Codebook-Based Pseudo-Impostor Data Generation and Template Compression for Text-Dependent Speaker Verification

Tomonari KAKINO

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems   Vol.E90-D    No.9    pp.1414-1421
Publication Date: 2007/09/01
Online ISSN: 1745-1361
DOI: 10.1093/ietisy/e90-d.9.1414
Print ISSN: 0916-8532
Type of Manuscript: PAPER
Category: Speech and Hearing
text-dependent speaker verification,  DTW,  normalization,  frame-level nonlinearity,  template compression,  

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DTW-based text-dependent speaker verification technology is an effective scheme for protecting personal information in personal electronic products from others. To enhance the performance of a DTW-based system, an impostor database covering all possible passwords is generally required for the matching scores normalization. However, it becomes impossible in our practical application scenario since users are not restricted in their choice of password. We propose a method to generate pseudo-impostor data by employing an acoustic codebook. Based on the pseudo-impostor data, two normalization algorithms are developed. Besides, a template compression approach based on the codebook is introduced. Some modifications to the conventional DTW global constraints are also made for the compressed template. Combining the normalization and template compression methods, we obtain more than 66% and 35% relative reduction in storage and EER, respectively. We expect that other DTW-based tasks may also benefit from our methods.

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