
Argumentation and argumentative writing are difficult skills for students to learn (Andrews 1995; Andrews and Mitchell 2001; Hahn and Oaksford 2012; Kuhn 2013), yet these are important skills in a wide variety of disciplines (Wolfe 2011), even though the nature of what makes a good argument and how it is structured in text likely varies by discipline (De La Paz et al. 2012; Goldman 1994; Gustafson and Shanahan 2007). Some have argued that argumentative writing is the most important kind of writing in undergraduate education (Andrews 2010) because it is both a kind of disciplinary-based form that is needed in participation in a discipline but also a good way to learn underlying discipline content (Andrews 2010; Loll and Pinkwart 2013). Learning to argue means acquiring many cognitive skills related to the rules within the disciplines, the relevant facts that can be used, and common argument forms (Wolfe 2011; Wolfe et al. 2009). However, it also requires internalizing the social, epistemological, and metacognitive dimensions involved in the production and evaluation of argument (Kuhn et al. 2013).

Unfortunately, argumentative writing suffers from a dearth of practice opportunities in formal education—in high school, students may have only one or two opportunities per semester to write evidence-based essays in English class, and even fewer opportunities in other disciplines (Applebee and Langer 2011; Kiuhara et al. 2009). Further, in lower and mid-ranked American colleges, students’ writing skill shows little to no improvement over four years—a problem apparent to employers as well as researchers (Arum and Roska 2011). Perhaps one cause of this lack of growth is that existing instruction for argumentative writing tends to have misplaced emphasis on the presentation of arguments instead of their generation (Andrews 1995; Andrews and Mitchell 2001; Oostdam et al. 1994; Oostdam and Emmelot 1991).

Like in other disciplines, writing assignments in both the natural and social sciences typically involve argumentation (Wolfe 2011). Teaching and learning argumentation in science can pose unique difficulties to both instructors and students (Osborne et al. 2013). The breadth and depth of conceptual, procedural, and epistemic knowledge that many scientific arguments require can make their development and analysis both time-consuming and challenging. Scientific theories and scientific evidence are frequently complex on their own, and their integration into a coherent argument is especially complex. For example, a given research paper can have a range of findings—some findings may contradict a theory, and other findings may be just irrelevant (Thomm and Bromme in press). Scientific theories are frequently multi-faceted, with each facet requiring its own support. The integration of argumentation into scientific instruction does not appear to come naturally, likely requiring a significant investment into teachers’ professional development to achieve (Osborne et al. 2013).

One kind of scientific argument structure that is especially challenging to both develop and defend is the main argument for the research question(s) found in an introduction to a research paper: an (often implicit) argument for why a question is important (Wolfe 2011). In contrast to typical dialogic argumentation where multiple sides of an argument must be explored but the goal is for one side to be definitively stronger, research seeks to clarify open questions, issues for which prior knowledge is not definitive. Thus, the writer must strike a balance in the introduction/literature review section to conclude in favor of the arguments for the test hypotheses, but maintain a certain (and even desirable) ambiguity. Novice writers may not know that science uses methods to resolve open questions (Lederman 1992), and that a literature review serves as an argument for a hypothesis rather than just a historical summary. In addition, novices may fail to include strong support for their hypothesis (Schwarz et al. 2003) or include obvious or unsupported arguments. Intermediate writers may fail to include any reason to doubt their tested hypothesis (i.e., fail to note possible counter-evidence) (Nussbaum and Schraw 2007).

Because of these issues in science writing, instructional tools can help students improve their argumentative writing while minimizing instructional burdens. One tool, the Science Writing Heuristic, for example, seeks to provide students with more opportunities to practice informal writing in science by developing a framework for students to reflect on and discuss course concepts (Keys et al. 1999). It specifically involves templates of suggested strategies for students and teachers to use during science activities. For example, early in a science activity, students are given the prompt “Beginning ideas—What are my questions?” The next prompt is “Tests—What did I do?” There are five other prompts related to observation, claims, evidence, reading, and reflection. These informal writing experiences appear to help students create richer representations of scientific concepts and enable them to respond more deeply to related test questions (Keys et al. 1999; Hand et al. 2002; Hand et al. 2004). Although a useful instructional tool, the Science Writing Heuristic emphasizes writing to learn science rather than learning to write formal scientific arguments (e.g., students do not write formal reports, but rather are writing learning memos for themselves). Thus, the demand for a method to improve students’ formal writing in science still remains.

In developing a solution to this problem, one question to ask is: what medium of representation is ideal for the problem domain beyond use of text itself? At the highest level of design, this means choosing a medium from a wide variety of possible media (e.g., visual-spatial, audio, video, simulations). Spatial representations have long been understood to convey a number of benefits in memory (Shepard 1967; Standing 1973; Mandler and Ritchey 1977; Paivio 1986) and reasoning (Larkin and Simon 1987) including within the work of scientists (Cheng 1992; Cheng and Simon 1992; Novick 2000; Trafton et al. 2005).

