

Volume 44, Issue 3, March 2008, Pages 585-597

The extended J-spectral factorization for descriptor systems

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2007.03.012Get rights and content


In this paper we study an extended J-spectral factorization problem, i.e., J-spectral factorization problem for descriptor systems which may not have full column normal rank and may exhibit poles and zeros on the extended imaginary axis. We present necessary and sufficient solvability conditions and develop a numerically reliable method for the underlying problem. Our method is implemented by using only orthogonal transformations and has an acceptable computational complexity.


Throughout this paper, JRp×p and JRk×k are two given symmetric matrices; C-,C0 and C0e denote open left complex half plane, imaginary axis and extended imaginary axis, respectively; the square pencil -sE+A is stable if it is regular (i.e., det(-sE+A)0 for some sC) and all its finite generalized eigenvalues are on C-; Rp×k(s) and RLp×k(s) denote the sets of p×k rational matrices and proper rational matrices without poles on C0, respectively; means G(s)=D+C(sE-A)-1B, and integer k is called its normal rank if maxsCrank-sE+ACBD=n+k, here E,ARn×n.

It is well-known that a large number of quite different types of factorizations of linear systems have been studied in the literature of system theory (Aliev and Larin, 1997, Anderson, 1967, Ball and Ran, 1987, Bart et al., 1986, Chen, 2000, Chen and Francis, 1989, Chen et al., 2004, Chu and Ho, 2005, Clements, 1993, Clements et al., 1997, Clements and Glover, 1989, Green et al., 1990, Green and Limebeer, 1995, Greenberg et al., 1987, Hara and Sugie, 1991, He and Chen, 2002, Katayama, 1996, Kawamoto, 1999, Kawamoto and Katayama, 2003, Kwakernaak and Sebek, 1994, Oara and Varga, 2000, Wangham and Mita, 1997, Xin and Kimura, 1994, Youla, 1961). Among them, the J-spectral factorization problem has played an important role in optimal Hankel-norm model reduction and H optimization (Green and Limebeer, 1995, Ball and Ran, 1987), transport theory (Greenberg et al., 1987), and stochastic filtering (Lindquist & Picci, 1991).

Consider the descriptor system of the formEx˙=Ax+Bu,y=Cx+Du,where E,ARn×n, BRn×m, CRp×n, DRp×m, and the pencil -sE+A is regular.

Definition 1 (Kawamoto, 1999, Kawamoto and Katayama, 2003)

Given system (1) with all poles in C-C0e. The J-spectral factorization problem for the descriptor system (1) is solvable if has a J-spectral factorization, i.e., there exists an invertible Ξ(s)Rm×m(s) such that:

  • (i)


  • (ii)

    All poles and zeros of Ξ(s) lie in C-C0e.

  • (iii)


When E=In and system (1) has no poles and zeros on C0e, the J-spectral factorization of system (1) reduces to the classical spectral factorization (Bart et al., 1986, Anderson, 1967, Youla, 1961). It is understood (Oara & Varga, 2000) that the difficulties in numerically solving the classical spectral factorization problem are related to the existence of poles and zeros on C0e and to the noninvertibility of GT(-s)JG(s). If none of these elements are present, the computation of the classical spectral factorization problem reduces to solving a standard algebraic Riccati equation (Green et al., 1990), as stated in the following theorem.

Theorem 2 Green et al., 1990

Given a linear time-invariant systemx˙=Ax+Bu,y=Cx+Du.Assume that A is stable, D is of full column rank and the pencil-sI+ACBDhas no finite eigenvalues onC0. Then the J-spectral factorization problem for system(2)is solvable if and only if there exists a nonsingularD0Rm×msuch thatDTJD=D0TJD0and the algebraic Riccati equationATP+PA+CTJC-(PB+CTJD)(DTJD)-1(BTP+DTJC)=0has a solution P such thatA-B(DTJD)-1(BTP+DTJC)is stable. Moreover, under these two conditions, a J-spectral factorΞ(s)is given by

Recently, the J-spectral factorization problem for descriptor system (1) with poles/zeros on C0e has been considered in Kawamoto (1999) and Kawamoto and Katayama (2003) by using the generalized algebraic Riccati equation approach and the zero compensator technique (Copeland & Safonov, 1992).

