Appraisal of CNC machine tool by integrated MULTI-MOORA-IVGN circumferences: An empirical study
The primitive purpose of this manuscript is to develop an effective and efficient computer numerical control (CNC) machine tool evaluation index from the perspective of appraisal and benchmarking of preferred candidate machine tool in subjective information scenario. In this reporting, manager has been facilitated from the decision making tool and methodology in order to evaluate the best one and benchmarking the preferred candidate alternative machine tool under the subjective criterion circumstances.
A MULTI-MOORA (multi-objective optimization by ratio analysis) methodology conjunction with grey number has fruitfully applied in evaluated subjective information against criterion module plate form from the prospectus of handling the vagueness, inconsistency, impreciseness and in order to appraisal and benchmarking of the candidate CNC machine tool alternatives.
In today scenario, the subjective evaluation criterion has even ran over the CNC machine tool evaluation module (index) except other valuable area on account of an abatement of consistent data. The authors found out the subjective information is even necessary/mandatory to handling and tackle such an inconsistent, vagueness, impreciseness which associated uncertain criterion. So, the authors found out that the application of grey number conjunction with MULTI-MOORA decision methodology from the prospectus of appraisal and benchmarking of preferred candidate alternatives machine tool.
The major contribution of this manuscript to exploration of grey number set conjunction with MULTI-MOORA methodology toward appraisal and benchmarking of preferred CNC candidate machine tool alternative, handled and tackled the evaluated subjective information from expert panel against subjective criterion environment, facilitates the multi-criterion decision making (MCDM) module from the prospectus of best one and ranking order the candidate machine tool alternative under the similar subjective criterion circumstances.
Kumar Sahu, A., Kumar Sahu, N. and Kumar Sahu, A. (2014), "Appraisal of CNC machine tool by integrated MULTI-MOORA-IVGN circumferences: An empirical study", Grey Systems: Theory and Application, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 104-123.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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