Argument diagrams are a form of spatial representation uniquely suited to the task of organizing an argument in many different disciplines, and have been used for both arguing to learn and learning to argue, with and without embedded intelligent tutoring systems that accompany the diagramming tools (Loll and Pinkwart 2013; Suthers 2003). Argument diagramming is the process of visually representing an argument by its component elements. The process of diagramming is cognitively demanding and may temper benefits if not applied mindfully (Chang et al. 2002), but this may only be an issue for younger students as college students in psychology showed robust, long-term benefits of diagram creation (McCagg and Dansereau 1991). In spite of the volume of research establishing these and other affordances of diagrams as a class of representation, much less research has focused on cognitive aspects of argument diagramming. In particular, how does the specific nature of the diagrams influence the benefits gained from their employment for argumentation? The focus of the present work is to explore this question in the context of science writing.

Students who diagrammed new material in social studies performed better on a follow-up retention task than those who did not (Griffin et al. 1995), although this appears to be an effect of having the diagram content itself rather than the student’s creation of it (Stull and Mayer 2007). Further, it is unclear whether the benefits are better thought of related to knowledge mapping (i.e., explicitly organizing thoughts) vs. argument diagramming (i.e., creating a particular argument).

In philosophy education, multiple studies indicate the power of creating argument diagrams for improving students’ argument analysis skills (Harrell 2008, 2011, 2012) as well as their ability to generate arguments that are more elaborate and cohesive (Harrell 2013). Nussbaum and Schraw (2007) found that the practice of diagramming arguments enabled students to refute more counterarguments in their opinion writing, although there were tradeoffs in essay quality between argument diagramming and more traditional criteria instruction—possibly indicating a cost for this improvement. Chryssafidou (2014) also found that a general argumentation diagramming framework tool improved undergraduates written argument quality in a carefully controlled lab study. She also found evidence that the argument diagramming has two different kinds of effects: changing the writing planning process to improve semantic aspects of the writing and supporting the linearization process of a written argument to improve rhetorical aspects of the writing.

There is also some indirect evidence supporting the use of diagramming for argumentative writing in science education. Recent modeling work has established a direct link between the quality of college students’ diagrams and the resulting science writing, indicating that the coherence and complexity of a student’s diagram can be used to predict the grade earned by the resulting essay (Lynch et al. 2014; Lynch 2014). But it is not known whether the diagrams improve writing, or whether conceptual challenges revealed in students’ diagrams are also found in students’ writing. Further, to assist in the design of additional artificial intelligence tools to support writing instruction, it is important to learn what gaps remain with just the support of a diagramming tool on its own.

A further open question relates to the choice of diagram framework (sometimes also called an ontology), whether with or without additional intelligent tutoring support. A diagram framework specifies the fundamental types of things or concepts that exist for purposes of constructing a particular kind of argument, and sets out the relations among them. The framework used to represent an argument may differ significantly by discipline or assignment purposes. For example, a diagram of a research study could use hypotheses, findings, studies, and other science-specific node types, but one could also utilize a more generic framework like Toulmin’s (1958) which involves claims, warrants, and rebuttals. A number of researchers have explored the use of general Toulmin-style argument frameworks (e.g., Chryssafidou 2014; Stegmann et al. 2007; Stegmann et al. 2012). More general frameworks might be more useful for a wider range of writing and lend themselves more easily to knowledge transfer. Further, relatively few students taking science classes or even science majors in university go on to become scientists, and thus learning argument forms that are more broadly useful could be an important goal. However, a general framework still has some structure and might seem like an unnecessary complex foreign language to learn that is not native to any discipline. For example, Loll and Pinkwart (2013) found that students struggled in learning to use Toulmin diagrams (with explicit representations of datum, conclusion, warrant, backing, and rebuttal) relative to more simple frameworks (contributions that were either pro or contra other contributions) or domain-specific frameworks (hypotheses and facts that were pro or contra each other).

More specific frameworks, however, might better support student reasoning about the concepts found within a discipline or writing genre. For example, in psychology the concepts of a cited study’s relevance and validity are particularly important. To properly judge a piece of evidence in relation to a hypothesis, one needs to know the similarity of their goals and methods (i.e., the study’s relevance), and also the rigor of the cited study’s methods (i.e., its validity). Including these domain-specific elements in a diagram framework may be helpful for writing accurately in psychology, but perhaps add complexity to how much must be learned at once. We are also curious how diagramming support may generalize to situations of more or less complexity. It is possible that diagramming is only helpful when students are being heavily challenged.

In sum, argument diagrams may help students think about the complex, multi-faceted relationships among hypotheses and prior findings needed to produce a strong argument for a hypothesis in a scientific paper introduction. The present study utilized the online diagramming software LASAD (Loll and Pinkwart 2013) to contribute to this growing research area first by determining the effect of a diagramming activity versus no diagramming on university students’ writing quality of research paper introductions, and secondly by determining how the domain-specificity of diagrams components impact this effect.

