A lower bound on the iterative complexity of the Harker and Pang globalization technique of the Newton-min algorithm for solving the linear complementarity problem

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The plain Newton-min algorithm for solving the linear complementarity problem (LCP) “0x(Mx+q)0” can be viewed as an instance of the plain semismooth Newton method on the equational version “min(x,Mx+q)=0” of the problem. This algorithm converges for any q when M is an M-matrix, but not when it is a P-matrix. When convergence occurs, it is often very fast (in at most n iterations for an M-matrix, where n is the number of variables, but often much faster in practice). In 1990, Harker and Pang proposed to improve the convergence ability of this algorithm by introducing a stepsize along the Newton-min direction that results in a jump over at least one of the encountered kinks of the min-function, in order to avoid its points of nondifferentiability. This paper shows that, for the Fathi problem (an LCP with a positive definite symmetric matrix M, hence a P-matrix), an algorithmic scheme, including the algorithm of Harker and Pang, may require n iterations to converge, depending on the starting point.


Let n1 be an integer, MRn×n be a real matrix, qRn be a real vector, and [1:n]:={1,,n} be the set of the first n positive integers. The linear complementarity problem (LCP) consists in searching a vector xRn such that0x(Mx+q)0.This means that the sought x must satisfy x0, Mx+q0 (vectorial inequalities must be understood componentwise), and xT(Mx+q)=0 (the exponent “T” is used to denote matrix transposition). The problem has a combinatorial aspect, which lies in this last equation, since, by the nonnegativity of x and Mx+q, it amounts to the set of n complementarity conditions xi(Mx+q)i=0 for all indices i[1:n]. The term complementarity comes from the fact that, for all i[1:n], either xi or (Mx+q)i must vanish; these conditions may be realized in 2n different ways. Actually, the problem of determining whether a particular instance of the LCP has a solution is strongly NP-complete (Chung 1989), and NP-complete for a P0-matrix (i.e., when M has nonegative principal minors) (Kojima et al. 1991a).

Let F:RnRn be the min-function associated with the LCP (1.1), which is the function that takes at xRn the valueF(x)=min(x,Mx+q).The Newton-min algorithm can be viewed as an instance of the semismooth Newton method (Qi and Sun 1993; Kojima and Shindo 1986) to solve the equational equivalent form of (1.1) (Kostreva 1976; Mangasarian 1977; Cottle et al. 2009) that reads F(x)=0. To write compactly the algorithm, it is useful to introduce, for I[1:n] and its complement A:=[1:n]\I, the point x(I) defined byxA(I)=0and(Mx(I)+q)I=0.This point is well defined when M is nondegenerate, meaning that the principal minors of M do not vanish. The plain Newton-min algorithm computes the next iterate byx^:=x(S(x)),where the index selectorS:Rn[1:n] is the multifunction defined at xRn byS(x):={i[1:n]:xi>(Mx+q)i}.In some versions of the algorithm, S(x) also contains some or all the indices in {i[1:n]:xi=(Mx+q)i}. See paragraph 7 of the introduction of Ben Gharbia and Gilbert (2012) for more details on the origin of this algorithm and a discussion on the contributions from (Chandrasekaran 1970; Kojima and Shindo 1986; Harker and Pang 1990; Fischer and Kanzow 1996; Bergounioux et al. 1999, 2000; Hintermüller et al. 2003; Kanzow 2004). When the current iterate xRn is not on a kink of F, like in this paper, the Newton-min algorithm is identical to the Newton method to find a zero of F, which is then well defined.

Even though the Newton-min algorithm uses no globalization technique, like line searches or trust regions (Bonnans et al. 2006; Conn et al. 2000), it may converge globally, i.e., from any starting point. This is due to the very particular piecewise linearity of F. For example, global convergence occurs, whatever q is, when M is an M-matrix (Aganagić 1984), which is a P-matrix (i.e., with positive principal minors) with nonpositive off-diagonal elements. It also occurs when M is close enough to an M-matrix (Hintermüller et al. 2003). However, this global convergence property does not extend up to the larger class of P-matrices (Ben Gharbia and Gilbert 2012, 2013; Curtis et al. 2015; Ben Gharbia and Gilbert 2019). This is unfortunate for the Newton-min algorithm, since P-matrices are exactly those ensuring the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the LCP, whatever q is (Samelson et al. 1958; Cottle et al. 2009).

