Neutral stochastic functional differential equations with additive perturbations rights and content


The paper deals with the solution to the neutral stochastic functional differential equation whose coefficients depend on small perturbations, by comparing it with the solution to the corresponding unperturbed equation of the equal type. We give conditions under which these solutions are close in the (2m)th mean, on finite time-intervals and on intervals whose length tends to infinity as small perturbations tend to zero.


It is well known that stochastic modelling including Gaussian white noise perturbations has played an important role in many areas of science and engineering for a long time. Having in mind that the Gaussian white noise is mathematically described as a formal derivative of a Brownian motion process, such stochastic modelling is based on various stochastic differential equations of the Ito type. Some of the most frequent and most important stochastic models used when dynamical systems depend not only on present and past states but involve derivatives with functionals, are described by very complex neutral stochastic functional differential equations. These equations were introduced by Kolmanovskii and Nosov [1], [2] to study the behavior of chemical engineering systems in which the physical and chemical processes were distinguished by their complexity, and to explore the theory of aeroelasticity in which aeroelastic efforts present an interaction between aerodynamic, elastic and inertial forces. Because of the complexity of the equations and the fact that it is almost impossible to solve them explicitly, the main interest in the field has often been directed to the existence, uniqueness and stability of their solutions. We refer the reader to more papers and books by Mao [3], [4], [5], for example, and the literature cited therein, as well as to [2], [6], among others.

Recall that perturbed stochastic differential equations are the topic of permanent interest of many authors, both theoretically and in applications in various areas of science and engineering. Mathematical stochastic models of complex phenomena under perturbations in analytical mechanics, control theory and population dynamics, for example, can be sometimes compared and approximated by appropriate unperturbed models of a simpler structure. Stochastic perturbations can be also used to stabilize an unstable dynamical system or to make a given stable system even more stable when it is already stable [7]. We highlight here Friedlin and Wentzell [8] studying stochastically perturbed dynamical systems, Khasminskii [9] who was one of the first to treat stochastic differential equations with small parameters and who stated the well-known averaging principle for stochastic differential equations of the Ito type, Stoyanov [10] who studied regularly perturbed stochastic differential equations, among other things. However, the essential motivation to the authors of the paper goes back to paper [11] by Stoyanov and Botev, where some special types of perturbations are independently considered for stochastic differential equations of the Ito type.

Our investigation is concerned with neutral stochastic functional differential equations containing deterministic and random perturbations dependent on a small parameter. Their solutions are compared with the solutions to the corresponding unperturbed equations so that, under some conditions, they become close in the (2m)th moment sense. This makes it possible for us to study some quantitative and qualitative properties of the solutions to the perturbed equations, by studying the solutions to the corresponding unperturbed equations. Similar problems are considered in papers [12], [13], [14], [15] by Janković and Jovanović for various types of perturbations and for more complex perturbed stochastic differential and integrodifferential equations. However, the technique used in the present paper is completely different and is conditioned by the past and present state spaces on which the neutral stochastic functional differential equations are defined.

Before stating the main results, we will briefly reproduce only the essential notations and definitions, which are necessary in our investigation. First, we assume that all random variables and processes considered here are defined on a complete probability space (Ω,F,{Ft}t0,P) with a natural filtration {Ft}t0 generated by a standard d-dimensional Brownian motion w={w(t),t0}, w(t)=(w1(t),w2(t),,wd(t))T, i.e. Ft=σ{w(s),0st}. Let the Euclidean norm be denoted by |·| and, for simplicity, trace[BTB]=|B|2 for a matrix B, where BT is the transpose of a vector or matrix. Likewise, let A=sup{|Ax|:|x|=1,xRn} be the operator norm for a matrix A.

For a given τ>0, let L2([-τ,0];Rn) be the family of Borel measurable Rn-valued functions φ(s),-τs0, equipped with the normφL2=-τ0|φ(s)|2ds1/2<.Let also W([-τ,0];R+) be the family of Borel measurable bounded non-negative functions η(s),-τs0, such that -τ0η(s)ds=1 (the weighing functions) and GBF0([-τ,0];Rn) be the family of continuous bounded Rn-valued stochastic processes ξ={ξ(s),-τs0}, such that ξ(s) is F0-measurable for every s (we require that Fs=F0 for -τs0). The topic of our study is the following neutral stochastic functional differential equationd[x(t)-G(xt)]=[f(t,x(t))+g(t,xt)]dt+σ(t,xt)dw(t),t0with the initial condition x0=ξ={ξ(s),-τs0}GBF0([-τ,0];Rn), whereG:L2([-τ,0];Rn)Rn,f:R+×RnRn,g:R+×L2([-τ,0];Rn)Rn,σ:R+×L2([-τ,0];Rn)Rn×Rdand xt={x(t+s),-τs0} is an L2([-τ,0];Rn)-valued stochastic process.