In students’ research paper introductions, we examined the following as measures of writing quality: 1) the inclusion of opposing evidence, a common problem in college level writing (Perkins et al. 1991; Knudson 1992; Leitão 2003; Stapleton 2001); and 2) the relevance and validity of citations, a specific challenge in research writing. We hypothesized that students who do any diagramming activity before writing would be more likely to include supporting and opposing evidence in their introductions. Additionally, we expected that students who construct diagrams that explicitly prompt them to include information about the relevance and validity of citations would include more of this information in their introductions.

We tested these hypotheses by analyzing introductions produced by students enrolled in research methods classes across three different semesters (see Fig. 1). The first group had an unaltered experience in the course to serve as a baseline for comparisons. The second group was given diagramming support for their papers in the form of a generic argument framework. We did not use Toulmin diagrams because it produced unwieldy large diagrams when representing a scientific literature relevant to introduction of a paper. Instead, a more general representation of science objects (hypotheses, claims, and citations) was used. The third group was also given diagramming support, but in the form of a psychology-specific argument framework that forced explicit representation of key aspects of hypotheses, findings in studies, and the relationship between findings and hypotheses. The details of this third framework were built after initial analyses of weaknesses in the student writing from the first two groups. In other words, we used an iterative design-based approach (Anderson and Shattuck 2012) to our research with the goal of maximally supporting student performance.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Research design overview

To address concerns about comparability across cohorts, the students across semesters were found to be closely matched on demographics and general academic performance (see Table 1), with at most d = 0.15 effect size in performance on any one dimension. In addition, reflecting a long-standing, many-sectioned course, there was a similar pool of instructors with equivalent amounts of prior teaching experience (e.g., half of the TFs each semester had previously taught this course) who enacted an otherwise shared and fixed curriculum.

Table 1 For each cohort, the means (and SDs) in Overall GPA (1–4 scale), GPA in prior psychology courses, and Verbal, Math, and Writing SAT scores, and proportion female

Although random-assignment to condition has many benefits, it was not logistically feasible to implement different interventions within a lab section in a given semester. Further, implementing the intervention across lab sections within a semester would have raised the risk of confounding teaching fellow (TF) quality and intervention effect given the smaller pool of TFs. Finally, the design of the third group’s intervention arose from analyses of the strengths and weaknesses of the initial diagramming intervention, as is commonly done in design-based research.


Instructional Context

The current study was conducted within a psychology department at a large, relatively selective public university in the United States. All undergraduate students at this university complete a composition course in their first year, which provides some training in argumentative writing. But due in part to the size of the university, many of the other early general education courses have large-enrollments and require relatively little writing. The entry-level courses in psychology are typically large lectures (150 to 300 students) with little-to-no writing and a focus on textbook readings, and thus there is little early exposure to disciplinary argumentation in written form. Students’ first major introduction to disciplinary argumentation is in a psychology research methods course, the successful completion of which is required to officially declare a psychology major and enroll in advanced psychology courses. This course was the focus of our interventions and research.

The diagramming intervention was implemented in the laboratory (lab) sections of the Introduction to Psychology Research Methods course. The lecture was a large class that met once a week and was focused on theoretical research issues (e.g., validity, reliability, different research designs). The lab activities were worth 40% of the overall grade in the course and were designed to complement the lecture providing students with hands-on experience in conducting and writing about research. The lab sessions occurred in small sections of approximately 25 students that met twice a week with a standardized curriculum of weekly topics, in-class activities, and homework assignments.

There are typically 10 lab sections each semester, each run by a teaching fellow (TF), who most commonly was a graduate student in a psychology Ph.D. program. TFs met as a group on a weekly basis with a TF coordinator, who encouraged uniform implementation of the curriculum and grading across sections. Lab activities and homework centered on designing research projects, conducting literature searches, collecting and analyzing data, writing up the results of studies, and revising the written report.

Thus, students in this context are simultaneously learning about the nature of research in general, forms of research in psychology, written argumentation in research reports, psychology conventions for research writing, details of particular experimental paradigms, and statistical analyses. Such multi-leveled learning is typical in the behavioral sciences, and presents significant learning challenges for students.

Lab sections customized the hypotheses and designs of two studies, collected data, and then individual students wrote lab reports. A number of homework assignments were dedicated to helping students prepare the first lab report. Students wrote a first draft, received both rating and text-based feedback based on the rubric for the paper, and then revised their paper into a final draft.

The particular focus of the present research is the first draft written for their first study, the integrative moment at which students may experience the greatest struggles. To support students at this difficult moment, we created short activities involving argument diagramming and peer review of argument diagrams. Building on the large literature in peer review of writing (Cho and Schunn 2007, 2010; Topping 2005), we initially hypothesized that students would note flaws in each other’s arguments and potentially learn from seeing good models that other students provided.

The paper assignment was a complete APA-style research report that students prepared based on a study that was designed as a class and conducted in small groups. Papers were approximately 10–12 double-spaced pages total with the introduction typically 1 to 2 pages long. As described in the grading rubric given to all the students, the introduction of the lab report was to:

(a) Describe your research problem or question and say why it is important.

