Optimal Server Replication Schemes to Reduce Location Management Cost in Cellular Network

Sung-Hwa LIM
Jai-Hoon KIM

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications   Vol.E89-B    No.10    pp.2841-2849
Publication Date: 2006/10/01
Online ISSN: 1745-1345
DOI: 10.1093/ietcom/e89-b.10.2841
Print ISSN: 0916-8516
Type of Manuscript: PAPER
Category: Network
mobile computing,  wireless cellular network,  replication,  location management,  

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The default server strategy is commonly used to manage the location and state of mobile hosts in cellular networks. With this strategy, connections can be established after the client obtains the location information of the mobile host by querying the default server. Unfortunately, the communication cost increases if the query requests are frequent and the distance between the default server and the client is long. Still more, no connection to a mobile host can be established when the default server of the destination mobile host fails. These problems can be solved by replicating the default servers and by letting the nearest replicated default server process the query request which is sent from a client [9]. It is important to allocate replicated default servers efficiently in networks and determine the number of replicated default servers. In this paper, we suggest and evaluate a default server replication strategy to reduce communication costs and to improve service availabilities. We consider optimal replication degree as well as location for replicating the default servers in n-grid and tree networks.