Flow manufacturing – necessity, benefits, and implementation: a case study
In this case study, flow manufacturing implementation at Acme International, a toilet bowl and seat manufacturer, is described. Flow manufacturing, is a pull‐driven strategy; its main principle is that daily production rate can be synchronized with demand. Thus, customer service is improved while costs are reduced through improved quality, minimum or zero inventory, and elimination of non‐productive time by rearranging equipment and personnel. In the case of Acme, the lead time was reduced by 68 percent while at the same time the defect rate was reduced by 62.5 percent.
Motwani, J. and Mohamed, Z.M. (2002), "Flow manufacturing – necessity, benefits, and implementation: a case study", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 102 No. 2, pp. 73-79. https://doi.org/10.1108/02635570210419618
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