1 Introduction

The vast amount of research on IR methods deals with ad-hoc retrieval. However, from a user-oriented perspective, this is only one of several methods of information access. In Cool and Belkin (2002) a faceted classification of information seeking strategies is presented, pointing out that retrieval is only possible if (1) the access mode is specification and (2) the access method is searching (i.e. the IR system is able to process the user’s specification). In many cases, users have problems in specifying their information need, thus the appropriate access mode will be recognition. Document clustering is a means for supporting users in these situations (Käki 2005), since the user only has to recognize the cluster that fits best to her current information need. Thus, clustering can be helpful at all stages of a search (i.e. collection clustering as well as result clustering), offering the user the possibility to choose from a number of clusters instead of formulating a query.

In contrast to document classification, clustering also has the potential of offering multiple alternative clusterings at a time [similar to faceted search, see e.g. Hearst et al. (2002), Hearst and Stoica (2009), Yee et al. (2003)]. For example, when searching for papers on document clustering, some users might be interested in the clustering methods themselves, others might be looking at the document representation used, and some might want to know about the type of documents on which the methods have been tested.

In this paper, we describe a model that provides not only a theoretical basis for improving current clustering methods, but also defines a framework for extensions like e.g. multiple clusterings.

The Probability Ranking Principle (PRP) (Robertson 1977) forms the theoretic foundation for probabilistic retrieval. Before the formulation of the PRP, the development of new retrieval models was a purely heuristic task: researchers proposed a mathematical model [like e.g. vector space Salton (1971) or fuzzy logic Radecki (1977)] and combined it with varying amounts of heuristics, in order to arrive at a retrieval model. The quality of this model could be verified only empirically by performing retrieval experiments with the few test collections available. If the experiments showed good performance, the model was deemed to be reasonable. With the PRP however, there suddenly was a theoretic justification for a certain type of models, stating that probabilistic retrieval models give optimum performance when results are ranked by decreasing probability of relevance. So good retrieval quality for probabilistic models is not a mere coincidence like with non-probabilistic ones—there is a theoretic proof that these models allow for optimum retrieval quality. However, as the PRP only provides a framework, there still remained the task of formulating actual models (based on different document and query representations plus using additional assumptions about the (in)dependence of certain types of events). In fact, it took almost 15 years until there were probabilistic models which outperformed the non-probabilistic ones in experimental evaluations (Fuhr and Buckley 1990; Salton and Buckley 1988).

Looking at the field of document clustering, we are still in the pre-PRP era: although there is a vast amount of knowledge about the properties of various clustering methods, document clustering still is mainly based on heuristics with regard to the choice of document representation and similarity function. The quality of these choices can only be evaluated experimentally. There is no theoretic foundation which links the design of a document clustering method to the quality of its outcome.

In this paper we present a theoretic model which solves this problem: Similar to the formulation of the PRP, we will show how document representation and similarity function can be linked to the expected quality of the resulting clustering, thus providing a framework for optimum clustering. The development of actual clustering methods following this framework is not a subject of this paper—although we provide some experimental evidence indicating the validity of our approach.

The starting point for the development of our framework is the cluster hypothesis. According to it, cluster analysis could be used to support the identification of relevant documents given a request: Similar documents tend to be relevant to the same information need (van Rijsbergen 1979). However, evaluations of the cluster hypothesis gave inconclusive results (Voorhees 1985). Instead, Hearst and Pedersen propose to use cluster analysis as a post-processing step on the set of retrieved documents. They argue that, especially for high dimensional data, various aspects of the data could serve as a basis for similarity assessment (Hearst and Pedersen 1996). Which of these aspects are suitable to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant documents depends on the actual queries, and thus the (pre-) existence of a universally meaningful (=without considering knowledge about the information need) clustering cannot be expected. On the other hand, this argument also supports the idea of multiple alternative clusterings mentioned above.

In this work, we reverse the cluster hypothesis to motivate the introduction of a query set in combination with relevance assessments to improve the clustering of documents: Documents relevant to the same queries should occur in the same cluster. For achieving this, we redefine the concept of document similarity: Two documents are similar if they are relevant to the same queries. Thus, the original cluster hypothesis becomes a kind of tautology, since document similarity is no longer a property of its own, but depends on relevance. Moreover, by considering relevance, clustering is able to address the pragmatic level of information access, whereas the traditional view of document similarity is more at the semantic level.

Since we usually won’t have explicit relevance information, we regard the probability of relevance instead. For supporting interactive information access, in the ideal case, the query set should contain an element that fits to the user’s current information need, and the corresponding relevant documents should be clustered together. In fact, result clustering can be interpreted along these lines, where the query set consists of all possible refinements of the original query.

Looking at the standard approach to document clustering, documents are represented as bags of words (BOW). In the spirit of our idea, this approach uses the collection vocabulary as single term queries; thus, two documents are considered similar if they share a majority of words. This interpretation brings forth that the BOW method describes one arbitrary way to construct a query set and that different approaches stand to reason. Referring to the observations of Hearst and Pederson we believe that cluster analysis could be improved by applying a target-oriented set of queries (e.g. by following the idea of faceted search as mentioned above). Especially, any domain knowledge should be incorporated into the query set. Depending on the way domain knowledge is captured, different document models become related to our work (see Sect. 2).

The introduction of a query set tackles the clustering process at different stages. We therefore summarize our approach as the Optimum Clustering Framework (OCF—see Fig. 1). As will be discussed in greater detail in Sects. 3 and 4, the term optimum clustering refers to a clustering that satisfies the (reversed) cluster hypothesis best. To be able to award this optimum property to a clustering, a validity metric based on relevance assessments is presented. Section 4 also describes how a query set Q could be operationalized to compute similarity scores between pairs of documents: Documents are represented through their probabilities of relevance estimated by a retrieval model for the query set Q. Similarity is then computed based on these representations, i.e., documents are not compared directly to each other but via their relevance to Q. In Sect. 5, a discussion on concrete query sets and their close relation to existing approaches is brought up. Section 6 deals with fusion principles that are tailored to the metrics of the OCF. To illustrate and substantiate the applicability of our framework, the design and the results of some experiments are presented in Sect. 7.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Illustration of the optimum clustering framework, OCF, here used as internal evaluation criterion to assess a given clustering \(\mathcal{C}\). Salient property of OCF is an information-need-driven computation of document similarities: based on a query set Q relevance-based representations of the documents D are computed, and from the correlation of the resulting similarity graph and \(\mathcal{C}\) the so-called “expected F-measure” is derived

The major contribution of this paper is the development of a solid theoretical framework for future research on document clustering.