(b) Contextualize your study and distinguish it from prior research.

(c) Preview your study design.

(d) Describe your hypotheses.

(e) Provide a convincing justification for each hypothesis.

All students read one common instructor-selected journal article on the topic, but then students had to find their own articles to include in their research report as supporting a hypothesis. Students in this class were encouraged to investigate simple hypotheses of the following form: Independent variables (IVs) X and Y cause changes in a dependent variable (DV) Z (possibly among population W). For instance, the hypothesis may concern the effects of gender and time of day on gratitude among coffee drinkers or the role of seat location and class size on student participation in class. TFs provided some feedback on the suitability of the research question. In the first two cohorts, students were instructed to include two hypotheses in their paper (X and Y), but in the third cohort, students were given the option of including one or two hypotheses to study. This change was to determine if diagramming may be more helpful at higher levels of task complexity. All students were instructed to include both opposing and supporting studies as part of the justification for their hypotheses.


Exhaustively grading all students’ papers across all three cohorts exceeded the resources of the research project and would have been unnecessary from a statistical power perspective. Instead, stratified (by lab section) random samples from each group were taken and carefully coded to represent the diverse lab sections and students in each lab section.

Control Group

The course instructor randomly selected thirty-two participants for analysis from across eight different lab sections from one fall semester of research methods classes that did not receive diagramming support. Thirty essays (matching the N for the Domain-general group) from this sample were coded and analyzed.

Domain-General Group

All students across nine different lab sections of the same course, also during the fall semester, but in the following year, were given diagramming support using a generic argument framework. From this group, a stratified random sample of 30 essays was coded and analyzed to represent all lab sections.

Psychology-Specific Group

All students across nine different lab sections of the same research methods course taught during the fall semester of a subsequent year were given diagramming support using a psychology-specific argument framework. Out of nine original lab sections, data from six sections (n = 134) were retained. One TF did not attend training sessions and another TF, teaching two sections, fundamentally altered the writing assignment. From this set, a stratified random sample of 60 essays was coded and analyzed.

Argument Diagrams

Domain-General Framework

Our study in both diagramming conditions utilized LASAD (Loll and Pinkwart 2013), an online diagramming tool that allows users to create visual representations of arguments, including both the elements of an argument and their relationships. In LASAD, arguments are represented using a structured argument framework of specific object and relationship types, and further there can be pre-specified fields to be filled-in by students inside both objects and relationships between objects. Diagramming frameworks can be customized for each learning context. We customized the frameworks to represent the core elements of scientific argumentation that students were expected to include in the introductions to their laboratory reports. Specifically, our diagramming frameworks supported students in mapping out an argument for their hypotheses based on a review of studies and theories.

The first diagramming framework used a more domain-general structure, with objects that were specific to science but relationships more generically cast in terms of supporting and opposing claims. Figure 2 presents an example student diagram, focused on one of the two hypotheses included in the full diagram. Note that LASAD, unlike many simpler diagramming tools, allows for detailed descriptions of relationships among nodes (i.e., links with multiple text fields), and thus may be particularly useful for reasoning about support and opposition relationships.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Example of a student diagram from the domain-general framework condition

The node types of the domain-general framework are illustrated in Fig. 2. Hypothesis nodes state the student’s prediction of a data pattern in the form of a conditional (if/then) statement about a prediction about a situation (the if part) and predicted pattern (the then part) e.g., “If it is a busy time of day and the area in question has low traffic, then drivers will not obey the law and will not stop at the stop sign.” Current Study nodes provide a general description of the study, usually just mentioning the overall independent and dependent variables to be used in the study, with each labelled as such with “IV” and “DV”. Claim nodes provide reasoning for the hypothesis (analogous to Toulmin’s Warrant), in essence saying something about the underlying mechanism. They are supported by Citation nodes (analogous to Toulmin’s Grounds/Evidence), which names the paper(s) and includes a short summary of the finding from the paper that is relevant to the connected claim.

In LASAD, links also have a box with structured content. Supports and Opposes are links that connect a Study to a Hypothesis node or a Claim node and explain why either relationship is indicated (e.g., why a finding supports a claim). Sometimes the connections are obvious, but sometimes the exact constructs named in the claim do not precisely match the variables measured in the study and the students need to articulate the mapping. Comparison links connect two Citation nodes or a Citation and the Current Study node on the basis of study design and findings, requiring students to articulate ‘analogies’ and ‘distinctions’ (similarities and differences). The purpose of the comparison links is to help students find reasons for why there are sometimes both supporting and opposing findings for a claim, and thereby suggest a resolution to the opposition (e.g., under which circumstances the findings are obtained). To make the diagram complete, an “undefined” link connected the hypotheses to the current study. All links except the comparison links were directional, but the directions are not important to the intervention and students often had the arrows going in mismatching ways in their diagrams.

