The ongoing scaling of semiconductor technology is causing severe increase of on-chip power density and temperature in microprocessors. This urgently requires both power ...Show MoreMetadata
The ongoing scaling of semiconductor technology is causing severe increase of on-chip power density and temperature in microprocessors. This urgently requires both power and thermal management during system design. In this paper, we propose a model checking-based technique using extended timed automata to solve the processor frequency assignment problem in a temperature and energy-constrained multitasking system. We also develop a polynomial time-approximation algorithm to address the state-space explosion problem caused by symbolic model checker. Our approximation scheme is guaranteed to not generate any false-positive answer, while it may return false-negative answer in rare cases. Our method is universally applicable since it is independent of any system and task characteristics. Experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of our approach.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems ( Volume: 31, Issue: 8, August 2012)