2 Related work

Document clustering has a long history of research, see e.g. El-Hamdouchi and Willett (1989), van Rijsbergen (1979). The decisive point of our work is the introduction of relevance into the clustering process and indeed, early papers (Ivie 1966; Jackson 1970) aimed at a closer connection between document similarity and relevance. But this line of research has not been continued. Robertson (1977) even stated that the cluster hypothesis and the PRP are somewhat in contrast, since the former cannot be incorporated directly for computing the document-wise probabilities of relevance. However, as indicated above, our approach takes the opposite direction, using probabilities of relevance for generating clusterings.

More recent research has addressed the three major steps of document clustering: document representation (Ji and Xu 2006), similarity computation (Li et al. 2007; Xu et al. 2003) and fusion (Cutting et al. 1992; Ke et al. 2009). On the other hand, there has been an increasing number of applications of document clustering for various purposes. Besides the ‘classic’ approach of collection clustering—be it for supporting browsing (especially for topic detection and tracking Allan et al. (1998)) or for cluster-based retrieval (Liu and Croft 2004; Voorhees 1985), the focus has been mainly on result clustering, where the documents of the result set are grouped in order to structure the output (Leuski 2001). In addition, these clusters can also be ranked (Kurland and Domshlak 2008; Kurland and Lee 2006; Liu et al. 2008; Tombros et al. 2002). Other researchers have used result clustering for improving the ranked retrieval result, e.g. via cluster-based smoothing of documents (Diaz 2005; Liu and Croft 2004) or cluster-based resampling for pseudo-relevance feedback (Kurland 2008; Lee et al. 2008).

In contrast to the vast amount of literature of document clustering methods, there are only a few user-oriented evaluations in this area. Some empirical user studies have shown that users prefer structured presentations of result sets over list-based ones (Wu et al. 2001) and help them in retrieving relevant documents. Käki (2005) found that result structuring supports vague information needs by making it possible for the user to use less precise queries and by forgiving mistakes in query formulation. The evaluations in (Hearst and Pedersen 1996; Zamir and Etzioni 1999) showed that a topical structuring of the retrieval result set helps the user in getting an overview and understanding the content of the result set. The structuring also supports users in locating relevant documents more easily (Zamir and Etzioni 1999), especially when similar results from different locations are clustered within the ranked result list (Käki 2005).

As mentioned in the opening section of this paper, the assessment of pairwise document similarities in the OCF also offers an information retrieval perspective to classify existing research. Dependent on how the query set is generated, the OCF evolves into pre-described approaches. To clarify this fact, we distinguish three paradigms of the query generation process: local, global, and extern.

  1. 1.

    Under the local paradigm the query set is generated by extracting words or phrases from each document in the collection independently. To assess the relevance of a document wrt. a query, traditional retrieval models like the vector space model, BM25 or language models are used. This way, the clustering process gets related to clustering under the bag-of-words model or keyword based clustering (Kang 2003; Li et al. 2008).

  2. 2.

    Under the global paradigm queries are generated by considering global properties of the document set. Global properties may be topical or structural. Approaches to acquire topical queries and to assess their relevance wrt. a document include pLSI (Hofmann 2001) or LDA (Blei et al. 2003). Using structural queries, the OCF goes in line with work done in genre- or XML-clustering (Stein and Meyer zu 2008; Yongming et al. 2008).

  3. 3.

    Under the external paradigm query generation is based on any source of external knowledge. This may be in forms of manually created relevance judgments, user feedback, a foreign document collection like under the ESA (explicit semantic analysis) model (Gabrilovich and Markovitch 2007), or even by operationalizing existing clusterings as done by semi-supervised clustering methods (Daumé and Marcu 2005).

Note that, traditionally, most of the clustering approaches follow the local paradigm. The Optimum Clustering Framework can be applied under all paradigms, depending on the knowledge sources used to generate the query set Q.

In the next two sections, the idea of introducing a query set into the clustering process is formalized to an external and an internal validity measure. An illustration of how these measures are applied in a cluster analysis is given in Fig. 1. Although our external measure relies on relevance judgments rather than on a reference classification, it is closely related to existing validity measures like the F-Measure (van Rijsbergen 1979, chap. 7) and the BCubed metric (Bagga and Baldwin 1998), which also consider a measure for precision and recall.

3 Cluster validity under the OCF

Although there is a broad variety of cluster validity metrics, none of them is suited for our purpose: Whereas all popular metrics for external evaluation compare a clustering with a given document classification, we want to perform an evaluation with respect to a set of queries with relevance judgments—which is a generalization, since categories (and classification hierarchies as well) can be regarded as a special case of queries. In order to define optimum clustering and to be able to develop corresponding clustering methods, we need a metric satisfying the following two requirements:

  1. 1.

    The metric should be based on a given set of queries with complete relevance information.

  2. 2.

    It should be possible to compute expectations of this metric based on probabilistic retrieval models.

To derive our metric, some formal definitions are needed. Let \(D=\{d_1,\ldots,d_N\}\) denote the set of documents to be clustered with respect to the query set \(Q=\{q_1,\ldots,q_K\}\), where \(\mathcal{R} \subset Q\times D\) denotes the set of relevant query-document pairs.

