
1 Introduction

Cloud Computing is a promising primitive which enables large amounts of resources to be easily accessible to cloud users. Although data storage on public cloud provides an ease of accessibility, it also raises concerns on data confidentiality. Due to poor scalability and complex key management, the traditional encryption schemes, such as identity based encryption, can’t satisfy the requirements of various commercial applications that have a large amount of users.

Sahai and Waters [1] introduced the concept of attribute-based encryption (ABE). ABE can be divided into two kinds [2]: key-policy ABE (KP-ABE) and ciphertext-policy ABE (CP-ABE). In CP-ABE, without prior knowledge of who will decrypt the data, data owner encrypts data with an access policy, and a user can decrypt the ciphertext if and only if his/her attributes satisfy the access policy specified by the ciphertext. Pure CP-ABE is not sufficient for an access control system since users are not static, and users’ access privileges should be revoked when they withdraw from the system.

Although, many revocable ABE schemes have been proposed to solve the revocation problem, the requirement of interaction between authority and non-revoked users in indirect revocation method [3,4,5,6,7,8], and the troublesome workloads related to a large revocation list for data owner in direct revocation method [9,10,11,12,13], limit the commercial applications of CP-ABE to a large extent.

In 2015, Shi et al. [14] gave a directly revocable KP-ABE scheme while the data owner still need to generate a ciphertext that is linear to the size of the revocation cover. In 2016, Cui et al. [15] proposed a server-aided indirect revocable ABE which delegates the overheads of data users resulted in key updates to a aide-server. In 2007, Yamada et al. [16] gave two generic constructions of recoverable ABE from ABE.

Inspired by the direct revocation method in [14], and aiming at alleviating the workloads of revocation for data owner, we propose a server-aided directly revocable CP-ABE with verifiable revocation delegation.

2 Preliminaries

Multilinear Maps. Let \(\mathbb G_0,\mathbb G_1,...,\mathbb G_{d+3}\) be cyclic groups of prime order p. Multilinear maps consist of \(d+3\) mappings \(\{ {e_i}:{\mathbb G_0} \times {\mathbb G_i} \rightarrow {\mathbb G_{i + 1}}|i=0,...,d+2\}\), for \(i=0,...,d+2\), (i) if \(g_0\) is a generator of \(\mathbb G_0\), \({g_{i + 1}} = {e_i}({g_0},{g_i})\) is a generator of \(\mathbb G_{i+1}\); (ii) \(\forall a,b \in \mathbb Z_p\), \({e_i}(g_0^a,g_i^b) = {e_i}{({g_0},{g_i})^{ab}}\); (iii) \(e_i\) can be efficiently computed.

\(d+4\) Multilinear Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption (\(d+4\)-MDDH). Let \(\mathcal{G}(\lambda )\rightarrow (p,{\mathbb G_0},{\mathbb G_1}, ... ,{\mathbb G_{d + 3}},{e_0},{e_1}, \ldots ,{e_{d + 2}})\) be a generator of multilinear groups. Given , where \({z_0}, ... ,{z_{d }},{d_1},{d_2},{d_3},c{ \in _R}\mathbb Z_p^*\) are unknown, there is no polynomial algorithm \(\mathcal A\) that can distinguish \(g_{d + 3}^{c{z_0} \cdots {z_{d}}{d_1}{d_2}{d_3}}\) from a random element \(Z{ \in _R}{\mathbb G_{d + 3}}\) with a non-negligible advantage.

Subset Cover. Let \(\mathcal{T}_{id}\) be a full binary tree, depth(x) denote the depth of node x such that \(depth(root)=0\), \(path(x)=\{ {x_{{i_0}}}, \ldots ,{x_{{i_{depth(x)}}}}\} \) denote the path from the root to node x. A list of revoked users R corresponds to a set of leaf nodes in \(\mathcal{T}_{id}\). \(\forall x \in R\), mark all nodes of path(x), and subset cover cover(R) is the set of unmarked nodes that are the direct children of marked nodes in \(\mathcal{T}_{id}\), more details refer to [17].

