Markov models represent a wide and general family of stochastic models for the temporal and spatial dependence properties associated to 1-D and multidimensional random se...Show MoreMetadata
Markov models represent a wide and general family of stochastic models for the temporal and spatial dependence properties associated to 1-D and multidimensional random sequences or random fields. Their applications range over a wide variety of subareas of the information and communication technology (ICT) field, including networking, automation, speech processing, genomic-sequence analysis, or image processing. Focusing on the applicative problem of land-cover mapping from very-high-resolution (VHR) remote sensing images, which is a relevant problem in many applications of environmental monitoring and natural resource exploitation, Markov models convey a great potential, thanks to their capability to effectively describe and incorporate the spatial information associated with image data into an image-classification process. In this framework, the main ideas and previous work about Markov modeling for VHR image classification will be recalled in this paper and processing results obtained through recent methods proposed by the authors will be discussed.
Published in: Proceedings of the IEEE ( Volume: 101, Issue: 3, March 2013)