IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
Broadcasting with Randomized Network Coding in Dense Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
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2008 Volume E91.B Issue 10 Pages 3216-3225


In this paper, we consider the broadcast storm problem in dense wireless ad hoc networks where interference among densely populated wireless nodes causes significant packet loss. To resolve the problem, we apply randomized network coding (RNC) to the networks. RNC is a completely different approach from existing techniques to resolve the problem, and it reduces the number of outstanding packets in the networks by encoding several packets into a single packet. RNC is a kind of linear network coding, and it is suited to wireless ad hoc networks because it can be implemented in a completely distributed manner. We describe a procedure for implementing the wireless ad hoc broadcasting with RNC. Further, with several simulation scenarios, we provide some insights on the relationship between the system parameters and performance and find that there is the optimal length of coding vectors for RNC in terms of packet loss probability. We also show a guideline for the parameter setting to resolve the broadcast storm problem successfully.

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© 2008 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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