Degenerate Turán densities of sparse hypergraphs rights and content


For fixed integers r>k2,e3, let fr(n,er(e1)k,e) be the maximum number of edges in an r-uniform hypergraph in which the union of any e distinct edges contains at least er(e1)k+1 vertices. A classical result of Brown, Erdős and Sós in 1973 showed that fr(n,er(e1)k,e)=Θ(nk). The degenerate Turán density is defined to be the limit (if it exists)π(r,k,e):=limnfr(n,er(e1)k,e)nk. Extending a recent result of Glock for the special case of r=3,k=2,e=3, we show thatπ(r,2,3):=limnfr(n,3r4,3)n2=1r2r1 for arbitrary fixed r4. For the more general cases r>k3, we manage to show1rkrliminfnfr(n,3r2k,3)nklimsupnfr(n,3r2k,3)nk1k!(rk)k!2, where the gap between the upper and lower bounds are small for rk.

The main difficulties in proving these results are the constructions establishing the lower bounds. The first construction is recursive and purely combinatorial, and is based on a (carefully designed) approximate induced decomposition of the complete graph, whereas the second construction is algebraic, and is proved by a newly defined matrix property which we call strongly 3-perfect hashing.


Turán-type problems have been playing a central role in the field of extremal graph theory since Turán [40] determined in 1941 the Turán number of complete graphs. In this work we focus on a classical hypergraph Turán-type problem introduced by Brown, Erdős and Sós [10] in 1973.

For an integer r2, an r-uniform hypergraph H (or r-graph, for short) on the vertex set V(H), is a family of r-element subsets of V(H), called the edges of H. An r-graph is said to contain a copy of H if it contains H as a subhypergraph. Furthermore, given a family H of r-graphs, an r-graph is said to be H-free if it contains no copy of any member of H. The Turán number exr(n,H), is the maximum number of edges in an H-free r-graph on n vertices. It can be easily shown that the sequence {((nr))1exr(n,H)}n=r is bounded and non-increasing, and therefore converges [28]. Hence, the Turán density π(H) of H is defined to beπ(H):=limnexr(n,H)(nr). If π(H)=0 then H is called degenerate. It is well-known (see, e.g. [13], [29], [31]) that H is degenerate if and only if it contains an r-partite r-graph, where an r-graph is called r-partite if its vertex set admits a partition into r disjoint parts V1,,Vr, such that every edge of it contains exactly one vertex from each vertex part Vi. If H is degenerate and there exists a real number α(0,r) such that exr(n,H)=Θ(nα), then the degenerate Turán density πd(H) of H is defined to be the limit (if it exists)πd(H):=limnexr(n,H)nα, where α is called the Turán exponent1 of H. For example, it is known (see, e.g. [23]) that πd(C4)=limnex2(n,C4)n3/2=12, where C4 is the cycle of length 4.

For a positive integer n let [n]:={1,,n}, and for any X[n] let (Xr) be the family of (|X|r) distinct r-subsets of X. For fixed integers r2,e2,vr+1, let Gr(v,e) be the family of all r-graphs formed by e edges and at most v vertices; that is,Gr(v,e)={H([v]r):|H|=e,|V(H)|v}. Thus an r-graph is Gr(v,e)-free if and only if the union of any e distinct edges contains at least v+1 vertices. Since such r-graphs do not contain many edges (see (1) below), they are also termed sparse hypergraphs [22]. Following previous papers on this topic (see, e.g. [1]) we will use the notationfr(n,v,e):=exr(n,Gr(v,e)) to denote the maximum number of edges in a Gr(v,e)-free r-graph.

In 1973, Brown, Erdős and Sós [10] initiated the study of the function fr(n,v,e), which has attracted considerable attention throughout the years. More concretely, they showed thatΩ(nerve1)=fr(n,v,e)=O(nerve1). The lower bound was proved by a standard probabilistic argument (now known as the alteration method, see, e.g. Chapter 3 of [3]), and the upper bound follows from a double counting argument, which uses the simple fact that in a Gr(v,e)-free r-graph, any set of erve1 vertices can be contained in at most e1 distinct edges. Improvements on (1) for less general parameters were obtained in a series of works, see, e.g. [1], [9], [10], [12], [17], [14], [24], [25], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [38].