Psychology-Specific Framework

For the second diagramming iteration, we sought to develop and test a LASAD framework that was more domain-specific, especially including features particularly relevant and important for argumentation in psychology. The My-Study nodes now included an overall research question, description of the design in terms of variables but also details such as within vs. between subjects, and a description of the content of the study (to help support reasoning about relevance of prior work). Finding nodes replaced Claim nodes to represent the empirical findings supported by one or multiple studies because some students were confused about what exactly should go in a claim node. Specific fields were added to the Finding node, requiring students to note IVs and DVs and the observed relationships among variables. Study nodes were adjusted to require a comment about the context of the study to help students reason about relevance of those studies to their own context. Note that multiple studies could relate to one research finding (e.g., two studies both support the finding that people are more likely to help when there are fewer bystanders), and one study could produce multiple findings (e.g., a single study finds that within larger groups people are both less likely to help and slower to help).

Specific content was also added to the Supports and Opposes links, in which students rated how relevant the finding was to their hypothesis or a study to a finding (close, medium, far, unsure), how valid it was (strong, medium, weak, unsure), and provided justification for both ratings. In addition, students were explicitly prompted to write about the reasoning for the proposed relevance and validity. For the link between a study and a finding, relevance was defined as how strongly the study supported the finding (e.g. how large was the effect) and validity was determined by the methodological soundness of the study. For the link between a finding and a hypothesis, relevance was the amount of conceptual overlap between the finding and hypothesis (e.g., did they use similar independent and dependent variables) and validity was the overall validity of all the studies related to the finding.

The Comparison links were removed, because the content within the Finding and Study nodes was now being used to explicitly support reasoning about relevance and validity and because the comparison links substantially complicate the diagrams that now contain much larger nodes. As a minor change, the “undefined” link was replaced by a “part of” link to give a more sensible name to the link between multiple hypotheses and the Current Study (or My-Study) node.

By following one thread of a student’s argument diagram from Current Study to Citation, the nature of the diagramming framework differences can be better understood. In the domain-general framework (e.g., as shown in Fig. 2), the student’s Current Study is the effect of group size on responses to sneezing (e.g. “Bless you”), and they Hypothesize that with a larger group less people will respond. This Hypothesis is Supported by the Claim that larger group size inhibits prosocial behavior through reduced personal connection; which is Supported by a Citation of “Levine and Crowther (2008)” who found that larger group size inhibited helping behavior when bystanders were strangers to a victim.

In the psychology-specific framework this would look slightly different. The Claim node of larger group size inhibiting prosocial behavior would be labeled a Finding node instead, since students are citing empirical psychological studies. The Supporting node connecting the Citation of Levine and Crowther (2008) to the Finding would have a rating of relevance (close) and a subsequent justification (helping behavior and responses to sneezing are both forms of prosocial behavior), as well as a rating of validity (strong) and a subsequent justification (controlled experiment). Note that Fig. 3 presents a different student’s argument in the psychology-specific framework, again showing a partial diagram related to one hypothesis.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Example of a student diagram from the psychology-specific framework


For the latter two course iterations, as part of the argument diagramming intervention, we made minor changes to existing assignments in the research methods course and added two new assignments. These modifications were the same for the two diagramming cohorts. These changes to the class assignments are summarized in Table 2. Overall, these changes did not include changing the total amount of time spent in the lab or the time spent working on the first paper. Instead, the time spent on the additional diagramming-related work took time away from other activities, such as designing and implementing their study and writing about the study. Thus, it is possible that writing performance would be hurt by the addition of the diagramming-related activities.

Table 2 Laboratory Section Homework Assignments for Baseline and Diagramming Cohorts

The modifications to existing assignments included (1) adding an in-class lecture and activity to assignment 1 that introduced the components of the LASAD argument diagramming framework, and (2) adding to assignment 4 the task of creating an argument diagram that justified their hypotheses using the sources collected for assignments 3 and 4. Additional assignments included conducting blind peer reviews of three other student’s argument diagrams using the SWoRD online peer-review system (Cho and Schunn 2007) and a revision of their initial argument diagram based on peer feedback. The revised argument diagram was submitted to their TF for grading. Students then used feedback from their TFs on the argument diagram to generate a rough draft of their introductions for their lab reports. Thus, this study examines a naturalistic system of instruction using argument diagrams (i.e., training, creation, peer review, and TF feedback all with argument diagrams), not just the initial task of creating the diagrams.

For training, students first made an argument diagram in pairs based on a short text describing a hypothetical student’s study, hypotheses and supporting and opposing studies. When most pairs had completed at least half of the diagram, the teacher handed out a completed diagram (similar to the ones in Fig. 2 or Fig. 3, depending upon the group) to serve as a model for their own study diagram, and the class discussed whether each hypothesis shown in the diagram was appropriately risky. The students then separated from their partner and began diagramming their own study.