An Ft-adapted process x={x(t),-τt} is said to be the solution to Eq. (1) if it satisfies the initial condition and the corresponding integral equation holds a.s., that is, for every t0,x(t)-G(xt)=ξ(0)-G(x0)+0t[f(s,x(s))+g(s,xs)]ds+0tσ(s,xs)dw(s)a.s.Remember that in [2] Kolmanovskii and Nosov exposed the basic existence-and-uniqueness theorem: let|G(φ)-G(ϕ)|2k-τ0η(s)|φ(s)-ϕ(s)|2dsfor all φ,ϕL2([-τ,0];Rn), where k(0,1) is a constant and η(·) W([-τ,0];R+). Let also the linear growth condition and the global Lipschitz condition (or in a weakened version, the local Lipschitz condition) in the second argument hold for f,g and σ, that is, let there exist a constant L>0 such that|f(t,x)|L(1+|x|),|g(t,φ)|+|σ(t,φ)|L(1+φL2),|f(t,x)-f(t,y)|L|x-y|,|g(t,φ)-g(t,ϕ)|+|σ(t,φ)-σ(t,ϕ)|Lφ-ϕL2for all t0, x,yRn and φ,ϕL2([-τ,0];Rn). Then Eq. (1) has a unique a.s. continuous solution. Moreover, if there exists the pth moment for ξ, p>0, then Esup-τt<|x(t;ξ)|p< (for more details see [2], [4], [6]).

Together with Eq. (2) we consider the following perturbed neutral stochastic functional differential equation in its integral form:xε(t)-G˜(xtε)=ξε(0)-G(x0ε,ε)+0t[f˜(s,xε(s),ε)+g˜(s,xsε,ε)]ds+0tσ˜(s,xsε,ε)dw(s),t0,where ε(0,1) is a small parameter and ξε,G,f˜,g˜,σ˜ are defined as ξ, G,f,g,σ, respectively. Obviously, if we require that ξε,G,f˜,g˜,σ˜ be close with ξ, G,f,g,σ in some way, we can expect that the solutions x and xε are also close in some sense. The aim of our analysis is to study the closeness of the solutions in the (2m)-th moment sense, mN, whereG(φ,ε)=G(φ)+α(φ,ε),f˜(t,x,ε)=f(t,x)+β(t,x,ε),g˜(t,φ,ε)=g(t,φ)+γ(t,φ,ε),σ˜(t,φ,ε)=σ(t,φ)+δ(t,φ,ε)and α,β,γ,δ are defined as G,f,g,σ, respectively. Then, ξε, α,β,γ,δ could be understood as the perturbations for the perturbed equation (6), with respect to the unperturbed equation (2). Likewise, we introduce the following assumptions:

A1. There exist a positive integer m and a non-random value δ0(ε), such that Esupt[-τ,0]|ξ(t)|2m<, Esupt[-τ,0]|ξε(t)|2m< andEsupt[-τ,0]|ξε(t)-ξ(t)|2mδ0(ε).A2. There exist a non-random value α¯(ε) and non-negative bounded functions β¯(·), γ¯(·) and δ¯(·), defined on [0,T] and dependent on ε, such thatsupφL2|α(φ,ε)|α¯(ε),supxR|β(t,x,ε)|β¯(t,ε),supφL2|γ(t,φ,ε)|γ¯(t,ε),supφL2|δ(t,φ,ε)|δ¯(t,ε).A3. We assume that the condition (3) holds for the functionals G and α, while f,g,σ and the perturbations β,γ,δ satisfy the linear growth condition (4) and the Lipschitz condition (5).

Note that the assumptions A1 and A3 imply that there exist unique a.s. continuous solutions x(t) and xε(t) to Eqs. (2), (6), respectively, satisfying Esupt[-τ,T]|x(t)|2m< and Esupt[-τ,T]|xε(t)|2m<, and that all the Lebesgue and Ito integrals employed further are well defined.

The paper is organized in the following way: In Section 2 we estimate globally the (2m)th moment closeness between the solutions x(t) and xε(t), which will be important in the description of our main results. Section 3 contains the main results, that is, the conditions under which the solutions are close in the (2m)th moment sense on finite time-intervals [-τ,T] and on intervals [-τ,Tε] whose length tends to infinity when ε tends to zero.

Section snippets

Preliminary results

In the sequel, with no special emphasis, the elementary inequality will be used several times: i=1naipnp-1i=1naip,ai0,pN.

We will also apply the inequality: For p1, x,yRn and θ(0,1),|x+y|p|x|p(1-θ)p-1+|y|pθp-1.The proof holds straightforwardly by taking α=(1-θ)/θ in the inequality |x+y|p(1+α)p-1(|x|p+α-(p-1)|y|p), where p1, x,yRn and α>0 [4, Lemma 4.1].

Likewise, the following integral inequality will be used:

Lemma 1

Gronwall–Bellman Lemma [16]

Let u(t),a(t) and b(t) be non-negative and continuous functions on [0,T]

Main results

Having in mind that the perturbations δ0(·),α(·),β(·),γ(·),δ(·) are limited in the sense of the assumptions A1 and A2, then, if we require that they tend to zero as ε0, we could expect that Δε(t)0, uniformly in [-τ,T]. The following theorem contains conditions under which this conclusion is valid.

Theorem 2

Let the conditions of Theorem 1 be satisfied and let δ0(·), α¯(·), β¯(·), γ¯(·), δ¯(·) tend to zero as ε tends to zero. Then,Esupt[-τ,T]|xε(t)-x(t)|2m0asε0.


Let us denote thatβ˜(ε)=supt[0,T]β¯(t,ε)

References (16)

There are more references available in the full text version of this article.

Cited by (17)

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    The significant interest during the last several years has been directed to various complex perturbed stochastic differential and integrodifferential equations. We highlight here Friedlin and Wentzell [19], Khasminskii [20], Stoyanov [21], Stoyanov and Botev [22], Janković et al. [23–27] etc. In contrast to stochastic differential and integrodifferential equations, completely different procedures must applied to investigate the closeness between the solutions of perturbed and unperturbed BSDEs.

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Supported by Grant No. 144003 of MNTRS.

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