A natural idea to enlarge the class of matrices, for which the global convergence of the Newton-min algorithm can be guaranteed, is to introduce a line search on the associated least-square merit function, which is the function Θ:RnR defined at xRn byΘ(x)=12F(x)2,where · denotes the Euclidean norm. This least-square function is natural, since it has been used, often with success, for globalizing the Newton method when the function F is smooth (Dennis and Schnabel 1983; Conn et al. 2000; Bonnans et al. 2006; Izmailov and Solodov 2014). In the presence of nonsmoothness of F, like here, this technique is more difficult to implement since the Newton-min direction d:=x^-x may not be a descent direction of Θ at a kink of F (Dussault et al. 2019) (this fact was already observed during the Ph.D. thesis of Ben Gharbia (2012, example 5.8). To overcome this difficulty, Harker and Pang (1990, p. 275) proposed a method named the Modified Damped-Newton Algorithm, which consists in taking for the next iterate the pointx+:=x+(αˇ1+εHP)d,where αˇ1>0 is a stepsize so that x+αˇ1d is on the first kink of F encountered along d from x, and εHP>0 is a number such that the new iterate x+ is not on a kink of F and ensures a sufficient decrease in the least-square merit function Θ. Consequently, this algorithm avoids the points of nondifferentiability of F, generates descent directions of Θ, and forces Θ to decrease sufficiently at each iteration. To the best of our knowledge, the only convergence result for any line search algorithm using a semismooth Newton direction uses the assumption that lim infkαk>0 (Pang 1990), which is a very weak result since this strong assumption relates to the algorithm products rather than the problem’s data.

In this research field, sparing of theoretical results, this paper provides the value n as a worse case lower bound on the number of iterations of the Harker and Pang algorithm when the extra stepsize εHP is taken sufficiently small, which is allowed by the description of the method given in Harker and Pang (1990, p. 275). This lower bound is obtained on the Fathi problem for a set of starting points, including the one of Fathi (1979), which is zero. To extend the applicability of this result, we describe an algorithmic scheme, for which this worse case lower bound is valid, a scheme that includes the Harker and Pang algorithm for sufficiently small positive εHP. In this scheme, the iterates avoid the kinks of F and the stepsizes are chosen arbitrarily between the first two break-stepsizes αˇ1 and αˇ2 (to be defined). Now, on many practical problems, an algorithm using the Newton-min direction and a stepsize that is not forced to be in (αˇ1,αˇ2) usually finds a solution in much fewer iterations than n; in the experiments of Dussault et al. (2019), it is not uncommon to encounter LCPs having up to 105 variables that are solved in fewer than 10 iterations. Nevertheless, the Fathi problem remains a difficult instance of LCP for this family of methods, independently of the chosen stepsizes. To illustrate this, we show in the numerical experiment section that, surprisingly, doing exact line searches hardly modifies the iteration counter. Finally, this worse case lower bound and the numerical experiments of Sect. 5 suggest us that it is unlikely that the improvement in the Newton-min algorithm can lie in a better determination of the stepsizes. This observation paves the way for the proposals made in Dussault et al. (2019).

To conclude Introduction, let us mention that there are a large number of contributions related to the complexity of algorithms for solving the LCP. Most of them are related to interior point methods, and it is out of the scope of this paper to review them (they can be found by looking at those citing one of the first accounts on the subject, which is Kojima et al. 1991a, b). Other approaches are sometimes qualified as noninterior path-following/continuation methods and are based on the smoothing of equational versions of the LCP: the function (a,b)R2a+b-[(a-b)2+4μ2]1/2 is considered in Chen and Harker (1993), Kanzow (1996), and the smooth Fischer–Burmeister function (a,b)R2a+b-[a2+b2+2μ2]1/2 is used in Kanzow (1996). The complexity of these approaches has been studied in Burke and Xu (1999), Hotta et al. (2000), Burke and Xu (2002), for instance.

The paper is structured as follows: The algorithmic scheme, for which the lower bound on the iterative complexity is obtained, is presented in Sect. 2. The Fathi problem and two properties of its matrix are given in Sect. 3. The iterative complexity result is proved in Sect. 4. Finally, some numerical experiments are reported in Sect. 5 and the paper ends with Conclusion Sect. 6.

Notation For the n×n matrix M and index sets I and J[1:n], we denote by MIJ the submatrix of M formed of its elements with row indices in I and column indices in J. We also define MI::=MI[1:n] and MII-1:=(MII)-1.

Section snippets

The Newton-min-HP-ext algorithmic scheme

Harker and Pang (1990, p. 275) proposed a method to solve the LCP (1.1) that they named the Modified Damped-Newton Algorithm. It is grounded on Newton’s iterations to find a zero of the function F defined in (1.2), and it is first recalled as Algorithm 2.4 below. Next, we describe an algorithmic scheme (Algorithm 2.5), slightly extending the Harker and Pang algorithm, with the goal of making it a framework encompassing more ways of determining the stepsizes, in particular the one of Harker and

Definition 2.1

(Break-stepsize and break-point) A break-stepsize at xRn along a direction dRn is a real number αˇ>0 such that there is an index i[1:n] for which xi(Mx+q)i and (x+αˇd)i=(Mx+q+αˇMd)i. Then, xˇ:=x+αˇd is called a break-point.

