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Encounter Count and Interaction Time-Based Routing Protocol for Opportunistic Networks

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SN Computer Science Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Opportunistic network is an extension of Mobile Ad-hoc network, and therefore, it shares most of the properties of the Mobile Ad-hoc network except routing protocols. Highly intermittent connections between nodes in opportunistic networks make the development of routing protocols more challenging. This paper proposes an Encounter Count and Interaction Time-based (ECIT) routing protocol for opportunistic networks that combines context information and effective buffer technique to reduce overhead as well as to improve delivery rates. The ECIT routing protocol uses context information of nodes and neighbourhoods to select the next forwarding node for a message in the network. A buffer management policy is also added to improve efficiency of selection of the next forwarding node. Further, the proposed routing protocol is compared with well-known routing protocols of opportunistic networks, i.e., Epidemic, Probabilistic Routing Protocol using History of Encounters and Transitivity (PRoPHET), and PRoPHETv2. Opportunistic Network Environment Simulator (ONE) is used for the implementation of the proposed routing protocol. Simulation results and analysis show that out of the three existing routing protocols, the PRoPHETv2 performs better than the other two. Whereas, the proposed routing protocol performs even better than PRoPHETv2 in terms of delivery probability by 32% and the overhead ratio by 22.1%, respectively.

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Fig. 14

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This research work is funded by “Seed Grant to Faculty Members under IoE Scheme (under Dev. Scheme No. 6031)” awarded to Anshul Verma.

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Singh, M., Verma, A. & Verma, P. Encounter Count and Interaction Time-Based Routing Protocol for Opportunistic Networks. SN COMPUT. SCI. 5, 43 (2024).

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