Compressive total variation for image reconstruction and restoration rights and content


In this paper, we make use of the fact that the matrix u is (approximately) low-rank in image inpainting, and the corresponding gradient transform matrices Dxu,Dyu are sparse in image reconstruction and restoration. Therefore we consider that these gradient matrices Dxu,Dyu also are (approximately) low-rank, and also verify it by numerical test and theoretical analysis. We propose a model called compressive total variation (CTV) to characterize the sparsity and low-rank prior knowledge of an image. In order to solve the proposed model, we design a concrete algorithm with provably convergence, which is based on inertial proximal ADMM. The performance of the proposed model is tested for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reconstruction, image denoising and image deblurring. The proposed method not only recovers edges of the image but also preserves fine details of the image. And our model is much better than the existing regularization models based on the TGV, Shearlet-TGV, 1α2TV and BM3D in test for images with piecewise constant regions. And it visibly improves the performances of TV, 1α2TV and TGV, and is comparable to Shearlet-TGV in test for natural images.


Many image processing problems can be formulated as an inverse problem, in which the data b is assumed to be obtained approximately by applying a linear operator A on an image u with the additive noise e. In most of the cases, solving u can be via b=Auwith perturbations e.However, this problem is ill-posed in the sense that directly inverting A would lead to bad and possibly multiple solutions. It is necessary and even desirable to constrain the solutions through a regularization, which provides the prior knowledge of images that one wants to reconstruct or recover. The regularization is usually used to avoid non-uniqueness of solutions and improve the quality of solutions. A general model for such an inverse problem is uˆargminuJ(u)+ρΦ(u),where Φ(u) is the data fitting term, and J(u) is the regularization term (or penalty term), and ρ>0 is a positive parameter to balance two terms, and uˆ is an optimal solution of the model.

Usually, the data fitting term Φ(u) is taken as Aub222. And in this subsection, we only give a simple review of the regularization term J(u).

A classical regularization is the total variation (TV) as follows TV(u)=Du2,1=|Dxu|2+|Dyu|21,where Dx,Dy denote the horizontal and vertical partial derivative operators (with certain boundary conditions assumed), respectively, and D=[Dx;Dy] is the gradient operator in the discrete setting. Here we give the mathematical definition only in the discrete setting. It is originated by Rudin-Osher-Fatemi [1], which is referred to as the ROF model. It is widely used in image processing applications, such as denoising [1], deconvolution [2], MRI reconstruction [3], recognition [4], inpainting [5], and super-resolution [6] and so on. This TV model is isotropic, and later an anisotropic formulation was addressed in the literature [7] (see also [8] and other references). For any two-dimensional (2D) image, the anisotropic TV is defined by TV(u)=Du1=Dxu1+Dyu1.

There exist some different penalties as alternatives to TV. A few notable examples of nonconvex replacements of TV are p quasi-norm of Du for 0<p<1 [9], [10], 1α2 norm of Du for 0<α1 [11], [12], [13]. And there also exists higher order TV-total generalized variation (TGV) (see Section 2.2) [14], [15], which is more precise in describing intensity variations in smooth regions, and thus reduces oil painting artifacts while still being able to preserve sharp edges like TV does. Except these TV and its variants, there also exists some combination of TV (or TGV) and different waves, for example TV+wavelet [16], TGV+shearlet [17], [18] and so on. The connection between TV (or even TGV) and wavelet frames also has been analyzed in [19].

Although TV regularization can preserve edge information, it does not take full advantage of the similarities in images. More regularizations, for example the sparse regularization based dictionary learning and the low-rank regularization based on similar image patches, have been introduced in [20], [21], [22] and  [23], [24], respectively. In here, we do not recall them in detail.