3 Definition and Security Model

3.1 Definition

The sarCP-ABE scheme consists of eight algorithms.

\(\mathbf{Setup (}\lambda \mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow (PP,MSK)\), takes a security parameter \(\lambda \) as input, and outputs the public parameters PP and master secret key MSK.

\(\mathbf{Server KeyGen (}PP\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow (SPK,SSK)\), takes PP as input, and outputs server’s public key SPK and secret key SSK.

\(\mathbf{User KeyGen (}PP,SPK,id\mathrm{{,}}S,MSK\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow S{K_{id,S}}\), takes as input PP, server’s public key SPK, identity id, attributes S, master secret key MSK, and outputs secret key \(S{K_{id,S}}\).

\(\mathbf{Encrypt (}PP,M,(\mathbb W,\rho )\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow CT\), takes as input PP, message M, access structure \((\mathbb W,\rho )\), and outputs a ciphertext CT.

\(\mathbf{Aide - Enc (}PP,CT\mathrm{{,}}R,SSK\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow CT'\), takes as input PP, CT, SSK, revocation list R, and outputs an aide-ciphertext \(CT'\).

\(\mathbf{Decrypt (}PP,CT,CT',S{K_{id,S}}\mathrm{{,}}R\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow M\) , takes as input PP, CT, \(CT'\), R, secret key \(S{K_{id,S}}\) of identity id, and outputs a plaintext M if \(id\notin R\) and S satisfies the access policy; else, outputs a reject symbol \(\bot \).

\(\mathbf{Update (}PP,CT'\mathrm{{,}}R,R'\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow C\hat{T}\), takes as input PP, \(CT'\), R, new revocation list \(R'\) such that \(R\subset R'\), and outputs an updated aide-ciphertext \(C\hat{T}\).

\(\mathbf{Verify (}PP\mathrm{{,SPK,}}CT',C\hat{T},R,R'\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow 1\), takes as input PP, SPK, \(CT',R\), \(C\hat{T},R'\), and outputs 1 if \(C\hat{T}\) is correct; otherwise, outputs 0.

3.2 Security Model

Selective security for original ciphertext. The selective security against chosen-plaintext attack on original ciphertext, IND-s-CPA-OC in brief, is defined by following game between a challenger \(\mathcal C\) and an adversary \(\mathcal A\).

Init: \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs a target access structure \((\mathbb W^*,\rho ^*)\) that will be used to generate a challenge ciphertext.

Setup. \(\mathcal C\) runs the \(\mathrm{{{ Setup}(}}\lambda \mathrm{{)}}\) algorithm and gives the system public parameters PP to \(\mathcal A\). \(\mathcal A\) is allowed to generate the secret key of aide server, but it is asked to send the public key SPK to \(\mathcal C\).

Phase 1. \(\mathcal A\) makes \(\mathrm{{KeyGen(}}i{d_i}\mathrm{{,}}{S_i}\mathrm{{)}}\) queries for \(\mathrm{{(}}i{d_1}\mathrm{{,}}{S_1}\mathrm{{),}}\; ... ,\mathrm{{(}}i{d_{q_1}}\mathrm{{,}}{S_{q_1}}\mathrm{{)}}\), \(\mathcal C\) returns \(S{K_{i{d_i},{S_i}}}\) to \(\mathcal A\).

Challenge. \(\mathcal A\) submits two messages \(M_0,M_1\) of equal length, an access structure \((\mathbb W^*,\rho ^*)\), a revocation list R to \(\mathcal C\). None of the sets \({S_1},\; ... ,{S_{{q_1}}}\) from Phase 1 satisfies \((\mathbb W^*,\rho ^*)\). \(\mathcal C\) flips a random coin \(\beta { \in _R}\{ 0,1\} \) and generates the challenge ciphertext \(CT^*\) with \(M_\beta \) and aide-ciphertext \(CT'^*\) under revocation list R. At last, \(\mathcal C\) returns \(C{T^*},C{T'^{*}}\) to \(\mathcal A\).