Definition 1

For a document collection \(D,\, \varphi_\mathcal{C}:D\to I\!\!N\) is a clustering function iff there exists some M such that \(\varphi_\mathcal{C}\) is a surjective mapping into the interval [1, M]. Then we call the partitioning generated by \(\varphi_\mathcal{C}\) a clustering \(\mathcal{C}=\{C_1,\ldots,C_M\}\) with \(C_i\subseteq D\) for \(i=1,\ldots,M\). Furthermore, we write \(x {\nsim_\mathcal{C}} y\) whenever \(\varphi_\mathcal{C}(x)=\varphi_\mathcal{C}(y)\), and \( x\nsim _{\mathcal{C}} y \) otherwise.

Definition 2

Two clusterings \(\mathcal{C}\) and \(\mathcal{C}^{\prime}\) are equivalent iff \({\forall (x,y)\in D\times D: x \sim_\mathcal{C} y\leftrightarrow x \sim_{\mathcal{C}^{\prime}} y}\). Let \(D_R=\{x \in D|\exists q \in Q, \exists y \in D (x \neq y \land (q,x) \in \mathcal{R} \land (q,y) \in \mathcal{R} )\}\) denote the set of paired relevant documents. Then two clusterings \(\mathcal{C}\) and \(\mathcal{C}^{\prime}\) are relevance-equivalent iff \({\forall (x,y)\in D_R\times D_R: x {\sim_\mathcal{C}} y\leftrightarrow x {\sim_{\mathcal{C}^{\prime}}} y}\).

Furthermore, let c i  = |C i | denote the size of cluster C i , and let \(r_{ik}=r(C_i,q_k)=|\{d_m\in C_i|(q_k,d_m)\in \mathcal{R}\}|\) denote the number of relevant documents in C i wrt. q k .

Now we want to define a metric that reflects the cluster hypothesis. Jardine and van Rijsbergen (1971) already described a method for testing the clustering hypothesis by comparing document similarities of relevant-relevant vs. relevant-irrelevant document pairs. Besides reflecting the preferences of the cluster hypothesis, our metric also should allow for easy computation of expectations, so that the clustering process is able to target at optimum performance (like with the PRP mentioned in the beginning, enabling probabilistic retrieval methods to yield optimum retrieval quality).

The basic idea of our metric is, for each given query, to count the pairs of relevant documents occurring in the same cluster, and divide it by the total number of pairs in the cluster. Since we are focusing on pairs of relevant documents, unary clusters always get a value of 0—even if they contain the only relevant document of a query. So we define our new measure pairwise precision P p as the weighted average over all clusters:

$$ P_p(D,Q,{\mathcal{R}},{\mathcal{C}})=\frac{1}{|D|}\sum\limits_{\mathop{C_i \in{\mathcal{C}}}\limits_{c_i>1}}c_i \sum_{q_k \in Q} \frac{r_{ik}(r_{ik}-1)}{c_i(c_i-1)} $$

As a simple example, assume that we have a disjoint classification with two classes a and b, and the documents are partitioned in three clusters: (aab|bb|aa) (throughout this paper, we use this simplified notation for the case of a classification with disjoint classes as query set, where we denote only the classes of documents, and separate clusters by ‘|’). Then we would have \(P_p=\frac{1} {7} (3(\frac{1}{3}+0)+2(0+1)+2(1+0))=\frac{5}{7}\). Note that we do not normalize by the number of queries—which is an arbitrary choice: This way, a perfect clustering for a disjoint classification (with D R  = D) will reach a P p value of 1. For an arbitrary query set, however, we might also get values greater than 1, or the maximum value may be smaller than 1.

Like in retrieval, we need a second measure for considering all aspects of quality, which we call analogously pairwise recall R p . For that, let \(g_k=g(q_k)=|\{d\in D|(q_k,d) \in \mathcal{R}\}|\) denote the total number of relevant documents for q k . Then we define

$$ R_p(D,Q,{\mathcal{R}},{\mathcal{C}})=\frac{\sum_{q_k\in Q}\sum_{C_i \in{\mathcal{C}}}r_{ik}(r_{ik}-1)}{\sum\nolimits_{\mathop{q_k\in Q}\limits_{g_k>1}} g_k(g_k-1)} $$

For our three example clusters (aab|bb|aa) from above, the clustering has produced four a pairs (out of twelve) and two b pairs (out of six), thus yielding \(R_p=\frac{4+2}{12+6}=\frac{1}{3}\).

Equation (2) computes the so-called micro average by summing over all numerator and denominator values first, and then forming the quotient. This has the advantage that one can compute unbiased estimation values (by ignoring the denominator which is constant for a set of queries). Alternatively, one could also regard the macro average (arithmetic mean) over all queries with more than one relevant answer—but this solution would only allow for biased estimates.

In the following, we also regard the pairwise F-measure F p which computes the harmonic mean of P p and R p :

$$ F_p(D,Q,{\mathcal{R}},{\mathcal{C}})= \frac{2}{\frac{1} {P_p(D,Q,{\mathcal{R}},{\mathcal{C}})}+ \frac{1} {R_p(D,Q,{\mathcal{R}},{\mathcal{C}})}} $$

The metric proposed here is similar to other pairwise measures, especially the Folkes and Mallows FM metric [see e.g. Amigo et al. (2009)] in that both approaches compute recall and precision wrt. item pairs. But, the FM measure computes the geometric mean of these, whereas we keep the two metrics separate, and prefer the F measure for combining them for the reasons described in (van Rijsbergen 1979, chap. 7). The BCubed metric (Bagga and Baldwin 1998) also computes recall and precision, but averages on a per item basis. Furthermore, both FM and BCubed have been defined for disjoint categories only. The Rand index (Rand 1971) is a single measure regarding object pairs. However, all these metrics suffer from the problem that a pair of irrelevant documents counts as much as a pair of relevant ones—which contradicts our standpoint. Second, computation of unbiased expectations is difficult to impossible in most cases. Finally, having two metrics instead of a single one gives more flexibility wrt. user preferences, like in ad-hoc retrieval.

