This Special Section was inspired by the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI 2016), see mfi2016.org, whi...Show MoreMetadata
This Special Section was inspired by the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI 2016), see mfi2016.org, which took place 19–21 September 2016 in Baden-Baden, Germany. The conference was sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) and the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES). Several of the papers in this Special Section build upon papers presented at the conference. While a total of 106 papers were presented at MFI 2016, we invited only the authors of the highest-ranked papers to submit an extended version of their respective conference papers to this Special Section. Besides contacting these selected authors, an open call for papers for this Special Session was published to broaden the scope and to allow for papers not presented at MFI 2106. For extended conference papers, an important constraint was to include substantially novel aspects, such as added theoretical work or new experimental results. Authors are required to cite their original conference papers and clearly specify the novel contribution of the journal paper with respect to the conference paper. All papers, those building upon previously presented MFI 2016 papers and additional papers submitted related to the open call for papers, underwent the same rigorous review process as regular submissions strictly according to the guidelines of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII). A total of 58 papers were submitted to this Special Section of the IEEE TII. After a careful review process, eight papers were finally selected for publication. We have grouped the eight accepted papers into four sections. The papers are briefly summarized here.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ( Volume: 14, Issue: 3, March 2018)