Planning two or more level constant-stress accelerated life tests with competing risks rights and content


  • ALT with two- or more-level constant-stress under competing risks is studied.

  • The optimal stress levels under D/A/variance-optimality criteria are derived.

  • The optimal sample allocations at each stress level under D/A/variance-optimality are obtained.

  • Progressive type II censoring is used to collect life data from the exponential distribution.


In this article, we investigate the optimization problem when the competing risks data come from a progressive type II censoring in an accelerated life test with multiple levels of constant stress. The failure times of the individual causes are assumed to be independent and exponentially distributed with different parameters. We propose three criteria related to the Fisher's information matrix to determine the optimal stress level as well as the optimal sample allocation at each stress level. A real data set is studied to illustrate the application of the proposed criteria.


In reliability analysis, censoring is usually applied to collect lifetime data. Type I censoring and type II censoring are the most two common schemes in the life tests. However, in these two schemes, no test units are allowed to be removed from the tests at the points other than the final termination point. Because of this reason, progressive censoring is arisen to achieve this objective. In addition, it is easy to see that complete sample and type II censoring are two special cases of progressive type II censoring. Therefore, the study on progressive censoring has grown very fast in the last decade. An account on progressive censoring can be found in the monograph by Balakrishnan and Aggarwala [2] and Balakrishnan and Cramer [3], or in the review article by Balakrishnan [1].

With the development of technology, the products with high reliability usually can work for a long time. For the highly reliable products, there are very few test units can be observed their lifetimes at use condition. Therefore, some techniques were developed to yield failures quickly. The usual way is to test the products at high stress conditions. This is known as accelerated life test (ALT). The purpose of such test is to quickly obtain lifetime data which, properly modeled and analyzed, yield desired information on product performance at use condition.

The stress loading in an ALT can be applied in various ways. They include constant stress, step stress, progressive stress, and random stress. Nelson [22, Chapter 1] discussed their advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, we only consider the case of constant stress because constant stress is the most common and simply used in the life test. In a multiple-level constant-stress ALT, each unit is run at a constant stress level. Suppose that we have a total of N units available for the life test at L stress levels. We assign nl units for testing at the l-th stress level with l=1Lnl=N. The test is run till the termination time point.

Now, let us consider an important issue which is called competing risks or multiple modes of failure. A product usually consists of a variety of the components, and it may fail due to one of several causes. In many applications, product lifetime is defined to be the earliest occurrence among all these risks. Nelson [22, Chapter 7] enumerated engineering situations when a product fails because of two or more risks. Ignoring the information on causes of failure may result in improper inference in reliability analysis. Thus, the competing risks data consist of the failure time and an indicator variable denoting the specific cause of failure of the product. Cox [5] proposed the latent failure model to analyze the data with competing risks. It is usually assumed that these competing risks are independent. Although the assumption of dependence may be more realistic, there are some identifiability issues in the underlying model. Kalbfleisch and Prentice [15] and Crowder [6] pointed out that, without the information of the covariates, it is not possible using data to test the assumption of independence of failure times. To avoid the problem of model identifiability, we adopt the latent failure time model and assume the competing risks are independent.