We point out that the F p measure possesses properties desirable for cluster metrics in general. In the "Appendix", we show that the F p measure satisfies the four axioms of Ackerman & Ben-David, which are intended to capture the essence of reasonable clustering quality measures (Ackerman and Ben-David 2008). The development of these axioms is inspired by Kleinberg’s three axioms for clustering functions (Kleinberg 2002), which formalize a set of properties that appear plausible at first sight, but which are inconsistent: Kleinberg’s ‘impossibility theorem for clustering’ (Kleinberg 2002) states that no clustering function (=fusion principle) can exist that fulfills all axions at the same time. However, in Zadeh and Ben-David (2009) a different variant of Kleinberg’s axioms is suggested, proving that single-link is the only clustering method satisfying their set of axioms. Altogether, we consider the work of (Ackerman and Ben-David 2008) relevant for us: it focuses on clustering quality measures (in the authors’ sense synonymous with internal validity measure), this way asking for what an optimum clustering constitutes, and not how to construct it. Finally, a more descriptive set of constraints for clustering metrics is proposed in Amigo et al. (2009), which we also discuss in the "Appendix".

4 From perfect to optimum clustering

Given the two measures as described above, we can now define perfect and optimum clustering. We chose the terminology analogously to classic retrieval: In perfect retrieval, all relevant documents are ranked ahead of the first non-relevant one. However, since a real IR system has only limited knowledge about information needs and the meaning of documents, it operates on representations of these objects, and can only achieve optimum retrieval with regard to the representations.

In the following, we first define the perfect variant, and then introduce optimum clustering. For this discussion, we focus on classes of relevance-equivalent clusterings, since the distribution of the documents from D − D R will not affect the values of P p and R p , as long as these documents are kept separate from those in D R . Below, we shortly talk about classes of clusterings when we are referring to the equivalence classes wrt. relevance equivalence.

Definition 3

For a document collection D, a set of queries Q and a corresponding relevance relation \(\mathcal{R} \subseteq Q\times D,\, \mathcal{C}\) is a perfect clustering iff there exists no clustering \(\mathcal{C}^{\prime}\) of D with \(P_p(D,Q,\mathcal{R},\mathcal{C})<P_p(D,Q,\mathcal{R},\mathcal{C}^{\prime}) \land R_p(D,Q,\mathcal{R},\mathcal{C})\leq R_p(D,Q,\mathcal{R},\mathcal{C}^{\prime})\) or \(P_p(D,Q,\mathcal{R},\mathcal{C})\leq P_p(D,Q,\mathcal{R},\mathcal{C}^{\prime}) \land R_p(D,Q,\mathcal{R},\mathcal{C})< R_p(D,Q,\mathcal{R},\mathcal{C}^{\prime})\).

Our definition of perfect clustering is a strong Pareto optimum see e.g. Fudenberg and Tirole (1983). As for Pareto optima in general, there usually will be more than one perfect clustering for a given triple \((D,Q,\mathcal{R}).\) The case of a disjoint classification is an exception, as well as any triple where no document is relevant to more than one query.

As a simple example, assume that we have five documents and two queries where d 1d 2d 3 are relevant for q 1, and d 3d 4d 5 are relevant for q 2. Here we get the highest precision (P p  = 1) if we cluster either the first three or the last three documents in one cluster and the other two in another cluster, along with a recall of \(R_p=\frac{6+2}{6+6}=\frac{2}{3}.\) Thus, even for a single Pareto optimum (R p P p ), there may be more than one corresponding clustering (which is good news, increasing the chances of a clustering algorithm of finding at least one of these). The other Pareto optimum in this example results from putting all documents in one cluster, yielding the maximum recall (R p  = 1), but a precision of P p  = 0.6, only.

Unfortunately, the set of perfect clusterings is not even guaranteed to form a cluster hierarchy, as can be easily seen from the following example: Let there be 4 documents d 1,…,d 4 and 4 queries abcd, where the documents are relevant to the following queries: d 1 : {ac},   d 2 : {ab},   d 3 : {bcd},   d 4 : {d}. Now we can either cluster \(\mathcal{C}=\{ \{d_1,d_2,d_3 \}, \{d_4 \} \}\,or\,\mathcal{C}^{\prime}=\{ \{d_1,d_2\}, \{d_3, d_4\} \}.\) Then we have \(P_p(\mathcal{C})=\frac{3}{4}\) and \(R_p(\mathcal{C})=\frac{3}{4}\) vs. \(P_p(\mathcal{C}^{\prime})=1\) and \(R_p(\mathcal{C}^{\prime})=\frac{1}{2}\) (forming a single cluster would yield \(P_p=\frac{2}{3}\) only). Thus, in general, the set of perfect clusterings cannot be generated by a hierarchic clustering algorithm. Even with complete knowledge of \((D,Q,\mathcal{R}),\) any hierarchic method is bound to miss some of the Pareto optima.

Now we turn to optimum retrieval, which we base on expected values of pairwise recall and precision. Thus, we switch from measures for external evaluation to internal ones. For that, we assume that we have a retrieval method which is able to estimate the probability of relevance P(rel|qd) of a given query-document pair (qd). Then, for each document pair, we can estimate the probability that both documents are relevant, by assuming that the probabilities of relevance of the two documents are independent. This seems to be counter-intuitive in the view of classical clustering approaches, where the relevance probabilities of two similar documents cannot be regarded as being independent. However, in our approach, documents are not similar per se, similarity is defined only on top of their retrieval scores for the given query set, as we will see below. Thus, there is no contradiction to the independence assumption.

From the probabilities of two documents being both relevant, we can sum up over all document pairs in order to get an unbiased estimate of the number of relevant document pairs in a cluster (note that estimating this value from the expected number of relevant documents E(r ik ) would result in a biased estimate). In order to simplify the following definitions, we introduce the expected cluster precision (ecp). First, we define restricted ecp \(\tilde{\sigma}(C)\) for clusters C with at least two elements:

$$ \begin{aligned} \tilde{\sigma}(C)&=\frac{1}{c(c-1)}\sum_{q_k \in Q} \sum\limits_{\mathop{(d_l,d_m) \in C \times C}\limits_{d_l\neq d_m}} P(rel|q_k,d_l) P(rel|q_k,d_m)\\ &=\frac{1}{c(c-1)}\sum\limits_{\mathop{(d_l,d_m) \in C \times C}\limits_{d_l\neq d_m}}\sum_{q_k \in Q} P(rel|q_k,d_l) P(rel|q_k,d_m) \end{aligned} $$

For clusters with only one element, we define an ecp value of 0 (as for P p ). We can now define ecp for all cluster sizes as \( \sigma(C) = \tilde{\sigma}(C)\), if |C| > 1, and σ(C) = 0, otherwise.

