Decorative Character Recognition by Graph Matching

Shinichiro OMACHI
Shunichi MEGAWA
Hirotomo ASO

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   Vol.E90-D    No.10    pp.1720-1723
Publication Date: 2007/10/01
Online ISSN: 1745-1361
DOI: 10.1093/ietisy/e90-d.10.1720
Print ISSN: 0916-8532
Type of Manuscript: LETTER
Category: Image Recognition, Computer Vision
character recognition,  decorative character,  graph matching,  

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A practical optical character reader is required to deal with not only common fonts but also complex designed fonts. However, recognizing various kinds of decorative character images is still a challenging problem in the field of document image analysis. Since appearances of such decorative characters are complicated, most general character recognition systems cannot give good performances on decorative characters. In this paper, an algorithm that recognizes decorative characters by structural analysis using a graph-matching technique is proposed. Character structure is extracted by using topographical features of multi-scale images, and the extracted structure is represented by a graph. A character image is recognized by matching graphs of the input and standard patterns. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

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