Phase 2. \(\mathcal A\) makes \(\mathrm{{KeyGen(}}i{d_i}\mathrm{{,}}{S_i}\mathrm{{)}}\) queries for \(\mathrm{{(}}i{d_{q_1+1}}\mathrm{{,}}{S_{q_1+1}}\mathrm{{),}}\; ... ,\mathrm{{(}}i{d_{q}}\mathrm{{,}}{S_{q}}\mathrm{{)}}\) as in Query Phase 1 with the restriction that \({S_{{q_1} + 1}}\mathrm{{,}}\;...,{S_q}\) should not satisfy the challenge access structure \((\mathbb W^*,\rho ^*)\).

Guess. \(\mathcal A\) outputs a guess bit \(\beta '{ \in _R}\{ 0,1\} \) and wins the game if \(\beta '=\beta \). The advantage of \(\mathcal A\) is defined to be \(Adv(\mathcal{A}) = \left| {\Pr [\beta ' = \beta ] - {1/2}} \right| \).

Selective security for updated ciphertext. The selective security against chosen-plaintext attack on updated ciphertext, IND-s-CPA-UC in brief, is same as IND-s-CPA-OC except the challenge phase.

Challenge. \(\mathcal A\) submits two messages \(M_0,M_1\) of equal length, an access structure \((\mathbb W^*,\rho ^*)\), a prior revocation list R, a new revocation list \(R'\) where \(R \subset R'\) to \(\mathcal C\). None of the sets \({S_1},\; ... ,{S_{{q_1}}}\) from Phase 1 satisfies \((\mathbb W^*,\rho ^*)\). \(\mathcal C\) flips a random coin \(\beta { \in _R}\{ 0,1\} \) and generates the challenge ciphertext \(CT^*\) with \(M_\beta \) and aide-ciphertext \(CT'^*\) under revocation list R, and then generates update aide-ciphertext \(C{\hat{T}^*}\) under revocation list \(R'\). At last, \(\mathcal C\) returns \(C{T^*},C{\hat{T}^*}\) to \(\mathcal A\).

Verifiability of revocation delegation. The verifiability of aide-ciphertext is defined by following game between a challenger \(\mathcal C\) and an adversary \(\mathcal A\).

Init, Setup and Query Phase are same as IND-s-CPA-OC.

Challenge. \(\mathcal A\) submits a message M of equal length, an access structure \((\mathbb W^*,\rho ^*)\), a prior revocation list R to \(\mathcal C\). None of the sets \({S_1},\; ... ,{S_{{q_1}}}\) from Phase 1 satisfies \((\mathbb W^*,\rho ^*)\). \(\mathcal C\) generates ciphertext \(CT^*\) with M and aide-ciphertext \(CT'^*\) under revocation list R. At last, \(\mathcal C\) returns \(C{T^*},CT'^*\) to \(\mathcal A\).

Guess. \(\mathcal A\) generates update aide-ciphertext \(C{\hat{T}^*}\) under revocation list \(R'\), where \(R \subset R'\). \(\mathcal A\) wins the game if \(\mathrm{{Verify(}}PP\mathrm{{,}}CT'^*,C{\hat{T}}^*,R,R'\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow 1\) and the distributions of \(C{\hat{T}}^*\) and \(C\tilde{T}\) are distinguishable, where \(\mathrm{{Update(}}PP,CT'^*\mathrm{{,}}R,R'\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow C\tilde{T}\) are normally produced by \(\mathcal C\).

4 Our Construction

Let \(\mathbb U = \{ a{t_1},...,a{t_{|\mathbb U|}}\} \) be the attribute universe and \(\mathbb {ID} = \{ i{d_1},...,i{d_{|\mathbb {ID}|}}\} \) be the user universe in the system. Let d, such that \(2^d=|\mathbb {ID}|\), be the depth for all leaves in the full binary tree of identities.

