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Survey of data-selection methods in statistical machine translation

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Machine Translation


Statistical machine translation has seen significant improvements in quality over the past several years. The single biggest factor in this improvement has been the accumulation of ever larger stores of data. We now find ourselves, however, the victims of our own success, in that it has become increasingly difficult to train on such large sets of data, due to limitations in memory, processing power, and ultimately, speed (i.e. data-to-models takes an inordinate amount of time). Moreover, the training data has a wide quality spectrum. A variety of methods for data cleaning and data selection have been developed to address these issues. Each of these methods employs a search or filtering algorithm to select a subset of the data, given a defined set of feature functions. In this paper we provide a comparative overview of research in this area based on application scenario, feature functions and search method.

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  1. One point to acknowledge here is the extent to which the data supplied is optimally used. Ozdowska and Way (2009) provide comparative scores of systems built using different subsets of Europarl data (Koehn 2005). As might be expected, performance is highest for language pairs which use parallel data constructed with that particular language direction in mind, i.e. a French-to-English MT system works best when the original language data was French, and subsequently translated into English, as opposed to (i) where the original language data was English, and translated into French, or (ii) where the source language was neither French nor English. This is an important point, yet remains largely ignored by the wider community; system developers tend to value larger amounts of (say) French–English parallel data rather than select segments of a data set based on what the original language was.

  2. Low-resource languages are languages that have relatively little monolingual or parallel data available for training, tuning and evaluation.

  3. Free translation or freely translated text—contrary to literal, direct or word-for-word translation—conveys the overall meaning of a sentence or phrase without necessarily a word-for-word correspondence between source and translated text (Han et al. 2009).

  4. The terms “translation units” or “utterances” could also be used, but they are functionally equivalent in this context.

  5. Size can also be measured in total number of characters, tokens, token types, etc depending on the scenario.

  6. The number of subsets of size m from a set of size n is \(\frac{n!}{m!\times (n-m)!}\). Since this value is exponential in n, to be precise: \(\frac{n}{k}\), it is impractical to do an exhaustive search enumerating all subsets.

  7. We will use BLEU as the automated metric here, but other measures are certainly viable. Bilingual Evaluation Understudy is the most popular automatic evaluation metric based on n-gram matches between translation output and reference translations (Papineni et al. 2002; Koehn 2009).

  8. In this paper, unless otherwise specified, word n-grams are referred to as simply n-grams for brevity. A word n-gram is a sequence of n words that appear in natural language text.

  9. Batch-learning techniques are often used to make data-selection methods practical. See Sect. 9 for details.

  10. Term Frequency—Inverse Document Frequency.

  11. By definition the conditional entropy of H(Y|X) is defined as \(\sum _{x\in X, y\in Y} p(x,y)\log p(y|x)\). However, the definition provided for PhrEnt here is missing a \(P_{{\mathcal {TM}}(S_1^{j})}(p_{\scriptscriptstyle {\textit{s}}})\) inside the summation but outside the log. We recognize this inaccuracy but keep formula (14) consistent with the referenced work (Ambati 2011).

  12. The perplexity of a random variable is defined as two (or any given base number) to the power of its entropy. In natural language processing this function is commonly used as a measure of how surprised a language model is when observing a sequence of words.

  13. For all practical purposes in their work (Liu et al. 2010a), a phrase is the same as an n-gram as they consider phrases for a sentence to be all n-grams of up to a certain length.

  14. Kullback–Leibler divergence is an information-theoretic measure of the distance between two probability distributions.

  15. Translation Edit Rate (TER) measures the amount of editing a human would need to perform on an MT output to exactly match a reference translation (Snover et al. 2006).

  16. The seed corpus can be used for this purpose as well.

  17. Entropy, H(X), measures the amount of information or uncertainty in a random variable (Manning and Schütze 1999).

  18. The cross-entropy of a random variable, X, with the true probability distribution function of P(X) and an estimated probability distribution function of Q(X) is formally defined as the sum of the entropy of X plus the KL-divergence between P(X) and Q(X): \(H(P(X),Q(X)) = H(X,P(X)) + D_{{\scriptscriptstyle {\textit{KL}}}}(P(X)||Q(X))\) (Cover and Thomas 1991).

  19. A word-alignment model is a statistical model trained and used to align individual words in a sentence to their translations in the translated sentence. A word-aligned sentence pair contains alignment links used to align words in one sentence to the other (Brown et al. 1993).

  20. In their work, Khadivi and Ney use IBM model 1, HMM and IBM model 2 in succession to train the final model. However, their scoring function does not depend on any particular alignment model, so any alignment model can be used.

  21. We think a more natural derivation for alignment entropy of a sentence is averaging alignment entropies of each source or target word according to all possible alignments. This will provide a measure of how uncertain an alignment model is about word alignments in a sentence. This is a more natural use of entropy compared to the uncertainty about a word given the number of Viterbi alignment links for the word.

  22. In word alignment, the fertility of a word is defined as the number of alignment links initiated from that word.

  23. The weights are trained using a manually analyzed development set of size 1000.

  24. A set function is modular if and only if the value of the function over a set equals the sum of the function value over its individual elements.

  25. An oracle can be a human or a human-labeled data set that provides the true label for a query. In the context of MT, the oracle is a human translator or a parallel corpus where the source text has already been translated by humans.

  26. In this batch-mode learning strategy the idea is to avoid retraining all SMT models after selection of each sentence. A less expensive update is used to improve the diversity of the batch where only the scoring function is updated. After the entire batch is selected, then all SMT models are updated.

  27. Hierarchical Sampling attempts to leverage the cluster structure of the data for sampling in an active learning setting (Dasgupta and Hsu 2008). In this work, a static hierarchical cluster structure of the unlabeled data is given. A set of cluster nodes for sampling is maintained throughout the algorithm. Initially, the sampling set only contains the root node of the cluster which contains all nodes. Random samples are drawn from the sampling set and queried from the oracle. Based on these queries, each node in the hierarchical cluster maintains statistics about its positive and negative labels. Cluster nodes in the sampling set with mixed labels and more pure child nodes are removed from the sampling set and their child nodes are added. These steps are repeated until all nodes reach a predefined level of purity. This method is motivated by addressing the “sampling bias” problem (Schütze et al. 2006) in active learning and provides theoretical guarantees for a better learning performance than random sampling.


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Eetemadi, S., Lewis, W., Toutanova, K. et al. Survey of data-selection methods in statistical machine translation. Machine Translation 29, 189–223 (2015).

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