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Electronic journals: managing and educating for a changing culture in academic libraries

Linda Ashcroft, Stephanie McIvor

Online Information Review

ISSN: 1468-4527

Article publication date: 1 December 2001



With the requisite IT infrastructure now becoming commonplace in academic institutions, electronic journals are becoming an established component of academic life, but the management of electronic journals can not yet be considered trouble‐free. This latest research project at Liverpool John Moores University focuses on the evaluation and promotion of electronic journals in academic libraries in the UK and in North America. The aim is to highlight any significant differences in the way that electronic journals are managed and to identify successes in order to establish “best practice”. Several issues emerge from the research. For electronic journals to become a significant alternative to the print version, there needs to be a recognition that the introduction of electronic journals will impact on working practices and staffing requirements, requiring more technical skills and competencies and changes in management priorities. Furthermore, electronic journals are still a “moving target”, making realignment even more difficult and posing awkward questions for decision makers as to the best way forward. The whole process of electronic journal development requires effective management of change. Interoperability would seem to provide the key to many of the issues involved. All of these factors influence the changing arena of LIS education.



Ashcroft, L. and McIvor, S. (2001), "Electronic journals: managing and educating for a changing culture in academic libraries", Online Information Review, Vol. 25 No. 6, pp. 378-388.




Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited

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