\(\mathbf{{Setup}( }\lambda \mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow (PP,MSK)\): Given the security parameter \(\lambda \), it generates \(d+3\) multilinear maps: \(\{ {e_i}:{\mathbb G_0} \times {\mathbb G_i} \rightarrow {\mathbb G_{i + 1}}|i=0,...,d+2\}\), where \(\mathbb G_0,\mathbb G_1,...,\mathbb G_{d+3}\) are cyclic group of prime order p. Let \(g_0\) be a random generator of \(\mathbb G_0\), and then \({g_{i + 1}} = {e_i}({g_0},{g_i})\) is a generator of \(\mathbb G_{i+1}\) for \(i=0,1,...,d+2\). The authority chooses \(\alpha ,b{ \in _R}\mathbb Z_p^*\) randomly and computes \(g_{d + 2}^\alpha ,g_{d+2}^b\). For each attribute \(at_i\in \mathbb U\), it selects \(t_i{ \in _R}\mathbb Z_p^*\) randomly and sets \({T_i} = g_{0}^{{t_i}}\). The authority chooses an efficient map \(H:{\{ 0,1\} ^*} \rightarrow {\mathbb G_0}\). Let \({\mathcal{T}_{id}}\) denote a binary tree according to the revocation list R. At last, the authority sets master secret key as \(MSK = \alpha ,\{ {t_i},i = 1,...,|\mathbb U|\} \) and publishes public parameters \(PP = \{p,{\mathbb {G}_0},{\mathbb {G}_1}, ... ,{\mathbb {G}_{d + 3}},{e_0},...,{e_{d + 2}},{T_1},...,{T_{|\mathbb {U}|}},g_0,g_{d + 2}^b,{e_{d + 2}}{(g_0,g_{d + 2})^\alpha },\mathbb {U},\mathbb {ID},H,d,{\mathcal{T}_{id}}\}\).

\(\mathrm{\mathbf{Server KeyGen\mathrm (}}PP) \rightarrow (SPK,SSK)\): The aide server randomly chooses \(c{ \in _R}\mathbb Z_p^*\), keeps secret key \(SSK = c\) secretly and publishes public key \(SPK = g_0^c\).

\(\mathrm{\mathbf{User KeyGen\mathrm (}}PP,SPK,id\mathrm{{,}}S,MSK\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow S{K_{id,S}}\): The authority can generate the secret key \(S{K_{id,S}} = (K,L,\{ {K_x}:\forall x \in S)\) as follows.

  • Let \({{path(}}id{{) = \{ }}{x_{{i_0}}}\mathrm{{,}}...\mathrm{{,}}{x_{{i_d}}}\mathrm{{\} }}\) and \({P_{{x_{{i_{_0}}}}}} = {e_0}(g_0^b,H({x_{{i_0}}}))\).

  • For \(k=1\) to d , compute \({P_{{x_{{i_k}}}}} = {e_k}({P_{{x_{{i_{k - 1}}}}}},H({x_{{i_k}}}))\), let \(P_{id}^{} = {e_{d + 1}}({P_{{x_{{i_d}}}}},g_0^c)\).

  • Choose \(a,r{ \in _R}\mathbb Z_p^*\), compute \(K = g_{d + 2}^{\alpha - ar}P_{id}^r,L = g_0^r,{K_i} = g_{d+2}^{a{r}t_i^{ - 1}},\forall a{t_i} \in S\).

\(\mathrm{\mathbf{Encrypt\mathrm (}}PP,M,(\mathbb W,\rho )\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow CT\): Given a message M, access structure \((\mathbb W,\rho )\), where \(\mathbb W\) is a \(l\times k\) matrix and \(\rho \) is a map from each row \(\mathbb W_i\) of \(\mathbb W\) to an attribute \(a{t_{\rho (i)}}\), the data owner generates ciphertext \(CT = ({C}, {C'},{\{{C_{i}}\} _{i \in [l]}})\) can be generated as follows.

  • Choose \(s,{v_2},...,{v_{k}}{ \in _R}\ \mathbb Z_p^*\) randomly, and construct vector .

  • Compute \(C = M \cdot {e_{d + 2}}{({g_0},{g_{d + 2}})^{\alpha s}},C' = g_0^s\).

