Online surveys have become a practical and common means of collecting data by using software for various purposes. However, they can present problems, by becoming long, c...Show MoreMetadata
Online surveys have become a practical and common means of collecting data by using software for various purposes. However, they can present problems, by becoming long, costly, and boring, directly affecting participation and engagement. Given that, different approaches have been proposed as a way to minimize such negative effects. Gamification has been considered as an alternative to make online surveys more pleasant and dynamic, and they contribute to the quality of results. The objective of this article was to carry out systematic mapping of the literature as a way to better understand the impact caused by gamification in online surveys. In this article, 26 articles were selected and classified, allowing the identification of the most used game elements and studies that showed performance comparisons between gamified and nongamified research. Although the results of the studies analyzed were not conclusive, the gamified survey was considered attractive and easy to be answered by the participants.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Games ( Volume: 13, Issue: 3, September 2021)