This paper explores aspects of trust in cloud-based services, primarily social media. Drawing on a range of disciplines, including aspects of network theory, organization...Show MoreMetadata
This paper explores aspects of trust in cloud-based services, primarily social media. Drawing on a range of disciplines, including aspects of network theory, organization theory, behavioral theory, technology use, and user risk, it identifies critical contextual elements that contribute to user trust in content in less formal environments. At the same time it examines the changing nature of the cloud-based social media services over time. The elements are illustrated in reference to fan fiction communities which rely on a variety of cloud-based applications and community norms for contributions and discussion. While the elements studied unquestionably influence user's trust in cloud-based services, the relationships are not direct and the significance of any one element varies over time in relation to the others. Furthermore, while perceived ease of use, such as proposed in the Technology Assessment Model, is a significant factor in trusting cloud-based services, broader social contexts, such as the norms of on-line communities, may be even more influential.
Published in: 2015 Digital Heritage
Date of Conference: 28 September 2015 - 02 October 2015
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 25 February 2016
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