As Eq. (4) shows, we regard each document pair wrt. all queries. Thus, for each document, we are only interested in its probability estimates for the given query set, and so we can transform a document into a vector of relevance probabilities \(\varvec{\tau}: D \to [0, 1]^{|Q|}\) with \(\varvec{\tau}^T(d_m)=(P(rel|q_1,d_m), P(rel|q_2,d_m), \ldots, P(rel|q_{|Q|},d_m))\). With this notation, we can express the restricted ecp as follows:

$$ \tilde{\sigma}(C)=\frac{1}{c(c-1)}\sum\limits_{\mathop{(d_l,d_m) \in C \times C}\limits_{d_l\neq d_m}}\varvec{\tau}^T(d_l) \cdot \varvec{\tau}(d_m) $$

Based on these definitions, we can now estimate the quality of a clustering. Expected precision can be computed as the weighted average (considering cluster size) of the clusters’ ecp values:

$$ \pi(D,Q,{\mathcal{C}})=\frac{1}{|D|}\sum\limits_{\mathop{C_i \in{\mathcal{C}}}\limits_{|C_i|>1}} \frac{1}{c_i-1} \sum\limits_{\mathop{(d_l,d_m) \in C_i \times C_i}\limits_{d_l\neq d_m}}\varvec{\tau}^T(d_l) \cdot \varvec{\tau}(d_m) $$
$$ =\frac{1}{|D|}\sum_{C_i \in{\mathcal{C}}}c_i \sigma(C_i) $$

For expected recall, a direct estimation would lead to the problem that we would also have to estimate the denominator, which would result in a biased estimate of the recall. However, since the denominator is constant for a given query set, we can ignore this factor, as we are only interested in comparing the quality of different clusterings for the same (DQ) pair. So we omit the denominator and compute an estimate for the numerator only:

$$ \rho(D,Q,{\mathcal{C}})=\sum_{C_i \in{\mathcal{C}}} \sum\limits_{\mathop{(d_l,d_m) \in C_i \times C_i}\limits_{d_l\neq d_m}}\varvec{\tau}^T(d_l) \cdot \varvec{\tau}(d_m) $$
$$ =\sum_{C_i \in{\mathcal{C}}}c_i(c_i-1) \sigma(C_i) $$

Based on these definitions, we also define the expected F-measure as the harmonic mean of π and ρ:

$$ eF(D,Q,{\mathcal{C}})=\frac{2}{\frac{1}{\pi(D,Q,{\mathcal{C}})}+ \frac{1}{\rho(D,Q,{\mathcal{C}})}} $$

With these metrics, we can now introduce optimum clustering:

Definition 4

For a document collection D, a set of queries Q and a retrieval function yielding estimates of the probability of relevance P(rel|qd) for every query-document pair \((q,d),\, \mathcal{C}\) is an optimum clustering iff there exists no clustering \(\mathcal{C}^{\prime}\) of D with \(\pi(D,Q,\mathcal{C})<\pi(D,Q,\mathcal{C}^{\prime}) \land \rho(D,Q,\mathcal{C})\leq \rho(D,Q,\mathcal{C}^{\prime})\) or \(\pi(D,Q,\mathcal{C})\leq \pi(D,Q,\mathcal{C}^{\prime})\land \rho(D,Q,\mathcal{C})< \rho(D,Q,\mathcal{C}^{\prime})\).

The major difference to the definition of perfect retrieval lies in the replacement of the actual relevance judgments by the estimations of the probability of relevance.

As with perfect clustering, we are targeting at a set of strong Pareto optima. Due to the uncertain knowledge, we usually have more optimum than perfect solutions. This is no surprise, taking into account that we are optimizing wrt. a set of queries: For a single query, there is only one perfect retrieval result (retrieving all and only relevant documents), but optimum retrieval can only be performed in form of a ranking. When we are asking for hard clustering, then it is impossible to find a single optimum solution.

With the above definition, one can compare different cluster distributions of a document collection, in order to find an optimum clustering. Thus, a brute force clustering algorithm would work as follows:

  1. 1.

    For a given document collection, a set of queries and a probabilistic retrieval method, generate all possible clusterings, and compute expected recall and precision for each clustering.

  2. 2.

    Determine those clusterings fulfilling the condition for optimum clustering.

Of course, due to the exponential number of possible clusterings of a document set, this approach is not feasible—but see the discussion on existing fusion principles in Sect. 6 and the experiments in Sect. 7. In the next section, we describe how the components that are needed for an evaluation of clusterings with the OCF can be designed.

5 Choosing the OCF components

In our view, all document clustering methods rely on three components:

  1. 1.

    a set of queries,

  2. 2.

    a retrieval function, and

  3. 3.

    a document similarity metric.

The standard clustering approach (representing documents as bags of words) uses the collection vocabulary as single term queries. Other clustering approaches that are based on more advanced document representations use the document features in the collection (or a subset thereof) as queries. In addition, a clustering method defines a weighting function for each feature in a document, which reflects the importance of the feature wrt. the document. In our view, this weight represents the retrieval score of the document for a query with the specific feature. Finally, the document similarity metric employed by most approaches is the cosine measure or the scalar product.