Theorem 3 (Kawamoto, 1999; Kawamoto & Katayama, 2003)

Given the descriptor system(1). Assume that:

(A1) All the finite generalized eigenvalues of the pencil-sE+Alie inC-C0e;

(A2) (E,A,B)is finite dynamic stabilizable and impulse controllable, i.e., rank[-sE+AB]=n,sCC-,rank[EAN(E)B]=n,whereN(E)denotes a column orthogonal matrix whose columns span the null space of E. Then the J-spectral factorization problem for the descriptor system(1)is solvable if and only if the pencil-sE+ACBDis of full column rank for somesCand the generalized algebraic Riccati equationAaTXa+XaTAa+Qa-XaT000(J)-1Xa=0,EaTXa=XaTEahas a semi-stabilizing solutionXa (for the related definition, we refer to (Kawamoto, 1999, Kawamoto and Katayama, 2003)), hereEa=E000,Aa=AB0I,Qa=CTJCCTJDDTJCDTJD-J,Xa=nmX11X12X21X22}n}m.Furthermore, in this case, a J-spectral factorΞ(s)is given by

It is easy to know that the pencil -sE+ABCD is of full column normal rank is a necessary condition for the J-spectral factorization problem of the descriptor system (1). So, Definition 1 excludes system (1) without full column normal rank. The condition (i) in Definition 1 implies that GT(-s)JG(s) is nonsingular and has a constant inertia that is the same as the inertia of matrix J for any sC0 that is not a pole of system (1). Obviously, if the descriptor system (1) is not of full column normal rank, then GT(-s)JG(s) is always singular and its inertia always contains some 0 for any sC0 that is not a pole of system (1). Therefore, in order to include all descriptor systems without full column normal rank in the J-spectral factorization problem, Definition 1 has to be modified. This is the first motivation of the present work.

Assume that GT(-s)JG(s) has a constant inertia (μ,τ,ν) for almost sC0, then a natural extension of the condition (i) in Definition 1 is that GT(-s)JG(s)=ΞT(-s)Iμ0000000-IνΞ(s),equivalently, GT(-s)JG(s)=Ξ^T(-s)JΞ^(s),Ξ^(s)=Iμ0000IνΞ(s),J=Iμ00-Iν,where Ξ^(s) is of full row rank. This consideration leads us to generalize Definition 1.

Definition 4

Ξ(+)(s)Rm×k(s) is called the Moore–Penrose inverse of Ξ(s)Rk×m(s) if Ξ(s)Ξ(+)(s)Ξ(s)=Ξ(s),Ξ(+)(s)Ξ(s)Ξ(+)(s)=Ξ(+)(s),Ξ(s)Ξ(+)(s)=(Ξ(s)Ξ(+)(s)),Ξ(+)(s)Ξ(s)=(Ξ(+)(s)Ξ(s)).

Definition 5

Given the descriptor system (1) with all poles in C-C0e. The extended J-spectral factorization for system (1) is solvable if has an extended J-spectral factorization, i.e., there exists a Ξ(s)Rk×m(s) such that the conditions (i) and (ii) in Definition 1 hold, and furthermore G(s)Ξ(+)(s)RLp×k(s). Here k is the normal rank of G(s).

Remark 1

In Definition 5, if G(s) is of full column normal rank and GT(-s)JG(s) is nonsingular, then k=m and Ξ(+)(s)=Ξ-1(s). Consequently, Definition 5 reduces to Definition 1. Hence, the J-spectral factorization in Kawamoto (1999) and Kawamoto and Katayama (2003) is a special case of our extended J-spectral factorization.

The motivations for our interest to the extended J-spectral factorization also include:

  • It is much more difficult to compute the semi-stabilizing solution Xa of the generalized algebraic Riccati equation (5) than the stabilizing solution of the algebraic Riccati equation (3), and the overall semi-stabilizing solution Xa of (5) is not necessary for the J-spectral factorization because only its blocks X21 and X22 contribute to the factorization (see Theorem 3). This indicates that the numerical computation of the J-spectral factorization for the descriptor system (1) with poles/zeros on C0e is certainly worthy of further investigation.