Diagram Peer Reviews

For both iterations, to further deepen their understanding of the argument diagrams and repair the diagrams before use in writing, students submitted their completed argument diagrams to an online peer review system called SWoRD (Cho and Schunn 2007). The system assigned four student reviewers to each diagram; the reviewers provided written comments and a rating six different aspects of the diagrams. Reviews were completed out of class. Each student received both a diagram grade and a reviewing grade. The diagram grade was based on the ratings of the four reviewers (proportionally weighting ratings by how generally consistent each reviewer’s ratings were with the mean ratings of the other reviewers of the same diagrams). The reviewing grade was based on how similar a reviewer’s ratings were to the other three reviewers, along with how helpful the diagram author found their written comments. Both the reviewers and authors remained anonymous.

Student Survey

Near the end of the semester for just the domain-specific cohort, in return for participation points, students completed an online survey about their experiences creating the diagram, using the peer review system, and writing their paper. The questions reflected on 1) the utility of the different diagramming and reviewing activities (response options: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree) and 2) the relative difficulty of different diagramming activities (options: very easy, easy, neutral, hard, very hard).


Coding Scheme

To assess the quality of students’ writing, we developed a set of coding schemes for the variables of interest. Relevance was coded on a per-citation basis, where each citation in a student’s paper was rated on a 1–5 scale. A rating of one was defined as “not at all relevant”, a rating of three as “somewhat relevant”, and a rating of 5 as “very relevant”, and coders could use ratings of two and four to denote intermediate degrees of relevance. If a student did not include enough information to determine the relevance of a citation, it was coded as a 0 and not included in analyses. For each citation, the two coders’ ratings were averaged (α = .62). Exhaustive double-coding produces a sufficient effective reliability of the average ratings across coders. Then, these values were then averaged across all citations in a student’s paper to produce three values of mean, minimum, and maximum citation relevance per student paper. Thirty essays each were coded for relevance from the control and domain-general cohorts, and 40 from the psychology-specific cohort—a sufficient number to test this effect.

Thirty essays each were coded for a second set of dimensions from the control and domain-general cohorts, while 60 essays were coded from the domain-specific cohort. In all cases, essays were exhaustively double-coded to improve effective reliability. The second set of dimensions included: Clear hypotheses (k = .80), supporting citations (k = .68), opposing citations (k = .70), and writing about validity (k = .52), coded as present (1) or absent (0) for each dimension by two coders. For instance, if a student had at least one opposing citation, that dimension would be marked as present (1); if they had at least one instance of writing about citation validity that dimension would be marked as present.

In the third cohort, we saw increased variance in the number of hypotheses students generated in their essays, and thus coded additional papers to be able to control for effect of number of hypotheses on the outcome variables (e.g., more hypotheses might lead to more citations, and each citation is perhaps less well justified). However, there was no significant difference between the average number of study citations between the control and domain-specific cohorts (t = 2.67, p = .08) or the domain-general and domain-specific groups (see Table 3; t = 1.39, p = .14). Further, number of hypotheses was not related to minimum (F = 0.76, p = .39), maximum (F = 1.14, p = .29), or average relevance of citations (F = 2.09, p = .16). Table 3 shows descriptive statistics for these dimensions. Number of hypotheses was also not related to inclusion of support, χ2(1, n = 60) = 0.48, p = .49, writing about support validity, χ2(1, n = 60) = 0.09, p = .77, inclusion of opposition, χ2(1, n = 60) = 1.270, p = .260, or writing about opposition validity, χ2(1, n = 60) = 0.58, p = .44. Thus, the variation in number of hypotheses proved not to be problematic.

Table 3 Basic essay characteristics and citation relevance for each group


Relevance of Citations

The relevance of study citations generally increased over the three intervention iterations (see Table 3). The average minimum relevance of citations in a given essay was significantly higher in the domain-general group than in the control group, t(57) = 4.10, p < .001, d = 1.09, and higher in the psychology-specific group than in the control group, t(65) = 3.21, p = .002, d = 0.80, but not different between the domain-general and domain-specific groups, t(66) = .82, p = .41, d = 0.20. The average maximum relevance of citations in a given essay was significantly higher for the domain-general group than the control group t(57) = .27, p < .01, d = 0.73, and higher in the domain-specific group than the control group, t(65) = 4.65, p < .001, d = 1.15, but not different between the domain-general and domain-specific groups. The average relevance of study citations was higher in the domain-general, t(57) = 3.86, p < .001, d = 1.24, and domain-specific groups, t(65) = 5.04, p < .001, d = 1.25, than the control group, but was not different between the two diagramming frameworks, t(66) = .37, p = .70, d = 0.09. In sum, both types of diagrams improved citation relevance and they did so to an equivalent extent.

Inclusion of Supporting and Opposing Evidence

The inclusion of supporting evidence was not significantly different across iterations, although there was a trend-level difference between the domain-specific and domain-general groups, χ2(1, n = 90) = 3.31, p = .092, d = 0.39. In general, most students included evidence in support of their hypotheses.