In this subsection, we delineate the motivation. First, we recall the interpretation of TV from the perspective of compressive sensing [25], [26]. The compressive sensing aims to reconstruct a signal or an image from an underdetermined system of linear equations b=Au, provided that the signal or image is sufficiently sparse or sparse in a transform domain. For instance, an image is mostly sparse after taking the gradient transform. Mathematically, this problem is equal to minimize the 0 norm of the image gradient, i.e., J(u)=Du0. However, such method is NP-hard and thus computationally infeasible in high dimensional settings. Candès et al. [25] replace 0 by a convex relaxation 1, i.e., the 1 norm of Du, which is the TV. They showed that images could be reconstructed via 1 norm through numerical tests.

Now, we show the motivation.

  • (i)

    Low-rank Matrix Completion: Matrix completion has been a valuable but difficult task in image inpainting and recommender systems. Given an image with missing parts or corrupted regions, the goal is to find the missing pixel values while ensuring the completed results visually reasonable. For an image, it is probably of (approximately) low rank structure [27]. Candès et al. [28] first solved the matrix completion problem by approximating the rank with nuclear norm as follows minXXs.t.PΩ(X)=PΩ(M), where PΩ is a projection operator on index set ΩRm×n, i.e., PΩ(X)i,j=Xi,j for (i,j)Ω, and PΩ(X)i,j=0 for (i,j)Rm×nΩ. More works about low-rank matrix completion , readers can refer to an overview [29].

  • (ii)

    Total Nuclear Variation (TNV): For a separable image uRm×n×l, all channels at any point should share a common gradient direction. For example, color images uRm×n×3 using three channels (red, green, blue), share a common gradient direction. Furthermore, having shared directions is equivalent to having a rank-one Jacobian. Therefore Holt [30] thus proposed using nuclear norm in the Jacobian framework, which was called total nuclear variation.

  • (iii)

    Low-rank Prior: The similar image patches have similar underlying structures. Thus the matrix constructed from stacking the similar patches together has low rank. Those successful works in [23], [24] show that the methods based on low rank minimization can capture the underlying multi-scale structure and provide good representation for images.

  • (iv)

    Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA): Some 2D data, has the superposition of a low-rank component and a sparse component, for example video surveillance, face recognition, latent semantic indexing and ranking and collaborative filtering. In [31], [32], the authors proposed a very convenient convex program called robust principal component analysis, to recover both the low-rank component and the sparse component as follows minX,YX+λY1s.t.X+Y=C, where λ>0 is the balancing parameter and C is the observations. More works about RPCA, readers can refer to [33], [34].

  • (v)

    Compressive Phase Retrieval (CPR): In order to solve sparse phase retrieval problem, Ohlsson et al. [35] proposed a model via the lifting technique, which involves a symmetric positive semi-definite, sparse and low-rank matrix X, as follows minXOtr(X)+λX1s.t.A(X)=b, where b is the observations, A:Hn×nHm with H=R or H=, and A(X)j=ajajH,X. This model is called compressive phase retrieval via the lifting (CPRL) in [35]. Since then, compressive Phase Retrieval has been studied by many scholars [36], [37], [38]. And this model has been extended to compressive affine phase retrieval in [39].

Note that gradient matrices Dxu,Dyu of an image u are sparse. And the image u also has (approximately) low rank structure. Motivated by robust principal component analysis and compressive phase retrieval, we conjecture that these gradient matrices also are (approximately) low-rank.

The main contributions of this paper are three folds.

  • (1)

    We consider that the gradient matrices Dxu,Dyu of an image u are not only sparse but also (approximately) low-rank, and verify it by numerical tests (Section 2.1) and theoretical analysis (Section 2.2). In order to characterize the low-rank prior information, we introduce the Nuclear norm Total (Generalized) Variation (NT(G)V) (Section 2.3). And we establish a model-compressive total variation (CTV), which reflects these prior informations of the image (Section 2.4).

  • (2)

    Based on inertial proximal ADMM, we design a concrete algorithm to solve our model (Section 3).

  • (3)

    To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we test many numerical examples, including MRI reconstruction from incomplete data (Section 4.1), denoising from noisy data (Section 4.2), and deblurring from blurring data (Section 4.3). The tests show that proposed CTV method is better than that of classic TV, TGV, Shearlet-TGV, 1α2TV and BM3D methods in testing for piecewise constant images. Our method can not only hold sharper edges but also preserve various image features. And proposed method is comparable to TGV, Shearlet-TGV, and 1α2TV methods in testing for natural images.

