Binary descriptors have been widely used for efficient image matching and retrieval. However, most existing binary descriptors are designed with hand-craft sampling patte...Show MoreMetadata
Binary descriptors have been widely used for efficient image matching and retrieval. However, most existing binary descriptors are designed with hand-craft sampling patterns or learned with label annotation provided by datasets. In this paper, we propose a new unsupervised deep learning approach, called DeepBit, to learn compact binary descriptor for efficient visual object matching. We enforce three criteria on binary descriptors which are learned at the top layer of the deep neural network: 1) minimal quantization loss, 2) evenly distributed codes and 3) transformation invariant bit. Then, we estimate the parameters of the network through the optimization of the proposed objectives with a back-propagation technique. Extensive experimental results on various visual recognition tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. We further demonstrate our proposed approach can be realized on the simplified deep neural network, and enables efficient image matching and retrieval speed with very competitive accuracies.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ( Volume: 41, Issue: 6, 01 June 2019)