Embryo vitrification is a fundamental technology utilized in assisted reproduction and fertility preservation. Vitrification involves sequential loading and unloading of ...Show MoreMetadata
Embryo vitrification is a fundamental technology utilized in assisted reproduction and fertility preservation. Vitrification involves sequential loading and unloading of cryoprotectants (CPAs) with strict time control, and transferring the embryo in a minimum CPA droplet to the vitrification straw. However, manual operation still cannot effectively avoid embryo loss, and the existing automatic vitrification systems have insufficient system reliability, and operate differently from clinical vitrification protocol. Through collaboration with in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics, we are in the process realizing a robotic system that can automatically conduct the embryo vitrification process, including the pretreatment with CPAs, transfer of embryo to the vitrification straw, and cryopreservation with liquid nitrogen (\rm LN_{2}). An open microfluidic chip (OMC) was designed to accommodate the embryo during the automatic CPAs pretreatment process. The design of two chambers connected by a capillary gap facilitated solution exchange around the embryo, and simultaneously reduced the risk of embryo loss in the flow field. In accordance to the well-accepted procedure and medical devices in manual operation, we designed the entire vitrification protocol, as well as the robotic prototype. In a practical experiment using mouse embryos, our robotic system showed a 100\% success rate in transferring and vitrifying the embryos, achieved comparable embryo survival rates (90.9\% versus 94.4\%) and development rates (90.0\% versus 94.1\%), when compared with the manual group conducted by the senior embryologist. With this study, we aim to facilitate the standardization of clinical vitrification from manual operation to a more efficient and reliable automated process.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering ( Volume: 69, Issue: 12, December 2022)