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At the IEEE Communications Society's Operations Committee meeting [The President's Page] | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore

At the IEEE Communications Society's Operations Committee meeting [The President's Page]


This year ComSoc's Management Retreat was collocated with the Operations Committee (OpCom) meeting and the two events were held in Newark, New Jersey during 17-18 March 2...Show More


This year ComSoc's Management Retreat was collocated with the Operations Committee (OpCom) meeting and the two events were held in Newark, New Jersey during 17-18 March 2013. The purpose of the OpCom, a subset of the Board of Governors (BoG), is to manage the affairs of the Society between formal and special BoG meetings. Operating plans for the year were presented by Society Officers, and as a result several action items were arrived at. Actions of the OpCom must be ratified by the full BoG, which is scheduled to meet 11-12 June 2013 during ICC. After this meeting I will be in a position to report the action items to you.
Published in: IEEE Communications Magazine ( Volume: 51, Issue: 5, May 2013)
Page(s): 6 - 6
Date of Publication: 13 May 2013

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