In this paper we are interested in the special case where k:=erve1 is an integer greater than one. In such a case the order of fr(n,v,e) is determined by (1), i.e.,fr(n,er(e1)k,e)=Θ(nk), where v=er(e1)k and 2kr1. Thus for fixed integers e2,r>k2, it is natural to ask whether the limitπd(r,k,e):=πd(Gr(er(e1)k,e))=limnfr(n,er(e1)k,e)nk exists, where we call πd(r,k,e) the degenerate Turán density of sparse hypergraphs.

For e=2 this question is already resolved, since an r-graph is Gr(2rk,2)-free if and only if any pair of its edges share at most k1 vertices, therefore fr(n,2rk,2) is equal to the maximum size of an (n,r,k)-packing, where an (n,r,k)-packing is a family of r-subsets of [n] such that any k-subset of [n] is contained in at most one member of this family. Clearly, the largest size of an (n,r,k)-packing cannot exceed (nk)/(rk). Moreover, it was shown by Rödl [33] (see [26], [30] for the current state-of-the-art) that for fixed r,k and sufficiently large n, this bound is essentially tight, up to a 1o(1) factor (where o(1)0 as n). This implies thatπd(r,k,2)=limn(1o(1))(nk)/(rk)nk=1r(rk+1).

For e3 not much is known, and only recently the existence of πd(3,2,3) was resolved. Brown, Erdős and Sós [10] posed the following conjecture (see also [9]).

Conjecture 1 Brown, Erdős and Sós [10]

The degenerate Turán densityπd(3,2,e)=limnf3(n,e+2,e)n2 exists for every fixed e3.

For the first case e=3, they were able to show that 1/6πd(3,2,3)2/9. To the best of our knowledge, for more than forty years no significant improvement was made until recently Glock [25] closed the gap by showing thatπd(3,2,3)=limnf3(n,5,3)n2=15.

In this paper we continue this line of research, and in the spirit of (2) and Conjecture 1 we consider the following question.

Question 2

For fixed integers r>k2,e3, does the limitπd(r,k,e)=limnfr(n,er(e1)k,e)nk exist? If so, what is the value of πd(r,k,e)?

In general this question is widely open. The authors of [10] who established (2) did not try to optimize the coefficient of nk, however a careful analysis of their lower bound yields to(er(e1)k)!2(er(e1)kr)((er(e1)kr)e)(r!)ee1πd(r,k,e)e1r(rk+1), where the upper bound follows from the observation that any k-subset of [n] is contained in at most e1 edges of a Gr(er(e1)k,e)-free r-graph, implying that fr(n,er(e1)k,e)(e1)((nk)/(rk)). Note that (4) states in fact lower and upper bounds on liminfnfr(n,er(e1)k,e)nk and limsupnfr(n,er(e1)k,e)nk respectively, since it is not known whether πd(r,k,e) exists. However, to simplify the notations we keep (4) in its current form, and in the sequel we will frequently use abbreviations of this type.

Our main results are introduced in the next two subsections, and they include the determination of πd(r,2,3) for any fixed r4, and new lower and upper bounds for πd(r,k,3) for any fixed r>k3.

Notations. We use standard asymptotic notations Ω(),Θ(),O() and o() as n, where for functions f=f(n) and g=g(n), we write f=O(g) if there is a constant c1 such that |f|c1|g|; we write f=Ω(g) if there is a constant c2 such that |f|c2|g|; we write f=Θ(g) if f=O(g) and f=Ω(g) hold simultaneously; finally, we write f=o(g) if limn(f/g)=0.

In an (n,r,2)-packing, any member of ([n]2) is contained in at most one member of ([n]r), therefore one can easily verify that such a packing is also Gr(3r4,3)-free. This implies that for all fixed r4 the result of Rödl [33], written in the above notation, isπd(r,2,3)1r2r. We will give a tighter bound than (5) by showing that approximately, a (1r2r1)-fraction of the 2-subsets in [n] can be contained in two r-subsets, while the resulting hypergraph still has the Gr(3r4,3)-free property (see Remark 19). As a consequence, we obtain the following improvement on the above lower bound.

Theorem 3

For any fixed integer r4,π(r,2,3)=limnfr(n,3r4,3)n2=1r2r1.

Note that Theorem 3 extends (3) from r=3 to arbitrary fixed r4. To prove this theorem it suffices to show that limsupnfr(n,3r4,3)n21r2r1 and liminfnfr(n,3r4,3)n21r2r1. The upper bound is a special case of the upper bound stated in Theorem 6 below, which will be discussed later. The main difficulty in proving Theorem 3 is the construction which establishes the lower bound. In what follows we briefly review the main ideas behind it.

