This paper investigates the distributed adaptive control problem for synchronization of multi-agent systems where the dynamics of the agents are nonlinear, nonidentical, ...Show MoreMetadata
This paper investigates the distributed adaptive control problem for synchronization of multi-agent systems where the dynamics of the agents are nonlinear, nonidentical, unknown and subject to external disturbances. In our recent work, we solved this problem for general higher order systems under two types of communication topologies, represented, respectively, by a fixed strongly connected directed graph and by a switching connected undirected graph. A common Lyapunov function technique is employed to establish the results. In this paper, we solve the problem for a more general communication topology which is represented by a switching strongly-connected directed graph. We construct a sequence of different Lyapunov functions and use them to establish our results. Simulation study verifies the effectiveness of our theoretical results.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems ( Volume: 5, Issue: 1, March 2018)