Soft exo-suit could facilitate walking assistance activities (such as level walking, upslope, and downslope) for unimpaired individuals. In this article, a novel human-in...Show MoreMetadata
Soft exo-suit could facilitate walking assistance activities (such as level walking, upslope, and downslope) for unimpaired individuals. In this article, a novel human-in-the-loop adaptive control scheme is presented for a soft exo-suit, which provides ankle plantarflexion assistance with unknown human-exosuit dynamic model parameters. First, the human-exosuit coupled dynamic model is formulated to express the mathematical relationship between the exo-suit actuation system and the human ankle joint. Then, a gait detection approach, including plantarflexion assistance timing and planning, is proposed. Inspired by the control strategy that is used by the human central nervous system (CNS) to handle interaction tasks, a human-in-the-loop adaptive controller is proposed to adapt the unknown exo-suit actuator dynamics and human ankle impedance. The proposed controller can emulate human CNS behaviors which adapt feedforward force and environment impedance in interaction tasks. The resulting adaptation of actuator dynamics and ankle impedance is demonstrated with five unimpaired subjects and implemented on a developed soft exo-suit. The human-like adaptivity is performed by the exo-suit in several human walking speeds and illustrates the promising potential of the novel controller.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics ( Volume: 53, Issue: 12, December 2023)