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1 Introduction

Emotion playing a significant role in human’s daily activities. It is an psychological expression of affective reaction and mental state based on human subjective experience [1]. Emotion is critical aspect of the human interpersonal relationship and essential to the human communication and behaviors. Psychologists often used discrete and dimensional emotion classification systems. Eight basic emotion states (anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anticipation, acceptance, and joy) proposed by Plutchik [2] and six basic emotion states based on facial expressions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise) proposed by Ekman [3] both belong to discrete emotion classification system. And the most widely used valence and arousal emotion classification model, proposed by Russell [4] belongs to dimensional system. In this model, the valence axis represents the quality of an emotion and the arousal axis refers to the emotion activation level.

In order to improve human-machine interaction (HMI), emotion recognition began to attract increasing attention. In the past few decades, various sensory data have been used to identify human emotion, including facial expression, auditory signals, text, body language, peripheral physiological signals and electroencephalogram (EEG) [5, 6]. The last two, especially EEG, can provide more objective and comprehensive information for emotion recognition in comparison with other sensory data, because they can detect the body dynamics in response to emotional states directly.

Existing EEG based emotion recognition methods can be roughly grouped into two main categories: hand-crafted features based methods with well-designed classifiers [7, 8] and recurrent neural network (RNN) [9]. Inspired by [10, 11], where deep CNN is successfully in some fields of identification, we transform processed EEG data into images based on different frequency bands which contains time and frequency domain information, and then the generated images and hand-crafted features extracted from peripheral physiological signals were fed into CNN models to perform fine-tuning and emotion recognition. Experiments were conducted for cross-subject evaluation on the DEAP dataset [12] to validate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Our purpose was to affirm if the classification results of our method could obtain better average accuracy and F1 score on valence and arousal classification compares with several studies on the same database before.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the descriptions of DEAP database. Section 3 presents the proposed method. The results are discussed in Sect. 4 and we conclude the paper in Sect. 5.

2 DEAP Database

DEAP dataset, which we conduct our experiment is a multimodal dataset for emotion analysis, contains both electroencephalogram (EEG) (recorded over the scalp using 32 electrodes and the positions of the electrodes are according to 10–20 International System: Fp1, AF3, F3, F7, FC5, FC1, C3, T7, CP5, CP1, P3, P7, PO3, O1, Oz, Pz, Fp2, AF4, Fz, F4, F8, FC6, FC2, Cz, C4, T8, CP6, CP2, P4, P8, PO4, and O2) and peripheral physiological signals (8 channels, include electromyogram (EMG) collected from zygomaticus major and trapezius muscles, horizontal and vertical electrooculograms (EOGs), skin temperature (TMP), galvanic skin response (GSR), blood volume pulse (BVP), and respiration (RSP)) of 32 subjects (aged between 19 and 37), as each subject watched 40 one-minute music video clips, which were carefully selected to evoke different emotional states according to the dimensional valence-arousal emotion model of subjects, and played in a random order.

After watching each music video, participants were required to report their emotion using Self-Assessment Manikins (SAM) questionnaire, rating their tastes level of five dimensions (valence, arousal, dominance, liking, and familiarity), the first four scales range from 1 to 9 and the fifth dimension range between 1 and 5. In this paper, identifications the dimensions of valence (ranging from negative to positive) and arousal (ranging from calm to active) are addressed as two independent tasks according to valence-arousal emotion model proposed by Russell [4]. Both two tasks posed as binary classification problems.

3 Proposed Method

Figure 1 shows the overall architecture of our proposed method. We first perform data preprocessing to normalize all the physiological signals. Secondly, every sample of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals is transformed into six gray images according to different frequency bands. Thirdly, we extract the 81-dimensional hand-crafted features of other peripheral physiological signals. Finally, the generated images and hand-crafted features are fed into four pre-trained AlexNet models [15] to perform fine-tuning and emotion recognition.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An illustration of the proposed emotion recognition process. (C: convolution, P: max-pooling.)

3.1 Data Preprocessing

For all 40 channels of physiological signals in DEAP dataset, the preprocessing included down sampling the data from 512 Hz to 128 Hz. Especially for EEG data, a band-pass filter with cutoff frequencies of 4.0 and 45.0 Hz is first used to remove the unwanted noises and averaged to the common reference, as in [13, 14]. The data was segmented into 60 s trials and a 3 s pre-trial baseline removed, then we divide the 60 s data of each trial into 10 clips to perform emotion recognition as in Sect. 3. Additionally, we perform data normalization for each channel of physiological signals as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} I_{i, j} = (I_{i, j}- min_{i})/(max_{i} - min_{i}) \end{aligned}$$

where \(I_{i, j}\) is the value of channel i at time j, \(max_{i}\) and \(min_{i}\) are, respectively, the maximum value and the minimum value of the channel i during \(T = 60 s\).

3.2 Electroencephalogram Signals Based Image Generation

After data preprocessing, the size of original EEG data for one sample is \(32\times 6\times 128\), where 32 stands for the channels, 6 stands for the time of one clip, and 128 stands for the sampling rate and we rearrange the EEG data into a fixed size (\(192\times 128\)) gray image. On the other hand, according to five different frequency bands (theta (4\(\sim \)8 Hz), slow-alpha (8\(\sim \)10 Hz), alpha (8\(\sim \)12 Hz), beta (12\(\sim \)30 Hz), and gamma (30\(\sim \)45 Hz)), another five gray images are generated. Finally, for each sample of EEG data, we obtain 6 images. Figure 1(a) shows the details.

