Efficient Conflict-Filtered Network for Defect Detection | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore

Efficient Conflict-Filtered Network for Defect Detection


Defect detection in the industry is an essential task in quality inspection. The main target is to classify and localize defects in acquired images. During image acquisit...Show More


Defect detection in the industry is an essential task in quality inspection. The main target is to classify and localize defects in acquired images. During image acquisition, external noise and diverse background patterns can lead to conflicting information during fusion of network features, which brings certain challenges to detection. In addition, one-stage detectors generate mismatches when performing classification and localization, which can lead to a certain degree of misalignment in prediction. Also, some small defects to be detected in industrial products must be combined with fine-grained information. Based on this, we present a novel efficient conflict-filtered network (ECF-Net) to improve the detection of small defects in this article. Our ECF-Net reduces the interference caused by conflicting information in feature fusion. Moreover, the detection branch can combine richer features so that the essential information can be well-obtained. First, we build the efficient feature pyramid network (EFPN) by upward fusing the bottom layer’s rich location and texture information. Next, we introduce the noise reduction-residual shrinkage building unit with channelwise thresholds (NR-RSBU-CW) in the skip connection of the same layer to filter noise and irrelevant background information. Finally, in the head part, our proposed regression adjustment predictor-head (RAP-Head) aligns the localization information of all the prediction anchor boxes using the spatial offset maps and then adaptively filters the prediction boxes. Not only is the localization information adjusted effectively but also the defective targets between different scales are also matched to higher quality prediction boxes. Experimental results based on three real industrial datasets, including Aliyun Tianchi fabric dataset (50.8% mAP), PCB dataset (97.6% mAP), and Steel dataset (76.8% mAP), demonstrate that the proposed ECF-Net achieves competitive results compared with other state-of-the-art (SOTA) m...
Article Sequence Number: 3523214
Date of Publication: 10 July 2023

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