  • For \(i=1,...,l\), compute \({C_i} = T_i^{{\lambda _i}}\), where .

\(\mathrm{\mathbf{Aided-Enc\mathrm (}}PP,CT,R,SSK\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow CT'\): Given CT, and a revocation list R, the aide-server generates aide-ciphertext \(CT' = \{ {D_x}:\forall x \in {{cover}}(R)\}\) as follows.

  • Let \({{path(}}x\mathrm{{) = \{ }}{x_{{i_0}}}\mathrm{{,}}...\mathrm{{,}}{x_{{i_{depth(x)}}}}\mathrm{{\} }}\) and \({P_{{x_{{i_{_0}}}}}} = {e_0}(g_0^b,H({x_{{i_0}}}))\).

  • For \(k=1\) to depth(x), compute \({P_{{x_{{i_k}}}}} = {e_k}({P_{{x_{{i_{k - 1}}}}}},H({x_{{i_k}}}))\), let \(P_x^{} = {P_{{x_{{i_{depth(x)}}}}}}\).

  • Compute \({D_x} = {e_{depth(x) + 1}}{({P_x},C')^c}\).

\(\mathrm{\mathbf{Decrypt\mathrm (}}PP,CT,CT',SK_{id,S},R\mathrm{{ )}} \rightarrow M\): If \(id \notin R\) and S satisfies access structure \((\mathbb W,\rho )\), the message can be recovered as follows.

  • Since \(id \notin R\), there always exists \(x \in ({{path(}}id\mathrm{{)}} \cap {{cover}}(R)\mathrm{{)}}\). Let \(path(id)=\mathrm{{\{ }}{x_{{i_0}}}\mathrm{{,}}... \mathrm{{,}}{x_{{i_{depth(x)}}}}\mathrm{{,}}...\mathrm{{,}}{x_{{i_d}}}\mathrm{{\} }}\), where \({x_{{i_{depth(x)}}}} = x,{x_{{i_d}}} = id\). Let \(Q_{{x_{{i_{depth(x)}}}}}^{'} = D_x\), and for \(k = depth(x) + 1\) to d compute \(Q_{{x_{{i_{_k}}}}}^{'} = {e_{k + 1}}(Q_{{x_{{i_{_{k - 1}}}}}}^{'},H({x_{{i_k}}}))\). Then, \(Q_{id} = Q_{{x_{{i_{_d}}}}}^{'} = P_{id}^s\). Since S satisfies \((\mathbb W,\rho )\), there exists \(\{ {\omega _i}:i \in I\} \) such that\(\sum \limits _{i \in I} {{\omega _i}{\mathbb W_i}} = (1,0,...,0)\), where \(I = \{ i:a{t_{\rho (i)}} \in {S}\} \).

  • Computes \(M = \frac{{C \cdot {e_{d + 2}}(L,{Q_{id}})}}{{{e_{d + 2}}(C',K)\prod \limits _{i \in I} {{e_{d + 2}}{{({K_i},{C_i})}^{{\omega _i}}}} }}\).

\(\mathrm{\mathbf{Update\mathrm (}}PP,CT'\mathrm{{,}}R,R'\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow C\hat{T}\): Given an aide-ciphertext \(CT'\) under revocation list R and a new revocation list \(R'\) where \(R \subset R'\), the updated aide-ciphertext \(C\hat{T}' = \{ {\hat{D}_x}:\forall x \in {{cover}}(R')\} \) can be generated as follows.