The OCF approach covers most (if not all) of the existing document clustering methods. These methods are often defined as heuristics, without a theoretic foundation that links the choice of the three components to the resulting clustering quality. Given the OCF, we have a foundation, and thus, a more targeted development towards better clustering methods is possible. At first glance, the OCF seems to be more complicated than the existing methods, e.g. by requiring a probabilistic weighting function. On the other hand, the existing methods can be interpreted as heuristic approximations to our framework, and by referring to the OCF, we immediately see possibilities for improvements, for example: Are there better query sets than single terms? Can we replace the \(t f\cdot idf\) weighting by a probabilistic one? In general, one should choose the components in such a way that they fit to the underlying theoretic model. As we will show below, there is no degree of freedom in the choice of the similarity metric, and little in the definition of the retrieval function. For the query set, the OCF poses no restrictions. However, our approach of interpreting the document features as relevance assessments gives us a strong hint on how to form a query set: In the ideal case, queries should capture the users’ information needs—then applying the OCF will cluster relevant documents together. In the following, we discuss each of the three components in greater detail and demonstrate a number of design options available for each of them.

Query Set. The main challenge of query set generation is to find queries related to the users’ current information needs. Ideally, the system would have context information about the user and her information need, thus being able to generate a context-specific query set, which would lead to context-specific clustering. As mentioned before, result clustering [e.g. (Leuski 2001)] can be regarded as an approach along these lines, where the query set consists of possible refinements of the current query. For collection clustering, three paradigms for query set generation have been used, as outlined in Sect. 2. Whereas the local and global methods find a query set by analyzing the given document collection, external methods focus on the incorporation of domain knowledge or common sense knowledge.

The simplest local method for query set generation is to use each unigram that occurs in the document collection as one query. Consequently, a document will be represented by its relevance wrt. each unigram. This method resembles clustering under the bag-of-words model. As an alternative local approach, keyphrases can be extracted from the documents to form a more focused query set. See Sect. 7 for a demonstration of this approach. In our ongoing research, we also investigate whether stylometric features like readability indexes or POS-features can contribute to a more sophisticated query set. Besides the standard term-based models, more advanced topic models operating on transformations of the term space are also feasible. These methods follow the global paradigm. There is already a range of clustering methods based on latent variables see e.g. Blei and Lafferty (2007), He et al. (2001), Hofmann (2001); in terms of our framework, the single dimensions or concepts resulting from these transformations form query candidates.

The most promising methods for query set generation are those driven by external resources. An existing approach following the external paradigm is the ESA model. In the perspective of our framework, ESA uses a set of Wikipedia articles as query set. It is noticeable how natural the model evolves from the idea behind the OCF. Besides Wikipedia, there are plenty of other resources that could serve as a basis for external query set generation: tags of a social tagging system, titles from news portals, or queries from a query log, to name a few. A crucial point is that external resource should reflect the user’s raw notions of the document collection. A definite guide is still missing here, but we believe that the use of external resources is a fruitful field for further research. A maybe more directed approach in this respect is to engage human reviewers to study parts of the document collection and to create an initial query set manually. The scalability of this idea is limited, but the emergence of crowdsourcing platforms like Amazon’s mechanical turkFootnote 1 show its feasibility.

There also is the potential for using multiple query sets in order to generate multiple clusterings from which the user can choose—either for the whole collection or context-dependent as a form of result clustering. In our view, faceted search (Hearst et al. 2002; Hearst and Stoica 2009; Yee et al. 2003) can be regarded as a set of clusterings along different dimensions, which are usually defined via formal attributes. We suggest to generalize this idea towards arbitrary facets. One possible source for defining these facets is the document structure: emails can be clustered by subject, by sender or by date, patent documents by claims, previous work or by the description of the innovation; descriptions in online bookstores can be grouped by editorial reviews, user reviews, or even book covers. When documents are unstructured, external resources can provide the necessary information for generating different query sets. By generating multiple clusterings, the search interactions are richer, even if no formal criteria for performing standard faceted search are available, and so interactive retrieval becomes more effective (Fuhr 2008).

Probabilistic Retrieval Function. The design decisions made to construct the query set sometimes prescribe a specific retrieval function, as with latent variable models or stylometric features, for example. Often, however, there is a broad variety of retrieval functions one can choose from, e.g. \(t f\cdot\,idf\), BM25, or language models. An arising problem is the estimation of the actual probability of relevance, since most retrieval methods compute a score that is only rank-equivalent to probabilistic retrieval. In most cases, certain query-specific constants are ignored within the score computation. However, our framework heavily relies on the comparison of probabilities of relevance for different queries (e.g. are the documents {d 1, d 2} more likely to be relevant to q 1 than are {d 2, d 3} to q 2?). Besides trying to apply the underlying models in such a way that they directly estimate the probability of relevance, there are also methods for transforming the retrieval score into such a probability; examples include (Nottelmann and Fuhr 2003) or the recent studies on score distributions (Arampatzis et al. 2009; Kanoulas et al. 2009).

Document Similarity Metric. Regarding the addends of Eq. (5), the obvious measure for document similarity is the scalar product of the \(\varvec{\tau}(d)\) vectors, which yields the expected number of queries for which both documents are relevant. In case the \(\varvec{\tau}\) vectors contain \(t f\cdot\,idf\) weights, we have a standard similarity metric, for which our framework gives a new interpretation. We like to point out that the relationship between the similarity metric and the cluster hypothesis has been investigated by previous researchers: whereas (Voorhees 1985) used standard document similarity measures for testing the cluster hypothesis, (Tombros and van Rijsbergen 2004) and (Smucker and Allan 2009) investigated the idea of using query-specific similarity metrics by combining the standard document similarity with query-specific weights. While the latter two papers consider the actual query to a certain extent, our similarity metric is based on a set of queries.

6 Existing fusion principles in the light of the OCF

Across the broad range of fusion principles that have been developed in the past are those most amenable to our framework that analyze the cluster quality after each fusion step (agglomerative methods) or division step (divisive methods). Running such a method under OCF simply means to employ one or both of the two metrics expected cluster precision Eq. (5) and expected recall Eq. (8) as quality measure. Under an agglomerative clustering method the former corresponds to the metric employed in group average clustering (Sneath and Sokal 1973), where also all pairs of the resulting cluster are considered. Each step of this method results in a cluster with higher (or equal) recall ρ than the two clusters being merged. By contrast, expected precision π will decrease (ignoring the unary clusters with π = 0 here), as can be easily seen from its definition as the average similarity of the \(\varvec{\tau}\) vectors. Divisive methods, on the other hand, start with a single cluster which has maximum expected recall, but very low precision. Then they divide clusters in order to increase precision, but with minimum loss in recall. Among these methods, min-cut (Nagamochi et al. 1994) comes closest to the OCF: Considering the scalar product of the \(\varvec{\tau}\) vectors as similarity and thus as edge weight in the similarity graph, the min-cut criterion corresponds to finding those edges that minimize the reduction in expected recall, as can be seen from Eq. (8). For breaking ties, the OCF suggests to consider the expected pairwise precision of the result of the divisive step.