Generally speaking, the lower bound is obtained by a recursive construction (recursion on the uniformity r) and a carefully designed approximate induced decomposition of Kn, the complete graph on n vertices. Given a finite graph G, a G-packing in Kn is simply a family of edge disjoint copies of G in Kn. We will make use of the following lemma, which was proved to be very useful in many other combinatorial constructions (see, e.g. [2], [4], [19], [21], [25]).

Lemma 4 Graph packing lemma, see Theorem 2.2 [19] or Theorem 3.2 [5]

Let G be any fixed graph with e edges and ϵ>0 be any small constant. Then there is an integer n0 such that for any n>n0, there exists a G-packing G={G1,,Gl} in Kn withl(1ϵ)n22e edge disjoint copies of G such that

  • (i)

    any two distinct copies of G share at most two vertices, i.e., |V(Gi)V(Gj)|2 for any 1ijl;

  • (ii)

    if two distinct copies Gi,Gj share two vertices a,b, then {a,b} is neither an edge of Gi, nor Gj.

A G-packing satisfying (ii) is called an induced G-packing (see, e.g. [19]). Note that a weaker version of the above lemma, which only considered the existence of a large G-packing, regardless of the additional properties (i) and (ii), was used in [25] (see Theorem 5 of [25]) to prove the lower bound of (3). It is easy to see that Lemma 4 is near-optimal in the sense that the maximum size of any G-packing in Kn cannot exceed (n2)/e.

We call the graph G in Lemma 4 the component graph, as it forms the basic component in the approximate decomposition. Following Theorem 3 it is natural to call a Gr(3r4,3)-free r-graph H([n]r) optimal if it has roughly (1r2r1+o(1))n2 edges as n.

The following construction summarizes the main steps taken to prove the lower bound in Theorem 3.

Construction 5

Given H, an optimal Gr(3r4,3)-free r-graph, we construct an optimal Gr+1(3(r+1)4,3)-free (r+1)-graph by performing the following three steps.

  • (1)

    By applying Lemma 4 with a carefully designed component graph Gt (see Subsection 4.1), we approximately decompose the complete graph Kn to l=(1ϵ)n2/2|Gt| edge disjoint copies of Gt, say, Gt1,Gt2,,Gtl;

  • (2)

    For 1il, by embedding in V(Gti) many copies of H in a suitable way (see Subsection 4.2) we get an (r+1)-graph Gti(H) (see Lemma 16);

  • (3)

    Output the (r+1)-graph F:=i=1lGti(H), the edge disjoint union of the Gti(H)'s (see Subsection 4.3).

The base case, i.e., the optimal Gr(3r4,3)-free r-graph for r=3 was given by Glock [25]. Then, by applying Construction 5 iteratively, one can construct optimal Gr(3r4,3)-free r-graphs for all r3. The reader is referred to Section 4 for more details.

In the beginning of the last subsection it was mentioned that an (n,r,2)-packing is also a Gr(3r4,3)-free r-graph. However, this is not true in general, namely for r>k3, an (n,r,k)-packing is not necessarily a Gr(3r2k,3)-free r-graph, as 3(k1)<2k if and only if k<3.

Our next result provides new lower and upper bounds for π(r,k,3) for any fixed r>k2.

Theorem 6

For any fixed integers r>k2,1rkrliminfnfr(n,3r2k,3)nklimsupnfr(n,3r2k,3)nk1k!(rk)k!2.

One can easily check that for r much larger than k the gap between the lower and upper bounds in Theorem 6 is quite small. For example, let r=k!2 and k be sufficiently large, then the two bounds almost match, as rkk!(rk). On the contrary, if r is approximately k, the lower bound becomes even weaker than that of (4). We omit the detailed computation.

The upper bound in Theorem 6, which includes that of Theorem 3 as a special case, follows from a weighted counting argument, and is presented in Section 3. The lower bound is proved by an algebraic construction, which relies on a new matrix property called strongly 3-perfect hashing, which is introduced below in Definition 20. The following lemma shows that in order to construct a Gr(3r2k,3)-free r-graph it is sufficient to construct a matrix with this property.

Lemma 7

Let r>k2,andq be integers. If M is a strongly 3-perfect hashing q-ary matrix of order r×qk, then it induces a Gr(3r2k,3)-free r-partite r-graph HM over n=rq vertices and qk edges, where the vertices can be partitioned to r disjoint parts V1,,Vr of size q each.

