Skin lesion segmentation is a fundamental procedure in computer-aided melanoma diagnosis. However, due to the diverse shape, variable size, blurry boundary, and noise int...Show MoreMetadata
Skin lesion segmentation is a fundamental procedure in computer-aided melanoma diagnosis. However, due to the diverse shape, variable size, blurry boundary, and noise interference of lesion regions, existing methods may struggle with the challenge of inconsistency within classes and indiscrimination between classes. In view of this, we propose a novel method to learn and model inter-pixel correlations from both global and local aspects, which can increase inter-class variances and intra-class similarities. Specifically, under the encoder-decoder architecture, we first design a pyramid transformer inter-pixel correlations (PTIC) module, aiming at capturing the non-local context information of different levels and further exploring the global pixel-level relationship to deal with the large variance of shape and size. Further, we devise a local neighborhood metric learning (LNML) module to strengthen the local semantic correlations learning capability and increase the separability between classes in the feature space. These two modules can complementarily strengthen the feature representation capability via exploiting the inter-pixel semantic correlations, thus further improving intra-class consistency and inter-class variance. Comprehensive experiments are performed on public skin lesion segmentation datasets: ISIC 2018, ISIC2016, and PH2, and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves better segmentation performance than other state-of-the-art methods.
Published in: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics ( Volume: 27, Issue: 1, January 2023)