In the literature, a significant amount of work has been done on planning the ALT for single cause of failure, such as Ng et al. [23], Wu et al. [29], Watkins and John [28], Liu and Tang [17], Ka et al. [14], Hu et al. [13], Fan and Yu [7], Haghighi [10] Zhang and Liao [31], Guan et al. [8], Xu and Tang [30], and Hamada [11]. Most of them are to determine the best choice of the proportion of the units assigned to each stress level based on different criteria. For the ALT with multiple failure modes, Pascual [25] studied ALT planning under independent Weibull competing risks. Suzuki et al. [27] investigated the optimum specimen sizes and sample allocation by achieving the most precise estimation of the Weibull shape parameter for two competing risks. Liu and Qiu [19] presented a method for planning multiple step-stress ALT with independent competing risks. Zhu and Elsayed [32] studied the problem of planning the optimal ALT by minimizing the asymptotic variance of the mean time of the first failure under progressive censoring. Liu and Tang [18] proposed a Bayesian approach to planning an accelerated life test for repairable systems with independent failure modes. Liu [16] obtained the c-optimal test plans by minimizing the large-sample approximate variance of the maximum likelihood estimator of a certain life quantile at use condition when an ALT with multiple dependent failure modes. Balakrishnan et al. [4] provided an EM algorithm for the estimation of the model parameters when data come from a one-shot device testing analysis under an accelerated life test with competing risks. Han and Kundu [12] studied statistical inference for a step-stress model with competing risks under type-I censoring when the different risk factors have independent generalized exponential failure time distribution. Luo et al. [20] developed a testing methodology based on the reliability target allocation for reliability demonstration under competing failure modes at accelerated conditions.

In this paper, we investigate the issue of determining the optimal stress levels for two or more level constant-stress ALTs under progressive type II censoring with competing risks. Sample allocations and number of observed failures under the determined constant-stress levels are also decided. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Model and assumptions are provided in Section 2. The inference of the maximum likelihood method is derived in Section 3. Three optimization criteria are proposed and the approaches to get the optimal stress levels are investigated in Section 4. The optimal sample allocations are also discussed. An illustrated example is studied to demonstrate the proposed methods in Section 5. Some conclusions and discussions are made in Section 6.

Section snippets

Model and assumptions

Consider a constant-stress ALT with L stress levels, and let yl be the stress level of the l-th level, l=1,2,,L. Each unit is run at a constant stress level. Suppose that, at stress level yl, a test unit may fail in J different modes. We further assume that, at the l-th stress level, the latent failure times are exponentially distributed with different parameters θjl>0, j=1,2,,J and l=1,2,,L. That is, the probability density function of the failure time of the i-th unit due to risk j at the l

Likelihood inference and information matrix

In this section, we derive the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the parameters in the multiple-level constant-stress ALT under progressive type II censoring with competing risks. Based on the model and assumptions described in Section 2, the likelihood function can be written asL=l=1Li=1ml{j=1JθjlIijl}exp{θ+l[xil(ril+1)]},where Iijl=1 if δil=j and zero elsewhere.

Since log(1/θjl)=β0j+β1jsl, we have θjl=eβ0jβ1jsl and θ+l=j=1Jeβ0jβ1jsl. Hence, θjl/β0j=θ+l/β0j=θjl and θjl/β1j=

Optimal stress level and sample allocation

The main purpose of this paper is to study the choice of stress level sl in a multiple-level constant-stress ALT under progressive type II censoring with competing risks. In this section, we propose three criteria based on the Fisher's information matrix and investigate the problem of choosing the optimal stress levels. These optimal criteria have been discussed previously, for example, by Silvey [26]. For simplicity of discussion, we only consider the case L=2 stress levels (s1,s2) in the life

Illustrative example

In this section, we study an example to illustrate the use of the proposed method. Nelson [22, p.393] presented the data set which are times to failure of the Class-H insulation system in motors. The design temperature is 180°C. The insulation systems are tested at high temperatures of 190°C, 220°C, 240°C, and 260°C. There are three causes of failure, the Turn, Phase and Ground. We reasonably assume that the causes of failure act independently because they occur on a separate part of the

Conclusions and discussions

In this article, we propose three criteria to determine the stress level for the constant-stress ALT with competing risks data under progressive type II censoring. We use maximum likelihood method to estimate the model parameters, and derive the Fisher's information matrix. Three theorems are provided to decide the optimal stress level under different criteria. For D-optimality, the optimal stress level may be at boundary or the solution to an equation according to the values of model


The authors wish to thank the Associate Editor and referees for valuable suggestions which led to the improvement of this paper. The work of this paper is partially supported by the National Science Council of ROC grant NSC 102-2118-M-032-005-MY2 and the Ministry of Science and Technology of ROC grant MOST 103-2811-M-032-010.

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