The proof of Lemma 7 is given in Subsection 5.1. Indeed, the multipartite r-graph constructed using Lemma 7 is optimal up to a constant, in the sense that it is easy to verify by the pigeonhole principle that any Gr(3r2k,3)-free r-partite r-graph, which has equal part size q, can have at most 2qk edges.

The next construction outlines the main ingredients in proving the lower bound of Theorem 6.

Construction 8 Construction proving the lower bound of Theorem 6

By induction we assume that fr(n,3r2k,3)nkrkrank1 holds for every integer less than n, where a=a(r,k) is some constant not depending on n, and we prove the statement for n.

  • (1)

    For fixed r,k, let q be the largest prime power satisfying rqn. By using the algebraic construction given in Subsections 5.2 and 5.3 we obtain an r×qk q-ary strongly 3-perfect hashing matrix M, which by Lemma 7 induces an r-partite r-graph HM over r vertex parts V1,,Vr;

  • (2)

    By the induction hypothesis construct on each vertex part Vi a Gr(3r2k,3)-free r-graph Hi with at least qkrkraqk1 edges;

  • (3)

    Output the r-graph F:=(i=1rHi)HM, whose edges are the disjoint union of the edges of Hi,1ir and HM.

The r-graph F has rq vertices and at leastqk+r(qkrkraqk1)=(rq)krkrarqk1 edges. In order to complete the induction step it remains to show that F is Gr(3r2k,3)-free, and that the number of its edges is at least nkrkrank1. The detailed proof is given in Section 5.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we briefly introduce two combinatorial problems which are closely related to the study of πd(r,k,e). In Section 3 we present the proof of the upper bound stated in Theorem 6. In Sections 4 and 5 we present the proofs of the lower bounds stated in Theorem 3, Theorem 6, respectively.

Section snippets

The order of fr(n,er(e1)k+1,e)

In Question 2 we asked whether fr(n,er(e1)k,e)/nk converges as n tends to infinity. In a similar setting, Brown, Erdős and Sós [10] and Alon and Shapira [1] posed the following conjecture.

Conjecture 9

see, e.g. [10], [1]

For fixed integers r>k2,e3, it holds thatnko(1)<fr(n,er(e1)k+1,e)=o(nk) as n.

Note that by (1),Ω(nk1e)<fr(n,er(e1)k+1,e)=O(nk).

Conjecture 9 plays an important role in extremal graph theory. The first case of the conjecture, namely the determination of the order of f3(n,6,3), was only resolved by

Proof of Theorem 6, the upper bound

To prove the upper bound in Theorem 6, we need the following technical lemma. Let H([n]r) be an r-graph and T[n] be a subset. The codegree of T in H, degH(T), is the number of edges in H which contain T as a subset, i.e., degH(T)=|{AH:TA}|.

Lemma 12

An r-graph H can be made to have no (k1)-subset of codegree one by deleting at most (nk1) of its edges.


Successively remove the edges of H which contain at least one (k1)-subset of codegree one. Let Ai be the i-th removed edge of H, and Ti be some (k

Proof of Theorem 3

In this section we prove Theorem 3. By plugging k=2 in the upper bound of Theorem 6 we get that limsupnfr(n,3r4,3)n21r2r1, hence it remains to prove the other direction, i.e., liminfnfr(n,3r4,3)n21r2r1.

From strongly perfect hashing matrices to sparse hypergraphs

In this subsection we define the notion of a strongly 3-perfect hashing matrix, and show that any such matrix gives rise to a sparse hypergraph with relatively many edges (see Lemma 7).

We begin with some notations. Let M be an r×m matrix over Q, an alphabet of size q, and for 1jm letcj=(c1,j,,cr,j)TQr, be the j-th column of M. We say that the i-th row of M separates a subset of columns T, if the entries of row i restricted to columns in T are all distinct, i.e., {ci,j:cjT} is a set of |T|


To the memory of Kobe Bryant, whose spirit inspires us. Thanks to Xin Wang and Xiangliang Kong for reading an early version of this manuscript, and for many helpful discussions. Thanks to an anonymous reviewer for his/her careful reading and constructive comments that helped us to improve this paper. Lastly, the research of C. Shangguan and I. Tamo was supported by ISF grant No. 1030/15 and NSF-BSF grant No. 2015814.

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