  • For each \(x' \in {{cover}}(R')\), if there exists \(x \in {{cover}}(R)\) such that \(x=x'\), let \(\hat{D}_{x'} = {D_x}\);

  • Else, there exists \(x \in {{cover}}(R)\) that x is an ancestor of \(x'\). Let \({{path}}(x') = {{path}}(x) \cup \{ {x_{{i_{depth(x) + 1}}}}, ...,{x_{{i_{depth(x')}}}}\} \) such that \({x_{{i_{depth(x)}}}} = x,{x_{{i_{depth(x')}}}} = x'\). Let \(P_{{x_{{i_{depth(x)}}}}}^{'} = {D_x}\), compute \(P_{{x_{{i_k}}}}^{'} = {e_{k + 1}}(P_{{x_{{i_{k - 1}}}}}^{'},H({x_{{i_k}}}))\) for \(k = depth(x)\,+\,1,...,depth(x')\), and let \({\hat{D}_{x'}} = P_{{x_{{i_{depth(x')}}}}}^{'}\).

\(\mathrm{\mathbf{Verify\mathrm (}}PP\mathrm{{,}}SPK,CT',C\hat{T}',R,R'\mathrm{{)}} \rightarrow 1\): The correctness of \(C\hat{T}'\) can be publicly verified by an auditor as follows.

  • For each \(x \in {{cover}}(R)\), \({{path(}}x\mathrm{{) = \{ }}{x_{{i_0}}},...,{x_{{i_{depth(x)}}}}\mathrm{{\} }}\), let \({P_{{x_{{i_{_0}}}}}} = {e_0}(g_0^b,H({x_{{i_0}}}))\); compute \({P_{{x_{{i_k}}}}} = {e_k}({P_{{x_{{i_{k - 1}}}}}},H({x_{{i_k}}}))\) for \(k=1\) to depth(x); let \(P_x = {P_{{x_{{i_{depth(x)}}}}}}\), compute \(P_x^{'} = {e_{depth(x) + 1}}({P_x},C')\), and verify whether \({e_{depth(x) + 2}}({D_x},{g_0}) = {e_{depth(x) + 2}}(P_x^{'},g_0^c)\) holds or not. If not, output 0.

  • Otherwise, for each \(x \in {{cover}}(R) \cap {{cover}}(R')\), verify whether \(\hat{D}_x = {D_x}\) holds or not. If not, output 0.

  • Otherwise, for each \(i\in [0,d]\), find out all the nodes \({x_1}, ... ,{x_k}\) such that \({x_t} \in {{cover}}(R') - {{cover}}(R)\) where \(depth({x_t}) = i,t \in [0,k]\); choose \({a_1}, ... ,{a_k}{ \in _R}\mathbb Z_p\) at random, compute \(P_{{x_t}}^{'} = {e_{depth({x_t}) + 1}}({P_{{x_t}}},C')\) and verify

    $$\begin{aligned} \prod \limits _{t = 1}^k {{e_{depth({x_t}) + 2}}({{(P_{{x_t}}^{'})}^{{a_t}}},g_0^c)} = {e_{depth({x_t}) + 2}}({g_0},\prod \limits _{t = 1}^k {{{(\hat{D}_{{x_t}}^{})}^{{a_t}}}} ) \end{aligned}$$
  • If there exists \(i\in [0,d]\) such that Eq. (1) does not hold, then output 0; otherwise, return 1.

5 Security Results

Due to space limitation, we only give the security results. The complete proof and efficiency analysis will be given in the full paper.

Theorem 1

If the d + 4-MDDH assumption holds and the challenge matrix \(\mathbb W^*\) is of size \({l^*} \times {k^*}\) such that \({l^*},{k^*} \le q\), there is no polynomial time adversary that can win the IND-s-CPA-OC game with non-negligible advantage \(\varepsilon \).

Theorem 2

If d + 4-MDDH assumption holds, there is no polynomial adversary that can win the IND-s-CPA-UC game with non-negligible advantage \(\varepsilon \).

Theorem 3

The proposed sarCP-ABE scheme can achieve verifiability of revocation delegation.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we introduce a new primitive, called server-aided directly revocable CP-ABE with verifiable revocation delegation to achieve efficient user revocation. We give the formal security model, propose a concrete sarCP-ABE scheme, and then prove that the proposed sarCP-ABE scheme is selectively secure under the security. The proposed sarCP-ABE scheme can support verifiable (complete) revocation delegation. Comparing with previous directly revocable ABE schemes, the workloads about revocation are delegated to the aide-server.