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A scenario, goal and feature‐oriented domain analysis approach for developing software product lines

Sooyong Park (Professor, Department of Computer Science, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea)
Minseong Kim (PhD Candidate, Department of Computer Science, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea)
Vijayan Sugumaran (Associate Professor, Department of Decision and Information Sciences, School of Business Administration, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA)

Industrial Management & Data Systems

ISSN: 0263-5577

Article publication date: 1 May 2004



A software product line (SPL) captures commonalities and variations (C&V) within a family of systems. Although, feature‐oriented approaches have been proposed for building product lines, none of them provide a systematic approach for identifying features. This paper proposes a domain analysis method for creating SPL based on scenarios, goals and features. In particular, the paper presents a domain requirements model (DRM) that integrates features with goals and scenarios, and a domain requirements modeling method that uses the DRM. This approach has been applied to the home integration system (HIS) domain to demonstrate its feasibility. This approach makes it possible to systematically identify features and provide the rationale for both features and C&V.



Park, S., Kim, M. and Sugumaran, V. (2004), "A scenario, goal and feature‐oriented domain analysis approach for developing software product lines", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 104 No. 4, pp. 296-308.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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