Turning to opposing evidence, the rates were much lower across the board. Students using the domain-general framework χ2(1, n = 60) = 5.41, p = .02, d = 0.63 or domain-general framework, χ2(1, n = 90) = 11.02, p = .001, d = 0.74, were significantly more likely to include opposing evidence in their essays than those in the control group, although there was no difference in the inclusion of opposing evidence between the two diagramming frameworks χ2(1, n = 90) < 1, p = .52, d = 0.13 (see Fig. 4 for means).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Proportion of student papers including supporting and opposing evidence for each group along with SE bars. Significance at the p < .05 level is denoted by * in all figures; trend-level effects (p < .10) are denoted with +

Validity of Provided Evidence

There were no differences between groups in writing about the validity of supporting citations except a trend-level difference between the control and domain-specific groups, χ2(1, n = 90) = 2.81, p = .094, d = 0.36. There were no differences in writing about the validity of opposing citations (See Fig. 5 for means).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Proportion of student papers including writing about citation validity


Finally, we examined student perceptions of the usefulness of the diagraming and peer review activities in the psychology-specific group. 68% of students responded to the survey. The survey questions were split into two groups, those statements reflecting on the utility of different activities and those statements reflecting on the relative difficulty of different diagramming elements. Within each scale type, we collapsed across the two highest categories to get the proportion of students who agreed with a given statement and the proportion who thought a given task was easy, and similarly collapsed across the two lowest categories. Responses are sorted from high to low on agreement and ease (see Figs. 6 and 7).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Percentage of students who agreed or disagreed with each statement

Fig. 7
figure 7

Percentage of students who found each task easy or hard

Most of the students found LASAD (the diagraming software) to be easy to use and used both their diagram and the peer review comments when they wrote their introduction. However, they found the peer review ratings to be much less useful. Informal debriefing with TFs suggests that students found it hard to understand the diagrams made by the other students and thus comments were often superficial or off-target. The students were divided about whether future courses should use LASAD, but more students thought the assignment should remain in the course than thought it should be removed. As would be expected, students found it easier to find supporting studies than to find opposing studies. Interestingly, the students also struggled when filling in the validity fields in the diagram.


The results indicated some benefits of argument diagramming for writing research paper introductions in psychology that were robust to changes in the underlying argument diagramming framework. For example, doing either form of tested argument diagramming helped students to use more relevant citations in their papers. These effects were seen in terms of reducing the frequency of low relevance citations (i.e., changes in minimum relevance), increasing the frequency of high relevance citations (i.e., changes in maximum relevance), and general increases in citation relevance (i.e., changes in average relevance). Additionally, doing either form of argument diagramming appeared to also help students include opposing evidence for their hypotheses (i.e., a reason for why the proposed study is actually worth doing).

Students who used a diagramming framework specific to the paper discipline (psychology) evidenced unique writing gains compared to those using the domain-general framework. In particular, this more specific framework yielded an increase in writing about the validity of both supporting and opposing citations. The more general framework yielded increases in the inclusion of supporting evidence, but these effects were smaller and only marginally significant.

Theoretical Implications

We see two possible explanations for the relative differences of these effects in their robustness to argument diagram framework. The first explanation is based on the relative salience of different features in the spatial representations of an argument diagram. Argument diagrams that generally connect evidence for and against make salient the relevance of citations and the inclusion of opposition. Such diagrams lead students to think about whether citations they have found are indeed relevant, and perhaps clarify for which hypothesis they are relevant if multiple hypotheses are proposed. Opposition is made salient by showing clearly when there is in fact no opposition. In contrast, the validity of the supporting citations is not directly represented in the spatial connections of the diagram and depends more upon the internal, more textual aspects of the diagram. Thus it may be that explicit writing about the validity of citations was influenced by the framework because these distinctions are not supported in the spatial layout of the diagram but rather within the text fields of the diagram (and this is what varied primarily across frameworks). This explanation, however, does not explain why the domain-general framework resulted in more students including supporting evidence, as this is a higher-level issue that should be made apparent by any spatial representation. It should be noted, though, that this effect was only marginally significant.

A second explanation is based on the relative difficulty of these specific writing challenges, and that harder aspects of writing require more direct support. The relevance of study citations and inclusion of opposition are relatively easy to spot and solve, and thus any diagramming activity regardless of quality of framework should make dealing with them easier for students. In contrast, writing about the scientific validity of individual studies is more difficult, so students may need the additional scaffolding provided by a psychology-specific framework in order to effectively accomplish it. This explanation also lacks a strong prediction for why the domain-general framework increased the inclusion of supporting evidence, but one can imagine that it is actually much easier to determine if a particular study directly opposes a hypothesis than it is to determine if it supports it. If this difficulty difference exists, it would explain the difference in results. It is also possible that both of these explanations play a role in the difference between frameworks.

Overall, it appears that some combination of these ideas (relative salience and relative writing difficulty) are needed to fully account for the results. More generally, these data point to the two-part value contained in well-designed argument diagramming activities: 1) the spatial structure of argument diagrams makes some kinds of argument aspects particularly salient, and 2) the detailed textual structure of argument diagram components make other aspects of an argument salient. Thus, argument diagrams are importantly a hybrid spatial-symbolic tool for supporting thinking and reasoning. Previous studies on argument diagramming lack theoretical explanations for its effects and are generally focused on classroom applications and implications rather than theoretical understanding. Our explanations may form a starting point for future research to build a deeper theoretical understanding of these representations, which should include investigation of the cognitive mechanisms involved in creating and using argument diagrams.