Although we have shown that no hierarchical clustering method is able to find all Pareto optima, it is an interesting question whether or not at least one optimum is reached. In fact, we can show that min-cut finds such an optimum: First let us assume, that the similarity graph is cohesive (if not, min-cut will first divide it into its cohesive subgraphs, thus increasing precision without reducing recall). Then we have the first optimum with maximum expected recall. In the next step, min-cut will search for a cut with minimum reduction of recall. If there is more than one decomposition possibility with the same reduction in recall, then we should choose the one with the highest expected precision. This way, we will arrive at the next Pareto optimum with the second highest recall and maximum precision for this recall point. For the next min-cut step, however, we cannot show the same property, since a better result might be reached via a suboptimal choice in the first cut step (see e.g. the example with 4 documents and 4 queries from Sect. 4). This result is theoretically interesting, since there are 2N−1 − 1 nontrivial possibilities for bipartitioning a collection of N documents, and for some clustering criteria, finding the optimum solution is NP-hard (Gordon 1996). In contrast, for our criterion, min-cut finds the optimum solution in O(N 3) steps. From a practical point of view, however, this result is of little value, since we usually want a much larger number of clusters with a significantly higher precision.

For the agglomerative methods, we cannot show that they will find an optimum. This is due to the definition of pairwise precision, where any singleton cluster has a precision of 0. Thus, in general, we will need several fusion steps in order to reach the first optimum—and a greedy strategy will hardly find these steps.

Overall, the choice of the new quality measures pairwise recall and precision seems to be well justified, since it gives a posteriori nice theoretical foundations of some cluster similarity metrics and fusion principles, and also highlights their properties wrt. optimum clustering.

7 Experimental analysis

The OCF provides a new way to model similarity in text clustering applications. If clustering is understood as a method to group documents according to query relevance, the OCF explains also at which places domain knowledge should be integrated. What are the practical impacts, in terms of new clustering technology, that can be expected from the OCF? In this section, we answer this question and report on appropriate experiments.

Document clustering technology combines the three OCF elements (document representation, retrieval function, similarity measure) with a fusion principle. Popular methods use the bag of words approach in combination with the vector space model or a probabilistic model and cosine similarity as OCF elements. With respect to fusion principles, the picture is less clear; the iterative principle in the form of k-means is pretty popular, but the hierarchical or the density-based principle work better in most applications. As mentioned before, the OCF can be combined with any fusion principle.

In order to demonstrate the validity of the OCF, we compare the OCF quality metric with existing metrics, both qualitatively and consistently over a relevant application range. For that we analyze the effectiveness of the expected F-measure when being used as internal validity measure, i.e., when being used for the discrimination between good and bad clusterings of a data set. We would like to point out the utmost importance of internal validity measures, as they finally decide about clustering quality: in practical applications several alternative clusterings are generated amongst which the best one has to be chosen—without having access to the ground truth (a crucial fact which is often neglected in experimental analyses).

We devise the experimental setup shown in Table 1, addressing the following issues of the expected F-measure metric:

  1. 1.

    Robustness with respect to the number of classes and class imbalance.

  2. 2.

    Independence of fusion principles.

  3. 3.

    Independence of high fusion variance.

  4. 4.

    Capturing of distance, shape and density characteristics.

  5. 5.

    Positive correlation with respect to query term expressiveness.

Table 1 Overview of the experimental design

The main results of our analysis are comprised in Table 5. In addition, Table 4 reports on the clusterability of the test collections against the algorithms k-means, group average, and random assignment; this information is helpful in answering the issues 2 and 3. We detail the experimental setup in the following.

Five different subsets of the Reuters news corpus RCV1 are used as test collections (Lewis et al. 2004). The documents are drawn iid. from up to 12 classes, covering the four top-level classes of the RCV1 while considering only documents that are labeled with exactly one class. Tables 2 and 3 describe the collections and the used classes.

Table 2 Statistics of the five test collections (RCV subsets) used within the experiments
Table 3 Description of the classes in the five test collections (RCV subsets)

Within all experiments, documents are represented under the bag of words model, applying the BM25 weighting function with the suggested standard parametersFootnote 2 to compute the weight of each term t for the vector representation of document d:

$$ w(t,d)=\hbox{idf}(t) \cdot \frac{(k_1+1) \cdot {tf}(t,d)} {tf(t,d)+k_1 \cdot (1-b+b \cdot \frac{L_d}{L_{avg}})}, $$

where idf(t) denotes the inverse document frequency of term t in the collection, tf(td) the term frequency of term t in document d,  L d the length (number of words) of d, and L avg the average length of a document in the collection.

