In practical industrial applications, the need for a large number of accurately labeled training samples is a significant challenge for fault detection tasks. However, la...Show MoreMetadata
In practical industrial applications, the need for a large number of accurately labeled training samples is a significant challenge for fault detection tasks. However, labeling all training samples is expensive and prone to labeling errors, especially for early fault detection of wind turbine blades. This article proposes a labeling bias hypothesis. Assuming the labeler only needs to label parts of normal samples that are easy to judge, we design a probability ratio least-squares importance fitting (PRL-SIF) method based on variable homogeneity. Unlike other state-of-the-art positive unlabeled learning methods, PRL-SIF does not require knowledge of the class priors to achieve training. Furthermore, to better handle the multidimensional time-series data of wind turbines, we provide a data preprocessing method based on functional analysis to achieve time series feature extraction and dimensionality reduction. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method are verified on 23 real-world wind turbine datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve nearly 90% accuracy while only labeling 20% of normal samples.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ( Volume: 19, Issue: 7, July 2023)