Practical Implications

At a more practical level, the results of this study indicate that diagramming is a useful practice to employ in college-level psychology courses to improve students’ writing, and should be integrated into curricula. Our findings support previous research in this area showing that diagramming can be beneficial for students in many educational domains (Nussbaum and Shraw 2007; Harrell 2013; Griffin et al. 1995), including science writing. Previous work has looked at the inclusion of supporting and opposing evidence in argumentation, but we are the first to show that argument diagramming benefits citation relevance and writing about citation validity, important components of scientific argumentation. Our research also explores diagramming framework variations, building on the working of Loll and Pinkwart (2013), now showing that adapting a diagramming framework to the task at hand (at least in psychology) confers additional benefits to students above and beyond those of a more domain-general diagram framework.

Regarding whether domain-general or domain-specific frameworks should be used depends upon the relative importance of various learning objectives. Given that the unique effects of a domain-specific diagramming framework were small, a good argument could be made for using more domain-general frameworks. Indeed, relatively few of the undergraduates in this course (or any introductory science course) will go on to become scientists. Such an emphasis would allow for students to use similar diagramming techniques across courses in various disciplines (Philosophy, Psychology, Physics, etc.). This would facilitate corroboration of scientific evidence concerning diagramming and narrow the diversity of diagramming frameworks for comparison. Validity, however, is a central, deep structural concept in research, and perhaps the most important aspect of the research activity. Thus, from the perspective of writing-to-learn about science, the improvements in treatment of the validity concept could be deemed sufficiently important to warrant use of the domain-specific framework. More research is needed to determine the size of these specific improvements, though, as only trend-level increases were found in this study.


This study did not utilize a strict experimental design (three iterations with three different cohorts), meaning that cohort effects are possible alternative explanations for the condition differences. However, we attempted to control for this by ensuring that all three cohorts were similar in GPA and other academic characteristics, and we used a variety of teaching fellows who themselves had similar characteristics (e.g., similar proportion of experienced instructors), making it unlikely that differences stemmed from a particularly effective teaching fellow. Further, the use of multiple teaching fellows shows some robustness of the effects across a range of qualities/styles of instructional support that are commonly found in these contexts. Nonetheless, it would be valuable to conduct a randomized experiment that varies diagramming frameworks to replicate the current results. Further, such an experiment might further explore the effects of different features of the diagramming framework that were all varied at once in the current study (e.g., the types of nodes and the depth of support in the nodes).

Another important consideration is the intervention’s use of a system of instruction involving argument diagrams (i.e., it involves creating diagrams, considering other students’ diagrams, receiving feedback on diagrams). In particular, since the effects of peer review of diagrams, more explicit attention (of any form) to the components of a good introductory argument, or the specific implementation details of LASAD were inseparable from the effects of a creating diagramming task in this study, we do not know which of these elements of the diagramming intervention are responsible for the overall effects. Based on their survey responses, however, students did not believe the peer review process of diagrams to be very helpful to their writing. Only 50% of students in the domain-specific group found peer feedback comments helpful to the task, and only 20% of those students found peer feedback ratings helpful. Further, LASAD is similar to many other tools for diagramming at a basic structural level. Thus it is unlikely that factors beyond the core diagram structures themselves played a large role in the writing gains seen here.


The use of argument diagramming in education has been supported by previous research in this area (Nussbaum and Shraw 2007; Harrell 2013; Griffin et al. 1995; Lynch et al. 2014; Lynch 2014), but this study presents the first attempt to rigorously study differences in diagramming framework, in this case, the difference between a domain-general versus a domain (psychology)-specific framework. Our results support prior findings (Nussbaum and Shraw 2007; Harrell 2013; Griffin et al. 1995) that any kind of diagramming activity can be helpful for writing – science writing in particular. Both of the studied diagramming frameworks helped students to include more relevant citations in their papers and include evidence opposing their hypotheses. The data also indicate that these effects are relatively robust across diagramming framework changes, but that a psychology-specific framework can aid students in writing more about the validity of cited studies.

The difference in effects between the two diagramming framework types may be explained by the level of writing issues, where high-level issues (relevance, opposition) can be identified using any spatial representation, but that lower-level issues (writing about validity of citations) can be more easily identified with a domain-specific diagramming framework. Alternatively or additionally, the difference may be explained by the relative difficulty of writing issues. Citation relevance and the inclusion of opposition may be easier for students to grasp, so any diagramming framework facilitates their improvement; while writing about citation validity are harder to deal with so students require the extra scaffolding of a domain-specific framework in order to improve them. Additional research in this area will help determine which explanation is stronger, and what other benefits argument diagramming may elicit for students.