On graphs whose third largest distance eigenvalue dose not exceed 1

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2021.126137Get rights and content


  • In thispaper,the distance eigenvalues of chain graphs are originally discussed. We present the chain graphs whose third largest distance eigenvalues are atmost-1.

  • Furthermore, using clique extension, we characterize all connected graphs whose third largest distance eigenvalue is atmost-1.

  • As an application, it is proved that a graph is determined by its distance spectrum if its third largest distance eigenvalue is lessthan-1. This is our important goal and highlight.


In this paper, the distance eigenvalues of chain graphs are discussed. Using clique extension, we characterize all connected graphs whose third largest distance eigenvalue is at most 1. As an application, it is proved that a graph is determined by its distance spectrum if its third largest distance eigenvalue is less than 1.


Unless stated otherwise, we follow [1] for terminology and notations. Let G be a connected graph with at least three vertices. The vertex set and edge set of G are denoted by V(G) and E(G), respectively. The set of neighbors of a vertex v in G is denoted by NG(v). For any two vertices u and v in G, the length of a short path from u to v is called the distance between these two vertices and denoted dG(u,v). The distance matrix of G, denoted by D(G), is a symmetrical matrix whose entries indicate the distance between vertices of G. The third largest eigenvalue of D(G), denoted by λ3(G), is called the third largest distance eigenvalue of G. The distance characteristic polynomial of G is P(λ)=det(λID(G)), where I means the identity matrix. Clearly, the distance eigenvalues of G are the roots of P(λ)=0. Let G1 and G2 be two disjoint graphs. The join graph G1G2 is the graph with vertex set V(G1)V(G2) and edge set E(G1)E(G2){uv:uV(G1),vV(G2)}. As usual, we use Pn, Cn, Kn and Ks,ns to denote the path, the cycle, the complete graph and the complete bipartite graph with n vertices, respectively.

For a complete graph Kn with n3 vertices, it is easy to see that λ3(Kn)=1. If G is not a complete graph, then G contains a path P3 as its induced subgraph, and D(P3) obviously is a principal submatrix of D(G). The third largest eigenvalue of D(P3) is 2. Thus, by Cauchy Interlacing Theorem (see, for example, [6]), a lower bound for λ3(G) isλ3(G)2.The distribution of λ3(G) is considered in the paper. Our aim is to determine all connected graphs whose third largest distance eigenvalue belongs to [2,1].

Let h1h2hs be a sequence of positive integers with h1s1. The graph C(h1,h2,,hs) is a connected bipartite graph satisfying the following conditions: the vertices are partitioned into {v1,v2,,vs} and {u1,u2,,uh1}, and the neighbors of vi are {u1,,uhi} for 1is. The graph C(h1,h2,,hs) is known as a chain graph [3] or a double nested graph [4]. Clearly, any complete bipartite graph is a chain graph. Recall that a connected graph is a chain graph if it is {2K2,C3,C5}-free (see, for example, [5]).

We now define a family of chain graphs:G={Ks1,t1,C(t2,t21),C(t3,1),C(3,1,1),C(3,2,1),C(3,2,2)},where s1+t13, t22 and t33. The first main result of this paper presents the chain graphs whose third largest distance eigenvalues are at most 1.

Theorem 1.1

Let G be a chain graph. Then λ3(G)1 if and only if GG.

Let G be a connected graph with vertex set V(G)={v1,v2,,vn}. Construct a new graph as follows. We replace the vertex vi by a clique Vi for 1in, and add edges joining each vertex of Vi to each vertex of Vj if vivjE(G). The resulting graph is called a clique extension of the graph G. The number max{|Vi|:1in} is called the extension index of the graph. Moreover, if |V1|=|V2|==|Vn|=k, then we call it a k-clique extension of G. Note that any graph is the 1-clique extension of itself.

Using Theorem 1.1 and the tool of clique extension, all connected graphs whose third largest distance eigenvalues are at most 1 are determined.

Theorem 1.2

Let G be a connected graph with at least three vertices. Then λ3(G)1 if and only if G is either a complete graph or a clique extension of a graph in G.

It is well-known that there is only one positive distance eigenvalue for any tree (see [2], [10]). In [11], Xing and Zhou showed that the path and star are the only two graphs whose the second largest distance eigenvalue is less than 1/2. A generalized result was presented in [10] by considering the block graphs. In this paper, the third largest distance eigenvalue of trees is also discussed.

Given a connected graph G with at least two vertices, one can see that the clique extension of G cannot be a tree if its extension index is greater than 1. Using this fact and Theorem 1.2, we immediately determine the trees whose third largest distance eigenvalue is at most 1.

Corollary 1.3

Let T be a tree with at least three vertices. Then λ3(T)1 if and only if T is isomorphic to K1,s, C(t,1) or C(3,1,1), where s2 and t2.

A graph G is said to be determined by its distance spectrum if there is no other non-isomorphic graph which has the same distance spectrum as G. According to Theorem 1.2, we show that the graph is determined by its distance spectrum if its third largest distance eigenvalue is less than 1.

Theorem 1.4

Let G be a connected graph with λ3(G)<1. Then G is determined by its distance spectrum.

In addition, C(3,1,1) is the only tree whose third largest distance eigenvalue equals 1. Note also that C(3,1,1) is a double star, and it was proved that double stars are determined by their distance spectra [9]. Therefore, the following result is an immediate consequence of Theorem 1.4.

Corollary 1.5

Let T be a tree with λ3(T)1. Then T is determined by its distance spectrum.

The proofs of the main results are presented in the next section.

Section snippets

The third largest distance eigenvalue

According to Cauchy Interlacing Theorem for a symmetric matrix, a consequence follows directly.

Proposition 2.1

Let G be a connected graph with λ3(G)1. If M is a principal submatrix of D(G), then the third largest eigenvalue of M is at most 1.

For a vertex subset SG, G[S] denotes the subgraph of G induced by S. When there is no scope for ambiguity, we omit the letter G and write S instead of the induced subgraph G[S]. Let H be a connected induced subgraph of a connected graph G. If the matrix D(H) is a


The third largest distance eigenvalue is discussed in the paper. As mentioned above, the lower bound of the third largest distance eigenvalue is 2. We characterize all connected graphs whose third largest distance eigenvalue belongs to [2,1]. Moreover, we show that the graph are determined by its distance spectrum if its third largest distance eigenvalue belongs to [2,1). Obviously, the third largest distance eigenvalue of a complete graph is 1. Lemma 2.7 gives many graphs with the third


The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees very much for valuable suggestions and corrections which lead to a great improvement in the original paper. This work was supported by NSFC (Nos. 12001498 and 11971445), NSF of Henan (No. 202300410377) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2020M682325).

References (11)

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