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Musically Modified Substitution-Box for Clinical Signals Ciphering in Wireless Telecare Medical Communicating Systems

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Wireless Personal Communications Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Telecare medical communication system (TMCS) is an essential component in today’s fast moving era. Patients are privileged to have wireless online medical facilities from their remote locations. Probability of noscomial infections is absolutely zero in such wireless TMCS. Data Security of heterogeneous patients during the wireless communication is a big challenge. Patients’ data privacy is highly confidential and need enhanced encryption measures. Intruding leads to the medical data adulterations in such telecare systems. This paper proposes a modified Advanced Encryption Standards (AES) based on the biometric generated key. Binary biometric key were generated from the patients’ fingerprints. S-box of AES has been enhanced by the musical involvement of metaheuristic harmony search algorithm. Clinical electrocardiogram (ECG) signals were carried out to enhance the security mechanism of the TMCS. Different tests were carried on the proposed technique, which in turn gets wise bench-mark outcomes. Statistical analyses were conducted to counterfeit the intruding. This proposed technique is suitable for wireless TCMS with higher degree of patients’ privacy.

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The authors acknowledge the inspirations received from Dr. Sukriti Ghosal, Principal, Maharajadhiraj Uday Chand Women’s College, Burdwan, West Bengal, India.


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Sarkar, A., Dey, J. & Karforma, S. Musically Modified Substitution-Box for Clinical Signals Ciphering in Wireless Telecare Medical Communicating Systems. Wireless Pers Commun 117, 727–745 (2021).

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