Our notation is standard, as used above in this section. The standard inner product is denoted by ,. Let p(0<p) denote the p norm (or quasi-norm) of matrix or vector, i.e., Xp=i,j|Xi,j|p1p or xp=j|xj|p1p. For any matrix XRm×n with rank r, let X=UΣVT=Udiag(σ)VT be the singular value decomposition (SVD) of X, where σσ(X)=(σ1,,σr)T is the singular vector with σ1σ2σr0. We denote Xσ1 as the nuclear norm of the matrix X. The superscript T denotes the matrix/vector transpose operator. And we denote In by n×n identity matrix, O by zero matrix and Sn denotes the set of n×n symmetric matrices. In all of this paper, we use boldfaced letter to denote matrix or vector.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we test the rank of gradient matrices of images and find that gradient transform matrices are not only sparse but also low-rank or approximately/relatively low-rank, and establish a model-compressive total variation (CTV), which reflects these priors of the image. In Section 3, we design a concrete algorithm based inertial proximal ADMM with provable convergence to solve our model. In Section 4, we compare our CTV method with some other existing methods in MRI reconstruction, image denoising and image deblurring. Conclusions and discussions are given in Section 5.

Section snippets

Compressive total variation model

In this section, we establish our model. First, we test the rank of gradient matrices of images to verify that gradient matrices are indeed low-rank (or approximately/relative low-rank).

Numerical algorithm for CTV

In this section, we design a concrete algorithm to solve the CTV model (2.7).

In fact, by splitting Du in the sparse term, Duv,E(v) in the low-rank term and u in the low-rank term, one has minu,v,x,y,z,gλx1+τg+(α1y+α0z)+ρ2Aub22s.t. Dux=0,Duvy=0,E(v)z=0,ug=0. Let ADODIOEIO,BIOOOOIOOOOIOOOOI,wuv,hxyzg,and f(w)=f(u,v)=Aub222 and l(h)=g(x,y,z,g)=λx1+(α1y+α0z)+τg, then optimization problem (3.1) can be rewritten as minw,hf(w)+l(h)s.t. Aw+Bh=0, which is a

Numerical examples of CTV

In this section, we present numerical experiments in compressible images to demonstrate the efficiency of our model (2.7).

We test on both simulated data and real in vivo data. Several sets include incomplete spectral data (DFT): 405 × 405 brain magnetic resonance images, 512 × 512 foot magnetic resonance images; noisy data: 200 × 200 Circles image, 256 × 256 House image; blurring data: 256 × 256 Binary image, 256 × 256 Cameraman image, 256 × 256 Text image, 512 × 512 Lena image. For better

Conclusions and discussion

In this paper, based on the facts that the image u is (approximately) low-rank and the corresponding gradient transform matrices Dxu,Dyu are sparse, we consider that the gradient matrices Dxu and Dyu are not only sparse but also (approximately) low-rank. We verify this conclusion by numerical tests and theoretical analysis. Based on these prior knowledge, we propose the compressive total variation (CTV) model for image processing applications. Our model inherits the superior performance of TGV,

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Peng Li: Resources, Project Administration, Supervision, Funding Acquisition, Conceptualization, Investigation, Validation, Formal Analysis, Methodology, Data Curation, Software, Visualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Wengu Chen: Funding Acquisition, Conceptualization, Writing - review & editing. Michael K. Ng: Funding Acquisition, Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal Analysis, Data Curation, Writing - review & editing.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


The authors thank Professors Raymond Honfu Chan and Jinshan Zeng, and Drs. Chao Zeng and Taixiang Jiang for their help in the preparation of this paper.

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    The first and second authors were supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11871109), NSAF (Grant No.U1830107) and Science Challenge Project (TZ2018001). The third author was partially supported by the HKRGC GRF 12306616, 12200317, 12300218 and 12300519, HKU 104005583.

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