Table 1. Description for the hand-crafted features of peripheral physiological signals

3.3 Peripheral Physiological Signals Based Feature Extraction

81-dimensional hand-crafted features are extracted from other eight channels of peripheral physiological signals: GSR, electrooculogram (EOG), respiration amplitude, electrocardiogram, skin temperature, blood volume by plethysmograph and electromyograms of Zygomaticus and Trapezius muscles as shown in Table 1. Before feature extraction, all the peripheral physiological signals are separately normalized to mean = 0 and s.d. = 1.

3.4 Multimodal Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Emotion Recognition

Network Structure. In this paper, the partial structure of famous deep convolutional model (AlexNet) [15] which consists of 8 parameterized layers (5 convolutional layers, 1 fully connected layer and 1 softmax layer) is adopted. We make some changes with AlexNet: (1) we encode the 81-dimensional hand-crafted feature into our CNN model by concatenating it with the hidden fully connected layer. (2) The number of hidden units in the fully connected layer is 500 and the output layer has only two neurons, which represents the two classes of the problem. Figure 1(d) shows our model’s structure.

End-to-End Fine-Tuning. In order to fine-tune the pre-trained AlexNet model, the size of input skeleton sequence based image must be compatible with AlexNet’s input size which is known as \(227\times 227\) pixel size. We first rescale each image to \(256\times 256\) pixel size and then randomly cropping and mean-subtracting are adopted. For the last softmax layer (i.e., the output layer), the number of the unit is the same as the number of the emotion classes. Each sample of EEG signals is transformed into 6 images, which are separately fed into the proposed multimodal CNN with the same label for fine-tuning. Regarding the hyper-parameter setting, we empirically selected the size of mini-batches for the SGD as 200. Moreover, we set the initial learning rate to 0.001, which is decreased by multiplying it by 0.1 at every 500th iteration. The fine-tuning is stopped after 50 epochs.

Emotion Recognition. In this study, we separately focus on valence and arousal scales because Koelstra et al. [12] finds that there is a significant difference between low and high among these two emotions. For each trial, two labels were generated. The affective level in valence space described HV (high valence) or LV (low valence), and the affective level in valence space described HA (high arousal) or LA (low arousal). The label 1 indicates high valence/arousal and the label 0 indicates low valence/arousal. Considering subject-specificity of the subjective ratings, the binary emotional classes could be much proper generated based on personal threshold, which determine the target classes by clustering subjective rating data for each subject using classical k-means clustering algorithm [14]. The threshold is computed by the midpoint of two cluster centers as examples shown in Fig. 2 of subject 1, and all threshold values for 32 subjects summarized in Table 2. The classification performances based on them.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The target emotion classes generated based on personal threshold. (A) Ratings of all 40 one-minute music videos by subject 1. (B) Two cluster centers based on results of k-means clustering. (C) Midpoint of two cluster centers. (D) The low and high valence states discretized by the threshold. (E) The low and high arousal states discretized by the threshold.

Table 2. All threshold values for 32 subjects.

Because each sample of EEG signals is transformed into 6 images, during testing, the class scores of all images are averaged to form the final prediction of the action class i as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} P = ({\sum \limits _{i=1}^6}O_{k})/6 \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} i = arg \max \limits _{i\in [0, 1]}P_{i} \end{aligned}$$

where O represents the output vector of our proposed CNN model and P is the final probability of high/low emotion.

3.5 Evaluation Criteria

As our analysis of emotion is a binary classification, we adopt mean classification accuracy and F1-score as the final evaluation criteria. The mean classification accuracy is calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} Mean\_Acc = (n_{TP}+n_{TN})/(n_{TP}+n_{TN}+n_{FP}+n_{FN}) \end{aligned}$$

where \(n_{TP}\), \(n_{TN}\), \(n_{FP}\) and \(n_{FN}\) denote the numbers of correct classified label : 1 instance, the numbers of correctively classified label : 1 instance, the numbers of correctly classified label : 0 instance, the numbers of incorrectly classified label : 1 instance and the numbers of incorrectly classified label : 0 instance, respectively.

The precision for recognizing the high-class (1) instances is defined as \(p_{1}\),

$$\begin{aligned} p_{1} = (n_{TP})/(n_{TP}+n_{FP}) \end{aligned}$$

The precision for recognizing the low-class (0) instances is defined as \(p_{0}\),

$$\begin{aligned} p_{0} = (n_{TN})/(n_{TN}+n_{FN}) \end{aligned}$$

Finally, the F1-score is calculated:

$$\begin{aligned} p_{f} = 2p_{0}p_{1}/(p_{0}+p_{1}) \end{aligned}$$

4 Results

Experiments of valence and arousal classification were conducted. We divide the last 60 s data of each trial into 10 clips to perform emotion recognition and the 10-fold cross validation technique was carried out to evaluate the performance. Which partitioned samples into 10 disjoint subsets. One of the subsets was used as test sample at each fold, rest subsets were used as training samples and repeated 10 times till all the subsets were used as test sample ones. The average classification accuracy and F1-score values for all subjects were computed at each fold and were averaged at the end of the experiment. The classification results of the method we proposed was further compared with results obtained by other methods in Table 3.

Table 3. Experimental results on DEAP Dataset

It shows our proposed method could obtain better average accuracy and F1 score on valence and arousal classification compares with several studies on the same database before. More specifically, separately with respect to arousal and valence, the performance is improved by \(3.12\%\) and \(2.46\%\), and F1 score also enhanced \(0.26\%\) and \(0.56\% \).

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed to transform different frequency band of EEG signals into six gray images which contains time and frequency domain information, and extracted hand-crafted features of other peripheral physiological signals. These images and features were then fed into a AlexNet model to perform end-to-end fine-tuning. To achieve better performances, data preprocessing of the original signal was also adopted. The provided experimental results prove the effectiveness and validate the proposed contributions of our method by achieving superior performance over the existing methods on DEAP Dataset.