The cluster algorithms k-means (iterative fusion principle) and group average (hierarchical fusion principle) apply the cosine similarity to compute the pairwise similarities between the BM25 document vectors. For both algorithms the true category number is withhold. For k-means the parameter k is varied between 2 and 41, while for group average 40 clusterings with \(2, 4, \ldots, 80\) clusters are taken as defined by the dendrogram. These generation strategies account for the different sensitivity of the two fusion principles. While k-means often leads to very different clusterings when varying k, two consecutive clusterings of group average differ only by the fusion of two clusters with minimum distance. Under the random assignment algorithm, 40 clusterings are generated such that in clustering i (\(i=1,\ldots,40\)), a document is assigned to its correct class with probability 1/i and with probability 1 − 1/i randomly to one of the other classes (i.e. i = 1 yields a perfect clustering, while i = 40 results in the worst one). Altogether, \(5\cdot 3\cdot 40 = 600\) clusterings are computed. Table 4 reports the mean and the standard deviation of \(F(\mathcal{C},\mathcal{C}^{\ast})\), the achieved F-measure values, which are computed under the set-matching paradigm:Footnote 3

$$ F({\mathcal{C}},{\mathcal{C}}^{\ast}) = \sum_{c^{\ast}_j\in{\mathcal{C}^{\ast}}}\frac{|c^{\ast}_j|}{n} \max_{c_i\in{\mathcal{C}}}\left\{F(c_i, c^{\ast}_j)\right\} $$
Table 4 External evaluation of fusion principles with respect to their effectiveness of class identification

Here n is the number of documents in the collection, while \(\mathcal{C}\) and \(\mathcal{C}^{\ast}\) denote the clustering and the true classification respectively. \(F(c_i, c^{\ast}_j)\) computes the standard F-measure for cluster c i and true class \(c^{\ast}_j\) with equally weighted precision and recall.

From a clustering perspective, i.e., with respect to the effectiveness and its variance, the results in Table 4 are reasonable and in accordance with the literature (Chim and Deng 2008; Stein et al. 2003). Regarding our experiment design, however, we are not interested in the absolute performance of an algorithm but in whether we are able to spot a clustering with maximum F-measure within a set of clusterings. I.e., we are looking for an internal evaluation measure that is able to predict the ranking of the (true) externally computed evaluation results. In this regard Table 4 ensures that a broad range of clustering situations is considered.

Table 5 compares the effectiveness of five internal evaluation measures: the well-accepted Dunn-Index (Bezdek and Pal 1995), which balances between inter- and intra-cluster distances, the shape-based silhouette coefficient (Rousseeuw 1987), the graph-based measure expected density (Stein et al. 2003), and two new measures that apply the expected F-measure derived in our framework, called OCF terms and OCF keywords. The latter two measures differ in the specificity of the employed query set (explained below). The table quantifies the correlations between the rankings obtained from the internal measures and the true rankings, according to the Pearson correlation coefficient. The Dunn-index shows a consistent characteristic and yields acceptable results for the larger collections; its unsatisfying performance under random assignment is rooted in the fact that Dunn focuses on extremal similarities instead of averaging over all values: a local “decontamination” of an otherwise homogeneous cluster, which is likely under random assignment, is overrated. By contrast, the silhouette coefficient yields reasonable values only for clusterings generated by the random assignment algorithm. Silhouette prefers clusterings with few clusters, and a deeper analysis of the generated clusterings revealed that the best clusterings of k-means and group average typically contain many clusters. The expected density outperforms both the Dunn-index and the silhouette coefficient—a fact which has been reported before, for a variety of settings. The OCF-based measures perform best, where OCF keywords yields better values than OCF terms within all except one setting.

Table 5 Evaluation of internal validity measures with respect to their effectiveness of clustering selection

OCF-based measures quantify document similarity indirectly, via a query set Q. In particular, OCF terms considers all words of a collection’s vocabulary as query set Q T , which hence can be considered as a canonical query set. OCF keywords introduces more “query semantics” by extracting keyphrases from the documents of a collection, each forming an element of the query set Q K . We use the method from Barker & Cornacchia for this purpose (Barker and Cornacchia 2000): first, by a parts of speech analysis, the document is skimmed for base noun phrases. In a second step, scores are assigned to the extracted phrases based on the noun frequency and the phrase length. Third, single letter phrases and wholly contained subphrases are removed.

The relevance probability of a query \(q\in Q\) wrt. a document d defines one component (dimension) in the vector \(\varvec{\tau}_Q(d)\) of relevance probabilities. This relevance probability is computed according to the BM25 retrieval model. The scalar product of two vectors \(\varvec{\tau}_Q(d_1)\) and \(\varvec{\tau}_Q(d_2)\) of relevance probabilities in turn defines the similarity between the two documents d 1 and d 2, and is accounted by the expected F-measure for a given clustering \(\mathcal{C}\) (see Eqs. 510). With regard to the two query sets used, we have |Q K | < |Q T |. Our experiments show that the OCF-based measure benefits from focusing on the smaller keyphrase query set Q K : the similarity graph computed for Q K contains less noise and thus allows for a more stable validation. It may be interesting to learn that if the set Q K is also used as vocabulary for representing the documents D, the quality of the found clusterings does not improve in terms of the external F-measure (we have repeated all experiments with the respective setting). I.e., while the OCF-based validity measure benefits from focusing on a small set of discriminating keyphrases, the clustering algorithms k-means and group average require a more fine-grained representation of the documents to inform their fusion process. Altogether, the most important insight relates to the possibility to introduce semantics into a clustering process, which may relate to user preferences or to task specifics—both can be expressed in query form. Also note that query sets as they are used within the OCF enable one to transfer clustering preferences between different document collections.

8 Conclusion and outlook

We have devised a new framework for document clustering (OCF). As pointed out, any clustering method is based on a set of queries, a retrieval function and a document similarity metric. The document clustering methods developed in the past disregard or implicitly constrain these three essential components. In contrast, the OCF establishes a theoretic basis that tells us how we can achieve optimum clustering quality for a given query set and a probabilistic retrieval function, thus enabling more targeted research for developing better document clustering methods.

The results of our initial experiments demonstrate the potential of our approach, but are intended for illustrative purposes in the first place. Altogether, our major contribution is its well-founded theoretical framework for document clustering, in order to replace the currently prevailing heuristic methods by more solid approaches, just like the Probability Ranking Principle for probabilistic retrieval. We do not claim that we have already better clustering methods—this will be the issue of further research, for which we have laid the ground here.

The discussion in this paper has focused on hard clustering, and cluster hierarchies have only been addressed briefly. Extending our framework to soft clustering and/or cluster hierarchies is also a subject of further research.

As mentioned in the very beginning, we see clustering methods as an important tool for interactive information access. However, more user-oriented research is required for investigating the full potential of this concept.