMITATOR and we have run experiments on a set of benchmarks. When terminating, our procedure yields an exact result. Otherwise, thanks to a second procedure, we get both an under- and an over-approximation of the valuations for which the system is deadlock-free.

Our definition of deadlock-freeness addresses discrete transitions; however, in case of Zeno behaviors (an infinite number of discrete transition within a finite time), a deadlock-free system can still correspond to an ill-formed model. Hence, performing parametric Zeno-freeness checking is also on our agenda. Moreover, we are very interested in proposing distributed procedures for deadlock-freeness synthesis so as to take advantage of the power of clusters.

Finally, we believe our backward algorithm \(\mathsf{BwUS}\) could be adapted to obtained under-approximated results for other problems such as the unavoidability synthesis in [9].