Lemma 2.2

(Kink of F at a break-point) Let αˇ be a break-stepsize at x along the direction d. Then F is not differentiable at x+αˇd.


Denote by xˇ:=x+αˇd the break-point corresponding to αˇ. Since αˇ is a break-stepsize, there is an index i[1:n] such that xi(Mx+q)i and xˇi=(Mxˇ+q)i, which implies that di(Md)i. Now an easy computation provides [see also Pang (1990)]Fi(xˇ;d)=min(di,(Md)i)andFi(xˇ;-d)=min(-di,-(Md)i),so thatFi(xˇ;d)+Fi(xˇ;-d)=min(di,(Md)i)-max(di,(Md)i)<0,because di(Md)i. Hence F is nondifferentiable at xˇ.

Remark 2.3

Whilst F is nondifferentiable at a break-point, this is not necessary the case for Θ, as shown by the following example: n=1, M=2, q=0, x=-1, and d=1. Then αˇ=1 is a break-stepsize because -1=xMx+q=-2 and, for xˇ=x+αˇd, xˇ=Mxˇ+q=0. SinceF(x)=2xifx0xotherwiseandΘ(x)=2x2ifx012x2otherwise,we see that F is nondifferentiable at xˇ=0, but that Θ is differentiable at the same point. This is in agreement with the strong Fréchet differentiability of Θ at a zero of F, proved by Pang (1991, prop. 1).

Algorithm 2.4

(Newton-min-HP algorithm) It is supposed that the current iterate x is not a solution to (1.1) and verifies E(x)=. The next iterate x+ also verifies E(x+)= and is computed as follows.

  • 1.

    Index sets. Compute A and I by (2.1).

  • 2.

    Direction. Compute the direction d by (2.2).

  • 3.

    Stepsize. Compute the smallest break-stepsize αˇ1, if any. Then, determine the stepsize α>0 by the following rules.

    • 3.1.

      If there is no break-stepsize in (0, 1), take α=1 and terminate with x+d,

    • 3.2.

      Otherwise take α=αˇ1+εHP, where εHP>0 is such

Algorithm 2.5

(Newton-min-HP-ext scheme) It is supposed that the current iterate x is not a solution to (1.1) and verifies E(x)=. The next iterate x+ is then computed as follows.

  • 1.

    Index sets. Compute A and I by (2.1).

  • 2.

    Direction. Compute the direction d by (2.2).

  • 3.

    Stepsize. Compute the two smallest distinct break-stepsizes αˇ1 and αˇ2, if any. Then, determine the stepsize α>0 by the following rules.

    • 3.1.

      If there is no break-stepsize in (0, 1), take α=1 and terminate with x+d,

    • 3.2.

      If there is a single break-stepsize αˇ1 in

The Fathi problem

As claimed in the abstract, the lower bound on the iterative complexity of the Newton-min-HP-ext scheme is shown thanks to the Fathi problem. This LCP has its matrix formed with the one of the Murty LCPs, which is first presented.

A lower bound on the iterative complexity

The goal of this section is to show that the Newton-min-HP-ext scheme (Algorithm 2.5) converges in exactly n iterations on the instance of dimension n of the Fathi problem (3.2) when the algorithm starts at zero or in some neighborhood of zero. This gives a lower bound on the iterative complexity of the considered algorithmic scheme.

The proof of Proposition 4.4 below consists in showing that, when the Newton-min-HP-ext scheme generates a sequence {xk}k0 with a starting point x0 near zero (in

Remark 4.1

  • (1)

    There holds 0X1. Indeed, A1=, I1=[1:n], 0>M0+q=-e and, for i[2:n-2]: (M0-e-0)i(M0-e-0)i+2=1<2(n-i)+12(n-i-2)+1=(M-1e)i(M-1e)i+2, where we have used (3.3). This observation also shows that X1.

  • (2)

    The fact that Xk for k[2:n] will be a consequence of Lemma 4.2 below.

  • (3)

    The set Xn={xRn:x[2:n]<(Mx+q)[2:n] and x1>(Mx+q)1} is the one to which belongs the solution to the Fathi problem, namely x¯=(1,0,,0).

  • (4)

    By the strict inequalities in their definition, the sets Xk are open (more precisely they are

Lemma 4.2

(One iteration from x to x+) Let M and q be the matrix and vector defining the Fathi problem (3.2) of dimension n2. Suppose that the current iterate x of the Newton-min-HP-ext scheme is in Xk for some k[1:n-1]. Then, the next iterate x+=x+αd is in Xk+1 and, when kn-3, the stepsize α is in (0, 1).