  • It has been shown in Oara and Varga (2000) that the classical spectral factorization in the general setting relies essentially on the stabilizing solution of a standard algebraic Riccati equation. However, the approach in Oara and Varga (2000) does not work for our extended J-spectral factorization problem. The reasons for this include (i) the classical spectral factorization problem in Oara and Varga (2000) is always solvable, but the extended J-spectral factorization problem may not be solvable, the algebraic Riccati equations in Oara and Varga (2000) are always solvable provided some related matrix pairs are controllable (stabilizable) or observable (detectable), however, this is not true for their analogies with indefinite parameter matrices J and J; (ii) more important matter is that the algebraic Riccati equations in Oara and Varga (2000) may have no analogies with parameter matrices J and J. Hence, the approach in Oara and Varga (2000) cannot be used to solve our extended J-spectral factorization problem.

  • A general approach has been proposed in Clements and Glover (1989), Clements et al. (1997) and Clements (1993) for the classical spectral factorization problem of a paraconjugate Hermitian rational matrix which is Hermitian positive semi-definite on C0. But it was pointed out in Oara and Varga (2000) that “the methods derived there, although some of them are algorithmic and very general, are far from numerically sound computational procedures”. In addition, this approach is also not applicable to our extended J-spectral factorization problem.

Motivated by the observations above, in this paper we study the computation of the extended J-spectral factorization which contains the J-spectral factorization in Kawamoto (1999) and Kawamoto and Katayama (2003) as a special case. We will present necessary and sufficient solvability conditions and develop a numerically reliable algorithm for the extended J-spectral factorization. The main features of our method include that (i) it only involves two lower-dimensional generalized eigenvalue problems and is implemented by only orthogonal transformations, thus, our method is numerically reliable; (ii) it avoids the semi-stabilizing solutions of any generalized algebraic Riccati equation of the form (5); (iii) our method has a computational complexity which is cubic in the state dimension of the associated system.

Section snippets

Main results

In this section we derive necessary and sufficient solvability conditions and develop a numerically reliable method for the extended J-spectral factorization of the descriptor system (1). Our main result is based on the following two theorems whose proofs will be given in Section 3.

Theorem 6

Given the descriptor system(1). Denote the normal rank ofby k.

(i) G(s)has a minimal realization of the formwithE, ARn^×n^, BRn^×m, CRp×n^, n^n, i.e.,rank[αE-βAB]=rankαE-βAC=n^,(α,β)C2{(0,0)}.

(ii) There exist

Proofs of Theorems 6 and 7

In this section we prove Theorems 6 and 7.


In this paper, we have obtained numerically verifiable necessary and sufficient solvability conditions and developed a numerically reliable method for solving the extended J-spectral factorization problem for descriptor system (1) which may not have full column normal rank and may have poles and zeros on the extended imaginary axis. The main ingredients of our method—Algorithm 1 consist of the normal rank revealing decomposition (9) and the eigen-decompositions (14) and (19). Our method is


We would like to express our gratitude to Professor Tohru Katayama for introducing the J-spectral factorization problem of a general descriptor system to us and for highlighting references Kawamoto (1999) and Kawamoto and Katayama (2003) to our attention. We are also grateful to the anonymous referees, the associate editor and the corresponding editor for their valuable criticisms, comments and suggestions.

Dr. Delin Chu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at National University of Singapore. He obtained his Doctoral degree from Tsinghua University, PR China, in 1991.

His research interests include numerical linear algebra and its applications, control theory, numerical analysis and scientific computing.

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    Dr. Delin Chu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at National University of Singapore. He obtained his Doctoral degree from Tsinghua University, PR China, in 1991.

    His research interests include numerical linear algebra and its applications, control theory, numerical analysis and scientific computing.

    Dr. Roger C.E. Tan is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He is also currently the Vice-Dean in the Faculty of Science, NUS. He obtained his B.Appl.Sc. from RMIT in 1984, and B.Sc (first class honours) and Ph.D. in 1985 and 1988, respectively, from La Trobe University. His research interests are in Sensitivity Analysis of Matrix Eigensystems, Control Theory, Extrapolation Methods, Numerical Linear Algebra and Numerical Partial Differential Equations. He can be contacted at the following email addresses: [email protected] or [email protected].

    This paper was not presented at any IFAC meeting. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Ben M. Chen under the direction of Editor Ian Petersen. This work is supported by NUS Research Grants R-146-000-047-112 and R-146-000-087-112.

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