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Evolving Healthcare 4.0 with Deep Secure Patient Data Accessibility Medical Organization with Artificial Intelligence Computing

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Healthcare has undergone a revolution from version 1.0 to version 4.0, with version 2.0 introducing electronic health records (EHRs) to replace the analysis ones and version 3.0 focusing more on patients. Telehealth, cloud computing, fog computing, the Internet of Things, and other IoT technologies share data across many healthcare parties, originally designed with the patient in mind. However, designing a secure method for Healthcare 4.0 has always been challenging. Hackers may be able to access patients’ email accounts, messages, and reports because of a security flaw in the healthcare system. In contrast, a trustworthy healthcare approach may meet the needs of both patients and medical professionals. Therefore, extra precautions must be taken while storing, accessing, and exchanging patient medical records in the cloud to prevent data breaches caused by legitimate E-healthcare system users. Several cryptographic techniques have been developed to make cloud-based medical records safe for sharing, accessing, and storing. However, traditional approaches to EHR security fell short in several key respects, such as computational efficiency, service-side verification, user-side verifications, and robust security—all without the need for a trusted third party. Strong security for data storage and sharing with minimal computational effort has drawn much interest recently, and here is where blockchain-based security solutions come in.Bitcoin technology was the blockchain’s primary focus among academics. Using the blockchain to manage healthcare records safely has become popular recently. The systematic analysis of current blockchain-based medical data security solutions, both with and without cloud computing, is presented in this paper. In this paper, we apply and assess various blockchain-based methods. Based on the papers cited, this paper’s findings strengthen new Healthcare 4.0 technologies by identifying research gaps, obstacles, and a future roadmap.

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Pulimamidi, R. Evolving Healthcare 4.0 with Deep Secure Patient Data Accessibility Medical Organization with Artificial Intelligence Computing. SN COMPUT. SCI. 5, 994 (2024).

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