Delay/disruption tolerant networking (DTN) was proposed as a networking architecture for reliable data delivery despite an extremely long propagation delay and frequent/l...Show MoreMetadata
Delay/disruption tolerant networking (DTN) was proposed as a networking architecture for reliable data delivery despite an extremely long propagation delay and frequent/lengthy link disruptions. The challenging problem of mission control and data delivery in deep-space explorations is a typical application scenario of the DTN technology. Reliable data delivery of DTN relies heavily on its core bundle protocol (BP). Performance evaluation and improvement of BP for deep-space communications are presently underway. The setting of the retransmission time-out (RTO) timer of BP is critical for reliable and highly efficient file transfer in a deep-space communication environment. In this paper, we present analytical modeling of an optimal RTO timer interval for the best goodput performance of BP in deep-space communications characterized by a very long signal propagation delay and lossy data links. A model is developed to compute the RTO timer interval that will result in the best goodput performance of BP normalized with respect to the total data load transmitted in order to achieve successful delivery of an entire file. Experimental validation using a PC-based testbed indicates that the RTO timer interval indicated by the model achieves the best normalized goodput performance of BP. The model predicts performance in all the experimented scenarios.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ( Volume: 54, Issue: 5, October 2018)