Let k[1:n-1], xXk, and set AAk:=[2:k] and IIk:=[1:n]\A, so thatxA<(Mx+q)AandxI>(Mx+q)I.The next iterate is then defined by x+:=x+αd, whered=0AMII-1eI-xand the stepsize α is chosen as described in step 3 of Algorithm 2.5. We have to prove that for some αˇ(0,1) there hold (x+td)A<(Mx+q+tMd)A,forallt[0,αˇ],(x+αˇd)k+1=(Mx+q+αˇMd)k+1,(x+td)I\{k+1}>(Mx+q+tMd)I\{k+1},forallt[0,αˇ],ifkn-3,thenα(αˇ,1),(Mx+-e-x+)i(Mx+-e-x+)i+2<(MI+I+-1eI+)i(MI+I+-1eI+)i+2,foralli[k+2:n-2], where I+:=Ik+1=[1:n]\[

Lemma 4.3

(xn-1x¯) Let M and q be the matrix and vector defining the Fathi problem (3.2) of dimension n2. Then, Algorithm 2.5, starting at a point xXn-1 finds a point x+Xn that differs from the solution x¯=e1 to the LCP problem (1.1).


Let us simplify the notation by setting A:=[2:n-1] and I={1,n}. ThenXn-1={xRn:xA<(Mx+q)AandxI>(Mx+q)I}.By Algorithm 2.5, the iterate following xXn-1 satisfiesx+=x+α((0A,vI)-x)=(1-α)x+α(0A,vI),where vI is given by (3.3) with the index set I introduced above (see the comment before Lemma 3.1) and α>0 is the stepsize. We want to show that x+x¯.

We proceed by contradiction, assuming that x+=x¯. Then, x1+=1, xA+=0, and xn+=0. According to (4.10) and (3.3) with k=n-1, the first and third conditions

Proposition 4.4

(Worse case lower bound of the Newton-min-HP-ext scheme) Let M and q be the matrix and vector defining the Fathi problem (3.2) of dimension n2. Then, Algorithm 2.5, starting at a point xXk, for some k[1:n-1], finds the solution to the problem in exactly n-k+1 iterations. In particular, when started at xX1 or at x=0, Algorithm 2.5 finds the solution in exactly n iterations.


The first claim comes from the fact that in one iteration the algorithm finds a point in Xk+1 (by Lemma 4.2). Applying this argument repetitively, we see that the algorithm finds a point in Xn-1 in n-k-1 iterations. By Lemma 4.3, the algorithm finds next a point in Xn in one more iteration, but this point is not the solution. Hence, one more iteration is necessary to get the solution and this is what Algorithm 2.5 does. Indeed, if an iterate xXn, then there holds x[2:n]<(Mx+q)[2:n] and x1>(Mx+q

Corollary 4.5

(Worse case lower bound of the Newton-min-HP algorithm) Let M and q be the matrix and vector defining the Fathi problem (3.2) of dimension n2. Then, Algorithm 2.4 with εHP>0 sufficiently small, starting at a point xXk, for some k[1:n-1], finds the solution to the problem in exactly n-k+1 iterations. In particular, when started at xX1 or at x=0, Algorithm 2.4 finds the solution in exactly n iterations.


This is because, when εHP>0 is sufficiently small, the stepsizes α are in (αˇ1,αˇ2) (see the comment given after the statement of Algorithm 2.5) and Proposition 4.4 applies.

The behavior of Algorithm 2.4 may be different from the one described in the previous corollary, when εHP>0 is not taken sufficiently small and that the condition α(αˇ1,αˇ2) is not satisfied at some iterations. In particular, it could be more (or less) efficient. Nevertheless, the experiment of the next section suggests

Numerical experiments

We have written a piece of software in Matlab, called Nmhp (Dussault et al. 2018), which implements 3 methods.

  • (M1)

    The first method is the Harker and Pang algorithm (Algorithm 2.4), in which the extra stepsize εHP>0 is determined from an initial value εHP0>0 prescribed by the user. In the numerical experiments reported below, we have taken the latter small (εHP0:=10-7 or 10-5), while εHP:=εHP0/2i, where i is the smallest nonnegative integer such that the two conditions in step 3.2 of Algorithm 2.4


This paper is a contribution to the better understanding of the Newton-min algorithm with line search on the least-square merit function for solving the linear complementarity problem. It examines in detail the behavior of the Harker and Pang globalization of the algorithm on the Fathi problem. It is mathematically proved and numerically observed that, if the first iterate is in some open polyhedral neighborhood of zero, then the algorithm requires exactly n iterations to find the solution to

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We have benefited from a careful reading of the manuscript by the referee, who is warmly thanked.

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