Experimental Results of Implementing High-Speed and Parallel TCP Variants for Long Fat Networks

Zongsheng ZHANG
Masayuki MURATA

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications   Vol.E89-B    No.3    pp.775-783
Publication Date: 2006/03/01
Online ISSN: 1745-1345
DOI: 10.1093/ietcom/e89-b.3.775
Print ISSN: 0916-8516
Type of Manuscript: PAPER
Category: Internet
implementation,  gentle HighSpeed TCP,  throughput,  fairness,  

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As computer hardware components are achieving greater speeds, network link bandwidths are becoming wider. A number of enhancements to TCP have been developed in order to fully exploit these improvements in network infrastructures, including TCP window scale option, SACK option, and HighSpeed TCP (HSTCP) modifications. However, even with these enhancements, TCP cannot provide satisfactory performance in high-speed long-delay networks. As a means addressing this problem, gentle HighSpeed TCP (gHSTCP) has been proposed in [1]. However, its effectiveness has only been demonstrated in simulation experiments. In the present paper, a refined gHSTCP algorithm is proposed for application to real networks. The performance of the refined gHSTCP algorithm is then assessed experimentally. The refined gHSTCP algorithm is based on the original algorithm, which uses two modes (Reno mode and HSTCP mode) in the congestion avoidance phase and switches modes based on RTT increasing trends. The refined gHSTCP algorithm compares two RTT thresholds and judges which mode will be used. The performance of gHSTCP is compared with TCP Reno/HSTCP and parallel TCP mechanisms. The experimental results demonstrate that gHSTCP can provide a better tradeoff in terms of utilization and fairness against co-existing traditional TCP Reno connections, whereas HSTCP and parallel TCP suffer from the trade-off problem.