In this paper, we have developed a novel framework called JustClick to enable personalized image recommendation via exploratory search from large-scale collections of Fli...Show MoreMetadata
In this paper, we have developed a novel framework called JustClick to enable personalized image recommendation via exploratory search from large-scale collections of Flickr images. First, a topic network is automatically generated to summarize large-scale collections of Flickr images at a semantic level. Hyperbolic visualization is further used to enable interactive navigation and exploration of the topic network, so that users can gain insights of large-scale image collections at the first glance, build up their mental query models interactively and specify their queries (i.e., image needs) more precisely by selecting the image topics on the topic network directly. Thus, our personalized query recommendation framework can effectively address both the problem of query formulation and the problem of vocabulary discrepancy and null returns. Second, a small set of most representative images are recommended for the given image topic according to their representativeness scores. Kernel principal component analysis and hyperbolic visualization are seamlessly integrated to organize and layout the recommended images (i.e., most representative images) according to their nonlinear visual similarity contexts, so that users can assess the relevance between the recommended images and their real query intentions interactively. An interactive interface is implemented to allow users to express their time-varying query intentions precisely and to direct our JustClick system to more relevant images according to their personal preferences. Our experiments on large-scale collections of Flickr images show very positive results.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology ( Volume: 19, Issue: 2, February 2009)